The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, September 04, 1914, Image 1

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S ilverton J ournal
government, of socialism is here to
stay, and if all are killed but one
man, woman or child, who has the
idea, it will rise again, for it is the
The men of Germany who are doing
the lighting are not to blame tor the
hell that has been created, 'lhe good
common people of all the nations are
not to blame. It is the scheming pow-
er-dnmk, idle, royal bloods who arc
lhe tyrant criminals who are fighting
ugainst the enemies of their war-born
exploiting craft, the progressive pro­
ducers. The New York 'Tribune says:
“There is no anli-German sentiment
among lhe people or in the press of
this country, as some distinguished
German residents writing to lhe news­
papers seem to think. We have too
many German citizens, respect them
too much, owe too much to their in­
dustry and loyally, ever to have any­
thing but the best feeling toward the
It is against the German govern­
ment and its policy that the present
indignation is directed, against the
kaiser with his wild militarism that
is now working havoc in a l Europe
and has brought Germany itself face
to face with ruin.
American public opinion holds the
kaiser’s government responsible for
destroying the peace of Europe and
bringing distress upon the whole
world. It was the kaiser’s govern­
ment with its "year of sacrifice,” that
started the last orgy of preparation
for war, whose after effects arc rea­
lized today. The kaiser could have
held back Austria-Hungary when Ser-
via humble ! herself. The world looked
to him to save it, but he did nothing.
The nations of the triple entente
went into lie fight with reluctance that
showed some sense of their responsi
biiity as civilized powers. But the
German government flung Germany
in without counting the costs, without
even stopping to find out where ita
ally, Italy, stood; eager to strike the
first blow with that huge engine of
destruction in which it had such mad
ask your vote oi; election day unless
you know what you are voting and
why you are voting it, else you would
Edited by J. E. Blazer
not know how to back up your vote.
We ask you to study Socialism, not to
Why is it that those who do the
it, or disbelieve it, but to weigh
most have the least, while those
We appeal to your in­
do the least have the most'!
tellect, our only guide out of the wil­
Socialism will give to every man and
derness of exploitation.
woman the full social value of his or
her labor or the full social product SOCIALIST PARTY FIRST REGI­
which is created by labor.
If a man or woman, mentally and
and physica'ly able to do useful labor
By George R. Kirkpatrick
in producing wealth for society, re­
Author of “War—What For?”
fuses to do useful labor, then 1 say,
The Socialist Party is the vanguard
give him or her that which he or she
produces. If they produce no wealth, of the working class in its grand
march upward to freedom. The So­
all right, give them that.
The person who wants more than he cialist party is the first regiment in
or she produces is a hog. The person the silent and bloodless war for peace
who is satisfied with less than he pro­ —armed with information and discuss­
duces is a fool. The person who ion instead of ignorance and dynamite;
wants the full social product of his or armed with printing press and the bal­
lot, instead of the Gatling gun and
her toil is a Socialist.
the bullet. The Socialist party is
boldly warning the WORKING class
of the world against war—URGING
Socialism is growing. You who THE WORKERS to REFUSE TO
^ink thut socialism is something to GO TO WAR.
Wars, modern wars—in almost ALL
to be secured and enjoyed in the dim
—are between jealous groups of
und distant future, and at present only
a dream, are asleep. Do you know the parasitic ruling class in their
that there are over a mi1 ion Socialist swinish international scramble for ter­
votes in these United States? Do ritory, markets and profits. In these
you know that the membership of the wars the workers cut their own throats
SocialistParty is nearly 200,000? Do and wade in their own blood (igno­
you know that the Socia'ist Party is rantly shouting “Patriotism!”), while
the largest political organization on the crafty capitalist class, at home,
earth ? I advise you who do not know safe and far from the firing line, clap
these facts to investigate for your­ their soft hands together, wink know­
selves, find out what we want, why we ingly, and cunningly shout "Patriot­
want it and what methods we are use- ism 1”
In war the workers’ blood is spilt,
ing to get it. If you are disinterested
in politics and economics ask the first the workers’ tears are despised, the
Socialist you meet to get you some workers’ children are orphened, the
good reading matter pertaining to »he workers’ wives are widowed, the work­
greatest concern of life. Read it over ers’ lives are robbed to pay war taxes
cr.refuily and 1 assure you that you and war bonds and war bond interest,
will become a new man, living for the workers’ health is blasted, the
some purpose other than merely work­ workers become hobbling cripples,
ing to earn the bread, thinking not of insulted with stingy, petty pensions,
your children and their children's fu­ while distinguished, high salaried
judges (whose lives are never risked
where the cannon roar) are fattened
on pensions of thousands per year.
