The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, July 24, 1914, Image 4

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    tures, the old myths. In Jus time, as in ours, there was a need
of protesting against the money changers, the hypocrites, the
cohservtism, the priestcraft, the government for revenue. His
was a live religion of justice, of freedom, of honesty, of humanity,
Published every Friday morning at Silverton. Oregou, by
righteousness. Can’t we now unite on these fundamental
J. E. HOSMER, Editor.
doctrines and leave the supernatural, dogmatic, ecclesiasticisin to
Entered at the poetoAee at Silverton. Orcáv^
each individual to decide for himself or herself? If we can’t we
at Mvonil-claw rate»
are all lost and the true religion and undefiled will |ierish from the
Instructive and Educative.
Subavription, 60c* per year, in advance. Single
copie». 6 cents.
But some one asks, "what church will be this united
Advertising ratea made known upon applica­
church?” "Will it be the Christian, the Methodist, the Congrega­
tional or the Unitarian?” When the “new commandment" is
This paper stands for freedom of thought, free­
dom of the press, freedom of speech, equality of
each denomination will strive to live up to the golden rule
opportunity and the religion of righteousness. It
is radically opposed to every form of superstition
do unto the others whatsoever they would that the
and tyrany. or licensing or permitting any form
of evil.
others should do unto them. Then there will be no trouble in
finding a name, and it is reasonable to suppose that none of the
old names would be found just suitable or satisfactory to any.
There is nothing in a name any way. It is the thing itself that we
The sowers sow the seeds of truth and right,
are almost ready for and the name of it might lie known at present
But herds of ipe-like men will neither cultivate nor keep alive; as "The International Protestant League.” And those who love the
All work done In the ohortent poeeible lime. We are equip,
They only browse .»nd grin like chattering monks, both day and fundamental principles more than they do their creeds and dogmas,
ped to handle all kind* of furniture, pianoa, etc., with very little
will find a way of uniting all Protestantism into a grand, live,
clanger of any damage done.
Nor know enough to join their force, like bees to store the sweets constructive church of righteousness, or they will make a way;
in well ?elected hives.
and the monster reptiles of superstition, kingcraft and priestcraft
will slink away into the dismal swamps of oblivion, to die for the
The teacher looke . with lantern for a man—
want of human victims.
In this lute nay of gold-crazed dupes, scant use for him to e’er
come back;
And Jesus u-.
•? lily and the child, and placed his ban
On lust for
id artificial ways of life—praised those who
serpent wisdom lack.
The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list
The thinkers tnink, and e en for their worst foe
growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we
criminal son is allowed to inherit, squander and use as
They live their thoughts of wisdom, justice, truth—to help their
want to give even more than value received.
a key to hell, his parents’ wealth; and a thoughtless un­
fellow men,
Get us one or more at fifty cents a year.
appreciative, reckless, degenerate people can and dp use the
Hut pack> of human wolves have gathered where the sowers sow. inheritance of the noble principles given to them by their strug­
the following blank:
Nor care for sowing—only sneer at Freedom’s voice and pen.
gling, patriotic fore-fathers, in the same way. If the sons of
A F R E E I’ R E S S
America allow the wolves and buzzards of this generation to rend
When all shall learn the art to sow and reap.
and tear the beautiful form of the Goddessof Liberty who marched
And reap and sow the golden grain instead of thorns and useless at the head of our armies during the revolution, who stood by
the side of the brave patriots when they signed the Declaration
When only those who sow can use the wealth that others heap— ' of Independence and who was the real queen-ruler when George
The subscription price has been changed from $ 100 to
Ah then, what change will come to man—what change in social J Washington refused to be crowned king, then, having sown to the
life in all
- of - his
- affairs.
- -
50 cents per year.
wind, they may expect to reap the whirlwind and go down to the
Mexican level of peonage, degredation a”d bloody, civil strife.
I * ►
Ye men of this great republic, and ye mothers, wives and < * » ► EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL
daughters of a land bought by the blood of noble sires and the < *
. < ►
sufferings of home-building, brave and virtuous women, ate you
Enclosed find $
, for which rend THE JOURNAL to
going to see the American flag, and the principles for which it
the following:
O BELIEVE ANYTHING or disbelieve it is not wrong. It stands,
trampled in the dust and mire of political corruption by a
is a matter of evidence, and w’e are taught that he who tyrannical
Name ................. ........... ....................................................... ..............................
aristocracy of gold barons and a hierarchy of brazen
claims to believe a thing, without having any kind of evi­
Address .... „...................... .............................................. ............ .............
dence is the worst kind of a liar. The fact is that he or she monks ?
