Œh ^ilbfrton JTournol Published every Friday morning at Silverton. Oregon, by J. E. HOSMER. Editor. Entered at the poutotfice at Silverton. Oregon, at second-class rates. Subscription. $1.00 per year, in advance. Single capies, 5 cents. Advertising rates made knownfcupon applica­ tion. This paper stands for freedom of thought, free­ dom of the press, freedom of speech, equality of opportunity and the religion of righteousness. It is radically opposed to every form of superstition and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form of evil. ? TO A ROCKY ROOTER. Say, you old Rocky Rooter there, why can’t you see. That to boost for the system that robs you and me, Is the silliest thing that a worker can do? Can't you see competition is just doing you? The Socialists claim that to join a big trust Is the sure, wisest plan the others to bust, How can you hold aloof from this practical way? Why you talk like a jackdaw and look like a jay. Come and look :>( the workers who produce all the wealth, And then look j idlers, the product of stealth; Try to dream what 'twill be when to work means to win, And to exploit another, an impossible sin. Say you old Rocky Rooster, and your poor, little wife, Don't you know that for profit you ruin your life? It is struggle to'live, or struggle for gain— To a way faring man, though a fool, it is plain. Go and look at the hovels of the poor, honest men; Go and look at the mansions of the rich upper ten; Can you vote for a system, that allows Rocky Jack To roll in his millions, at the expense of your back? THINGS ARE MOVING. and Lutherans and Camplielites and Adventists are holding aloof from each other or quarreling over baptism, preordination, Solid a» a Rock. W. M. Ladd, President. miraculous conceptions and prophicies, the great enemy of the fundamental principles of civilization is adding power to power HENRY SCHROEDER and the world is going to its purgatory before it is entirely dead. The good ¡»eople must unite on the religion of righteous­ SILVERTON, OREGON ness or 1 h * * swallowed up by the octopus of plutocracy, in the hands of the l»east of Roman Catholicism—and then the garden of Is the Agent of Columbia Life and Trust Company. This humanity will be a Mexico, a purgatory, a hell, with priests’ is the Oldest Life Insurance Co. on the Pacific Coast. children every where and the resulting broken hearted men and women as in the Philippines, with persecutions as during the in­ Policy holders Satisfied. Assets, Jan. 1st ,$522,808.94 quisition, with riotous indulgence as at Mt. Angel, with white immmumunuKunuunimnnuiuunumtinttuniumunninunmuimmmmm i slavery as it is almost every where now, and with a continuation ; of the dastardly game of exploitation that has always l»een the ruin of human happiness. Men and women of thought and men and women of action, it is time to unite. It may look like a big task, but it is now “liberty or death." Choose wisely. Unite, and the beautiful garden of mankind will blossom like the rose. Unite! THE GEM THEATRE, mo S res ROMAN CATHOLIC LAW OR AMER AN LAW WHICH? ROMAN CATHOLIC HUNGARIAN, of Perth Amboy, N. J., named Stephen Dagonya, was married on August 4, 19' *9 to Mary Csoma, a member of the Hungarian Reformed Church of the same city, by the pastor of her Church, Rev. Lopis Nanassy. In November, 1910, they took their little girl, Anna Susanna, to the Roman Catholic priest, Rev. Francis Gross, for baptism. When the father asked for the certificate of baptism, the priest declared their marriage was not a marriage, and that they were living in concubinage, but that it would become a marriage if the parents would pay him a fee of $15.00 and be remarried by him. The father replied that his marriage was valid and lawful accord­ ing to the laws of the State and his conscience, and he refused to remarry. The priest then wrote out a Certificate of Baptism in which he stated that the child was illegitimate, and that the parents were living in concubinage."—Protestant Magazine. The above quoted from one of our most reliable magazines shows what the Roman Catholic "inner circle" will do with us all if it has a chance. It also shows what they are doing. The illigitímate sons of the priests are made priests, and this scum of the earth lords it over honorable American citizens who are frightened or wheedled ipto supporting them in payment for their silly prayers and other idiotic services. It is time to act! There is nothing gained by letting this bunch of foreign pirates get every stragetic point in our country as they have at Washington, D. C. and to get more arms and ammunition stored away in their butte-built arsenals. Something should be done legally to investigate and disolve and punish the guilty. But if we can’t do it legally—Where’s John Brown? O, that is