The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, July 24, 1914, Image 5

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Phone Green 991
it up-to-date, with NEW, MODERN MACHINERY.
We do “QUALITY” job printing promptly and neatly.
i and I was shoveling off hl» sidewalk.
Edited by Eliza Mowry Biiven, Brook­ The milkman said, “Now, Mr, Harn,
that is neighborly. They would not
lyn, Conn.
do that up my way.” 1 said “I sup­
Kympoaium Subject*.
pose they are all Christians.” He
All materia'ists are invited to send answered “Yes, I hope they are." !
to the Secretary answers to any of repl "d “That accounts for it.” Then
our Symposium Subjects. Eighty- we talked or humanitarianism, which
nine materialists sent answers that I emled wu<t: “I have no God t<>
were printed in People’s Press Sympo- forgive me, and I have to be careful
sums. I want as great a. variety of what 1 do; but you let your measure
sensible answers as can be secured, freeze up on the sides, saving a half­
e pcc ally on the first three subjects. pint on every quart, and ask God to
From 20 to 100 word articles are forgive you; then keep selling milk
preferred; longer articles will be cut that way." Next morning we got
down, unless excellent all through.
good measure.
By Symposiums many have a
Wm. 8. Harn.
• • •
chance to give their reasons to more
readers; curiousity is aroused to see
There are four kinds of people.l.
what the others have to say; each gets People who go the right way for fear
new reasons to use. Distributing of pain; as the sheep who fear the
symposiums marked is * cheap, easy bite of the shepherd’s dog, or the child
way to reach outsiders. Our reasons who fears a whipping. 2. People who
force people to think; discussion is go right for fear of prison; the thief I
aroused. Keep on thinking and in- don’’ steal when he sees a policeman.
vcHtigating, and help me keep our 3. Many people do right for fear of
MR. and MRS. G. H. DEDRICK, General Manager»
co'umns interesting and instructive, being seen; some children play trick*
thereby we can keep making Mater­ when th«- teacher is not looking; and
ialists. (Jet our r asons printed in mine workmen shirk when the marter
other papers also, to reach other is away. 4. The best kind of people:
Room formerly occupied try H. E. Brown
thousands of people.
honest men work Just as well without
1st.—Symposium Subject—Reasons the master’s eye upon them; best peo­
for Believing There is no God.
ple do right tiecause their thought or
2nd.—Reasons for Beleiving There conscience bids them never to harm
is no Future Life.
others, and aiways be just.
3rd.—How to Promote Morality and From "Moral lessons” by F. J. Gould.
• • •
good Citizenship Without Religious
Teachings. Why
materialism can
To promate freedom from follies,
make better, healthier, happier people one of the greatest helps would be,
than Bible-preaching, praying, belief teaching everyone to care for his
One acre, half in clover, an 8-room house, city water
in God, future life, of forgiveness of health, tiecause health is a great aid
in the yard, good well, 40 young fruit trees, 15 old
to happiness, and its disregard is one
4th.—How Materialist Sunday Meet­ of the worst of follies. Christiana
ones, chicken house, fine Jersey cow, 35 chickens,
ings can be made so beneficial, bit tr­ ay "We are all sinners," and in re
grapes, good barn—everything for only $3250.
eating and popular that they will take gard to taking care of health, it is
the place of all religious meetings. certainly true We should never eat
Easy terms. No better bargain in Silverton! See
6th.—Your best arguments against or drink what we know will harm us;
us over the Journal office.
th Bible. When, why and by whom by more caution we can make a better
was the Bible written ?
’election of foods and drinks, ar.d
•’th.—Why Bins Cannot be For­ avoid many ailments. Morality re­
given. What sins are; their punish­ quires that we should have enough
ments in this life. Purgatory and regard for others, to never cheat nor
Money to
hell invented by priest*; their object to wrong anyo e, never try to get
and rsults.
something for nothing. With bett?r
7th.—Why praying is harmful in­ c re for health and morals, people will
stead of beneficial.
live wiser, better, happier lives.
8th.—Proofs against Sp’ritualism or
F. E. Harris.
• • e
against Christian Science.
Uth.—Lesson in Evolution or Na­
What is the" pratical benefit of be­
ture Study.
lieving that man begun life as a
10th—Whatever you think would Moneron, and by strict attention to
promote freedom from fol Li "*s (re­ business has worked himself up to
ligious, political, social or personal; his pre ent high estate? Knowledge
vices, crimes, diseases, intemperance, of Evolution influences man in all the
injustice, greed, disagreeable ways, relations of life. It teaches him the
worring, etc.)
great lesson of reliance upon law,—
1 lth—Answer to Christians argu­ that all things are the result of
ments or targets.
