The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, September 11, 1914, Image 2

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    out of this Infinite wisdom came the
orvierly forms adapted tu uulaide con­
ditions. Then she tells us that she
By Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps.
“thinks the nerves uf feeling pro­
Published «very Friday, morning at Silverton,
In my reply to the Materialistic ceeded the brain-cells, or intelligence.’
Oroffun, by
But does nut this controvert all we
Adi the great generals have con­ matter in the Silverton Journal of Au­ have learned about the brain being the
J. E. HOSMER, Editor.
demned war. Wellington said, “take
center of nervous activity ? Does a
my word for ;t, if you had seen but one to what may Ue run in the materia­ nerve detached from the brain per­
Instructive and Educative. •
1 day of war, you would pray toalmighty listic column ul that paper by Eliza form its normal function? Then why
God that you nrght never see such .uowry Lili ven. 1 shall, as far as pos­ c'aiin that such nerves could exist in
a thing again;" and U. 8. Grant de­ sible, make these short, only touching the beginning? It would not be hard
clared that “when wars do come they such uungs as »ecu worthy of mention tu show that Materialists believe in
fa'l upon the many, the producing for any reason. 1 shall du au In the miracles—where they need them.
right spirit, but to the point, as far as
class, who are the sufferers.”
If wars are ever abolished it will be
Janies Thompson tells us that he heat and cold, as "they melt, change
because of an enlightened and liberty was raised in the nudst of supersti­ into gas and become solid.” What reck­
inspired producing class. To the end tions—meaning, 1 suppose, the Chris­ less leaps. I would ask Eliza Bliven
■ -
1 1
that the great giant of labor may be­ tian religion—but that he threw these if she does not recognize a difference
Subacnpuon, oue per year, in advance. Snud«
come aroused to action s'ong the lines olt some years ago, uiql is now anx­ between "atoms” and "cells?” When
copies, 0 cent».
cells form seaweed and worms they
Advertising rate« made known upon applica­
against war and everything that of Reason." Rut whose reason? The are living matter, whereas, atoms of
All work done in the ehorteat poaslb • time. We are equip­
maketh a lie, let every thinking man reason of the savage, the Bushman, matter are dead. Is snow alive ? But
to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etc., with very little
This paper sLauda fur frts^iomol thought, free-
detn ot uie pre*», trveUuut ol apvecik, equality ul an<i woman in America at once be- the 1' uian, the canmbal ?
Are we to it incite. Is iron able to feel? But
of any damage done.
opt»oi tunny and Ute resitfiuu 01
uieouanesa. it
Put ouw tu the reasonings of the Scien- it cools. What careless reasoning is
la tauicaiiy eppo«»ed tw every loim ui auperetiliou ' come men and women of action.
and t> ranny, or ixeaainy or perinituuM any forat your stamp on the world.
Be not a V'sts, who havo changed withthemoun,
ui evil.
coward; be not like dumb driven cat­ monthly, in their conciusio s? When like atoms or special kinds show the
tle. Life is too short to put your light we are commanded to bow to Reason, origin of taste.” Read that slowly.
A bKUiUtKu mud Or CRIMINALS under a bushel for a few pieces of sil­ let us specify whose reason we mean. The "absorbing Fke atoms” are res­
ver. Awake! Awake!! Awake!!!
1 have read Lum Paine’s “Age of ponsible for taste.*’ What does she
me pnesuiuou 1» a urouiernoou.
Reason," and to me it is one of the mean by “absorbing like atoms?” Can
They stay w in eacxi other, no muter
most unreasonable books 1 ever looked Materialists show one such atom? W >
wual happen», anu one ox their most
into, lius will seem very unreason­ w uld like to put it under the glass. • ►
euecuve, protective stums is to shut
able, doubt'ess, to Mr. Thompson. But When did they learn to distinguish be­
priest«, to muer uems as soou as
s'nee he wants me tu follow my r a»on
The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list
if an atom could absorb, how would
their personal crimes are mscovereu
growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we
iquicx, active, pooilive wora accom­ ne cannot possibly blame me for doing
ny enough people ox one community to plishes mucn wnue »low, lazy anu in- so. uy the way, Friend Thompson, that originate taste? Taste is con­
want to give even more than value received.
enuanger tne cuuivn. ineir ueiu is ueuiute wort accouipusnes very litue, now- du you explain the fact that such nected with instinct or reason, and
Get us one or more at fifty cent« a year.
a very large one. It 1' tne whole soon Ians ox ns own weigut unu ui- men as Gladstone, Sir Oliver Lodge the atom has nothing to do with es-
the following blank:
world. 11 a dear father nas causeu cuuiagus utners wno iiugut hate done and Daniel Webster, have all believe«, tab'ishing it Then comes the most
tne aeunquency of a minor in Marion »uniuuung later, sue ouienuii uuu, ths “superstitions’’ you have cast oil 4 astounding statement of all. Read it
coun.y there is always an opening lor nai would Like to accomplish some- A ere they not men of the proXuundesi
p'asni feeling the effects of the sun­
him in some other state or, xx thought tiuug and Inst something can Ue easily reasons ?
