The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, August 21, 1914, Image 2

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    (Ebf Silverton Journal
Published every Friday morning at Stiverton. Oregon, by
J. E. HOSMER, Editor.
Kntarvd »1 th» puilurtic« st Stiverton. Ore­
gon. at «evoluì-via«« raue
Sabacripitua. Me per year, in advance. Sin­
gle copie«. i conia.
Adverustng rates made known upon appli­
ca uon.
This pap<u' ataiida for lriKxiuni of uioutfhu
I rutxioiu ui tDo yroM, 1 reeauui ol ipvwt’h, vquaA-
ily oi opDoriuuiiy ana UM religion ui riam-
eouanea. it»» raa teal iy op ihnnuw every iurm
ul kupvmulion ana tyranny, or ixeuvina or\J7
pernnlUiur auy lorm oi evil.
dustry" program of reaping where they have not
sown. There is no sane reason whatever for this Farmers News and Notes
war or any other in civilized countries excepting
Edited by I’etvY Radford
that we are held up by a band of robbers and
fleeced of everything we hold most dear, not only Those who till the soil are the
food, shelter and clothing, but even life itself and I chosen
people of God.
that priceless thing we call liberty and with it the Farming
is as old as the human
l>eaceful pursuit of happiness. The evil effect in I race and is yet
in its infancy.
I America of this fake war is just beginning to la* Success is bound
to come to the
felt. The newspapers, as a whole, are doing the
who plans while he plow».
best they can, but correspondents are forced to farmer
No civilisation has ever advanced
lie or lose their jobs. So for many days stories ; beyond
its agricultural development.
i have been eagerly read that do not have a word No fuhner
is successful who thinks
oi truth in them. One story was that the German more of his barn
than he does of his
I authorities had ordered 100 socialists shot and home.
i mat these, including a high official, had actually! l’he development of the farmer him­
been executed. Another story was that the socia­ self must precede the fu'l deve'opmenl i
lists had all refused to fight. Now comes the of the ground he tills.
news that all this is a lie. Then what can we The most beautiful fact in the farm- j
(relieve? Is it a newspaper war only? Where er’a work is that everything he plaul' !
10,000 men have been reported slain should it
in faith.
have been 10 men died with the gout, and where is l a ’he lesson
best farmer dot's not bother!
nothing has been said should there have been a around getting aheud of his neighbor; ;
report of millions of workers oeing caught in an his
great business is to get ahead of |
evil net ? O, workers, how long must kings and himself.
priests and politicians and self appointed captains
give to the people who,
of industry lead you around with a chain of in­ live We on must
the farm the same educational '
dustrial servitude? W’ill you ever unite and own advantages for their children as those j
the earth and produce for your own use instead of the cities enjoy.
of for the protit of the brazen, time-hardened I The country clergy is an agency of ■
masters? Will you forever be content to act out much potentiality because the rural I
the old belief that kings and priests are something life movement is religious ns well a .
more than men, and that they have the divine industrial and social.
right to ride on your backs forever and murder There should t>e a social and an
you like they would a band of unruly animals, industrial survey of every community.
whenever you become enlightened enough to want The pastor, the teacher and the school I
what you produce? Workers of the world, will and church official ure they who ,
you unite? Have you anything to lose but your should make such a survey.
chains? Does not the world rightly belong to In a recent survey of a community 1
you ? Why will you, at the command of your ex­ in New England, the average annual i
ploiters, murder your brothers who never harmed income of *154 farmers who has u
you? Unite! Unite! Unite!
common school education was $229.
Never Gets Old
Instructive and Educative.
tor centuries and centuries Uie majority 01
mankind nave suuggied lor money, lor power, lor
All work done in the shortest pomdh < time. We are equip­
sen. vniy a iew moe cured not mag lor pump ui
ped to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etcn with very little
«wealui or iui eAtiu&ive seuisn i mere sis, ana uiese
deliver of any damage done.
lew nave oeen peistvu«eu, executed, crucineu, anu,
alter ueaui soiueiiiuea ueined, worsnipeu, anu
uieir ideas avuepieu w some degree, but always
twisted and an out iumed io lit uie economic con­
ditions ui uie Mill oeinsn, struggling majority.
in the sem... smuggle lor weaiui men s hearts
nave giown sv < ¿v. «uiu mat "spark ui celestial
me uurneu so iuw uiai tuuay the world is sUll
insane wiui drunkenness, wars, and prosutuuon.
