The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, July 17, 1914, Image 3

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urnal f
THt SILVER i»., .
is up-to-date, \wilh NEW, MODERN MACHINERY
We do “QUALITY” job printing promptly and neatly
K'i. J!" e ' iu 1;1"1'’*' “«-cxii.
"Ask and
I Wl-24, Mg»-
shall receive." John
W(U r
u VII-8.
graying or combinations of
supply johny-cakes? Corn is
‘Eliza Mowry Bliven:
of living, acting
Awaiting my self of the co
attracts atoms like
I Mr. Hosmer, to use the column»
its own, from water, soil, fertilizer,
free press, I am most bap' ,y to reply
air; if the sun heats them, enough
to your review of my *.,BhUr-Kermon. combine to make the corn grow.;
Generally speakiu g the thinkers Machinery is combined atoms, force
among all peoples divide themselves of other atoms combined, move the
into two great claz de„. How shall we machinery that grind the com. The
best define thes e ? The of|(,
cook, with scalding water swells the
with the shadow of form, the other meal, salt and milk added, change the
use principle, 1 he one dealing with taste of the dough. Phosphorus on a
poetic fancy and fanciful speculation, match, struck, causes flame, its heat
the other seeking after scientific truth. ignites the wood of the match; that \
The one dea“ng with the moonshine heat causes the carbon of oil, coal, or
of theological speculation, mystifica­ wood, to unite with oxygen from the
tion and supernaturalism, the other air, producing heat that cooks the
dealing with cosmic principles in their Johny-eakes.
eternal co-relations and sostnic crea-
Praying and God-power can’t do it;
MR. and MRS. G. H. DEDR1CK, General Managen
tlveness. These two great d'viaions but the substance and force of eternal
of thinkers we call materialists and atoms, selected and guided by human
spiritualists. And, 1 am here to de­ intelligence can make johny-cake-
clare to you that the man of Science, every time.
he who seeks after creative principle,
Eliza Mowry Bliven.
Room formerly occupied by H. E. Brown
• • •
he who deals with cosmic process, he
who works with chemical equations,
The hraineHt men of the world have
he who deals with and works in the been Atheists, Alex. Von Humboldt,
great cosmic laboratory of the Uni­ at the age .of 82, delivered a course
verse, he who traces all form to caus- of fill lectures to the scientists of the
itive principles, to principles of molec­ world, on the physical construction of
ular co-relation, he who realizes life­ the Universe, and never spoke the
energy and life principle throughout a word “God.” He had travelled over
vast infinitude, (which can have nei­ the world, descended into the earth,
One acre, half in clover, an 8-room house, city water
ther beginning or end) in which "dead and explored the regions beyond TKe
matter’ has naithar place or consider­ ••arth, but discovered no God, no
in the yard, good well, 40 young fruit trees, 15 old
ation, this scientist, who by inductive heaven, no devil, and no he'l. By the
ones, chicken house, fine Jersey cow, 35 chickens,
analysis, by experimentation, by syl- way, isn’t nfinlte vacuity preferable
luKislic reasoning, by his couscientiou. to a world with a hell in it?
grapes, good barn—everything for only $3250.
toll, by his consecrated devotion to The great Gladstone admitted that
Easy terms. No better bargain in Silverton! See
no evi-
truth, to fact, to principle of causmic outside of the bible there
over the Journal office.
causation, he is the seeker after the dence of any God.
spiritual reality of eternal and Infinite
life—he is the true and scientific during the last century, but it has
■Spiritualist. It is he who deals with not discovered a single proof of a God,
spiritual principles of infinitude, of heaven, or hell, Theology |s now
cosmic truth! Having thus helped precisely whai n was a thousand
you to find the man by whom is the years ago.
light of truth, need 1 point out the
Otto Wettstein.
, man of shadow?
Theologians view matter as mere
The ignorant materialist who in the
unless stirred, like the fabled
dense darkness of his superstitions of
of Bethsaida by the potent
supernaturalism worships the outer
Jehovah. They divest it of
form, who prates of ‘dead matter”;
“Tired and True” is this old reliable outing resort,
who requires an overruling Man-God its noblest powers and attributes.
with a wealth of natural scenery, healthful drives, a
to breath life into matter; who re- Restore its qua'ities, then see in the
splendid beach and numerous near-by points of inter­
! quires miracles and fetich-worship, beautiful elements that make the pre­
est: Lighthouse, Devil’s Punchbowl, Seal Rocks, etc.
who binds the hearts and conscience cious opal, the amethyst, and the
of men in fear; who robs the mind of brilliant diamond, the delicate blue­
Special Low Round-Trip Season Fares
reason and light; who destroys the bell. and the violet, the lily and rose­
Week-End Fares to All Points and Sunday
light of faith and of hope and seeks bud. the ruby lip and love-lit eye, the
Excursion Fares from Albany and Corvallis
to keep men in the darkness of fear palpitating heart, and the wonderful
via the
and of supernaturalism, which have brain.