anarchy! Well, what about the murder of innocent infants in Marion County? What about the American girl-slave that is working this hot summer day in the priests’ laundry? What about the escaped nun stories? What about the priests in this state who have violated the laws of Oregon as well as the laws of nature? What about that girl who was ruined by a prominent official of the church and then married off to an in­ nocent farmer boy? Anarchy! Anarchy is a tame word and John Brown an angel. Wake up! Never Gets Old ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS Instructive and Educative. * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<■ Coolidge Street. Phone Black 1242. * Build This Spring When the Birds Do, Get a Nest of Your Own < I ■ • • It will not coot you ao much an ><»•• may think. If you employ BEN HOFSTETTER Contractor and Builder. < > Silverton, Oregon. «, o «> < > ►»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ HESE ARE DAYS OF GREAT PROMISE Old, crude ■» things are indeed passing away and behold all things are becoming new. It is being rapidly discovered that great IRL B. LYONS things can be accomplished by all uniting and co-operating, and the old idea that we must wait for a rich individual or a rich : company to develop our country, letting us work for them at starvation wages while they wax rich off of our toil, is the idea of mental incompetants. Even the men at the head of *our govern1 I handle Mueller Brass Goods, Standard Enamelware mental affairs, as slow as they havg been, are at last waking up Hydraulic Rams, Pneumatic Water Systems. I can to the necessity of starting something. The following informa­ make it worth your while to see me about your tion from our State University shows what great things can be HOP DRYER PIPES done by our government in the agricultural line: I “In the Minidoka Federal reclamation project, of Idaho, 47.700 J. ¿ DAVENPORT acres of the land is irrigated by pumping water to it, the power SOME THINGS CAN T BE SUPPRESSED. for pumping having been secured in connection with the main JOBING A SPECIALTY. PHONE BLUE 1191 work of the project. As the period when pumping for irrigating HERE ARE SOME THINGS now in the world that it would is limited, the Department finds itself with a great surplus of be impossible to suppress, and, on the other hand, there are energy for the most of the year. To market this, low rates have many things which can and will be put entirely out of been made throughout the adjacent district, the purpose being to ♦ business. As an example of the former, let us take the make the bye-uses take care of a part of the expenses incurred WE MUST GROW OR DIE! in erecting the power plant and thus effect a saving in the cost of moving pictures. Suppose an organization was formed to en­ tirely suppress the “ movies. ” Could it be done? It could not. irrigating. The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list Irrigating begins about April 1, and is entirely finished by Why? Because the very men and women who were appointed growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we October 31. During the earlier and latter parts of this season to investigate them in order to show up their bad features to the want to give even more than value received. the use is light. The project being in an agricultural region, public would become so interested in them that they would for­ Get us a club of live or more at fifty cents a year. Use there are no manufacturing interests of moment to nelp in con­ get what they were there for and would finally give it up, drop Ì the following blank: sumption of power. The Department has been compelled to dis­ out of the ranks of the imaginary reformers and the cause would • • tribute the energy throughout the rural sections and to the urban die for the want of workers and for the want of converts. It A FREE PRESS communities, for the use of lighting, for domestic purposes, and can’t be done. The “Movies” are here to stay, and more and more will we find new, wonderful, beautiful and instructive ways for heating residences. ♦ THE SILVERTON JOURNAL For heating, a rate of $1 a kilowatt month has been adopted for their use. For an example of the things that can and will lie put out of during the winter period. This figure has been found sufficiently $1.00 Per Year—In Clubs of 5, 50c low to induce a large number of residences and many public business, let us take the Catholic church. This institution is very buildings to adopt electric heating. It is estimated rnat the rate old and has a strong hold on humanity, while the moving pictures SUBSCRIPTION BLANK makes the cost of heating appreciably less than the cost of heat­ are new and, while this great modern invention can not be put out, . . yet the Catholic Church will not die very hard when people ing by means of coal in the district. EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, Recent reports indicate that in Italy plowing is being success- get time to investigate it. I^et a strong determined society be SILVERTON, OREGON. ‘ will “ happen. The more fuliy done, by electric energy. . . An instance given is that at! organized for its suppression and see what Enclosed find $................ for which «end THE JOURNAL to Reggio Emilia, where 741 acres were plowed, the use and loss of it is investigated the more disgusting, the more false and the more the following: against the best interests of humanity it is shown to be. There ­ electricity in the work aggregating 35,100 kilowatt hours. The plowing is done to a depth of 14 to 16 inches, the purpose being to fore, if human beings continue to be intelligent, this great wrong Name .......................................................................................... ............. raise unused soil to the region of root action. At Gazzo Veronese can be blotted out just as easily, and we hope easier, than was the plowing with animals was put at $5.30 per acre as a minimum, chatel slavery. Address ............................................................................................................... This fact, that things which the people want, in the long run and $5.70 as a maximum; with steam at $4.30 an acre, and with Name .. can not be supressed and that things evil must sooner or later pass electric energy, $3 an acre.” As we think of the part our universities are taking, in furnish­ away, gives us a wonderful hope. All kinds of slavery will go. Address ing us information of this nature, and of the projects our govern­ Truth may be crushed to earth, but, when we gain a little more ♦ Name .. ment has already started, our mind loses itself in its wonderful wisdom, the truth will rise again and another step is then taken pictures of the possibilities of the very near future. The great toward that higher perfectability which means another street Address water power, the great forests the great mineral deposits, the paved with the gold of happiness and love in the city, not made great areas of untouched, virgin soil—0, O, 0,wnen the people with hands, eternal, in the progressive relms of thought and < > Name .. wake up and unite and co-operate, owning the whole power of action here on earth. Address government and the earth itself, things will move indeed, every one will have work and big pay and monster industries will be YOUNG MEN NEEDED. Name developed that will so please the populace that the ladies will fall Address in love with Uncle Sam and the fathers and sons will almost his is the most interesting century the worship our beautiful lady, sweet Columbia, and her sister the far-reaching changes which must and will take place, fair Goddess of Liberty; and there will be no more strikes or lock far-reaching change which must and will take place. outs and the army of the unemployed will “keep off the grass.” There are great evils to overcome, weed out, an» their dead THE GREATEST SYSTEM OF FOR SALE And so mote it be! bodies must be removed. This work is a happy work if the A millinery Store CULTIVATION ON EARTH well located in workers understand the beautiful and most wonderful results. thriving town doing a good business. It pains those, who want to see some of the good results of their Am called away on other business THE GREAT GARDEN. labor before they die, to see so many young men stultifying their The price of the Gravity Ha d Cul­ sell cheap for cash; w«rth $600, HE CLIMBING, CLINGING PLANTS must be trained more powers by smoking, chewing and drinking the nerve poisons will tivator is IS. reduced for a short time to $350. than those whose sturdy stocks give them strength to which quickly lead to incompetency. Young man, there is a great, The price of the Gravity Junior is H. E. Brown, Agent. stand alone. Some of the sturdy ones even furnish a glorious work for you to do. Let your mind grasp the thought $5. strong support for the clinging ones and often save their that all really good people are your friends and that they need The price of the Gravity attachment frail neighbor, whose weak, wandering nature would, if he was your help as well as you need their help. “Read Dr. Jenkell is $2.50. left alone, cause him to wander among the weeds and become a wild and Mr. Hyde” and at once destroy the vial of red concoction These inventions are beyond ques­ and white chrystals that are the basis of the ruin mass of an almost fruitless caotic life. tion the greatest that were ever used The weak natures in the great human graden should be trained of millions. Let not the hideous, Hyde-like viciousness, and law­ Guaranteed Wear-Ever Hosiery For