Schenectady, N. Y. Coming to Is the Papal See to la* now trans­ ferred from Rome to the United, States T You probably know that the “Black . A good supply of D. M. C. Crochet ”ope’’ died conveniently “ten minutes" I thread, also I). M. C. stranded em­ after the other fellow was appointed I broidery threads in white and colors through the efforts of Emperor Wil­ — t - from the are ready for the customers at "THE iam. When the contest for the office 1 was close between representatives of The Cataphoric Medical SHOP". the two nations regarding which the The European conflict has created decree had gone out that they be Institute a widespread demand for information made Catholic, Germany and the as to the resources of the nations. United States, emperor William, who ST. LOUIS, MO. Drop a card to Wm.McMurray, Gen. was seeking Jesuit aid in his light Passenger Agt., Portland. Ore., ask­ against socialism made a deal that Will Pay Their First Visit to ing for an Army ai . Navy Buliten. looked so good to them that they State that you saw the notice in The pushed through his man. Silverton Journal and you will get the Now. however. German affairs have and will be at the Bu’iten free. It contains a fine map passed out of the realm of diplomatic of Europe and much valuable infor­ ANDERSON HOTEL intrigue. The German Jesuit head is mation. no longer needed, so he conveniently Saturday and Monday, Sep­ Mrs. T. E. Preston spent Tuesday dies, just at a time when a general and Wednesday in Portland ordering tember 12 and 14 readjustment is called for. goods for “THE SHOP”. Now only the United States, that Two Days Only The fat man’s ball game at MtAn- land of rich papal pickings, remains. gel resulted in a great victory for the They may be expected to concentrate Angels. The score stood 12 to 2. their entire attention here. I look for This being an Advertising Trip to Introduce This New System, Miss Elizabeth Biglow and her both Popes to be elected from the They Will Give Consultation, little friend, Nellie Kinzer, both of United States. Then their accursed Examination, Advice ond All Scotts Mills, will room at the Hosmer intriguers will “frame up” Italy and Treatment Necessary to Com­ home while Miss Biglow teaches in push her into the European melee. It plete a Cure—FREE. the Silverton Public Schools. wil* be then discovered that conditions Th, t. IO «•> JlUt M «By ptfPtiM The last brick was laid in the walls in that turbulent country are breaking cure* to their credit a* they can In the shorlwH of the Masonic Temple and the “Stars the heart of the Holy Devil and he possible time. and it will be expected uf all patient» taking advantage of thia offer Io »Ute and Stripes” was floated over this and his political hee'er, the black to their friend» the result» obtained by their uf treat« ent They treat ALL KINDS pride of Masonery Monday. pope, will be taken for safety to the system OF CHRONIC DISEASES AND DEFORMITIES. It is very seldom that a community *o al tu­ Mrs. Morton Hicks was a Salem United States, so he can juggle his tted a* the one in which we live ha» the privil­ visitor 'Wednesday. purgatorial stunts in peace and quiet. ege of eunsultlng such renow ued apeciallala. who are In cuustant attendance to wait <>n you. A full line of stamped goods and Immediately the toe kissing Pro­ diagnose your rate, give yon the benefit of their embroidery thread now on display at testants, prompted by the Jesuit con- knowledge There la no experimenting or gu«aa The Silverton Journal wants help! This means you. What’s work You will be told whether you can l»e “THE SHOP". troPed press, will s‘art a fund to pur­ cured or not. If your case la curable they will the matter? Do we need help personally? We are quite treat you ; if Incurable they will gtve you aueb Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps of the Uni- chase him a palace. It will be strict­ advice a* to prolong your Ufa. comfortable, thank you. It matters but little about our |M*rsonal They treat deafness by an entirely new "rethren Church of Philomath ly “non-sectariain” (like the hospitals method, and hearing I* restored to many at affairs. One little man and his troubles amount to nothing in this will write articles for the Journal in H. O. G., the convents, etc.) to house once CATARRH In all its VARIED FORMS cured so it never will return, by breaking up his poor holiness who is liable to be big fight. We are not worrying about ourself, why should you answer to the Materilists Column. the cold catching tendency by r»e electrical ab uf medicine If you have weak lung* ’ insta’ment has already arrived bull neck O’Connell of Boston, who sorption worry about us? Outside of the work, it would not matter if we io not fail to I* examined The new discovery of absorbing Medicine by but too late for this issue. However, has gone over there with millions, were boycotted out of business, persecuted, put in prison, shot or electricity in paralyate. lose of manly vigor, the fun will begin next week and if or slippery Jim of Baltimore. rheumatism and «11 diaeases of the nervous ay* turned into a rat. But we want to continue telling our story of lam. including RPILEFSY. la a God send to Patriotically yours, our readers all take this free-for-all suffering humanity Medical and sclent‘Re men lil>erty, justice, truth, righteousness and equality to our sub­ M. T. Minouge aland atnaxad at the marvelous cures that are mental war in the same spirit that being effected wherever thia ay »ten: la being in­ scribers, and we want to increase the size of our audience. our new found Christian friend does troduced Thousand* who have given up all tv pea of ever being cured now have an uppor- Chicago,-------- will all have a good time as well lunity of • lifetime to consult skilled specialists of National reputation Hemember their know I as a profitable one.