In war the workers have nothing to
Socialism is the only thing worth
A)die; it is the only way you can gain and all to lose. The workers are
make the future safe, and in the sun­ lenrning these things well, very well.
set of your life you will behold the The Socialists are striking these
rich harvest of the seed youhavesown. facts of warning into the brains of the
Understand this, Socia’ist» do not working class in all parts of the world.
(By L. D. Ratliff)
Where is dear father 1-e Vique?
Don't forget that Thomas Brown is '
• • •
Information About Factories and En­
War and the Roman
rot will die at
• • •
terprises That Employ Labor and
the same time.
Get busy!
Matters Affecting the Development
• • •
American public opinion is out­
Masons and Knights of Filinas be­
of Oregon.
raged by the wanton attack on the
If Jesus was here would he uphold cause they do not ko-tow to tne Pope.
weak neutral power of Belgium and the exploitations of the Roman Cath­
• • •
Salem, Ore., Aug. 31. — Financing
the slaying of its subjects. It recoils olic church ?
We do not blame the Hierarchy for
of the big timber holdings on the Ne­
• • •
at the coat of what the kaiser has
n ying to get possession of the Govern­
undertaken. It has no sympathy with
You are either a savior of mankind, ment, for that is wiiat it is in the coun­ halem river has been completed and
the excuse that this is a war of self- one of the mob who crucifies, a for­ try lor. We do nut even b'ame it tor this ensures the extension of the
preservation for Germany. That is a saking disciple, or a thief on the right playing at religion, for that is part of Southern Pacific from Tillamook con­
necting Astoria.
militaristic delusion.
Under peace or on the left.
Hie game as it has always played it. | Standard Oil Co. is putting in a big
• • •
Germany was outstripping its rivals,
• • •
plant at Hood River.
filling England with anxiety on the
Evolution hasdone its work. The
In 1595, Jan. 6th, Pope Leo said of
Hillsboro Planing Mill Co. incor­
sea and putting out of the head oi European war is the bursting of the ti e church in this country: "bne would
and putting in large plant.
France its cherished visions oi a re­ shell of revolution and now will be bring forth more abunuant fruits if,
Valley Southern will
gained Alsace and Lorraine.
born a new era—the brotherhood.
in addition to liberty, she enjoyed tne reach Molalla by October 1st.
iuvor of the laws and the patronage
American opinion feels that the best
The Attorney-General has decided
public authority.”
thing that can happen to the world ia
Dollars to doughnuts that the O. S.
that the ruling of the Industrial Wel­
to have the German militaristic idol B.’s of Mt. Angel know more about
• • •
fare Commission applies to the Hop
President Wilsons lumulty kept an Industry and women and children can­
shattered and thrown down in the the European war and its real inside
dust, without the least feeling cause than any business man in Sil­ Episcopal bishop waiting ten days ir. not work more than eight hours per
Washington to see the President, and day or 54 hours per week.
against the German people, that is verton. lurueu him down. Meanwhile
• • •
how the American public feels about
D. P. Blue, Grants Pass, reports
the Pope’s popelet got access without $40,000 per ton strike on Hungry
the present German government ana
it's a great game for wrong doers delay.
its works, and that sentiment is right­ to howl about the short comings of
ly reflected in the American press.”
Gathering wild moss is developing
the workers for better things, But
By the perfection of her political into a big industry in Clapsop County.