Vve are reupmg me mu vest ui me llesh—corrup­
tion. lu be sure mere are a lew men and women
The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list
wno are suit working unseinsn, in me way mey
or it will surely die. We need your help, but we
eacn mink right, tu promote the general weiiare
want to give even more than value received.
and to esiaohsn justice. Borne have indeed lol-
Get us one or more at fifty cents a year.
lowed, as best mey know how, m Uie iootsteps
ui their master, mey nave struggled irom youm
up to establish truui and righteousness in the
world. But there are only a lew who know how
and have tne will and tne eneigy to stand out
while the average net income of 122
against Uie majority; and so the world has gained
! farmers of the same locality with a '
slowly ui its upward struggle toward Uie light,
high school education was $4H2 annu- i
¿ull these lew unseiiisli ones nave done «tneir THE FATHERS MUST FISH OR CUT BAIT ally. This was worth to each farmer I
The aubacription price has been changed from 1100 to
work so well mat much of tne seed has fallen on
50 cent« per year.
who possessed it $253 a year.
good ground, and when it is once understood that
Why should individual Catholics be mad at the
the right way is me easy way, and when the
< i)
dark clouds again roll away it may be Uiat Silverto.” Journal? We have no tight against any LONG HOURS FOR OREGON
tney will remain away irom civilized man lorever. honest man or woman and would not cause any,
Enclosed find $ ....
tor which »end THE JOURNAL to
And then, perhaps, as the long years come and go, ever the worst criminals among the priesthood to 1
the following:
the great victories of peace will multiply unUl, as suffer even if we had the opportunity to make Washington, D. C., Aug. 21.—The
a groat thinker has said, our race will be without them do so. The principles of injustice and farm laborers of Oregon work on an
Name ..........................
disease ol llesh or brain, shapely and f^ir, the slavery taught and practiced in the Roman Catho­ average of 9 hours and 44 minute»
married harmony of form and iuncUon, and fife lic church is doing the poor Catholic layman and per day, according to a report which
will lengthen, joy deepen, love canopy the earth the poor Catholic Sisters and the poor Catholic has just been issued by the United
and over all in the great dome will shine the priests and the poor prisoner at the Vatican more States Deifartment of Agriculture. < > Name
harm than it is the writer, and if we are trying More than 27,000 laborers are em­ < < > > Address
eternal star of hope.
to save them and the world from what we consider ployed on the farms of Oregon and < >
an awful evil why should any of them be angry. the average monthly compensation is
Those who resort to personal violence and boycott $31.00 with board and $44.50 if the
rather than to statements of facts and reason are laborer boards himself. These figures
generally those who stand on slippery ground. relate to the year 1913. The average
Name .....
Many people are so narrow minded that no one Nearly every paper in Oregon, including tne Sil- wage for farm labor in Continental
could do any public work worth doing in their veiton Journal, would have been glad to welcome United States is $13.85 per month
Address __
community, as far as they are concerned, because an article from any or all of the priests of «Mt. with board and $25.50 wtihout board.
of some dislike or little mistake or personal slight Angel regarding our charges made against the
(generally imaginary) or some opposition in some priesthood. Why don’t they say something?
Address ....
local controversy or some difference of opinion on
some religious or political or moral subject. Nar­
row minded people are the greatest hindrances to bait”.
progress, unless it is that class we will name the
are 520,500 curds of wood, valued at
"fearful.” There are many otherwise good people
who are so afraid of what some one will think or GIVE THE OTHER FELLOW A CHANCE $1,978,000, consumed on the farms of'
Oregon annually, according to a rep-|
that they will lose trade or that what they might
ort which has just been issued by the
do wouldn’t amount to anything or that the gob­
Send 10 Cents
United States Department of Agricul­
lins might get ’em if they don’t watch out. O,
If Christianity does not stand for freedom of ture. The total yearly firewood con­
how sad it is that the world is full of the narrow thought and for the idea of unselfishly giving “the
minded and fearful, and that there are so few who ether fellow” a chance to be heard, it is no good.