growth and development; the simple
Though atoms by their forces do is the germ of the complex. It teaches
via the
everything, each little atom has but the impossibility of the miraculous—
little force and alone can never do that if we expect effects, we must set
great things. But every atom has in motion adequate causes. Evolution
more or less attractive power. Some sweeps into oblivion all the childish
The Exposition Line 1915.
kinds, especially oxygen, seem always fables of the past; it bids us awake
Every Sunday until the close of the season at the Beach,
on the move, uniting with most every from our pretty dream of the super­
Special Sunday Excursion Train will run from Woodburn.
other kind it meets. Thus different natural, and work ;n with, and
Salem and intermediate points to Newport and return on
kind- unite producing all kinds of through nature. It has added vastly
the following
compounds. Thus
have all to knowledge and human happiness,
varieties of solids, liquids and gases, it has enlarged and intensified human
from the most minute forms to this love and sympathy. It stimulates in­
Leaves Woodburn 5:35 a.m.
Leaves Turner 6:30 a.m.
gr at earth, the greater sun, and the dustry, thrift, and moral well-being.
Gervais 5:42 a.m.
Marion 6:42 a.m.
unnumbered stan. All are combina­ It wi 1 make the world more generous,
5:53 a.m.
Jefferson 6:50 a.m.
tions of atoms, held together by their kind, charitable, more patient, brave,
Albany 7:30 a.m.
forces. A compound of unlike atoms, true, gentle, unselfish, noble, virtuous,
6:15 a.m. Arrive NEWPORT 12:20 p.m.
is also a compound of their forces, p triotis. It will do all this because
not on’y banding them together but it asserts the great law of mutual
b I ho causing the bodies to move. A duty.
........................ -..... 6:00 p.m.
moving body would keep on in a
Nelson C. Parshall, in "Proofs of
—.................. 11:51 p.m.
straight line if no other body attract- Evolution.”
Arrive Chemawa ....................
-.................. 12:00mdnt.
• * •
<•' it. But the huge sun attracts the
..................... 12:08 a.m.
planets, so instead of flying off into
The church has labored so persis­
12:17 a.m.
space, they go around the sun. The tency to impress upon its subjects
12:25 a.m.
attractive force of atoms can also ex- that morals are intimately associated
p'ain why the earth «s round, why it w<th theology, a d depende t upon re­
revo'vea on its axis, why its motions ligion, that it has generally taken for
Woodbum, Gervais, Brooks,)
produce day and night and change of granted that there exists no motives
Chemawa, Salem, Turner)
seasons. No God invented these for morality in the absence of religion,
changes, but the eternal atoms' forces —one of the libelous methods of the
caused them; and mankind has ac­ pr’est and preacher to blacken the
comodated himself to what existed be­ character of the scientist and
fore he was evolved.
philos pher.
Certain combinations of atoms un­
The true, the good and the beauti­
Surf bathing, boating deep-sea fishing, roller skating, warm
der certain conditions, produce elec­ ful, taught in our churches are not
salt water plunge in the Natatorium, band concerts, etc.
tricity. Other combinations produce rellg’on, but moral, ethical, and
Full particulars from nearest S. P. Agent.
fire; others, water; combine their aesthetieal forces, existing among ail
John M Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland Oregon.
forces and steam is produced. Other nations, in greater or lesser degree,
combinations, by man’s inventions, independent of, prior to, and which
have ma'k machinery. The steam, will outlive any special religion. The
harnessed tc the machines, produce •atter are transient, the former eter­ OREGON SOCIALIST
a'l the activities and results in huge nal as the universe.
mi'ls, steamboats, cars, etc. Praying
Does the church favor goodness,
could never do it. A God could never virtue, mercy, charity, righteousness,
The price of the Gravity Ha d Cul­
do it. But the forces of the eternally honesty, purity, benevolence, good United States Senator—B. F. Ramp tivator is $8.
Governor—W. J. Smith.
active atoms in nature ,and man’s use habits a ’ character, music, art,
The price of the Gravity Junior is
State Treasurer—B. F. Sloope
of them, are the real causes.
poetry, science, and all that tends to Attorney General of Oregon—J. E. $5.
Eliza Mowry Biiven.
hea'th and happiness in 'ife? All
The price of the Gravity attaehment
th se good things will remain and be State Labor Commission — August is $2.50.
• • •
These inventions are beyond ques­
Is Materialism condusive to Moral­ taught and fostered in our homes,
ity? Yes, because all truth is con­ schoo's, and lecture-halls with greatly State Supt. of Public Instruction— tion the greatest that were ever used
in a garden.
dusive to morality, and materialism is increased facilities and energy, when
Mrs. Flora Foreman
We recommend the Gravity Har.d
truths gathered from scientific facts. relig’on wth its grotesque myths and State Railroad Commissioner—I. O.
Cultivator for large gardens and for
If there were a God, no act of man fables, sha'l have vanished from the
could injure of benefit him, because face of the earth.