Will you forever buckle down to the business of making a
who believes very easily is a dangerous citizen. To love the truth dollar
Name ............ . ............................. ..................... .......... .......... ......... . .....
allow the “smart ones” to filch from you every chance
so well that one will w’eigh every ounce of evidence before ac­ to arise and
cepting and to hate a lie with such a perfect hated as to withold
Address __ ................. „............................... ............. ............
themselves, make the laws in their own favor, control the courts,
condemnation until real evidence proves it a lie is the act of the and
execute or disregard the law according to their own sweet
Name.......... .................................. .......................................
wisest, most progressive and useful citizen.
The Roman Catholic Church produces a sort of a citizen non­ will?Let every voter know that no man, clique, clan, church or party
Address .......... ......................... ...... ........ .......................................
entity. In order to be a good catholic one must accept the state­
Name ...... ............ .........
_....................... .....................
ments of the priests and popes without any evidence. It is not a can save us from an almost inevitable, degrading slavery, both
matter of intellect but a matter of authority. This leads to a most mental and material. The principles of equality, of justice and of,
Address _______ _...
corrupt, anarchistic “inner circle” which becomes, as the church liberty must be incorporated in our laws, they must oe judged and ■
has become, a bloodsucking, domineering, slave driving parasite.
Name ___ „_______________ ______ _____ ______ _______
and for the benefit of all.
Now let us take our own medicine. We claim to believe this, strictly
this end the burdens of the workers must be lightened or we
Address... ................
but, according to our owm doctrine, we are the worst kind of a liar are To
They who are and by right ought to be the law makers,
unless we have good evidence to show that the Roman Catholic must lost.
have time to know the true principles on which a just
church is what we say we believe it to be. We have been ex­
is founded and the conditions of our country so as to
ceedingly careful about this and the evidence has piled mountain !
high. It has so fully convinced us, that to bring this monster evil I apply them. They must be freed from the wicked lie that a
priest is necessary to do their thinking. They must have the,
to justice, to free its millions of victims and to save America from j opportunity
learn more about themselves than any priest can,
the ruin which it threatens has become one of the paramount ob­ know. They to must
have the conditions necessary for the desire)
jects of our life work.
to learn what they want to be the law ol the
And what is our evidence ? It is of an undoubtable nature. .. 1 . They must have
the full social product of their toil so they .
Space is too limited to give all the evidence in a short editorial,:„ t
mingle with other free men and not
nor is it the object of this artice to do so. F
a sordid wandering mind to
large books to contain it all, and we only hope to be able to point) , any kind of a boss. They must be and
the reader to the road of investigation.
In the law there are, generally speaking, seven “instruments
of evidence.” They are as follows:
1. Judicial notice or recognition,
Public records.
ERY MANY MEN AND WOMEN over estimate the really
3. Judicial writings,
little things of life and scarcely think of protecting the most
In an Outing at
4. Public documents,
precious. A business man once said to the writer, “I would
5. Private wTitings,
not steal a hundred dollars, but if I could get away with a
6. Testimony of witnesses,
hundred thousand, watch me.” The poor man did hot realize that
7. Personal inspection.
to be a thief, to know that he was a sneak, even if no one else
Now if an unbiased mind or if an unbiased court, with judge, ever found it out, would be a living, accusing damnation that no
jury and attorneys will carefully use these instruments they will amount of money could pay for. He was not posted as to true
be forced to bring in a verdict of guilty, and if the writer of these values of things. A girl’s virtue is worth more than all the money
lines, refusing to pay a fine, is forced to go into a dirty prison cell, in the world. To know that she has lost it is a worse curse than
and if he is stripped through a $50,000 damage suit, of what little poverty, disease or death, and yet how sad to think that many
he might have saved by a half century of service it will be be­ barter it away for the silly pleasures of appearing in style or for
A most delightful outing retreat and health resort, now
cause the courts of our supposedly free country are in the hands short lived pleasure or for flattery, or for a few bright jewels or
easily reached from all points in the Willamette Valley
of the guilty parties.
for wealth.
Young man what is the value of your
We ask the good catholic people themselves to use the instru­ manhood, your selfcontrol, your intellect, your honor? Will
through Canby and Molalla.
ments, to weigh the evidence and with their best inductive reason­ you give them in exchange for a few thousand aromatic cigar­
ing come to an honest verdict, and the” act on their decision. ettes? How many kegs of beer or barrels of the best brands of
Who is guilty? Is it the party who published the sworn state­ whiskey will you take for them? Can you look your mother or
ment of a Christian minister that a young woman told a story of your sister in the eye without a pang of remorse and shame ? If
Very Low Season
Catholic corruption, or is the Roman Catholic church the cor­ you can, how much self gratification would you give in exchange
rupt cesspool of ignorance, superstition and crime that she claimed for the glorious contentment and happiness that comes from their
it to be? Who ought to be locked up,the priests of Oregon.or J. pure, sweet companionship?