for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 page»
dare stand up like real men and women and hold But in the truest and best sense ol’ the word, curds with a value oi $4,334,000. The
aloft the llag of freedom while knocking down and Christianity does stand for just that thing exact­ consumption in the cities of this State
dragging out the enemies of peace on earth and ly, and Protestants who try to shut oil anybody is 475,000 cords and 40,440 cords ar<-
used in the mineral operation of
good will to men.
from his right to think and to express his honest
Dear brother, dear sister,—let us be broad thought when they have the same privilege are Oregon each year.
minded and forgive men their trespasses as we ex­ just playing the old game of rotten Catholic gag­ In Continental United States the
pect to be forgiven and work shoulder to shoulder rule. They not only claim to be right, but also to annual consumption of firewood
without fear in the world’s great battle for free­ have the right to padlock the brains and Ups and amounts to 85,937,000 cords, valued
dom and the light of a higher, more equitable, pen of everyone who thinks otherwise. If this at $250,000,000. Of this amount 69,-
more righteous civilization. This is no time for is Christianity the world can better progress with­ 961,000 cords are used on the farms,
idle scorning nor is it a time to be faint of heart. out it. The Silverton Journal man believes that 14,222,000 cords in the cities of the
We, as a people, have an enormous job on hand he has a special mission in the world, and this nation and 1,751,000 cords are used
It’s a good one to read and pass to a neighbor.
and if every man and woman who has brain power special mission is to help bring out the all saving in the mines of the United States.
enough to learn to read and write will only forget idea of all working together to give everybody a The average value of wood consumed
the false lesson, whose evil effects still cling to the fair chance. For this reason we open our columns in the United States is ,$2.91 per cord
world, that human beings should be vindictively to everybody. We do not believe in saloons and and $4.18 in this State. The average
punished for their offenses instead of being for­ will not take money for their advertising and consumption per farm in the United
given seventy times seven, then we may be able yet this week’s issue contains a long article from States is 11 cords per annum.
to do something really worth while. The true a “wet” pen. We do not believe in Catholicism
religion does not consist in a sort of a do-nothing and yet any Catholic who can and will write an DISEASES PLAY HAVOC WITH
faith in deity, prophecies and miracles. Love one article will find it welcomed in our columns. We
another is the new commandment. There is a do not believe in sabotage nor anarchy anu
cause for every weakness (crime is only a weak­ yet we are not so bigoted as to say that we Washington, D. G, Aug. 21.—Dis­
Mrs. W. E. Sprague.
ness), and to bravely study the causes and to can’t learn anything, and for all who differ from eases caused the swine breeders of
At her home on First and B. Sts., takes orders and deliver»—
bravely remove tflem, so all mankind can be us to “keep off the grass.” Why, it is one of tin Oregon to lose 6,000 hogs, valued at
stronger, better and happier will surely prove greatest of opportunities to do good to get your $66,000 last year, according to a rep­
Home made Bread and all kinds of home made Baking, Cakes,
that we really and truly have kept the command­ opponent to put down his false (?) ideas in black ort which has just been issued by the
Doughnuts, Pise, Etc. Etc.
ment and are eligible to all the happiness that a and white. Help him to say what he thinks and Department of Agriculture.
Leave orders at G W. Rogers.
clear conscience can enjoy here or hereafter.
then lose not the chance to show the world his This is an average death rate of
Our civilization, such as it is, has cost us dear­ and his cult’s erroneous conclusions. The wrong 20 per 1,000 head. During the year
ly ana we have no assurance that it will continue. ideas are in the world and will grow like weeds 1913 the ratio was 30 per 1,000 head
It must go forward or back to barbarism. It can unless you, or somebody, pull them up, but you and a total of 8,000 head were lost.