Justices of Supreme Court—D. W. splendid deep work. The Gravity Ju­
Otto Wettstein in "Ax to the Root.”
being all wise, powerful and good, he
Robinson, N. Rannells, A. G. Hotch­ nior !s a lighter machine and is espe­
cially adapted for women and children
would be beyond any other power for
kiss, Chas. H. Otten.
A monastery is a castle of feudal
with small gardens. The Gravity at­
good or evil. Materialism teaches lords whose henchmen swear allegi­
tachment works on the same prineiple
man has no God to fear or please; ance. work and fight, when called up­
Team Work Wanted.
but is attached to other tools, such as
but he must do right because it adds on for their masters—and this is
to the sum of human happiness. Man’s America!
I am prepared to do all kind of a pointed hoe or rake, and it is one of
the finest things any gardener ever
every effort for happiness or right­
The priests are masters who, like team work in the City or Country. used. With any one of these machines
eousness shou'd be for effectiveness in
the worker can do the work of five or
the present, rather than for a reward those of early times in Europe, often of the Depot.
men and do it much better than
at some future time.
W. W. Green, Silverton, Or. with a hoe or with the old style push
by use of threats and money, smooth 34p37
Charles F. Randall.
machines. The Gravity cultivates deep
the affair over or take a trip to the
• * •
or shallow; it works <ery rapidly; i.
old country. We defy the priests to
Exchange Piano for Cows
does the work better than any other
What makes people do evil ’ Tell deny this.
hand cultivator in the world and it
I will exchange our piano which does it so easy that gardening becomes
children that by asking God to for­
give them, he will seventy times seven
Use the subscription blanks we en­ cost $400 and which we have had for a pleasure. Write for information or
and they will do evil and think it all close in The Journal to get us new only three years for two good cows, send the price and we will ship a ma-
right. To illustrate, my milkman is subs. It is the only way we can sur­ or I will sell it cheap for cash. chin’ at once.
This is your fight, as well as 28c31
Walter Smith, Hullt, Ore. Inventor and Manufacturer, Silver-
very religious. One morning after a vive.
ours. Let’s each do his part well and
Phone 7-8.
snow-storm, a neighbor was away, I a great victory will be won.
ton, Oregon.
Notary Public
It i* better than Linotyping
Excursion Train
to Newport
Silverton Journal,
Every Sunday This Summer
Joyful Childhood
Beautiful Womanhood
All that ia human must retrograde if it do not advance."—Gibbon.
1914 OREGON DRY 1914
< >
« >
< >
Man’s liberty ends, and it ought to end, when that liberty becomes
the curse of his neighbors."—Farror.
Happy Old Age
Noble Manhood
< >
— OR —
.10.................................................................. for one copy
1.00.................................................................. for 12
4.00.................................................................. for 60
7.00.................................................................. for 100 copies
12.00.................................................................. for 500 copies
>0.00.................................................................. for 1000 copies
J. E. HOSMER, Silverton, Oregon
T)RY column .
Port'and, Oregon, July 18.—Rev. J.
H. Bennett, one of the field secretaries
of the Oregon Anti-Saloon League,
blew in from Clatsop and Columbia
counties yesterday with news that
brought Joy to the dry camp.
Both of these counties, he reports,
though considered the wettest in all
Oregon, are to be carred by the dry
Oregon forces.
Co'umbia county has been organ­
ized by the drys to th» last precinct,
and the Clatsop county and precinct
organization will be completed within
a few days.
Astoria alone has 53 licensed sa­
loons, besides various unlicensed joints
and the peop'e are tired enough of
them to vote them all out.
The drys up that way are up in
arms, according to Mr. Bennett, and
the water wagon will have almost a
v alkaway in Oregon’s wettest corner.
ca"y the entire crop is marketed in
They say that the saloon brings
prosperity. Who can give the name
and address of anybody who drank
himself rich?
The Oregon Hop Growers Associa­
tion was not formed to protect the
crop, but to protect the foreign liquor
corporations who pull -good Oregon
money out of the state and send in
bad whisky and l>eer therefor.
Seattle, Wash., Julyl8.—The tele­
grams from Alaska bring the news
that Sitka, the former capital of the
territory has voted itry.
Recently a saloon census was taken
of Sitka and their Alaska cities under
the direction of United States Judge
Robert W. Jennings.
Under this census the question of
''cense or no license was submitted to
the voters and, while most of the
towns voted wet, Sitka voted dry.
The saloon in Alaska has ridden
rough shod over the liberties of the
people, and Sitka is the first city to
revolt at the oppression.
» What is all the fuss about the Hop
business going to the dogs in case
To the Chain Gang:
the state votes dry? According to
as many names of friends
the official state almanac, lessthantwo
of freedom as you can. We want to
per cent, of the hops grown in the send
them sample copies and sub.
state are used in the state. Practi- blanks. Do it now!
Six Hours Fun at the Beach