and heat must have developed
• • •
necessary, in some other country way none il we can get up a quick, active
the nerves of sight.” Such a state­
across tne oruiy ueep. Xue priests motion. We are doing au we can un­
Next comes a curious col ection of
The subscription price has been changed from >100 to
ment is almost a joke. So this is how
here are criminals wno nave been sent der tne circumstances anu have actu­ statements by Eliza Bliven. Her par­
the glorious eye caine to be, is it?
50 cents per year.
Xruui other places lor a reason, anu ally gut me enemy on tne run. von 1 agraph is given to suppositions. Let
"Collections of protoplasm felt the
wuen tney are too well known to re* you ever tnuix mat we are not whip­ me quote a few of them, and when the
sunlight," axul bejiold the eye uf the <> EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL,
main, tne crimiuai exeKange win ping me priesthood, for we are; out reader his seen what a Materialist
deer, the eye of woman! What amuses X
promptly ue mane anu tne game 01 uiuess we lolmw up our worn anu ac­ can accept without untieulty, ne ueeu
me is that a Materialist will make a
ej.pio,tauuu anu sauslaction will be­ tually drive them out of their uens, not make apology for believing in a
Enclosed find $...... ..
for which send THE JOURNAL to
statement like this, yes and swallow *’
gin ail over again. Now, dear reader, someone else will have the joo to uo Divine, Infinite Being, Creator and
it, and publish it, and then call a man
tnis is no fiction; we have come into an over again, anu it will ue uaruer ruler of the orderly Universe. She
who believes that an Infinite Being
possession of tact» that when pub­ next time, tor tney will ue foruueu uy says: “Think how the arger, stronger
was necessary to fash'on such a thing
lished will make the wheels in your tius expeneuce, iX we ever quit before tluating protoplasm-cells would attract
Add rea«
as the eye, a superstitious fool. Uh,
head reverse and sing like a buzz saw, me juu is luushed. Inere are inves­ and absorb or attach to themselves
wad some poor—” But will Eliza ’ Name
and if you watch closely you will no­ tigations to ue maue turn require ex­ the smaller forms.” How indefinite.
Bliven tell us why the protoplasm of
tice that quite a little army of Oregon pert work, n e are aireauy to puulisu What the real man of science is hav­
today is not in the eye business ? How < ■ Address
fathers will become very conspicuous tacts mat win »naae tne old hi irarcny ing difficulty in solving is how Life gut
is it that we cannot make a co'lection
by their absence. Important business iroui tup to bottom, out bex re we on this planet, and how it was and
uf the nerves of sight along the bogs
at the Vatican may require the im­ print tuese tacts we snuuiu be ri «son- is guided to logical ends. 1 for one
and sloughs? How is it that the sun * Address __
mediate attention of some of these auiy sure that we can prove mem. tie cannot think how these cells would
has l&st his power with this very sen­
high officials of America’s worst band &eep hoping anu hoping to get auie naturally attract at a1'. Th^n her next
sitive protoplasm. And will she kind­
of confidence fakers. Hosmer may be unanciaiiy tu uo quick, active, positive statement is of that nature which
ly tell us how the protop'asm happen­ * Address
in jai' or may be folded to rest in the wont, out ever since last may a cer­ leaves no room for difficulty in Mat­
ed to have that knowledge necessary
arms of mother nature, but you may tain investigation whicn would yield erialistic theories. She says: “Lome
to make an eye, even if the sun did < > Name
be certain that the exodus will be un- a ncn reward for Americanism nas would collect Like the starfish all
warm it? Why don’t protoplasm con­
dercaken and will only be a failure on oeen held up just because our strug- around a center, others in sUng< like
Address ----
tinue to evolve eyes as it began. Has
the part of the fathers who are de­ g e to survive has been all we coma the long seaweed or a crude worm.”
evolution become defunct? Then it
tained by the criminal laws of Oregon. stand and more too. it is wonderful This is very loose reasoning, rather
never existed in the very nature of the
Nor need anyone imagine that the per­ in Low many ways the Roman Catholic it is not reasoning at ail, :t is mere
case, for evolution, as the order of the
sonal defeat of the editor of this pa­ Chui ch, backed up by the criminal “taking it for granted.” Why shou'd
universe, could no more be suspended
per will stop the game. There are element outside or her folds, can-boy ­ these larger cells form in a center in
than could the universe itself. What
men who will spring to the front and cott and prevent their opponents from one case, and then logical'.y f»im a
has made it impossible for protoplasm
keep the banner of Americanism float­ succeeding in any thing, if the liberty seaweed in the next, and iZte* that a
to make any more eyes? We demand
ing in this great state the minute that loving patriots of America knew wnat worm? Let Materialists get back uf
that Materialists shall come along and
Hosmer falls. It is exactly as the is at stake and what coaid be accom­ these cells and explain why they did
answer this, and do it without calling
high official in the Masonic order has plished uy fne Silverton Journal get­ these unexpected things. But a worm
anybody hard names, either.