in a garden. Men and Women. from a very early period. The strong support of the main, moral less stupidity get control of you to your own ruin and to the We recommend the Gravity Hand • principles which human experience has shown to be necessary for world’s great loss. We need your help! Throw away your poison Cultivator for large gardens and for Ladies’ Special Offer ‘our success should be taught and retaught until the boy and girl can and prepare for the great, happy work of building a new home splendid deep work. The Gravity Ju­ for this and coming generations. It means true salvation toyouand For Limited Time Only— never want to wander from the paths of righteousness. nior ;s a lighter machine and is espe­ The sad lack of the teaching of these mental, moral principles to the world. Come! cially adapted for women and children value Six pair of our finest 35c at home and in the schools is very largely the cause of the many ladies’ guaranteed hose in black, tan with small gardens. The Gravity at­ sleepy, moralless and vicious.youth, and the do-nothing, and the WHEN THE MISTS HAVE CLEARED AWAY. or white colors with written guarantee, tachment works on the same principle for $1.00 and ,0c for postage, etc. worse-than-do-nothing, men and women of to day. A few are but is attached to other tools, such as Offer For Men made of too sturdy stock, or, they reach back to some noble Any universal evil varies in its growth and results, according For a Special limited time only, six pairs of a pointed hoe or rake, and it is one of character in their ancestory and can not be led astray by any or­ to the particular soil in which it has taken root. The slavery of our finest 35c value Guaranteed Hose the finest things any gardener ever dinary evil environment, but what a beautiful, heavenly home the masses in our commercialized age has as many variations as color with written guarantee and used. With any one of these machines garden of humanity this world will be when the energies of the theie are commercial centers. Most cities and towns have been any a pair of our well known Men *« Para­ the worker can do the work of five or strongest will not be sapped by the parasitic clinging ones, or the ruled with the iron hand of the local merchants. They have been dise Garter« for one dollar, and 10c six men and do it much better than garden run over with the lawless, untrained, creeping characters considered the “whole cheese,” and with the help of their slave for postage, etc. know these hose; they stood with a hoe or with the old style push and the weeds they help to grow in their part of the garden. drivers, the public press, they have made the workers pay them all the You test when all others failed. They machines. The Gravity cultivates deep To the end that the great, main ethical principles, which form they could earn in the way of profit. If a slave in one of these give real foot comfort. They have no or shallow; it works *ery rapidly; it the very frame work of our civilization, may not be lost and that centers of commercial slavery is a “good dog” he is smiled and seams to rip. They never become loose does the work better than any other they may be rapidly erected in the garden, let the homes and the coddled and boosted into the best slave positions provided it is for and baggy as the shape is knit in, not hand cultivator in the world and it pressed In. They are Guaranteed for schools where it is possible devote more time to their teaching the masters’ interests, but let him think and express a thought fineness, for style, for superiority of does it so easy that gardening becomes and their review, but let this not be all. The protestant churches contrary to the big interests and in favor of the workers, and— material and workmanship, absolutely a pleasure. Write for information or should at once unite on this foundation and let the ancient Jewish we’ve said tex» much for our own good already. I^et’s forget it and stainless and to wear six month« with­ send the price and we will ship a ma- superstitions and the modern Roman rottenness, be left to in­ work for our own sweet, slave prosperity—and thus the world out holes, or anew pair free. chin'« at once. Don’t delay send in your order be­ dividual analysis. Too much time is taken up by the many little moves out of the old, slavish hell, slowly indeed; but, happy fore J. E. HOSMER, offer expire«. Give correct size. protestant churches in the unprofitable speculations of future glory thought, “we will know each other better when the mists (myths) WEAR-EVER HOSIERY COMPANY Inventor and Manufacturer, Silver- and supernatural attributes of individuals. While the Methodists have cleared away.” Dayton, Ohio ton, Oregon. SILVERTON’S PROGRESSIVE PLUMBER »■ IRL B. LYONS i T 1 : I : T T SPECIAL HOSIERYOFFER