is spent mentally in what might be called the sleeping faculties. The higher activities of the bruin such as imagination, judgment and reason are little used by a large number of people, to L>e sure, but those who are fully developed, necessarily s|>eiid much of the Published every Friday morning at stiverton. Oregon, by time in the gratification of sense perception, mental conception and J. E. HOSMER, Editor. looking at memory pictures. This is the rest for ‘he mind, the easy i>art of the mental activity, and it may be compared to the Entered at the pò* loffie* at Silverton, Oregon, >ouy when it lies down after being engaged in hard labor or strenu­ at second-elaas latea. ous exercise. Now just as a clean, sweet bed is better than a filthy one, so is this resting place of the mind winch is much happier if it Subscription. 50c per year, in advance. Single copies. 5 cents. is wholesome, pure, delightful. When the day's work is over, if Advertising rate* made known upon applica­ tion. you can see the beuuty all around you, if the music of the robin is rest to your soul, if the soft touch of a loving hand sets in motion Thia paper stands lor freedom of thought, free­ the heavenly music of love, or, even in their absence, when your dom of the pre&s. freedom of speech, equality of uppottuuity and the rvligton of righleouenees. It tired body reclines to rest, if sweet memory holds up pictures of is radically opposed U‘ every form of superstition nappy thoughts and deeds, your mind is at home in its clean, white and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form of evil. couch; and it matters but little where a corrupt generation of poli­ ticians have imprisoned your body, even 11 it be in a filthy bunk of TUO MANY FÜR US. rags, the mind can still wander in restful happiness by the silver streams and crystal fountains in those gardens and mansions not There are so many letters asking all kinds of questions that made with hands, eternal in the heaven that's within you. -ne can not answer them all personally. Some of the questions have been answered »zens of times in the Silverton Journal and SUPPKEaSlUx^ IS JESUIT IDEA. still they keep coining, this is because some readers were not subscribers until lately and for various other reasons. Here is a Jesus- taught the brotherhood of man idea, and he was deud sample letter: set against lne Kumuns who suppressed liberty of thought and en­ Hou Oi astoiie Ave., Portland, Ore., July 27, 1914. slaved his countrymen, lo-day the two iueus still stand in oppo­ Mr. HOSMER, ¿juvei xou, Ore. sition. lhe idea of the brumerliood, the equuhly und the liberty ®bí Sillrfrton Journal THE GEM THEATRE, mo S kes Never Gets Old ENJOYED BY ALL-CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS Instructive and Educative. PACIFIC TRANSFER CO PHONE BLACK 6S1 Al) work done in the shortest poasih « time. We are equip- |M-d to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etcM with very little danger of any damage done. NO LOAD TOO HEA Dear Sir:— ul man is still trying lo live in a world full ol the iuea ol suppres­ sion. WE MUST GROW OR DIE! lhe ¿Silverton Journal recently received u promise of a list ol names from one who prolesseu great lriendsnip. This numslei The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we knew fully the personal rehgious convictions ui lhe editor und want to give even more than value received. uud discussed lhe matter quixe thoroughly on several occasions, Get us one or more »1 fifty cents a year. Use uud wiule mere is great disagreement on mi pur unit issues yet an the following blank: uas friendly und uie preacher even wrote an excellent little leltei lor publication, praising our woik and expressing love und sym­ < • A FREE PRESS pathy. Now in spile oi the commandment, "thou shall nut he,” me preacher writes uial he will not send the list, ana in spile ol the fact mat lie knew wnat vxe ueheveu uelure ue wrote me guuu ar ticle, nt uuw writes a cunuemnaiuiy, uueuiemug letter uml euus The Mubwcription price lias been changed from * 100 to wim me statement mat we can I tool nun any longer, inis an 50 cents per year. snows max ue nas me spun ui tue ju-sxuu max because oi the following: overcome wnat ue consxueis evil by guuu is uul a pai l or uls ciuis- perts at using niuucenx parties as louis aiiu covering up mew* own track, me never went back to lue nunnery. We are *,ol ' in bad xiamxj. Vie ocueve iu xue reugiuu ux iiguxeuuaucas, out Uiut uucs Name ............. witu anyone excepting tliuse v'liu want tu be in bad with us, and xiux uiciuae me suppression ux xue ileeuum or uxe pxess. xue AddresH cuxtur uues not ugxee wuu every xuuxg puuuoueu in mu paper, uux tney nave inure lu leax man we have. we uu oeueve m xexxxug every uuuj nave urs ux uer saj. lx me guuu Name No one can tell just wnat me "red necks” din do. They are capable of anything, but it is impossible to think Mary Lasenau ¿Mtucuer Wlives wuax xu us xuuixs use supeisuxxuus sxusxi we mou I u < • Address was a willing tool in tlieu- hands, especially after becoming ac­ pxxux ix, uuu xx we xuuugnv u wuxxuy ul uuuce we wuuiu answer lx, Name quainted witn her and hearing uer story from her own, trank, giving me best xeusuas xur me luxm uiut is wimxu us. vv uy cau x mis preacuex' be laix* uxxu uu uiis i it is because ue stm ueueves ..leiiigent self. No, she was a victim and her story is true. ♦ Address in tu« ikumau Catuuuc uocume ox lUie or xuxu. xuis pvux jesuxu- cax gx4 pxeacuer says mat ue is tuiuugu wuu us; just us Name xnruugu xuax is a wuuuexTUi blow ; ami ue says mat uxs business rk UAL. Address in cue xuxure suuu be xu wurn uu wxxu wnum ue cuuies m cuutucx xxue xu^piiuuuu uviucs uum uu iiUiuiiLCu love ux uu u, ue. xuax oui paper is uuux xox ueceux puxiouugc. xxe uoesu x scexu xo Name ». u.