not possibly go still higher unless our citizenship can’t boycott the weeds out of any kind of a Oregon has one of the lowest death
becomes of a higher type. The citizens of a garden, and in the garden of thought the best way rates per 1,000 head of hogs of anv
higher civilization must be broader minded and is to set out your plants and keep cultivating until State in the Union. The latest Cen­ led to the altar, for there is no more there ha» been a decrease of 4,183,000
braver than we of today. Let us be as gods and they prove to bear the best fruit or are shown to sus Reports, which are dated January helpless craft afloat than a-lovesick head and an increase of $176,530,000
help to build the new heaven here on earth, by be inferior by other plants in the other fellow’s 1, 1914, show that there ar“ 300,000 'swain who ha» passed the age of dis­ in vulue during the past year. On
becoming a “first great cause” of many broader garden—but give the other fellow a chance. It is head of hogs in Oregon and they are cretion, and the little imp that plays January 1, 1914, the herd numbered
ping-pong with human hearts has no 144,507,000, compared with 148,690,000
minded, braver men and women.
for your interest, for his interest and for every­ valued at $3,300,000 or $11.00 per more
capable ally than a woman who head a year ago.
body’s interest that all have a fair hearing. Truth
loves at second sight, for experience
The bulk of the nation’» decreased
is what we want, and there is no danger of a lie
makes Cupid Bubtle and bold.
»upply 1» in the swine herd.
living very long when everybody has a chance to
The women have tag day» to pro­ Compared with last year the number
express his honest thought. Romanism and a
$75,000,000 and the death rate 119 mote most every other public enter­ of hogs in the United States has dim­
The war in Europe is not a patriotic war as far great many other lies would have been in the per 1,000.
prise, and why not a tag day for inished 2,185,000 head; cattle 175,000
as the promoters are concerned. It is for political, bottomless pit centuries ago if the powerful ones
bachelors? We have tn Oregon ap­ head and sheep 1,763,000 head. The
financial and commercial advantage, and the ad­ had not boycotted, tortured, imprisoned and mur­
proximately 50,000 bachelors and an major portion of the increased values
vantage is not for the producers of wealth, but dered those who dared to think and speak and
equal number of widows. Why not is credited to the beef animals. The
for the exploiters of the poor working cattle. write.
get them together and solve two vex­ value of all cattle, exc'uding milch
We know of no other paper in the whole world
Look at the prices of everything the poor con­
atious problems with one marriage li­ cows, when compared with last year,
sumer has to buy. Up they go! And down goes that fearlessly welcomes all ideas reserving the A great many State legislatures cense 7
shows an increase of $166,688,000;
the healthiest, strongest producer of the family— right for the editor to say just what he thinks have given consideration to hills tax­
have gained $9,842,000 in value,
torn away from his work for months, and prob­ also. Real Christians who believe in liberty and ing bache’ors and many convincing
ably forever, throwing the burden of securing a justice and who truly love the principles of .arguments have been presented why
living onto the weaker, forsaken ones and doub­ eqality which Jesus taught should see to it that
ling the price of living on them. And even in the Silverton Journal is kept afloat. And the pay a penalty, but why not tag them Economic experts of the Federal
This I« Our Fight!
America, where we have peaceful exploitation al­ people outside of the churches, who call them­ as a more painless and effective method Government are giving th“ high cart
most to the point of revolution, the workers must selves “freethinkers” ought not to sneak off and of extermination?, If the bachelors of living prob'em thoughtful con­
have insult added to injury and injury again give their professions the lie, but should, if they were tagged the widows could easily sideration and are Investigating the Use the subscription blanks we en­
in The Journal to get us new
added to insult by the masters of distribution, are honest, join with all in keeping our plant find them and Cupid would do the high prices of meat. The Department close
It Is the only way we can sur­
doubling the prices on even the goods they have growing till its blossoms and fruit cover the whole rest. The bachelor is naturally timid,
vive. This Is your fight, as well as
on hand. The war is simply a fake to break earth. Let’s have ideas. I«et’s express them, hul
ours. Let’s each do his part well and
down any attempt to change the “Captain of In-i let’s be fair. Let's give the other fellow a chance! “f merry widow he can easily be of the United States and finds that a great victory will be won.
How To Reduce The Cost
Of Living?