The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, July 24, 1914, Image 3

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    T he S ilverton J our ? al
NO. 38.
(By L. D. Rat’ff)
St A'phonsus Liguori, a Catholic
Saint of the Blessed type, whose in­
structions to priests are so nasty that
to publish them in this country w uld
Washington Gladden in Harpers Weekly Writes Most send the publisher to prison, wrote a
book of 700 pages on the "Glories of
Commencing With Sulzer a* Governor of New York We
Dangerous Article Making Light of the War Against : Mary.” The theme of the book as
Must Show an Unwavering Front to Romanized
j stated in the Introduction is that "All
Fraud, Tyranny and Murder.
graces are d’sposed by the hand of
Political Corruption From The Atlantic to the Pacific,
Mary a'one, and all those who are
I saved are saved solely by means of
High Catholic authority and high I does get a streak of sense in the | this divine Mother.” The following
It will be rememliered that the murder. In other words the state
Hierarchy Baid that they would get of New York has a man gracing th» Masonic authority have both said that ( article along toward the last. He i are some illustrations of Mary’s favor:
Su'zcr because he did not support a official chair of the governor who there can be no compromise in this admits that there is suspicion and ill-
A nun ran away with a youth and
rotten law which was to give the endorses the reign of terror in the fight for and against Romanism. will on both sides and says that he ' l’ved in prostitution for 15 years. All
h s "read some Roman Cathol’c news­ i these years the Virgin impersonated
Catholic church more fully the con­ mobbing of American freemen <’an
papers that are reasonable and fair , th<’ nun in the convent to prevent the
trol of the public Kchoola. They did
put him out of office mid put one of what the Knights of Columbus Oath and this struggle '-omes periodically, in their treatment of Protestants, but ! j nun’s disgrace.—(P 224)
as a rule the readers of such papers
their own corrupt Knights in. But is than that illustration here In the does that make it any the less real'!
A certain youth became disolute
lie says in Harpers Weekly: get a very unfavorable impression of | and a robber. On his way to the
when Greek meet« Greek, then com ■ case of governor Glynn. The Roman
th tug of war. Will Sulzer be the hierarchy is allowed 'iberties here in “To those to whom the happi­ the purposes and practices of their ga'lows, passing a statue of Mary he
next Governor of New York? The America that would be unthikable ness and peace of their native land is Protestant brethren. If a Protestant sa'uted it, and the statue in the pre­
.Sentinel of Liberty, says that his In her native soil, yet this rough-neck dear, these visitations of religious minister goes wrong, that fact is ex- sence of all inclined its head and
cause in growing like a gathering is spouting off at the mouth about ranchor and intolerance are p'oited; if anyth:ng scandulous occurs sa’uted him. The youth stooped to
the Romanists showvng the “Fangs most unwelcome. An epidemic - of in Protestant circles, it is not apt to be kiss the feet of the image, and Mary
»torm. They «ay:
“The recent new« from New York of the Lion instead of the teeth of smallpox or yellow fever is a light extenuated; and when such a period extended her arms from the statue
indicate that Sulzer will Im the next the lamb." The only sign of a lamb | affliction cotnpaired with these sea­ arrives as that which now threatens and took him by the hand and held
governor of that state. There arc like nature in these brutes is the sons of religious contention and sus­ us, the recriminations of the more ig­ him so fast that no power could move
norant are apt to fly back in volleys. hyn.—(P212)
“Fangs." picion and enmity.”
over thirty countie« which have en­ wool they have in their
“Moreover it must be admitted that
tered into I he Anti-B ohm Democratic Their whole existence has been but |
: ■ ary made known to the blessed
League, The sole purpose of thia one b'oody devastating reign of ter­ kind of peacn do we want? The small­ when the Roman Catholics gain the Francis Patrizii the hour of his death;
ror. This Is the gang Glynn wants pox is upon us. it u Catholicism and numerical majority as they have dope I he died a Saint; and after 40 years a
league is to re-enstate Sulzer,
more thoroughly organize for their ! not the contention that this monster in some of our communities, their ten- | ! most beautiful lily sprung from his
Su'zer a True Patriot.
