Œh Silerton journal Published every Friday morning at stiverion. Oregon, by J. E. HOSMER. Editor. Kntervd at the poatortlc« at Silverton, Oregon, at second-cla»a rates. Subscription, $1.00 per year, in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. Advertising rates made known upon applica­ tion. This paper stands for freedom of thought, free­ dom of the press, freedom of speech, equality of opportunity and the religion of righteousness. It is radically opposed to every form of superstithm and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form of evil. THE FARMERS,THE WAGE WORKES AND THE CAPITALIST men. We know that with a great army of ignorant, superstitious, ¡obedient slaves, the Roman hierarchy is rapidly gaining ground HE SILVERTON JOURNAL is altogether a new deaAli uid that one of (heir most emphatic objects of work is to gain the temporal power for the po(>e. This Scythian hoard of unAmerican, i is A Free Presa. Please do not forget that the fellow who unlettered, unreasonable, alien element is sweeping across the I does not think as you do has equal opportunity in our ocean and capturing our great cities. This is not imagination. It I columns. If you think you know anything that the world is the most real thing in our modern history. Their ideas of ought to know ¡tend it in. It is welcome. We may not be able to priestcraft and of churchanity we most strenuously oppose and print everything that comes for we may not have space but we would help to lift them into the light of modern, scientific truth will be fair and do the very liest we can. and pro; ress. but this is not all. Their false doctrine or clannish-1 The world has had enough ol narrow, bigotry and exclusiv« mss is not the immediate necessity of this awful battle in which1 Pharisaism. Never forget the lesson Jesus taught by selecting so uuinj of the protestant and free-thinking citizens are put to his company from the working men, and his association with sleep o> money, fear or stupidity.. The danger to our free publicans and sinners rather than with the high toned blue-blood government. is right now, greater that. any other danger this | of his time. Let’s get down to the true principles of Americanism, nation has faced since its birth in 1776. And if we fail to arouse of tolerance, of freedom of thought, freedom ot s teecli and freedom in our citizens the spirit of that early time, the spirit which gave of the press. The one thing that th® Roman c lurch hates worse birth to our free and independent nation, we will have labored in than anything else is free discussion, liecause s io knows that the vain - again "these are times which try men's souls." people in this way will sooner or latter learn the truth, and truth will kill the old Ixiaslty beast quicker than anything in the world. Write for the Journal. Get others in whom you have faith to write. Please do not let our paper degenerate into something you DOPE EXERCISE AND PATRIOTISM. do not like, by a Roman-like boycott, but color it with your bes' CERTAIN CASES, when we do not know what else to do, reason and help mike it a power for good a real tree press. the use of artificial stimulation and drug poisoning may l»e Please do not forget! justified, but we hope for a time when their use and deadly effects will be a thing of the past. One great advantage that exercise, manipulation, adjustment and drugless treatment has, is, ammmmtttttmtmtnnintnHmtmnmnnttttuntnttttmtnnmmtttmtmntmtntr that in all exercise, the tendency always is to permanently Solid as a Houk. W. M. Ladd, President. strengthen, so that the patient naturally wants to take the same medicine (exercise), in some form, again, because he is able to. I HENRY SCHROEDER It is the application of the very thing sought and as like produces like, action comes from action, natural exercise from exercise, SILVERTON. OREGON avoidance of the growth of disease germs by eradication of the tilth in which they breed or their eradication, in case of their I Is the Agent of Columbia Life and Trust Company. This accidental presence, by their natural death with the patient made is the Oldest Life Insurance Co. on the Pacific (oust. strong by proper diet and exercise to such a degree that he can | withstand the attack till the germ colony has run its course. In Policyholders Satisfied. Assets, Jan. 1st,$522,808.9-1 other words, cleanliness comes from cleanliness, action from mttttttmtumnttmtnttnmmunmttnmmuumuntttntttmmittunmmmtiu action, strength from strength and health from health; and not ■ from the sickness made in artificially and radically killing or purging the foreign substance from the system or by unnatural and exhausting stimulation. The nation is in a healthful condition when its citizens are all patriots. War is not patriotic. It is a weakening purge and de­ stroys our best live tissue. The exercise