Œbr Silerton journal Published every Friday morning at Silverton. Oregon, by J. E. HOSMER. Editor. ubecription. Soc p*r year. in ad vane*. Single eoptea. Scent«. Adrertiain< rate* made known upon applica­ tion. Thl« paper .tend, for freedom of thouaht, free­ dom of the pre», freedom of speech, equality of opportunity and the rvliaion of rurhteou.nees It • mdlcally opposed to every form of superstition and tyranny, or Remain« or permittimr any form of evil. WORK FOR THE AMERIC AN CITIZEN Daniel Webster once said that "America has proved that It is practical to elevate the mass of mankind the laboring or lower class—to raise them to selfrespect, to make them competent to act a part in the great right and the great duty of self-govern­ ment; and she has proved that this may be done by education and the diffusion of knowledge. She holds out an example a thousand times more encouraging than ever was presented before in those nine-tenths of the human race who art» lairn without hereditary fortune or hereditary rank.” Catholicism does not elevate the mass of mankind. All the good, all the real liberty, all the part that the common people take in self-government has come in spite of priestcraft. We hate the pope’s government because it is against the interests of a free people, and, realizing that our nation is yet very young, and that as Fisher Ames has said, “Aineeica is rising with a giant’s strength. Its bones are yet but cartilages,” we can not remain silent and see the old enemy of freedom atjts hellish work of destruction. may l»e able to keep out of jail. The damage cAse will probably come off in Octolier, but just how we are coining out and how we are to puy the expenses of these trials and pay our other obliga­ tions we cannot tell our rentiers. But we’ll do the l>est we can ah 1 trust to those in the "Chain Gang” to keep the subs coming in, as it is the only ho|>e we have of pulling through this critical period. But, of course, we must not lose sight of the fact thMt this is also a critical time in the history of the world’s civilization. We must do our part at pointing out the evil that lias brought on this terrific war. "The |a>n is mightier than the sword,” and we hope our friends will use it in this great cause for Liberty and that they will In Ip us to circulate what the mighty |>en puts in action. This is indeed a critical time, but everybody can do some- » country in which we want to make the money will become bank­ great arms of the octopus devil of which priestcraft is the other arm. In a republic it takes on a different form but it is here just rupt and we will hasten on to the time when money can't be mude the same. In Servia, the bone of contention, as elsewhere, the bv any one. When every citizen has become embued with real royal family, are almost worshiped and their members are almost patriotism, when he can say that "the world is his country,” and exempt from prosecution, no matter what they do. This makes it when the great majority of the people care for money, pleasure, PHONE BLACK 681 very convenient for the ruling classes, for if they want any dirty to get even, war, clothes and to be well known, only when it is for public good—when people are really in love with permanent, work done they can “let George do it” and no one will be punished the universal aod can not be happy unless they are heroically All work done In the aliorteat pmarib * lime. We are equip­ and the royal bloods can regret the action publicly, condemn the killing evil good ped to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etc., with very little principles and establishing the true ones, then we will culprit openly while protecting and conniving with him secretly. danger of any damage done. be able to beat our gattling guns into auto trucks and our war Prince George of Servia, who is called the“worst boy in Europe” ships into factories and the high cost of-living will trouble us no is said to be the immediate cause of the war. He has been allow’ed to do everything bad, even to pillage, drunkenness, profli- more and we can live lives of individual happiness. NO I OAD TOO HEA FOR OUR TEAMS TO HAU! But before everybody can be converted to this simple but all acy and murder, ending in the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. This gave an excuse for another of the royal family powerful religion of unselfish service, there must l>e some work who has been crazy for a long time to own the earth, to declare done to open up the way, and there is still much need of pioneer, volunteer, self-sacrificing, undaunted, never-give-up circuit riding war. Why wasn’t this “dare devil of Servia” taken care of long ago? It preaching. Time has made the old methods of no account to be is for the same reason that the priestly crimes in Marion County, sure, and many of the accompanying doctrines have proven of no WE MUST GROW OR DIE! Oregon go unpunished. It is because we still permit priestcraft use, untrue and burdensome, but just in projiortion as has the > minds of the most civilized people developed, just so much fiercer and kingcraft to rule the world. There is work for you to do, you The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list has waged the conflict and in order that civilization may not l>e free American citizen. Will you do it? entirely overcome by wrong incentives and abnormal growths of > growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we what might be right ones, somel>ody must raise-the banner, even ; want to give even more than value received. Get us one or more at fifty cents a year. Use in the face of the howling mob who