The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, June 19, 1914, Image 1

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T he S ilverton J ournal
Supreme Court Approve» Conviction of Silverton Man in Ca»e of
Mount Angel Convent—Law Define» Libel.
Salem, Oregon, June 16.—Conviction of J. E. Hosmer, editor of a
paper at Silverton, on the charge of committing criminal libel against
the Mount Angel convent, was affirmed by the supreme count today
in an opinion written by Justice McNary and concurred in by Chief
Justice McBride and Justices Bean and Eakin.
The libel was contained in the publication of an alleged confession
of Mary Lasenan, a nun, who was said to have escaped from the
When the time of trial came the defendant could not locate Miss
Lasenan and asked for a postponement of the trial. This was denied
by Justice Kelly, and this action of the Justice constitutes one of
the grounds upon which an appeal was made. The supreme court
held that no error had been committed in this instance, as facts
were not presented to the court that the missing witness could not be
The court also held that the plaintiff’s contention that the in­
dictment was faulty because it contained no allegation that the
publication was malicious was untenable, in view of the statutory
definition of the crime of libel.”
This blow fell heavy on the editor who writes these.lines. He
received papers from the Supreme Court several years ago which
made him an attorney, and from what he knows of law, his idea
that justice is bound to win in the long tun, anu the opinions of
other practicing attorneys, he was led to believe that the
lower court’s opinion would be reversed.
But here is exactly how the matter stands to date:
For publishing the truth we are convicted of criminal libel.
We published the sworn affidavit of a Christian Minister as to
what this escaped nun said. What she said is true. That she said
it is true. That the minister swore that she said it is true. But
for telling what she said we are hauled into court, for criminal
libel, and finally, after months of wearisome waiting, we are said
to be guilty. We will probably go to jail, for we will never pay
the fine. The Hierarchy would break us up as they thave thousands
of others. The $50,000 damage case will come up against us next,
if The Silverton Journal is kept running, for they want to stop
and will stop, if we let them, every free press in America.
But our press will run even if we do go to jail. If we go, and
although the disgrace, when we look at it in one way, seems more
Hosmer Must go to Jail—What For?
After one of the most unfair and
farcical of travesties upon justice it Information About Factories and En­
terprises That Employ Labor and
has been decided that one of our
Matters Affecting the Development
fe'low patriots must go to jail. The
Roman Catholic Hierarchy as it al­
ways has done carries out its sinister
desires by means of seeular power (Compi’ed by the State Bureau of
Industries and Statistics.)
which they control. This trial was a
During the past week the Oregon
farce. Hosmer was not given oppor­
tunity to put on his chief witness, Public Uti'ities commission has fixed
Mary Lasenan. He was forced to go standards of quality in water, gas,
to trial without being given time to light, heat, and telephone service.
Effect of order not yet known.
than we can bear, we will go witn a smile and with gladness that secure affidavits from the East which July 1st, the new Workingmen's
were necessary to support h's side of
we can sacrifice for the cause of human liberty which we have the case.
Compensation Act goes into effect and
learned to love more than our own life. We do not wish to be The courts of Oregon are under the Ahis is the last date on which manu­
misunderstood. We do not want to go to jail, but paying a fine domination of the Roman Cathclic facturers and employers can give
notice of not coming under the pro­
where there is such a principle at stake is more of a disgrace than hierarchy as this case clearly reveals. visions
of the act.
being locked up. We defy the |>ower of this hellish system that when there will be a reckoning
Big strike reported at High Grade
has entrapped, not #nly us, but millions and utterly ruined the Note if you please just why these mine, near New Pi«e Creek.
lives and happiness of unnumbered billions of the most law courts of justice! ?) are punishing this Work will start soon on the Carne­
patriotic man. Mary Lasenan an es­ gie library at Marshfield.
abiding and well-wishing people of the world.
In asking for paving bids, Albany
caped nun from the Mt Angel convent
bids on concrete paving.
is rescued by members of the Chris­
Falls is now after the
tian church at Silverton Oregon to
whom she flees for succor. She tells Bandon Woolen Mills with a free site.
