PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. PHONE BLACK 681 All work done in the shortest possible time. We are equip­ ped to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etc., with very little danger of any damage done. NO LOAD TOO HEAVY KOR OUR TEAMS TO il UL. C 1. E A N HOME BAKERY Mrs. W. E. Sprague. At her home on First and B. Sts., takes orders and delivers— Home made Bread and all kinds of home made Baking. Cakes, Doughnuts. Pi?«, Etc. Etc. Leave order» at C. W. Rogers. H E A L T H F U L W H O 1. i: S O M E HOSMER & DOWN L awyers Hosmer Bldg. Silverton, Ore. DR. R. S. PETTIT. CHIROPRACTOR. P hone : B lack 1062 Office at Residence. Park Street, 2 blocks east of High School. DR. B. L. STEEVES Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Room 209 Steeves Buildimt S alem , - - O regon Patronize JOE GKINDE’S OPERA HOUSE BARBER SHOP Water and Oak Sts. Silverton, Ore. J SILVERTON TIME TABLE. ♦ Arrive from Portland 8:35 tt “ “ 11:30 tt “ “ 5:05 tt “ 7:05 tt “ Salem 11:59 tt “ “ 5:50 tt “ Springfield 9:15 tt “Brownsville 1:45 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. * ♦ * * * Depart for Portland 7:25 A.M. * tt tt tt tt tt tt tt 9:15 A.M. 1:45 P.M. ft 5:50 P.M. tt Salem 8:35 A.M. M tt 2:00 P.M. “Springfield 11:30 A.M. “Brownsville 5:05 P.M. It M tt M M « ♦ * • * LOCAL NEWS Mrs. A. G. McMillan has moved to Salem. M. H. Semolke went to the capital Tuesday. F. W. Williams was in the capital Monday. Mrs. W. F. Hodson was a Salem visitor TuesJay. I Mrs O. Sorenson was a Capital City visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed were Salem visitors Monday. The Unitarian Serveces pended until September. Mrs. Herbert Ness and Selma Evens were Salem visitors Monday. Church Street is expected to be im­ proved soon with cement pavement. Frank Reveal and family are hav­ ing an outing at New Port this week. LOST—back light of Auto. Finder please leave at Jounral office. 36p36 If you wish to sell, l'st your prop­ erty with the Cascade Real Estate Co. Henry DeGuire and A. A. Grinde are serving on the jury at Salem this week. Miss Audrey Hicks of Salem spent the glorious Fourth in good old Sil­ verton. Mrs. C. A. Williams, little Eldred and Mrs. D. Bushnell went to Salem Tuesday. Willard Benson took a trip to Alon roe Tuesday and will go from there to Portland. Mrs. Ed Olsen and daughter Hilda were in Portland on a business trip Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Jacobson their daughter Ada were Salem visi- tors Wednesday. J. J. Krenz and his daughter, Miss Millie, are visiting with relatives at Ellensberg, Wash. telling the truth. O, we're getting i up to date fast in this neck of the wood«. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Olson, Monday. Julx 6th., an eight and one- i half pound boy. Parties all doing well and everyb dy happy. Are priests too holy to yield to ¡temptation? What makes them y>eld then? They are just like other men and a little more so. There was such a rush of work at the Silverton Journal office this week we just had to hire extra help. Keep | it coming and we will soon pull out of the hole. We don’t lack the sand but we don't know what money is good for so they say. Can our readers th'nk of any better way to use it than in lighting to save American from the blight of Roman anarchy ? Dr. H. S. Mount, a we'l known Sil­ verton boy, is with a large party of physicians making a tour of the world. These enterprising doctors chartered a ship at New York and when last heard of were in Paris and about to embark for B< me. Switzerland. In his letter home Hugh tells of a big garden party and so we should judge that he is having a way up good time. It is reported that a good woman whose husband left here sometimeago has been too proud to beg and that she and the children have nearly starved. It has been so bad »t times, it is said, that some of the children even ate out of a neighbor's swill pail. The Sil­ verton Soc'al'st Local appointed a committee to investigate last Sunday at their meeting. We wish we had space to give the program of our greatest of celebrat­ ions but sufice it to say that the wo­ men folks handled th« line of march and the whole affair in a most master­ ly manner and that the towards of the prizes was done in such a way as to entirely exhonerate them from any criticism wh'ch might arise, the judges all being se’ected from outside of town. Mrs. J. McDermott of Chicago, is visiting at the home of her neace Mrs. Jay E. Myers. Buy a home on the installment plan. Pay rent to yourself! See the Cas- I cade Real Estate Company. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mitchell of Sa­ lem were here visiting at the Mrs. E. M. Hicks home over the Fourth. Wanted, a farm for diversified farming, not less than »0 acres. Will I pay cash. See the Cascade Real Es- i tate Company. Mrs. F. L. Conkey of Creswell, Ore. I spent the fourth with her daughters , Mrs. Jay E. Myers and Mrs. F. J. I Syring, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Eggleston of Ansley, Nebraska, who are friends of the former proprietor of the Silverton Journal, are here on a visit. Leia and Laurel Janz was in from their Howell Prairie home to attend the surprise party given in honor of Miss Chase, They report a very hap- py time. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Banks and fami'y of Portland spent the fourth in Silverton with Mrs. Banks’ sisters Mrs. Jay E. Myers and Mrs. F. J. Syring, returning Sunday evening. In behalf of the float and parade eommittee I wish to thank all who took part in the parade in such an enthusiatic v.*ay and helped make the celebration such a glorious success. Mrs. Etta Cavender, Chairman. G. H. Dedrick who was hurt in the fa'l from a barn recently, fainted dead away when the splints were removed from his broken arm Tuesday. Both he and Mr. Preston are getting along very we'l indead however and will soon be fully recovered. A BIG BARGAIN in a business building and a small lot with go d building a’ready for business can be had by applying at the office of the Cascade Reap Estate Company. Price only $500. The location is on a prin­ cipal street and the terms are easy— just like paying rent. Our readers have noticed that we have been advertising for several firms in Daytofi.Ohio. This business which we thought was going to help us so much financially has turned out bad. We get word that the advertis­ ing agency with whom we contracted has bankrupted. How much on the dollar, we do not know. Cedar posts for sale. Call or write to E. L. Paterson, Hullt, Ore. 30p33 For Rent—Furnished rooms for housekeeping, inquire of J. M. Brown. UNITARIAN SERVICES are held in the W. O. W. Hail the first Sunday in each month at 7:45 P.M., Rev. R. F. Tischer, Pastor.—Everybody welcome. I want to learn of the present ad­ dress of William Lovelace. Some years ago he was a resident of Silver- ton, Oregon. Will pay for trouble. W. H. Roder, Ellensburg. Wash. 35p37 50 Cents—In Clubs of Five—50 Cents The Silverton Journal will be sent to any address in America until further notice at the rate of 50 cents a year, in clubs of five or more. Let every patriot subscriber send us a club and the battle will be won. A fifteen room hotel for sale—tn the best part of Oregon—Si’verton rent only $30 per month,everything goes, Furniture, piano, dishes, a lot of fine wood, carpets, beds—everthing—■ for only $1400. This is a bargain as there is an excellent run of business right now and all the time. See the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO., over the Journal Office. Silverton is getting to be quite a place. We will soon be supporting a man to tell the good people all about what a nice thing it is to have a pur­ gatory for heritics, and we will soon be paying taxes to pay the expenses of a citizen languishing in prison for Towels! Towels!! Towels!!! At “The Shop”.