deride and spit upon even the. DECEIT AND CRIME AS BAD HERE AS ANYWHERE î very signs of righteous ideas. The world needs real men and - the following blank: women now and it needs them so much that it will die without I A FREE PRESS The Catholics’ rotten doctrines have kept the people of the them; but only those who cannot or will not think of conditions world in ignorance and taught the rulers the ruinous game of ex­ can drift with the tide or go with the crowd and enjoy the swinish I THE SILVERTON JOURNAL ploitation, deceit and brute force to accomplish their selfish ends. fruits of selfishness; for the precious principles which have cost so Austria-Hungary is the center of this world’s war and it is one of much are s*ill in the balance. Life is short. It will soon be over. Under different circuin-1 The subscription price has been changed from $100 to the most superstitious countries of Europe while Mexico is known as a Roman Catholic country and it is another sore spot that may stances, when suffering and misery and crime and hell are the 50 cents per year. yet endanger the whole life of civilization. And in our own exception instead of the rule, you might properly want and work country the most corrupt and ignorant centers are Roman Catho­ for an individual happiness. But heaven can not exist in hell and ; EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, lic cities. The reason for this is that the Roman Catholic religion you are throwing away your life if you, in this age, want and work ■ SILVERTON, OREGON. is based on a lie. The priesthood claim it to be Christian, but this for anything less than the common good by fighting for those uni-1! 4 Enclosed find > ......... , for which »end THE JOURNAL to falsehood must be evident to even the lay members of the church, versal, basic principles of justice and truth •which aione can give ; ♦ when they realize that the simple doctrine^ of Jesus are crowdec us, and those who follow us, the true liberty of a real civilization. ; the following: out by the ceremonies and mummeries of the church and an in­ What do you want ? Name .......... ............. .......................................................................... ............. fallible God is crowded out by the idea of an infallible man, the Address .................... ........................................ ........ .................. pope. Not only this but the test “by their fruits ye shall know OVERCOME BY FALSE REASONING ' them” when applied, anywhere and everywhere the hierarchy has Name ................................................................. ............................................ ..... a foothold, show’s them to be thorns and thistles. Nor must we be satisfied in merely talking about these evil doctrines and their Address Man is superior to the brute because he has the faculty of corrupt advocates. We must actually pull up these weeds and reason better developed, but reason, like food, water, fire and our Name .u throw them over the fence. We are told that this very “Order own inventions, «) may be wrongly applied and bring sorrow, sick ­ of Saint Benedict” (O. S. B.) was run out of Switzerland and ness, crime and death. Address everybody knows that, for good reasons, they are “getting what Very slowly, and at times seemingly almost stopped, reason, Name .. Paddy gave the drum” in Mexico, what they were in the Phil- scientific and righteousness, are coming to govern the lipines and what they are in corrupting politics and social life world, and wisdom Address the reason they have not come long before this is be­ even in Oregon. cause men in high positions arrive at false conclusions from their The A. P. A. movement died down and the Romans ¡¿ugh at wrong methods of reasoning, and then get the multitudes to act Name .. it, but that is no sign it was not based on the correct theory of wrong because of much faith in their heroes, the false prophets. Address Roman Rottenness and it doesn’t prove that the people of this As we write, thousands of the dead bodies, of what a few country will forever put up with what is so un-American and so damaging to our republic. A priest ruined a young lady not long hours ago were strong, active men, lie putrifying in the hot sum­ sun in western Europe and the wail of agony is going up ago only a few miles from this city; another committed adultery; mer from old fathers and mothers for their boys whom they will another w’as proven guilty of sodomy; another one who shows the never, dear never see again, from young maidens who will never get brute in his face is now a father in fact as well as in name; an­ other was advised not to become a priest, because he liked the over the sorrow at the loss of their noble brothers or intended life girls too well, but he has been ordained, we understand, and prob­ companions, from little fatherless children and stricken wives. Send 10 Cents ably learned to better deceive the public. If this is true of little Look at them there. Why must the very air be poisoned by those Marion County, what about Multnomah and what about all the who would be the very life of a civilized nation? Some one’s counties of the United States? Look at New York! Isn’t rob­ reason was faulty. In Mexico the people have suffered for years. for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 pages bery and graft and rape and sodomy and adultery and murder The story of the whipping post, the robbery, the poverty, the just as bad here as it is in Mexico? Haven’t these devils fooleo murders and the blighting ignorance is awful; and now comes us long enough? What are you going to