Sulzer refused to, al'ow the Roman- hellish work. In other words: The i ev'l has brought upon us. Do we want dency to push the interests of their i mouth, which was then transplanted
1st* to rule him. They wanted a man Jesuits are not bloody enough nor: to let this evil Roman thing grow and own church and its adherents is some- ! into F rance, and on the leaves of
th ng pretty strenuous. It is not true was written “Hai' Mary” in letters
that would allow them to graft on sneaking enough, the Knights ofeCo)-] grow till it ruins our country?
the state az they had done before and umbus with their bloody, drunken i If we do not want this fever of re­ of ajl Roman hierarchs, but it is true of gold.—(P 629)
az they are doing in almoi.t every mobs are not showing the “Fang” i ligious contention let us drain the of some of them that their ambition
In the city of Aragona lived a
state in the Union. They want tax enough. They must get something j swamps of monasteries, convents and to ra'e the state is not well concealed. beantiful gir’ named Alexandra who
money and Sulzer’s high sense of en­ «tronger. Well here it is governor. | schools of white slavery which do ac­ I think that there is need of resisting was greatly 'oved by two young men.
nobled manhood, would not allow such. The black hand of Italy with Glynn tually exist right here tn these United such tendencies. The Roman Cath­ They fought and killed each other.
The politic«' bunch of papists im­ at the head of the thing, that would States of America. This soft headed olic clerics are illadvised when they Their enragec relatives killed the
mediately got busy and ousted him. be fang enough to suit Hans Schmidt. Glad (den) seems to think that there is undertake, no matter how adroitly. to young girl, cut off her head and threw
The two governors contrasted a- no danger exe pting in saying some- dictate the politics and the policies of her into a well. A few days after
This was a delllierate frame-up.
mounts to simply this: A Knight | think or doing something to hurt the commonwealth.”
St Dominic, inspired of God, ap­
Contest of Governors.
That is just what we say Mr Glad­ proached the well and said, “Alexan­
Glenn, the Roqianist and co-con- of Columbus with all the showing of j somebodies feelings. Just let them
spirator in the ousting of Sulzer, the "Fang” that their cowardice will , alone and live in peace with our neigh­ den and we don’t intend to use the dra, come forth,” and immed-'ately
made a GREAT speech at the 12öth venture or a true patriot, who rath- > bors. Isn’t that sense for you? If same kind of softsoap that you are en- the head of the deceased came forth,
anniversary of Georgetown Univer­ er than let his state be robbed al- j you know of the worst crimes being dqvoring to use either. What is the placed itself on the edge of the well
sity. The Washington Herald of •ow d h'mself to be sacrificed. Dear j committed by the wholesale just for­ use of soft pedalling General Wash­ ! and prayed St Dominic to hear its
New York people, Which Shall You j get it and keep busy. Why, he talks ington ? Does it look well for a war- c nfession. The Saint heard its con-
June 16lh says:
like a fish and “Washington" before rior and statesman to soft-pedal too fess on, and gave it comunion in the
Gov. Glenn Urges Catholic Union. Take”?
And dear people in Oregon what j h s glad name must have been a mis­ much? “Ambitious to ru'e the state presence of a concourse of people who
Prevent Persecution by Showing
arc we going to do? Sha'l we still i take in the estimate of the worth ol diu you say?lndeed, and what haven’t ' had ‘ assembled to witness the miracle.
Fangs of Lion, Urges Governor.