declared—“there can be no compro­ ting out oi debt and succeeding to a has Life, and is adapted to the world
for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 pages
Next in order comes Joseph Patrick.
mise.*’ It is a fight to the finish, and point ox quick, active, positive work, in which he lives. Did these larger
He tells us that when he was 35 yean
the finish will see liberty and justice n ore of them would certainly patron­ cells understand what a tiorm would
of age a religious exitement started
conquer, and put to flight this brother­ ise us aim not leave tne burden all on want to eat, and that he would need
him to thinking, and that he began
hood of criminal deceivers, despoilers the shoulders of a few. There is a to be made so he could contract his
looking for something more reason­
and murderous anti-American traitor . wondirful work that call be done if body to move? If so who told them,
able than Orthodoxy, and that he
each subscriber would send in just one and who guided them in this logical stumbled onto the “Age of Reason.”
new subscription. Think of what 50c matter to a logical result ? If it takes What else could you expect of a man
on the part of all would mean to the reason to make a watch or a toothpick who had never been et to thinking
mly free press on the P-cific Coast. what did it take to fashion the mouth till he was 35 yean old. But, friend
Of course we expect to succeed any­ of the worm so he could eat ? If blind, Patrick is not the first one who has
The optimist lives happy, makes
way and we have succeeded. The unaided (I mean in the sense of per­ been set to thinking by a revival. In
the world better and dies happy. “To
It’s a good one to read and pass to a neighbor.
priests are afraid to coma into court sonality) cells could fashion a living fact, some of the brightest thinkers
him who in the love of nature, holds
with their $50,000 case, for they dare worm, why may they not fashion a the world has ever known have been
communion with her visible forms, she
not face the facts which will be watch? If It is unreasonable to sup­ the fruits of revivals. For instance
speaks a various language,” but with
brought out against each one person­ pose they could make a watch is it Butler, who wrote the Analogy, a book
the optimist her language is always
ally. We are in the best position pos­ not more unreaso able to say that so profound that few Materialists can ——1 11 H llll l'im
full of hope and sunshine. The Euro­
sible to put old Rome on the bum, but they could fashion a living worm?
grasp the power of its reasoning. Al­
pean war makes this a day of mourn­
She then makes a rather j.leasing
the work is too slow. We should fol­
so, Paley Natural Theology, and Dr.
ing, but we do not mourn as he who
low up our victory and route the ene­ admission, when she says: “We can­ Townsend Evolution or Creation.
has no hope. In our grief at the aw­
my or the work will have been largely not tell how the first brain or nerve Books by men who swept the fields of
ful spectacle of millions of our broth­
in vain. We must have money, and cell was evolved out of the chemical reasoning power, and died convinced
ers tearing and stabbing and shooting
the best and easiest way to get it is collection of atom forces, so that 8»me forever of one tremendous fact—God.
each other to death we fall sobbing
• • •
to sell subscriptions to the Silverton collection of protoplasm moved be­ Brother Patrick, your trouble is you
onto the bosom of mother nature and
Journal at fifty cents per year. This
began thinking 35 years too late.
6he says: “This life, this nation, this
accomplishes much more than just ing attracted by another.” I wish all
• • •
earth—even the solar system and all
securing the money. It tells the story Materialists were as frank as this.
the hosts of heaven are only transient.
The next is a quotation from Dar­
to thousai ds who would never know But I am sure Eliza Bliven realized
Death is no more to be regretted for
win. This calls for scarce a comment, --
what has been accomp'ished. It will
the individual or for the nation or for
because Mr. Darwin acknowledged his
inspire them to do something in their ing up her hands right where all rea­
the world than is birth. If we had
failure to establish his views, and
localities and thus the whole United
been taught for thousands of years
floundered in a fog-bank of specula­
States will soon be posted and ready planation. It is incumbent on Mate­
If Elected, the most Careful, Conscientious and Talented Legal
that death for ali is rest—perfect rest
tion. The facts are, no species has
to drive the robbers out of business. rialists to tell us how just this thing
and the happiest condition to which we
ever become another. I challenge the
Service will be given to the People of the State.