In our Little booklet, “The Escapeu
machine, her ability to mass her vote
Chas. Hall, a Hood River capitalist,
Nun brom Mt. Angel or The Last people imagine a vain thing?”
the Roman Catholic church bends pol­ wants Coos Bay telephone exchange.
• • •
Stand of Desperate Despotism” for
iticians and parties to her will,—and
A twelve foot vein of coal has been
which we were promptly arrested on a
Th: saloons and the priests should gets the favors. Dr. Gladden over­ struck at Roxy Ann, near Medford.
charge of criminal libel and for which have personal liberty to rob the help­ looks this fact when he talks about the
Fisher Milling Co. at Silverton are
we may soon be paying a prison pen- less blethers and children of their superior number of non-Catholics.
improvements and building a
• • •
a'ty, we said that “the great war oi personal liberty.—Don’t talk that way
a 450 foot flume.
the ages between the people and the to Johnny.
“The art employed by the priests in
Brown Bros. Lumber Co. mill at
• • •
divine (?) rascals is nearing the last
hushing up scandals is consumate, and Cottage Grove will resume operations
great struggle.” It is now on in full
Some newspapers are Romanized to these domestic tragedies, especially this week.
What part is this great, a frazzle. Did you notice how some the silence of the lay Catholic where
Coquelle has let a contract for a
boasting wonderland of liberty, the shed crocodile tears over the poor the priests and their proteges are in­ concrete base and asphalt paving to
United States of America, going to pope who died of a broken heart be­ volved, is one of the marve’s of Irish the Warren Construction Co.
take in this world contest between the cause "his children” all over Europe life.”—Roman Catholic Barrister Me
Siuslaw Telephone Co. has been
monster forces of tyranny and liber­ were killing each other. O, Lord, what Carthy, “Life in the Land of the granted a raise of rates by the Public
ty? What are we, the people, going hypocrisy!
Utilities Commission to ensure good
• • •
• • •
to do? Quick, there men! Women,
service and to maintain their plant,
sisters, wives awake! The time clock
ovate institutions where peo­
Say, dear fathers, which one of
Yamhill County has let contracts
of the ages has struck! Talk for your number the other night tried to ple are domiciled or detained, such as for bridges at Dayton and McMinn-
peace to your neighbors! Shout peace persuade a drunken woman to go into convents, asylums hospitals, monas­ viHe.
from the platform! Write peace to your house again? What did she teries, Houses of Good Shepherd, de­
Si'verton has decided to use oil on
your friends and to your servants at say? Did you know that a patriot tention homes, should be suoject to in­ a large scale on all its macadam.
the capital 1 Publish peace in the heard the conversation? Rum and spection and supervision. Religious
Dayton has ordered several miles
press! Hold peace meetings in your tomanism!
prison houses, with involuntary ser­ of cement sidewalks.
• • •
societies and think, talk, plan and act
vitude, are inexcusable and intolera­
Over $15,000 will be spent in Pen-
radical—do it now! And if you pray,
The love of money, which Bouck ble.
dleton on street improvements.
• • •
for God’s (Love for humanity) sake White says is “the most deflowering
Coos Bay pulp mills reopen with
“In France the church is not content a contract for 10,000 tons.
pray (have a burning desire) as you vice ever vomited by hell into the
never did before, for peace on earth souls of the children of men,” is at to claim Liberty, she aspires to domi­
The first logs in two years have
and good will towards men!
the bottom of the European war and nate. To her, liberty is the means of been dumped into the Springfield
at the top of Roman exploitation— securing supremacy over other religi­ boom.
away with the system that promotes, ous communions, and of coercing civil
Public Utilities Commission after
Indeed the best informed and most
cultivates and forces the root of all society in a manner incompatable with inve'tigation orders raise of fares on
distinguished ENEMIES of the Social­
the fundamental ideas of our repub­ United Railways of about 100 per cent
ist Party in all the world admit that
• • •
lican constitution.”—Ex-Premier M- on ground of insufficient revenue.
the Socialists are persistently ami
Combes. (1905)
Forestry officials have appropriated
effectively warning the working class
• • •
$70,000 to complete McKenzie road.
ville spent three hours visiting hop
against war.