—On with the .'•ly Dear Mr. Hosmer, edge t a • d tint c >n I n< ! w th ale stric ty give* Enclosed find P. O. order for $5.00. them control of diseases that other* do not dance. IT you have WEAK EYES, come and Miss Chariot Heseliahl has gone to i am donating this to you to aid you see the great OCULIST He with hl* remark , in your fight against Political Rome; able dtacovery, cure* all th >se afflicted with Salem for a month’s visit. tailing eyesight cataracts or functional Blind and we want you to help us get ’em just as soon as you can. This Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Baldwin have also to defray your expenses which aeaa The blind made to see by their entirely new iHcth da Nu tip«r ents Come and teat you have unnecessarily been put to. I means you. We are not very long on intellect, but say, we are gone to Noon Station to work for the it for yourself Eves evprrtlv tested and treated wish you success in your present ALL THIS IS IREB OF < HARGB lull of love—especially do we love new subscribers and we like to L. C. Company. everything else lias failed Radio Ther struggle. This country’ is greatly in rpy WLcn Treatment* have sent a dispatch with the give them the best there is in this office. Can’t you get us one or Mrs. Hugh Smith and daughter need of more men of your type. Let rap-dity of lightning to affected purl* and di* ‘rvd I k- le in the air Mrs Sylvia Shepherd, were Salem vis­ me hear from you as your case devel­ M*e ha* rtters asthma, catarrh, pile*, deafnes* At*, Very Sincerly Yours, we’ll do the rest. Bacon says that “Z wise man will make more ikin disea«’», liver kidney, ilidder. stomach Mrs. M. J. VanValkenberg were Cap­ X X X X X X X and nervousness, dvspepsla quickly and perma opportunities than he finds.” Make an opportunity and get us a ital City visitors W'ednesday. aently relict rd b> li»e treatmenta Also the |Ui< ke*l cure in the world for AfLMKffTS Of subscriber and who can estimate the good we may thus do by Our City School will begin turning For Sale.—camp stove, good as MEN AND hO\|L\ working together. out heretics about Sept. 28th. new—cheap. J. H. Engeman, phone Orutehea laid down; boundle«« gratitude of those who have been aet free Slavery of 43p43 At the special school meeting of the green A 120. disease la abolished Infirmities for aged The Silverton Journal man doesn’t want money for his own yield to th« Radio active troctmortx. Silverton School district it wts deci­ use. He enjoys pouring the hot lead of truth into th.- larks of Radio activity treatmenta drive gio'tn fro« Lost, a ladies’ linen duster, blue ded by a majority of three to get your brain and vitalize every nerve In your the enemies of mankind. We had rather starve to death than to trimmed. — Please leave -t Journal along without the $1500 extra warrant body Radi" «rttvity treatments are rra! nerve vital work for money. We have a real message, and if you think it is office. 44P45 xers issue. they tbHII the brain and body with real strength and vitality, making uld folks young worth delivering to a hundred thousand people get right up now Ye editor’s little mother is known Again _ when * Thev rec. w ambition and * courage If you want to buy or exchange a •Ife just drags ai ng. and clear up dull, mud by all as “Grandma Hosmer” and last and help us do it. When you send in your subscribers, write us Bed br-'t— t»>.l dy When v-ur th«•in.hte .1 t> txdy Friday was her birthday. She was 77 farm for a 7-room bungalow in Port­ ?omr h« . rd. _. vour muvle* and nerve* go weak a little letter of encouragement if you can. This also helps us Del ao If y<*u were "losing yuur grip," years old and as spry as a cricket. land, nicely located and most excel­ and you treefn enta re’ew your nerve force and * deliver our message. It puts vim into us and it will do us all good. and vim ------ vigor - . -- . Little mother was not going to let any lently built, call or write to the Cas­ bring back your Th. joy -f i ' • d*. cation, perfect circula One of the most important things in this campaign against the cade Real Estate Co., Silverton, Ore. body excepting her own folks know Every nerve and every tlon. perfect health Aber of v ut wl> k b dy a waken-» through th • giant wrongs of our time is your work on the firing line. We can’t that it was her birthday, but it leaked T* -spy Feel the erhlllra emnderful Ra<1 “ Wanted, a 40 to 80 acre farm to ting thrill of y< nib *ke every muscle and out and a party of friends surprised live and work without your help. fanctkNi in yoUr t 1) f.Irly teem and tingle her. One of the party was a mem- rent. Will buy stock and crop or will with new F'.rre an«f Energy r.