B. F. Underwood.
neither foundation in natures divine
• • •
order, in cosmic truth, in eternal life
forgive sins. A God,
nor in rational thinking!
if there were one, would necessarily
In all kindness would 1 recommend be the creator and controller of all
Vil sunset ì _
; to E. M. B. and to all good people who things; the possessor of all knowledge
espouse the old “atomic theory” to power and goodness. Being all good,
aria and keep pace with the latest he would not want to créât a world
discoveries and positions of scientific into which sin could enter. Possess­
thinkers and seekers after the light ing a'l knowledge and power, he would
i of deliverance which is not in idle not create such a world. The exis­
theorizing, but wh'ch is only found tance of sin in the world proves the
The Exposition Line 1915
in diligent and earnest search of non-existance of God. Being nonex-
scientific facts of truth, not in specula­ istant, he cannot forgive slna or do !
_.7:30 A. M.
tive mythologies about gods, not in anylhing else,
1:00 P. M.
vagaries of miraculous supernatural­
A. M.
Charles F. Randall.
ism, not in pagan matcria'ism (par­
• • *
P. M.
ading under the name of religion or
Prayer found its origin in supersti­
Christianity), but which alone is tion, and only those afflicted with it,
found In the knowledge of nature’s continue to pray. No man of reason
Spécial Excursion Train will leave eNwport every
divine principles of causititive energy, wastes time in praying, for he knows
evening at 6:00 p.m., arrive Corvallis 10:15
in nature’s divine order, in cosmic a Universe run by unchangeable
10:45 p. m.
modes of motion cannot be influenced
People wil' cease talking about by human desires addressed to a
At Elk City, Morrison, Toledo and along the Yaquina
"dead and inert matter” about dead phantom God.
river, also on the Breitenbush and Santiam rivers, on
trees, about dead men and dead souls,
Christian Herald receives many let­
the East End.
when they awaken to the glorous ters asking why prayers are seldom
For Folders describing Newport as an outing place call on
truth that nature is one grand labora­ answered. He does not pay priests to
our nearest Agent.
tory of creative principle, that life is —there is nothing and nobody to
John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon.
, one grand cosmic process of co-re- answer them. People shipwrecked,
1 lated forces, that every f rom of and in fires, flood, pestilence, and in
matter is but an outward manifesta- all the evi's that afflict mankind, utter
t'on of chemical equation of infinite agonizing prayers; but no God ever ever. A religious government trains
life-principle. All is Life—there is interferes to save life or bring relief. the majority to believe, if they read
(L. D. Ratliff)
no Death!
and circulate materialist literature, the If there be warrant for the story
Channing Severance.
reader may neglect his soul’s salva­ That there’s a place called Puragatory
• ♦ «
E. M. B. would profit greatly by
reading the books by Dr. W. M. The Materialist wastes no time in tion and go to hell, then God will hold Where one must go enroute to glory.
Lockwood entitled “Continuity of Life foolish prayers, they are never them responsible; so they burn such What proof is there to meet the doubt
a Cosmic Truth”; the Molecular answered, He doesnot pay priests to literature unused. Thus priests keep That once within one can get out ?
Hypothesis of Nature, The Relation fit him to die; and he has no duties the people dues-paying, obedient
slaves, superstitious and ignorant.
If priests with wafer in the masses
Science holds to Natural Philosaphy” to the Gods, to please the priests.
Thomas P. Withers.
Mumbling Latin like silly asses
and others. (Progressive Thinker, He naturally tries to make the best
May cleanse a soul until it passes,
possible use of this life,as he expects OREGON SOCIALIST
How many masses must there be
In helping others to find the light no ticket to another world after
PARTY TICKET To wash a soul and set it free?
of truth, by which alone is Freedom, death. He loves the things of this
—B. F. Ramp
we render our noblest service.
world.his family and friends, and
If when I've passed from I’uragatory
Yours for truth.
seeks to make them happy by gratify­
State Treasurer—B. F. Sloope
ing their needs; and by relieving suf­ Attorney General of Oregon—J. E. Beyond the gates to Peter’s glory,
The masses need no more, be gory,
fering and sickness, and improving
Will they be wasted when they’r given
The following was received on a the cond'tions of humanity he helps
State Labor Commission — August For this pure soul then in heaven?
postal card by a friend of the Editor:
He does his own thinking, and pays
“Dear Sir:
State Supt. of Public Instruction— If the Mass is Christ, a perfect whole.
Now tha| Hosmer is convicted, you no preacher to cheat and delude him.