A hint from Gov. Glynn, of New b'indly put in the Glynn? and force, the object named. He couldn’t have they done to accomplish the r end in Two days the head retained its b’fe
York, that the Catholic church will the real American citizens to take a done a better thing for the enemies every part of the world? “Thiak upon the edge of the well, in the pre­
be subjected to persecution until its back seat, l>e bully ragged out of of America if he had been paid a mill­ there is need to resist such tenden­ sence of all, then the soul went to
adherents band together and show, business, become tramps and die of ion dollars for the job. This wart on cies”? Well, that is what we are try­ purgatory’, from which it was deliver­
instead of the teeth of the lamb, the broken hearts ? That is just what the Protestant l>ody slings mud at the ing to do and we know that the tend-1 ed in 15 days.—(P 273)
fangs of the lion, was the only se­ "is doing” all over this great country. patriots, who have at last been encies have become so strong in Am-, Great stuff, that, eh? How would
that we you like to have it taught to your
rious expression last night, al the The offices here are filled with Jesuits, aroused and see the danger, and then erica that it is about 1 time
up or we will children in the schools? That is just
smoker of alumni of Georgetown tools and cowards. Kick out
University, who are celebrating the traitorous Glynns and put in the are throwing mud. Read what he have the Catholic smallpox sure what they will get if the Catholic
125th anniversary of the founding of Sulzer patriots and you will notice says and see how you like it: “The enough. And while we are trying to Church gets control of our public
the institution. Gov. Glynn deliver­ not only a difference in the taxes, first mutterings of this eruption of do this you old “mut” and a lot l‘ke schools.
general prosperity and growth of our mud and slime are audible all ready. you are “throwing mud” at us I and it
ed the principle address."
The papers reperì that the Arch­
Gov. Glynn has proven himse.f to great state but also in the growth of Those of us who have passed through is certainly the dirtiest mud that bishop of Mexico went to Rome to
be just what we thought he was, here the only permanent thing in the this misery two or three times know our workers ever had to take i from secure the “Good Offices” of Presi­
he shows himself to ne a stiff necked world—the great principles for which what to expect. It iB being whis­ their friends( ? )• Go away with dent Wilson in behalf of the Catholic
pered now in Protestant circles that your twaddle about this fight being
member of the Knights -of mob and stands the American flag.
the Cathol’cs are meeting by stealth, periodica' and about Protestants and Church in Mexico. To be sure! That
from night to night, in their base­ Catholics being obliged to learn how is the right place to go to reach
ments of their churches, to drill for to live together in the same country. Wilson, all right.
the impending- insurrection. If the It is not so. We never can really live
History records the fact that
church has no basement, ft matters together. It w'll be a fight all the
Silly Sally made a mash and thought her duty, the free press of our cjun- not; the story is just as freely told, time until it is over and that will be Columbus was a slave-dealer, a pirate,
a murderer, and monster of cruelty.
try could do a thousand more and just as readily believed.’’
it vastly funny,
when the Catholic superstition and ex­
But now she's mash for drunken in less than a thousandth of the lime.
Don’t that sound just like Roman ploitation and usurpation of our great With what unerring directness the
hand of Fate has given his name to
Please wake up and send us a scrap, rot? It just serves to throw a care- American government is
prists—a silly, ninny nunny.
* • •
a scrip, a sub or a snip. Do it now! lcs<i reader off the main track and put annihilated. The Anti-Papal-Panic is a secret order of our day!
• • •
It would be a safe bet that every
him out of the real fight for liberty indeed on, and a victory for Liberty,
A Catholic judge in Nebraska en­
When it comes to such a monster and truth. It is very evident that Justice and Truth may be de’aycd by
sister who willingly stays in the con­
joined a Protestant minister from
vent is either a ninny or a sinny. evil as the Catholic blight, God still "Washington”
not the right name such things as Mr. Glhdden’s article, participating in the graduating exer­
The good, intelligent girls want to loves a cheerful giver. Cheerfully for Mr. G'adden who in face of the but remember, you softsoapers, that cises of a high-school.—This is Ro­
give ’em hell!
get out. Let's help ’em.
most real danger this country ever “a thing is never settled until it is set­ manism.
• •
• * •
met talks so unWashington like. He tled right.”