—Bath towels, baby towels, large towels, guest towels, fancy towels, plain towels, stamped towels, embroidered towels, at the i lowest price—at “The Shop”! A BIG BARGAIN! One acre, half in c^iver, 8-room house, city water in the yard, good well, 40 young fruit trees, 15 old ones, chicken house, fine Jersey cow, 35 chickens, grapes, good barn—everything for only $3250. Easy terms. No better bargain in Silverton! See the Cascade Real Estate Co. over the Journal of­ fice. “There 1» nothing which »o general­ ly strike» the imagination, and en- gHge» the affection» of mankind, as Die right» of property; or that »ole mid despotic dominion which one man claims and exercises over the exter­ nal things of the world, in total ex­ clusion of the universe. And yet there are very few that will give themselves the troub’e to con­ sider the origin and foundation of this right. Pleased as we are with the possession, we seem afraid to look back to the means by which it was acquired, as if fearful of same de­ fect in «ur title; or at best we rest satisfied with the decision of the laws in our favor, without examining the reason or authority upou which those laws have been built.. We think it enough that our title is derived by the grant of the former proprietor, by decent from our ancestors, or by the last will and testament of the dy­ ing owner; not caring to reflect that (acurately and strictly speaking) there is no foundation in nature or natural law why a set of words upon parchment should convey the domin- ion of land; why the son should have a right to exclude his fellow creatures from a determinate spot of ground because his father had so before him; or why ‘he occupier of a particular field or of a jewel, when lying on his deatli lied, and no longer able to main­ tain possession, should be entitled to tell the rest of the world which < them should enjoy it after him. F. Contributor. Exchange l*iano for Cows I will exchange our piano which cost $400 and which we have had for only three years for two good cows, I» or I will sell it cheap for cash. 28c31 Walter Smith, Hullt, Ore. Phone 7-8. Complete Shaving Outfit 10 Articles 10 - ■ < < I wish to announce to the public that I have moved three doors South on W ater Street. I am now ready for business, would be pleased to have my friends, ami particulay those wishing home» to call and see me. The firm will lie known a» BARKIII RST & BROM N. 1 $3200 for 38 acres Canyon Co. Ida'o, good farm, plast­ ered and new modern house, good barn and other buildings, family orchard, berries, Thia ia a tine little place price reasonable will give term». - $4000 for u modern 5 room Cottage, Barn ami other buildings, berries and struwherries. This is for exchange for ranch. • • • ♦ • • $3600 for 120 acres foot hill dairy ranch, on cream route. House and two barns, 15 acres in cultivation, spring wuter piped in house, family orchard, will give terms. BURKHURST & BROWN SILVERTON, OREGON J. E. HOSMER Has been Nominated by the Socialist Party ö < ► of Oregon for < > ATTORNEY GENERAL EVERYTHING MAN NEEDS $1 :-F0R SALE If Elected, the moat Careful, Conscientious and Talented Li «•«al Service will be given to the People of the State. $1 To advertise our Universal Shaving Outfit and Universal Products we will ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ for a limited time only, send this well worth $3.00 Shaving Outfit for $1.00. We sell our products to the consumer Dr. Heisley’s days in Silverton, direct and therefore you save all agent»’ profits which as you know are Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. very large. Office over Preston's Sh p, leave calls BEAUTIFUL AND COLORED 1 Hollow Ground Razor. at the Shop. At Woodbum ther POST CARDS 1 5-inch Lather Brush. 32tf 1 Razor Strop, Canvas Back. 1 Nickel Easel Back Mirror Many are rich, rare, picturea of 1 33-inch Barber Towel. 