Mrs. Flora Foreman
better get wise and drop your anti­ They have no knowledge of Gods nor State Railroad Commissioner—I. O. Head, hands, feet, body and holy soul,
A’l round the earth and from pole to
catholic fight. You lost my business future life and teach guesses to the
by your attitude, and would lost people, therefore they are hypocrites Justices of Supreme Court—D. W.
the priests who bring him tell me
others. My people would not go to
Robinson, N. Rannells, A. G. Hotch­ Just how many bodies has he?
a town which was having a fight on teaches knowledge, facts truths
kiss, Chas. H. Otten.
Which is the honest man?
over any religion.
If Christ must come from out the
R. A. Trowbridge.
Restaurant Furniture for Sale.
That is, a small town. Maybe you
• « •
3 counters, 1, 20 feet long, 8 stools. At the command of Father Shafer,—
are big enough to (‘own the Catholics,
Religion anil Liberty do not travel 5 tables, stove, cooking utensils, silver­ Drunken, lecherous, lustful slaver,—
but it has been tried for centuries,
by Kings with armies. I am not a very well together. When any na­ ware, dishes, etc., one grill about 10ft. Is Christ not thus a devil’s tool
Catholic, but I h»”e some grain of tion becomes a religious nation, its long, other things to numerous to Subject to whim of knave or fool ?
liberty always ends. When people mention. All practically new, used —With compliments to the Menace
sense life.”
The last remark looks as though it learn this lesson, they will see their about six months.
might have some grain of truth In it. only hope to free themselves and lA’tfc. J. F. Bartlow, Silverton, Ore.
Exchange Piano for Cows
fellow-mortals from the thralldom of
I will exchange our piano which
Team Work Wanted.
a corrupt government, held in power
I am prepared to do all kind of cost $400 and which we have had for
Use the_ subscription blanks we en by its superstitious false religion, is
team work in the City or Country. only three years for two good cows,
close in The Journal to get us new to teach the people Materialism.
subs, It la the only way we can sur-
The Bible teaches there is a Hell, a G've me a trial. First house west or I will sell it cheap for cash.
vive This is your fight, as well as lake of fire and brimstone where the of the Depot.
Walter Smith, Hullt, Ore.
ours, Let’s each do his part well and
W. W. Green, Silverton, Or. Phone 7-8.
| sou's of the wicked are burned for- 34p37
a great victory will be won.
Phone Green 991
Money to
It is better than Linotyping
Silverton Journal,
Beautiful Womanhood
* •
Joyful Childhood
“All that is human must retrograde If it do not advance.”—Gibbon.
1914 OREGON DRY 1914
Man’a liberty ends, and it ought to end, when that liberty becomes
the curse of his neighbors."—Farror.
Happy Old Age
Noble Manhood
New York, June 80, 1814.
The Silverton Journal,
Silverton, Ore.
Dear Sirs and Brothers;—
At the annual meeting of the Na­
tional Court, Guardians of Liberty,
held in Chicago, June 1st, 2nd, and
3rd, 1914, it was decided that the
scope of our work would be extended,
and the following recommendation of a
sub-committee was adopted without
dissenting voice.
“We deem it proper that while our
superior work has to contend with the
menace to our free institutions, that
it is not against the principles of our
order to permit courts to be establish­
ed in countries not ru'ed by our Hag.
Such courts to be under the jurisdic­
tion of our National Court until such
time as they shall deem it proper to
pstabliHh National Courts of their
We recommend that colored people
be permitted to establish courts, and
in sections of the country where there
is a large colored population, that
they be permitted to establish dual
States Courts with the same right
and privileges of other States Courts. If 1
Our constitution has been modified
to meet these new requirements and
we no* plan to start organizing first
In Canada and then in other countries.
One court has already been organized
in Canada and inquiries are being re­
ceived from various sections of that
country. It is be’ieved that by having
an organization of colored voters,
known as the Colored Guardians of
Liberty, the patriotic work will be
greatly strengthened as our colored
brothers have shown their patriotism
many times.
We also are pleased to report that
although heretofore our chief ac­
tivities have been confined to the
middle western and eastern States,
we now find a strong sentiment per­
vading all parts of the country. In
the Pacific Coast States an active or­
ganizing campaign is being inaugura­
ted and will be pushed strongly. The
same is true of the South where in
the large cities the patriotic move­
ment is gaining strength.
All readers who wish to be placed in
touch with courts in their territory or
who wish to organize in any part of
the United States or Canada or other
country, w 'l gain full information by
writing to National Headquarters, 50
W. 24th St., New York City.
Percy S. Brown, Secretary.
To Jhe Chain Gang:
Send in as many names of friends
of freedom as you can. We want to
send them sample copies and sub.
blanks. Do it nowl
Notary Public