The European war involves the Re­
Parma gets an electrified cider mill.
But the GREAT war is the CLASS growers and returned to a local hop ligions about as follows:— Roman-
P. R. L. and P. Co. is building
war, the
Catholic 110,000,000; Greek Catholic
the war between the capitalist em­ added up. The amount was $4,500. 110,000,000; Protestant 84,000,000. a light and power line to Sandy.
Umatilla County will go it alone
ployer class and the wage-earning The Brewers' Association is working The Protestants are divided 40,000,000
bridges over the John Day.
working class—between the exploiting
against 44,000,000;the Roman Catho­
Coos River consolidated district will
c’ass who OWN the INDUSTRIAL worth.
lics 43,000,000 against 61,000,010¡the erect a $10,000 high school.
• * •
FOUNDATIONS of society and live
the Greek Catholics 7,000.000 against
Eugene Fruitgrowers Association
Freedom of conscience, equality, a 103,000,000. There are also some
on profits, and the exploited class who
productively USE the INDUSTRIAL government with the consent of the Jews and Mohammedans scattered has large orders for 1915 loganberry­
FOUNDATIONS of society and live governed—for the people and by the among the nations fighting each other. juice.
Ashland will celebrate the opening
on wages — the industrial war, in people—this is what we fought for'in
• • «
of the Siskiyou highway October 15.
which the employers struggle to beat 1776. Now comes a foreign idea of,
By th«* process of elimination and
Mountain. Valley creamery. The Dal­
down the price of labor power and the think as the priest tells you to, in­ substitution the Hierarchy has been
is manufacturing Hungarian mill.
workers struggle to force up the price
for many years re-writing and falsi­
The lower Columbia salmon pack
with the consent of the pope—for the fying history,
of labor power.
li expects to finish
THIS IS THE FUNDAMENTAL priesthood and by the priesthood. If th! job through the Parochial schools, this year totals $3,326,350.
Baker Mill and Flour Co. plant
WAR, the SOURCE of war, the war we let Rome do it she will destroy
Press reports from Rome say that was started September 1st for the
without an end—while capitalism this great republic.
the Vatican was much displeased with fall run.
lasts. In this war of c'ashing CLASS
the Illiteracy test of the Immigration
Longston Construction Co. of Co­
interests other wars originate.
bill. Naturally so for it interferes quille secures sewer contract from
The northern half of the democratic
And in this struggle rises the So­
with the scheme to make America
cialist party — the po'itical organiza­ donkey is well on <ts way head first Catholic. This attitude of the Pope city.
Bandon water bonds sold in Den­
tion of the working class, the legalized down the gullet of the Roman Catholic and his Hierarchy puts the screws on
and construction to begin soon.
army of the working class, with which Hierarchy. Will the tail follow the the United States Senate all right.
gets a cold storage and meat
the working class is cunningly (intel­ head? It looks that way, for John
• • •
packing plant.
ligently) seizing the political power,
In 1822 Russia, Prussia and Austria
Gresham fruit growers sent out a
of society, and thus legally gettin; the Senate, and Underwood, leader in
of pears daily.
into legal position for strategic the House, are very friendly.
ecret treaty, with articles of agree­
First Rogue River pear shipments
SELF-DEFENSE—to legally CON-
ment to the effect that they would brought growers $1.00 a box.
. IL the industrial foundations of
to prevent any people of
Oregon gets $11,000 additional a
society for the benefit of all who are
Europe taking “power to themselves”: year for industrial education.
willing to work—to give to all who
“We engage mutually, in the most sol­
The contract for the Hood River
are willing to work EQUALITY OF
emn manner, to use all our efforts to highway was let for $58,000.
put an end to the system of repres­
Marshfield Water Co. is putting in
give to every worker the value of his under arrest for alleged criminal libel
entative government in
whatever a 3,000,000 gallon reservoir and laying
appiled labor power, undiminished by
over me. All the lawless elements of country it may exist in Europe, and to a mile of ten inch main to North
rent,interest and profits.
society are combined with the power­ prevent its being introduced. The Bend.