“The Roman Catho'ic Church in the
Any one who knows of a crime
Though the old bull-necked priest may
Midd'e Ages, as now, was a great
which should be told to the public
pose as a saint,
Democracy.”—President Wilson, in
He may vow, yow and piously pray; and does not send it to a free press
the “New Freedom,” quoted by a
But his ce,:bate talc is a j ke among is gui'ty of particeps criminis..
Catholic paper.
• • •
No man or woman can just'y call
Because he ain’t built that way.
1.—The Constitutionalists
• « •
himself or herself a protestant unless
supreme power is retained and direct­
If the doctrines and practices of he or she protests against the un- “persuaded” to resign, this armistice brook no interferance in the internal ly exercised by the people.’ In the
the Roman priests are wrong it is a Christian, unAmerican and inhuman invo'vi-g cessation of hostilities affairs of Mexico, either by the United Catholic Church the Pope is the head
States or any other nation—NO.
dogmas and beastly practices of the throughout Mexico.
sin to be silent.
and Supreme Power. He appoints
• * *
Roman Hierarchy.
Cardinals, the Cardina’s elect the
• « •
2.—Guarantees that Huerta will not
2.—Huerta killed Madero, the an-
Though the old Catholic cat may still
Pope,—the people have nothing to
Did the priests, who live within the
lash he old tail
for a life, wherefore Huerta must say. The who’e constructive order of
great thick stone walls, build these of the Constitutionalists.
And pray on her Saintly shin boiid!
the Catholic Church, from the Pope
She’ll be careful by gum what she walls? No. Their poor dupes lifted
her Supreme Monarch down to the
and tugged and lugged that the dear
puts in her “jug,"
lowest priest is a Despotism. Wilson,
3.—The Constitutionalists will not the politician, it seems, has become
“When Johnny comes marching home.’’ fathers might live at ease, exercise whether nations or individuals, that
when they wish to, drink the best of the international obligations of the burden the nation with useless debts, much Romanized.
for the obligations of their revolt are
If every one who is against the wine and otherwise enjoy the fruits Huerta government will be paid.
almost nothing—NO.
L!ncoln, Garfield, McKinley, Roose­
aggressions of Rome would do his or of others toil.
4.—Immediate election as soon as
velt, Mayor Gaynor of New York, all
Huerta quits.
4.—Banditry, such as that of the shot by men of Catho'ic training.
ruling pater fabilias.
Zapatas, Genovevo de la O, and Jose We have not heard that W. J. Bryan
Recently, Mrs. Taft publicly espous­
5..—Protection of Spaniards in Mex­ Mora, must be wiped out, therefore included the Catholic Church in his
William Howard Taft, who recently ed the cause of the anti-suffragists
ran for president of the United States and said things about women who ico; Spaniards remaining in Mex­ immediate elections cannot be held demand that anarchy be suppressed
and whose appeals for support were desire to take part in the making of ico; restoration of their property and —NO.
One Dr. Cummings wrote a book to
permission to all of them to return to
so eloquent and convincing that the laws under which they must live.
show that the Catholic Church stands
pe pie all voted for the other fellow,
pressors and looters of Mexico for for Free Speech and Free Press,—
is now confronted with a disunited espousing the cause of suffrage am
which book passed through the hands
6.—Restoration to the Catholic 400 years; they must go—NO.
fam«y, as well as a disunited political flatly overruling her Ma.
of the Catholic censor before it was
6.—The laws of the reform give
Mr. Taft, when president, vetoed of the times. The old folks, naturally payment of buildings destroyed; pro-
Anna Lowry, an ex-nun, was fined
the Webb hill, over the heads of the conservative, turn their back upon tect’on to all priests still in Mexico all church property to the state when
department of justice experts, on the the rising sun and dig in the graves and permission for others to return in needed; the priests have oppressed at Winona. Minn., for using obscene
the people and held them in ignorance language in an address to women..
ground it was surely “unconstitu­ of the past.