We could not have Lived and labored
can come and that not one single hu­
who'e tfor'd of Materialists to prove
as effectively as we have if it had not admit they know nothing of their case.
man being will ever awaken to suffer,
it. Yon can modify the sheep, but
been for the help of the few who have Why did these cells (jnally move “be­
Study the Principles he Advocates.
then we might not grieve at all over
never make him anything but a sheep.
sent us money for the defense fund
whatever comes and be really a philo­
and for subscriptions. We fully ap­ did they get the want to? And then
sophic, optimistic and truly civilized
lives. Prof. Francis M. Balfour says: 4.4.
preciate this, but we can only reward where did they get the wisdom to
people. If “whatever is is right,” as
“All these facts (he is speaking of
them by succeeding in the work which move reasonably to the building of
Pope declares, then even this awful
this very point) contradict the crude
they have so bravely backed up, and bodies and nervous systems ? Let
war is probably necessary in order to
ideas of those so-called naturalists like as not, and would start a cyclone
we can only succeed through others
still,bring the human family to the
who state that ond species can be if your wife went to church. We
t. king right hold in their home towns
point of accepting, securing and for­
transmuted into another.” He said have you, friend Ross, pretty well
E. W. Ross, S*'-
as these brave pioneers have done.
ever appreciating peace.
War is
reason come from matter? Can love this fully acquainted with Darwin’s figured out. There isn’t enough in your verton; Fred Haa k, Marion; L. D.
bad, but there is a fundamental, un­
One of our attorneys is out near'y come from matter? Can law come views.
part to merit a reply, so we rule you Ratliff, Salem; Allen Hutcheon, Sa­
• • •
derlying evil that must be worked out a'' his labor in our case thus far and from matter? Can form and pattern
lem, F. J. Von Behren, Aumsville.
off the page.
• • •
of our minds before we can ever have $80 in cash besides. He does not come from matter? If not—and who
Sheriff—J. E. Blazer, Silverton.
Then follows a closing article by
or enjoy a permanent peace. Jhe idea complain but we want him to go ahead would be so rash as to claim it—then Olin J. Ross, which begins with this
In conclusion I have a few questions Clerk—T. Y. McClellan, Turner. Re­
that “might makes right” must go, or w:th the work. He can’t do this with­ where did they come from ? Here we question: “What is the size of God’s to ask Materialists and God-rejectors: corder—Lyl’th M. Cannon, Salem.
war will frequently come. “Right out some assurance that he can “make see where Materialism leads its fol­ brain?” How does that strike you for
1. Can life come from anything but Treasurer—R. R. Ryan; Salens. Com­
makes might” and if wars ever cease a live of it,” and so our work drags. lowers. To the believer in God there John Sullivan science? This man can antecedent life?
missioner,—F. C. Ramp, Brooks. Cor.
and the peace of a universal brother­ There must be some way out of this is no difficulty at all. He puts Infinite only measure things by size and quan­
2. Can yQU have law without a law­ oner—Bernard Pehr, Salem. Survey­
hood ever reigns it will be because financial difficulty and if you know wisdom and power back of the cell and tity. He is an ideal Materialist. Then giver?
or—Jean B. Hoss, Salem.
the people of the earth have learned of any better way than sending us in. the worm and the forest and the world he proceeds to say that if there is an
3. Can you have order and adapta­
this great saving truth.
one or more subscriptions kindly write and man and he is on a sure founda­ infinite intelligence it must exist tion without reason?
A BIG BARGAIN In a business
The greatest minds of all nations to us at once. Every dollar that comes tion. But remove the idea and fact either in the “boxed or unboxed form.”
4. Can intelligence come from in­ building and a small lot with go <1
and of all times have declared against will be used in this fight, against one of a Supreme Being from the Uni­ That one statement introduces us to animate matter?
building a'ready for business can be
war and have labored for peace—uni of the greatest enemies mankind ever verse, and see what illogical notions you, friend Ross. You are very con­
had by applying at the offee of the
versa' peace on earth. One of these ha<i in any age. Quick, positive action and positions follow. The cells moved, ceited. It would be impossible to
Cascade Real Estate Company. Price
great thinkers (Montesquieu) said is now needed and if we can not act not because they wanted to—that pre­ argue with you and get half the time.
List your houses for rent with THE only $500. The location is on a prin­
years ago that “if Europe shall ever in the living present we will lose supposes reason in the cell—but be­ You are given to sarcasm, and you CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. for cipal street and the terms are easy-
be ruined it will be by its warriors.” i ground that can never be regained.
cause God wanted them to move, and don’t like Jesus Christ. You swear, quick results.—Over Journal Office.
just like paying rent.
The Silverton Journal
Another (Douglas Jerrold) said,“dress
it as we may, feather it, daub it with
gold, huaxah it, and sing swaggering
songs about it, what is war, nine times
out of ten, but murder in uniform?”
Never Gets Old
Send 10 Cents
How To Reduce The Cost
Of Living?
Has been Nominated by the Socialist Party ::
of Oregon for