of true patriotism takes into consideration the after effects. It strengthens the body politic so as to overcome the enemies by making conditions in which they can not live. The more it is used as a remedy for the ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLlt)} ills of our nation the more will our love extend to other people, and at home we will love our relatives and our friends with the Instructive and Educative. deei>er and truer affection and we will become a nation of patriots indeed. It is as natural to a normal minded man or woman to love his or her country as it is to exercise the bodily functions and they are both necessary to secure the blessings of health and of liberty. To this end exercise the weakest organs and bring them up to Phone Black 1242. Coolldga Street. ♦ perform their function to the highest degree possible not neglect-! ing the brain, and read the history of our country, our patriotic Build This Spring When the Birds Do, ♦ papers and magazines, the declaration of Independence, commit passages, or the whole of it, to memory and use them in con- versation. Help the children. Read the history of our flag, Get a Nest of Your Own Fall in love with humanity, forget your pessimism and l>e a live, active, patriotic citizen of tlie United States of America. It will not rout you x> much aa jror may think, if you employ T HE CAPITALISTS OWN THE RAILROADS and charge the farmers a profit, which is in itself way above the cost ot transportation, to carry farm products to market. I he prices of these products have, for years, been fixed by "big business” who speculate in wheat and everything else on the face of the earth. The wage worker has been glad to take what capitalists, who sei the standard of wages, have a mind to pay. This has gone on u itil the farmers have organized all over the country to protect their interests. __ They are raising the price of J the poor wage workers complain and in their farm produc organizations y to raise the price of labor. Strikes follow, the panic is on, people can’t buy food, the factories si.u labor market is glutted, and finally prices go down again to the f____ level, Then “business picks up" and the same circus be- former gins all over again, But farmers and wage workers learn some* things every time, and they pass the information down as a precious legacy to their children. The farmers are becoming better organized every day. Here are the objects of the "Farmers Society of Equity" taken from their articles of incorporation. This is a powerful, live, acting society and is bound to be one of the factors in the great change from our exploiting system to one of equal opportunity: “Purpose and Objects 1. The objects of this Society are: (a) To educate farmers in the sound principles of co-opera­ tion. (b) To establish a national co-operative organization of farmers for marketing all crops, with such branches as necessary. (c) To encourage and promote the acquiring or building and operating of warehouses, elevators, cold storage houses on the farms, at country market places and in the cities, and granaries on the farms, so that farm crops and produce may be controlled by the producers until the real demand needs them. (d) To secure reports of crops, to secure reports of market demands and to direct the marketing of the crops. (e) To secure profitable prices for all the products of the farms, and equity and fair dealing in all the business relations of farmers with other people.” The wage workers are also organizing as they never have before and political action is becoming one of their strong forts. They too are helping to change the economic map, because, in comparison with the capitalists, their number is legion. The capitalists how ever have learned how to combine their force also, and it is very doubtful if what J. W. Bryan calls honest com­ petition can ever return. Monopoly and Trust magnates have BEN HOFSTETTER reached a point where it is impossible for them to return. They ( ATHOLICS AND THE GREAT EXPOSITION. couldn’t if they would and they wouldn’t if they could. And so Contractor and Builder. the war goes on. Silverton, Oregon. HE CHRISTIAN SPIRIT OF LOVE, even for enemies, as he christl Mr. Bryan says: “There are but two forces that can protect is taught by all denominations, is grossly, universally and the purchasing public: One is competition; the other is govern­ continuously violated by the Roman church(?). This fact ment ownership. In the case of competition, the self-interest of has been recently demonstrated in a very public, even inter­ rival producers is relied upon to furnish the consumer with the national manner, by the hierarchy. The king of Italy had ap­ best article at the lowest price. In the case of government owner­ pointed Signor Ernesto Nathan as commissioner of the Panama IRL B. LYONS ship, it is the