The objectionable language was read
The younger ones turn the’r faces
tional.” '
and quoted from the “Moral Theology
But, behold, his eldest son, Robert,
came out in an article in the Harvard toward accomplishment. In the young cognition of new government is held will not need recognition by the of St L’guori,” one of the standard
Law Review declaring that the mea­ lies the hope of the future.—The Key­ out, if Constitutionili8ts accept these United States; Mexico can rehabili­ text-books used in the priest-incu­
tate herself—NO.
sure w >s constitutional, flatly over- stone American.
Information About Factories and En­
terprises That Employ Labor and
Matters Affecting the Development
of Oregon.
(Compi'ed by the State Bureau
Industries and Statistics.)
W. R. Scott, general manager of
6500 mes of the S. P. system on the
Pacific Coast, says railroad earnings
will soon be on the upgrade.
The bridge across the river at
Salem has been condemned and the
two counties and the city w:ll erect
a >200,000 structure.
A. B. Hammond of San F rancisco
says ships costing >1000 a day to
operate will soon be sailing from
Astoria and a railroad will be built
down the co«st.
The old Long Placer mine near Cot­
tage Grove is to be worker for gold.
The Vesuvious mines in the Bohemia
district are getting out much ore.
Eugene Iron works has taken a
contract to manufacture 500 of the
Harden Sanitary Drinking Fountains.
Representatives of the Oregon-
California Electric of Medford -have
been at Riddles to install service.
The Clackamas Gas Co. passes up
Millwaukee and will supply Oswego.
A Federal Court and Postoffice
building will be erected at Medford.
N Hood River has voted >75,000 raod
bonds and dedicated an open-air
Grants Pass has paid out on the
Crescent City railroad to date >83,-
A San Francisco firm will erect a
brick block on 6th st., Port’and.
Portland .meat inspection ordin­
ance has been taken into the courts
on the ground that it disdriminates
against all sma1’ packers in favor of
the meat trust.
Nehalem has voted bonds to pur­
chase the pr sent water plant.
Fruit packing will start August 1st
in the Rogue Rivei district.
The Hudson Gold Dredging Co., will
construct another dredge- for the
Sumpter gold placer mines.
A >10,000 creamery wi'J be erected
at Alvadore on Fem Ridge.
The Greenback mine in Douglas
county has been sold to a Mexican
syndicate and will be operated on a
large scale.
Union Oil Co. builds a >10,000
storage plant at Eugene.
Booth-Kelly’ Co. is erecting a large
fire-proof drykiln at Springfield.
A motor road will be built from
Mapleton to the beach at Florence.
A Street car line is to be built from
Baker into the Eagle Valley.
A schooner arrived at Marshfield
'oaded with skins, tusks and oil of
sen lions, a new industry on the Ore­
gon «oast.
Congress gave >150,000 for the fish
hatching stations on Oregon waters.
The Coast Bridge Co., of Portland
got the bridge at Yamhill for one
dollar less than the Port’and Bridge
Co., its closest competitor, >4,499.
The 100,000 gallon reservoir of the
Bend Water Co. is nearly completed.
The Fremont hotel recently de-
stroyed by fire at Salem will be re -
built of brick, to cost >20,000.
Representatives of Swift & Co.
have been hammering the Oregon
cheese industry with importations
from Canada and Wisconsin.
Bids are being taken for a >110,000
high school at Eugene.
The S. P. Co., bridge payrolls on
W’Uamette Pacific will be >25,000 per
Free factory sites are being offered
Coos Bay.
Clatsop county has 700 men em­
ployed on the Columbia Highway.
Eugene Fruit growers Association
w!'i manufacture Loganberry juice.
Granite Hill mine in Josephine
county is to be operated.
Grants Pass box factory is to re­
sume after lying idle four years.
The Oregon Public Utility commis­
sion shows a disposition to allow
capita' invested in these properties
to make a fair return and thus en­
courage further investments.
Sherwood gets a new bank and
hotel building.
The Experiment of reducing
the price of this paper to 50
cents per year for a period of
30 days has proven such a
success that we have conclud­
ed to make the reduction per­
manent. Keep them coming in
bunches! It is the correct an­
swer to the hierarchy’s prosecu­
tions and falsehoods.