1 Bar Shaving Soap. BEAUTIFUL MODELS AND 1 Box Talcum Powder. ACTRESSES 1 Decorated China Mug. Also a Self-Filling Representatives: E. W. Rosa, S '- 1 Aluminum Barber Comb. FOUNTAIN PEN verton; Fred Hua k, Marion; L. D. 1 Bristle Hair Brush. All for only 50 cent» * Rat.iff, Salem; Allen Hutcheon, Sa­ Each outfit packed in neat box $1.00. Coin or Money Order, postage 10c The greatest bargain in beautiful lem, F. J. Von Bchren, Aumsville. extra. cards and rare art pictures ever Sheriff J. E. Blazer, Silverton. UNIVERSAL PRODUCTS CO. offered. Many arc hard to obtain and < lerk—T. Y. McClellen, Turner. Re­ Dayton. Ohio. have »o'd singly for the price we ask corder—Ly,; th M. Cannon, Salem, for all. These will go quickly to all treasurer R. R. Ryan, Salem. Com­ AUTOMOBILE TIRES AT FACTORY lovers of the beautiful in nature who missioner, F. C. Ramp, Brook». Cor. PRICES apnreciate rare art pictures of well onc>‘—Bernard Pehr, Salem, ,-------- Survey- | or—Jean B. Ho»», Salem. developed models. ----------- — A reliable self-filling fountain pen SAVE FROM 30 to 60 PER CENT free with each order. These alone PRFP London “Tango” Necklace 1 1\L>L« “Evelyn Thaw” Bracelet have sold for one dollar in stores. Tire Tube These two beautiful pieces of pop­ 28x3 $ 7.20 $1.65 The 100 beautiful card» and pen all ular jewelry are the craze among no- 30x3 7.80 1.95 for but 50c and 10c in »tamp» for ciety women in New York and the 30x3 *4 10.80 2.80 postage. largest cities. They arc neat and ele­ 32x3 4 11.90 2.95 gant gold finished articles that will 34x3 % 12.40 3.00 ART PORTRAYAL CO. gladen the heart of every girl or 13.70 32x4 3.35 Dayton, Ohio. woman, no mutter how young or old. 33x4 14.80 3.50 Very stylish and attractive. 34x4 16.80 3.60 Restaurant Furniture for Sale. Our Free OITer. We are advertis­ 36x4 17.85 3.90 3 counters, 1, 20 feet long, 8 stools, ing Spearment Chewing Gum and de­ 19.75 4.85 35x4*4 5 tables, stove, cooking utensils, silver­ sire to place a box of this fine, health­ 36x4 *4 19.85 4.90 37x4 *4 21.50 5.10 ware, dishes, etc., ope grill about 16ft ful gum into every home. It sweet­ 37x5 24.90 5.90 long, other things to numerous to ens the breath—whitens the teeth and All other sizes in stock, Non-Skid mention. All practically n:w, used aids digestion. It is refreshing and pleasing to all. To every one sending tires 15 percent additional, red tubes us but 50c and 10c to cover shipping ten per cent above gray.... All, new about six months. J. F. Bartlow, Silverton, Orc. costa we will ship a big box of 20 clean, fresh, guaranteed tires. Best .'.fife regular 5c packages of the Spearmint standard and independent makes. Buy Gum and include the elegant, Team Work Wanted. direct from us and save money. 5 per “Tango” necklace and “Evelyn Thaw" cent discount if payment in full ac­ I am prepared to do all kind of bracelet absolutely free. companies each order. C. O. D. on 10 This offer is for a short time only. per cent deposit. Allowing examina­ team work in the City or Country. G've me a trial. First house west Not more than 2 orders to one party. tion. Dealers not allowed to accept thia. of the Depot. TIRE FACTORIES SALES CO. UNITED SALES COMPANY W. W. Green, Silverton, Or. Dayton, Ohio Dept A .... Dayton, Ohio 34p37 |». Q. Box 101 100 The high cost of meat which is a temptation to the trade to sell meat that is unwholesome* has brought a substitute to light called Like- Meat. It is wholesome and well named. Many who eat soups and gravy made of it cannot tell that it is a substitute. After you eat fried eggs flavored with Like-Meat you lose your taste for eggs without it. Like-Meat is made of cereals, peas, beans, lentils, and does not even contain a harmful preservative. Salt is used to preserve it. The grains and legumes that Like-Meat is made of, are very high in protien element and will furnish the system with the element so essential to health. It is put on the market by the Like-Meat Food Co. of Woodburn, Ore. So far the demand is greater than the output. He was shocked at what he eat When germs in the meat he saw; Jack got wise and bought I.ike-Meat And thus obeys hea'th’s law. 4 ► Study the Principle» he Advocate». IPS ALL IN WHAT YOU EAT. I hey ay Jack Sprat could eat no fat, So he was very lean. The inspector brought a microscope And this is what Jack seen. o < » I ► His wife was sick and flabby fat From the impure meat she ate, And so she freely used Like-Meat And was reduced in weight. Jack increased to normal size And the meat bill vanished quite Asks you to buy Like-Meat And agree that he’s done right. For all who use Like-Meat they say Are happy well and strong, So ask your grocer for it to-day And you II sing the Like-Meat song.