and Week-End Fares
E. Hosmer?
Fathers and mothers do you realize the value of the seeds
But perhaps this comparison of all the priests with an in­ of true patriotism and righteousness which can easily be planted
Special Sunday stage and train service, leaving
dividual is not just the prpper thing, therefore let us ask, who in the mind’s garden of every child? Is your conversation always
ought to be locked up (any individual priest you know, from the .'bout things of little value and are you allowing the weeds of
Wilhoit Springs at 5:00 p.m. Molalla 6:20 p.m.
archbishop down to the dirty devil who was recently found guilty error to choke out the most valuable flowers and fruits of their
with S. I». trains at Canby. Arrive
of an unmentionable crime at Woodburn) or the editor of the yotmg lives?
Silverton Journal?
Woodburn 8:02 p.m.
This age demands much of every inhabitant of the civilized
world, and to know true values is the crying demand of the hour.
Œbf Silljfrtcn Journal
Never Gets Old
There is Health
and Pleasure
Wilhoit Springs
he primary idea of P rotestantism is a protest
against the old and erroneous ideas of the mother church.
Extended, it can mean a protest against all evil, leaving all
supernatural or metaphysical controversies to individuals.
Freedom of thought is the chief corner stone of real Protestant­
ism and is directly opposed to the foundation ideas of Catholicism.
Now Catholicism is liable to win out, overcome Protestantism,
kill freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of the
press. It will win out in America unless protestants unite. It
has been gaining ground rapidly, and if it were not for unselfish,
broad-minded men and women who have no little ax to grind, but
who can see the awlul evil effect of protestants exclusively cling­
ing to their own litcle creeds and letting the enemy do them up
in detail, the world would go to Catholic barbarism and priest
ridden serfdom in a hurry. We must get together. The true
religion and undefiled is not belief; it is in the broader sense of this
more enlightened century, as James taught, “visiting the widow
and orphan in their affliction and keeping unspotted from the
world.” The diciples of Jesus did not all think alike, nor did the
master try to make them. He said, “a new commandment I give
unto you that ye love one another.” Let us love one another.
Let us love all mankind. That is the pith of the true religion and
if we really do, we will be willing to unite with all protesting
forces of righteousness against the giant evils of the twentieth
century. The Carpenter’s son taught a religion of “doing some­
thing now.” While he often referred to the events of history,
he did not worship the old dogmas, the old saviors, the old scrip-
right to rule as he chooses is still ir evid< nee as is also his
partnership with the priest. To keep the people working
and contented with the idea that everything belongs to the
king and to his divinely called partner, the priest, constitutes the
wonderful smartness and divinity of this lovely pair. Time was
when the people were so directly exploited by these two usurpers
that they, the people, concluded to get rid of them. But, “the
cat came back” disguised, and the people again are becoming rest­
less and talk of doing things to these robber chiefs. There was
never a greater, a more dastardly kingcraft practiced in the his­
tory of the world than is now this minute holding the workers
in slavery. We vaguely try to realize what the kingly money
power in this and in other nations is to day. It fills us with
awe—It is awful! Coupled with it is a degrading, superstitutious,
blighting priestcraft which works hand and glove with this
modern king power to keep the people awed by fear of purgatorial
hell fire and spurred to work by promises of bliss beyond this
vale of tears for faithful survice. This power to extract from the
slaves all they produce, excepting just enough to keep them work­
ing and breeding other slaves, and this rotten priest deception we
have to day is the same exactly as it has been. Th‘>t we, the
American people, will stand for it any longer is what makes some
of the slaves sick. O, Americans, arise a; 1 strike down yon guard
before it is too late! Unite! You have noGiing to lose but your
chains and you have a world to win.
Train Service from Silverton
Leaves Silverton 7:25 a.m. and 1:25 p.m.
Arrives Wilhoit Springs 12:00 noon and 5:00 p.m.
Further particulars from any S. P. Agent.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Representatives: E. W. Ross, S’-
verton; Fred Haa k, Marion; L. D.
Ratliff, Salem; Allen Hutcheon, Sa­
lem, F. J. Von Behren, Aumsville.
Sheriff—J. E. Blazer, Silverton.
Clerk—T. Y. McClellen, Turner. Re­
corder—Ly”th M. Cannon, Salem.
Treasurer—R. R. Ryan, Salem. Com­
missioner,—F. C. Ramp, Brooks. Cor.
oner—Bernard Pehr, Salem. Survey­
or—Jean B. Hoss, Salem.
Second Hand Store
We have just what
you are looking for
There are so many things that
we have that you need, just as
good as new. Come in trfld see.