do about it? You are the climax of a horrible war, and another and still another, with going to let them control Oregon and the United States and send the unimagined anguish, remorse, disease and despair. And all reckless sinners like Hosmer to jail for telling the truth, that’s this because of the lack of the power to reason out things to a what you’ll probably do; but here goes. Read the first page of true conclusion. Nor is this lack confined to our rulers. News­ men, teachers, preachers, business men and everybody are this issue and wake up! Take an interest, if you can, for this is paper still slow to reason properly and to apply their conclusions to the your fight. Don’t believe everything you hear, but please in­ right thing at the right time. Then those who do reason correctly vestigate and get at the real truth of things; and if you find that are overcome by the mob who still worship at the shrine of we are telling you the truth for the love of Liberty, do something. pomp, power and mystery instead of taking the pains of knowing the truth. Thus we are still in darkness and have gone down to the hell It’s a good one to read and pass to a neighbor. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE ? of war; and we would not be surprised now if those whose inter­ ests are in the sale of weapons of war or of bonds or in political or economic advantages will try to draw our nation into a world It doesn’t usually take long for the hierarchy to down anyone destructive Meanwhile, however, we must not forget the who dares to oppose it and show it up to the public, and we find efforts that war. are being made through false reasoning to destroy that the same old methods are being used to down the Silverton good in Oregon. The election next November is as Journal. Will an awakened public take a hand and save us from everything important and probably more so than the European war. ' Every the same fate that has befallen thousands who have dared to face argument put out is either true or false. Voters in a government PURE CLEAN one of the worst enemies that the world has ever seen or will the like ours must learn to distinguish between sound reasoning and steady, persistent boycott, lies and bribery prevai' and finally ex­ selfish; destructive, false reasoning. Some things which sound haust and put us on the scrap heap of wasted entfeavor? One very plausible, when carefully analyzed often prove to be simply thing is certain and that is that we have put our hand to the plow devilish. And what is the remedy? Learn what reason is. Take Mrs. W. E. Sprague. and cannot turn back. To weaken in any particular means defeat Vme enough to find out the difference between deductive and in­ At her home on First and B. Sts., takes order« and deliver«— for us and victory for the gang of swindlers calling themselves ductive reasoning, how they should be applied and their relative Home made Bread and all kinds of home made Baking, Cakes, agents of God. The cowardice of some calling themselves pro­ values in all scientific research. Don’t wait. Everything depends Doughnuts, Pis«, Etc. Etc. testants, the weak, money-seeking business interests, the personal on your ability to detect false reason and to use the right kind in Leave orders at C. W. Rogers. prejudices and hate of some who have been hurt by our fight voting for or against the great fundamental principles now com­ WHOLESOME against the saloon and criminality and the weak-kneed, money- ing ffp in our own state. We must progress or retrograde and to HEALTHFUL ized press, all make it very hard to survive financially while de­ progress without the power to reason correctly is impossible. fending ourselves against the courts which are more or less dom­ inated by the Roman Church and the political influence which it wields. But we have promised our little band of helpers that we will never give up and we never will as long as there is life enough A CRITICAL TIME Second Hand Store to think. We know we are right and we will go ahead. Even This Is Our Fight! though everyone forsakes us we will do all we can atone to save We have just what The great European war will take up the attention of many the blinded people from the swindling, confidence game of priest­ you are looking for Use the subscription blanks we en­ craft and our beloved country from the greedy, ever-advancing readers and those interested in our work of removing the Cause; government of a foreign invader. How long it will take to put us and therefore we are now passing through one of the most critical BIG SAVING ON FIRST COST close in The Journal to get us new 0» out of business with this spirit of uncompromising, determined, periods, not only in the world’s history, but in the history of our There are so many things that ■ubs. It is the only way we can unn- life-time warfare against what we most thoroughly believe to be trial for libeling Josephine Hess and for $50,000 damages to the we have that you need, just as vive. i. Thia is your fight, aa well as the worst devil in the world, remains to be seen. If we were abso­ Wt. Angel holy Sauer Kraut joint. The libel case is now again good as new. Come in and see. ours, Let’a each do his part well and lutely alone we could put up something of a fight and could hold before the Supreme Court in the form of a motion for a rehearing. CHARLES WEBB If this is granted we will have a chance for a new trial and thus a great victory will be won. out quite a while, but, “thank the Lord/’ we are not entirely alone. Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. « ► I i How To Reduce The Cost Of Living? HOME BAKERY