- Trembling nerv Yours for Unselfish United Work, pros!ration and that tired feeling vanish ■er of “The Happy Four” who came rent without. Will pay cash or share. , oux after e tr tm. »•< <»f Rad’- ~ Therapy ■f Radi* Good references, Address J. W. L-, E*erv run d wn weak* »d, tired out. nervous with music and song to make her J. E. HOSMER. 44P45 person U lne?Gd to call and try Radio Free 74th. birthday a happy one three care of Journal. NONE ARE SO BLIND AS THEY WHO years ago. There is only one cf “The RETUSE TO SEE! Cows wanted: I want to buy a few Happy Four” left in Silverton and "Because one billion nle In thia world »ay she is here from her home hi Portland. fresh cows. J. H. Engeman, Phone that a thing ‘s a lie • H but one perron claim* it Is the truth >t does n»t follow that the billion 43p43 One is in Minnesota, one in the hos­ Green A 120. are ri-. I ’ fl ■’ ' Is of vears agn Galileo claimed thaï pital at LosAngles and one is at he W’lM was r und 1 and rev Ired A billion •fltied h • a maniac s>.«r the middle of the Work Newport. Little mother says “time Hop-picking is in full swing. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fisher have, la«t '•enDiry M rsr «a d lhat It would be pop flies”, but she looks at things philo­ >eing slack in Portland, it seems that. db’t t ig- O, yes blind pigs are awful bad, but A BIG BARGAIN! hen Silverton had just as many of ' One acre, half in clover, 8-room house, ■>e law breakers before the sal Ion HOSMER & DOWN Connection made at Albany and Corvallis with city water in the yard, good well, 40 as put out of business as it has now. C. & E. trains, which leave Albany at 7.30 a. m. L awyers young fruit trees, 15 old ones, chicken Mr. and Mrs. M. Cooley were down daily and 1.30 p. m. daily except Sunday. house, fine Jersey cow, 35 chickens, A book of cartoons by Ryan Walker, Hosmer Bldg. Silverton, Ore. .o their son’s farm at Switzerland grapes, good bam—everything for America ’ s foremost cartoonist. only $3250. Easy terms. No better rhursday. H. P. Hicks and B. L. Maine went to Get one at ouce, Price postpaid 25c bargain in Silverton! See the Cascade DR. R. S. PETTIT. Eugene on business Wednesday. Real Estate Co. over the Journal of- coin or stamps. Three copies for 5l’c CHIROPRACTOR. Curtis P. Coe, the Prohibition can- , fice. P hone : B lack 1062 uidate for Congress, gave a splendid or 7 copies for $1.00 prepaid. to Newport, leaves Albany every Sunday at Office at Residence. I acre, 4-room house, sewer, cement address on our streets Wednesday eve­ LIBERAL NEWS & BOOK EXCHANGE 6.45 a. m., Corvallis 7.15 a. m. Arrives New­ ning. Some of the blind pig element Park Street, 2 blocks east of s : de-walk, fine garden, three blocks port 11.10 a. m. from church, near school and depot, made a disturbance by setting an elec­ North Yakima, Wash. Box 353 High School. most sightly place in Silverton. This tric organ going and by jumping up can be bought for $1750. cash or and down on the floor in the corner Special Round Trip Season Fares and Week DR. B. L. STEEVES on easy terms.—just like rent. Let >uilding near by, but Mr. Coe held the FOR SALE End Fares from all S. P. points and Sunday the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. fort nicely and told some of the most Practice limited to Excursion Fares from Albany and Corvallis. show you this pls'-e. Pay rent to profound truths about theliquortraffic On Oregon City car line, most EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT that Silverton ever heard. yourself and own a beautiful home. beautiful ride near I’ort'and, splendid Hoorn 209 Sleeve* Bui Idina P. L. Kenady, the farmer candidate car service, 2 blocks from car. 4 - - O regon for County Commissioner, from Wood­ room boungalow, 2 large lots 50x138, S alem , Forjfolders describing New- burn made us a pleasant call yester ­ Second Hand Store young orchard, family fruit, garden, port, tickets and full information, day. ✓ chicken house and large chicken park, X call on nearest S. P. Agent. We have just what beautiful flowers and shrubery. % OGOENtSHAST you are looking for ROUTES Watch the date after the name on mile from river, righ and sightly, fine BIG SAVING ON FIRST COST the little yellow label and if you want view, th’s can he bought for $1600 on Dr. Heisley’s days in Silverton, John M. Scott, General Pass. Agent There are so many things that the Silverton Journal another year re­ Installment plan, small payment Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Portland, Ore. we have that you need, just as new your subscription promptly. It down, balance like rent. This is an Office over Preston’s Sh p, leave calls good as new. Coms in and see. will save us much time, work and ex­ ideal home and easy to get. Cascade at the shop. At Woodburn other days. 82tf pense. Help us all you can. Real Estate Co. CHARLES WEBB LOCAL NEWS SILVERTON Specialists Silverton, Oregon S»ai>, lor tat to bamtnrr on itiro into pour broil! WE NEED HELP AT ONCE! We Want More Subscribers MID-SUMMER AT NEWPORT IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE *--------------------------