Albany telephone exchange expend­
ful Roman Catholic Church to boycot high contracting parties promise re­
ciprocally to adopt all proper means ing $5000 to bring it up to date.
A little farm well tilled,
La Grande planning a two and a
This is your fight as well as ours. to suppress it (Liberty of the press)
A little wife well willed
million gallon reservoir.
May all be spoiled
in th|e rest of Europe.. The contract­
Multnomah county announces a five
By a little corn distilled.
ing parties join in offering their mill cut in taxes for 1915. The state
Moral: Raise more hogs with the Editor Silverton Journal:
thanks to the Pope for what he has al­ tax is to be reduced $1,250.000 in 191
corn and less hell.
Enclosed find $........... to help you ready done for them, and solicit his
Pendleton is to get the largest vul­
• • «
in your fight for a Free Press.
constant co-operation in vnelr views of canizing plant between Portland and
To preserve a lie, pickle it in equal
subjugating the nations.” See “The Salt Lake. Installed by Wesley Mat­
parts of holy water and blind pig
Monroe Doctrine”, by A. W. Lewis.
whiskey. A few drops of native O.
Major C. E. Worden donates a lot
In the light of the above read Card.
S. B. will give the stuff a fine flavor.
Gibbons—"The Catholic Church has and $1000 towards a new $12,000 Pres­
• • •
always been the zealous promoter of byterian church at Klamath Falls.
$350,000 Columbia highway con­
Additional dormitory is to be built
religious and civil liberty.” What do
tracts under way in Clatsop county.
you think of a religion that will pro­ for Pacific College, Newberg.
Work begun on the new fish hatch­
St. Johns Adventists wi'l erect a ’ -viouaiy acknowledged- - - - $1.50 duce sanctimonious prevarication like
M. L. Showalter • - • -
$5.00 that?
ery at Spencer, Klamath county.
$2,000 church.
Kingcraft and Priestcraft United
Ich - and - Gott Emperor William,
Catholic Amiris and the remnant of
the priestly power in Italy and else­
where are lighting against thi fro-
world. The big fight came on so sud­
denly Dial we did not recognize at
first the fact that our prophecy is
being fulfilled, but “Desperate Despo­
tism’ ” is right now taking its last des-
• erale stand, and actually kingcraft
nd priestcraft are this very moment
united most desperately in the hope
of crushing freedom of thought and
in most all wars, und especially on
lhe part of the aggressor, lhe real
cause for action is veiled. In the Eu­
ropean war now going on in its fierce
awfulness the veil is the black veil of
Romanism, but it ia thin enough for
lhe thinking world to look through as
soon as lhe light of passing history
is thrown onto lhe desperate precipi­
The Socialists in Germany were
slowly but surely gaining control.
ahis meant a back seat for Emperor
Tiliam and the rest of the royal fain­
tly. Italy, lhe very home of the pope,
had defied the Hierarchy and gained
a most wonderful socialist victory.
Heretic England was going forward
with great leaps and bounds tows'd
direct control of the government by
the people. France was too much of
a republic with an ever growing men­
ace of Socialism against the interests
<>t popedum and kingdom. It is no
wonder that with Servia all Socialist
on the south, Catholic Austria was un­
easy. The fact is that EmperorWilliam
and the pope saw the handwriting on
the wall and realized that as far as
Ich-and-Gott rule was concerned it
was either fight or die. They chose
to fight. It is the last stand of des­
perate despotism. It must lose. The
men behind the guns do not know
what they are killing each other for.
Many thousands of the best and most
intelligent men in the world, on both
aides, will go down. But the king, the
pope, the would-be masters can not
win. The idea of democracy, of self-
No. 44.