desire of the officials representing the public to Pacific Exposition. Rome didn’t like this because this great furnish the consumer the maximum of benefit at a minimum Italian statemen had opposed the church party in its endeavor to charge. Without attempting to discuss the relative merits of the get control in his country. Sig. Nathan was royally welcomed in systems, it is sufficient to say that there is no middle ground be­ San Francisco by all Italian-Americans as well as by all American tween the two. There is no disposition on the part of the general citizens, but what do you suppose the Roman church has done? * I handle Mueller Brass Goods, Standard Enamelware public to undertake government ownership where competition can It tried to get the United States government to reject the appoint­ Hydraulic Rams, Pneumatic Water Systems. I can exist. A large majority of the people are individualists.” ment. Then it tried to get the exposition commissioners to reject make it worth your while to see me al>out your Now’, the purchasing public consists in a superlative degree of this great stateman, this noted representative man with an unim- . the wage workers and the farmers: and if these buyers who are •peachaole character. But they failed again. And then they re­ HOP DRYER PIPES also the producers ever find out that Mr. Bryan has told the truth sorted to the low-down, dirty boycott of the exposition. The SuccenHor to and that it is impossible to ever return to honest competition, Christian Hearld sums up the action of the “inner circle” of this J. H. DAVENPORT ? they will no longer remain individualists but w ilL unite and what political gang of Anarchists, calling themselves a church, about PHONE BLUE 1191 JOBING A SPECIALTY. ■ will be the result? A child ought to understand that public right as follows: ................. . ownership of all public utilities would surely come quickly. And “The boycott is Rome’s favorite weopen the bludgeon of her it is coming! The ownership of the earth by all the people in­ choice, always ready for service. It is announced in the New stead of a few exploiters is in evitable, and Mr. Bryan need not York Times of June Sth. that the Catholic Laymen’s League for worry about our officials not having a desire “to furnish the con­ Retreats and Social Studies has passed a resolution directing the < < sumer with the maximum benefit at a minimum cost.” The in­ boycott. The movement is now fairly under way. Leading WE MUST GROW OR DIE! - centive will be for them to do this; they will get no chance to graft catholic clerics are quoted as warmly endorsing it, and it is claimed < « The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list « the public (all private graft in public utilities including the offices that the Knights of Columbus and the American Federation of growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we having been removed) and this will without doubt, give the work­ Catholic Societies will co-operate. The Catholic boycott will 4 want to give even more than value received. ers, on farm and in factory, five dollars where they now only get simply stimulate the liberty-loving Americans to patronize the 4 4 Get us one or more at fifty cents a year. Use Î one. exposition in overwhelming numbers as a fitting rebuke to the the following blank: Competition can no longer exist. The country is in the hands Roman church for its intolerant and presumptuous attempt to cf the trust and the trust has killed competition. The Capitalist coerce the American Government into rejecting Italy’s choice for A F R E E I’ R E S S system has gone to seed. Its seed is called monopoly and trusts. Commissioner”. The old lieast uses her boycott on editors or on This seed will bear fruit of its own kind, but the people will own national expositions, if they don’t do as she dicates, but the beautiful plant and will pick the flowers and fruit thereof. sometimes there’s a kick back to her highly organ­ THE SILVERTON JOURNAL Get ready, honest yeoman of the civilized world, you are coming ized machinery and we hope her unchristian action will prove a < ► into your own. And you “Rocky” bunch of conservative, ex- j boost to the great Panama show, even if the Journal man is in The subscription price has been changed from $100 to ploiting captains of industry, you’d better surrender gracefully jail during the main performance. 50 cents per year. and retreat in order, for we the people are in no humor for your dog on monkey shows, nor for your monkey business of dog EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, parties of any discription, nor for your cruel, heartless idea that •O-OP1RATION VS COMPETITION. SILVERTON, OREGON. .V I “business is business” while millions of the best, most innocent and most intelligent men, women and children suffer untold pri­ Enclosed find $ ............ , for which send THE JOURNAL to UST AS CRAWLING ON THE GROUND like a reptile or vation and misery. the followingi walking on four feet are wrong principles for upright man, The best thing that can be done for Ahe exploiting classes is so is th the principle of competition in the means of life. If Name ..................................................................................... .............................. to set those of working age to work. A great thinker once said evolutionists are right, and after careful investigation we that “the fruit derived from labor is the sweetest of all pleasures.” most sincerely belike they are, the human animal passed through Address Another said that “labor is the divine law of our existence; re­ the crawling and afffour navigation stunts before he finally learn­ pose is desertion and suicide,” and another (Ruskin) said: “God ed how to stand up like a man. One thing we all know, and that is Name intends no man to live in this world without working; but it seems ■ that each individual human has done this very thing any way, and Address to me no less evident that He intends every man to be happy in his therefore, each one’s physical development will serve as a good work.” Name illustration of our political and economic change. In the early, In the real civilization which is to come, there will be no embryonic stage of the development of human society, we could Address isolated farmers who individually fight for existence or for wealth do no better than to practice the anarchy of taking whatever we against the world, there will be no wage slaves, no army of unem­ could take, and even as late as the time of the discovery of Name .. ployed, nor will there be any capitalists; but all who are fit for America, the nations, as well as organized gangs protected by Address labor will be happy in his or her work and they will receive their them, were only pirates who preyed on other nations or other gangs full social product, which even now is enough to give a worker all or individuals from other lands. The principle of individualism Name the necessaries and most of the luxuries of life. Hurry! Hurry! began to give way when the lower animals united against a com­ Hurry! Address mon enemy. The family, the tribe, the simplest form of govern­ ment all these are lessons against competition in the means of THE HIGH GROUND. . life, the kind of individualism which leaves out the other fellow, the anarchy of animalism. A little at a time we have learned to F ARE NOT FIGHTING CATHOLICISM, or any other walk, but certain weaknesses cause us to totter and often fall. MARION COUNTY SOCIALIST evil, from a narrow, selfish, individual standpoint. Man-kind does not yet walk upright in the higher sense and the Second Hand Store TICK ET There is no particular catholic priest, or catholic church, cause of it is that in securing for ourselves the means of life we or catholic layman that we wish to injure in any way. still crawl or walk on all-fours. And when we have learned to for­ Representatives- E. W. Ross, S’1- We have just what Nor do we wish to deny any one the right to think for himself or get o ir crawling, sneaking, competitive, individualistic, anarchistic verton; Fred Haa k, Marion; L. D. you are looking for herself. We would fight as hard for the right of a catholic to competition, and also the later, swifter, wholesale, carnivorous Ratliff, Salem; Allen Hutcheon, Sa­ think and to express that thought as we would for any other monopolistic, all-four methods and learn to stand erect, shoulder lem, F. J. Von Behren, Aumsville. SAVING ON FIRST cit citizen to have that right. It is no human being on earth that to shoulder like real men ought to stand with a government based Sheriff—J. E. Blazer, Silverton. BIG we want to force to think or act as we dictate simply for our own on the true principle of reasoning beings, co-operation, then the Clerk—T. Y. McClellen, Turner. Re­ There are so many things that pleasure. But it is on the high ground of principle that we are dark ages of penitentiaries and high taxes, of prostitution and corder—Ly'Th’ M. Cannon, Salem. fighting in self defence not as an individual alone but for al! suicide, of riches and rags, of rum and Romanism, of jealousy, Treasurer—R. R. Ryan, Salem. Com­ we have that you need, just as mankind. hate, divorces, degeneracy, white slavery and political trickery will missioner,—F. C, Ramp, Brooks. Cor. good as new. Come in and see. We know that the catholic doctrines are lies. We know that ¡ be thought, of as products of a beastly time before man was really oner—Bernard Fehr, Salem. Survey­ they are being used to rob hundreds and millions of our fellow i man. I or—Jean B. Hoss, Salem. CHARLES WEBB T r I» THE GEM THEATRE, mo S res Never Gets Old T SILVERTON’S PROGRESSIVE PLUMBER IRL B. LYONS J 0