The Gleason yards at Cottage Grove
a horrible story of abuse suffered at
the hands of th« convent authorities. wr'l burn a half million brick.
The new power plant for Canby and
There hn’t A CRIME contemplated gives u* the right to know your plots Several citizens make affidavit to the Clackamas county is being rushed.
fact that this nun to’d this story.
in the a leged 4th Degree Oath that and purposes.
Lafayette will install a $15,000
Hosmer prints the affidavit. Every
you have not ATTEMPTED,OR COM­
What are you buying those rifles word of it is the truth. The courts water plant.
St. Johns is providing a street for
send Hosmer to jail. The priests can
outlet for the Western Cooperage
continue their beastly conduct and
Your 4th Degree men are armed
that employs 200 men.
secret drilling?
continue to ruin the young woman­
member» of a Treason league, and
All the principal streets of Heppner
Why this “Militia of Christ,” which hood of this nation.
the law ought to break you up—just Archbishop Quigley boastfully de­
The courts will call them father. ' are to be oiled.
as the law broke up the Mollie clared was ready to fight, when the The nuns can continue their business
Andrew Kennedy is putting in
Maguires and the Ku Klux Klan.
and a plant to manufacture
Italian pope gave the word.
| of white slavery and the courts w’i’l
Your Treason league is a more
Who is it your Italian boss wants reverent'y cal! them sisters. These coal brickets on Coos Bay.
dangerous enemy to the general wel­ you to fight?
The skyscraper limit has been
iecherous imposters on the human
fare of this country, than the Black
When do you expect your orders family control the courts of this our raised at Portland from 160 feet to
Hand ever wa»—more dangerous than from Italy?
land of the free!?), /'nd an editor 200 feet.
White Slavers are!
The McKenzie river hatchery is to
What sort of Christianity is it that who dares to tell the truth must go
You are bound by oath as vassals of needs so many secret societies, so to jail. The courts by refusing this be increased in capacity to 2,000,000
a foreign potentate—a usurper at that many secret oaths, so many secre. «nan a fair and impartial trial may fish annua1 ly.
and the vilest of impostors—the dead, drill-masters, so many swords and put him in jail but they can not
Warrenton, Clatsop and W st Side
liest enemy to democracy, to labor, rifles ?
put in jail the tide of public sentiment towns are to have telephones.
to self-government, to Home Rule, to
Hood River Royal Anne cherries all
Do you think we are blind ? Do that will be aroused against this
morality and true religion.
you iaiagine that we will allow these I n«farious piece of business when the sold to The Dalles at five cts.
Seaside will have a 200,000 per d iy
You have no legal right to vote, menacing preparations for war tc public finds out the truth. Every day
serve on juries, or hold office: by the continue indefinately ?
that Hosmer is in jail will only add
oath you take you voluntarily Become
Engin- ers are working on a $350,-
Do you fancy that the Italian priest, {to the fire of wrath already started
aliens; and you should not be allowed wearing the triple crown, can take | by the nefarious activities of »he 000 foothills ditch to irrigate 8600
to exercise any civ'l right, or politi­ Lis own time and us? hi; own methode | Roman Church.
acres at Medford, to be completed by
cal privilege, that other aliens are not to subvert ourdemocratic institutions ?
Let every patriot w».o reads the. <? 1915.
permitted to enjoy.
1 l.c campaign for a tw o-mill limit
Already your brutal mobs have at­ lines immediately send to J. E. Hos­
If you were coming into this coun­ tacked our churches, beaten our mer some sum of money to assist him on state taxes will be made by the
try from Italy, you should have to speakers, threatened the lives of i in paying expenses while he is forced taxpayers direct in the Willamette
swear off that treasonous oath, before others, and shouted in the str“ets of to remain away from his business in Valley.
Brick manufacture is being estab­
you could become naturalized citizens. such cities as Brooklyn, “DEATH TQ order that he may satisfy the desires
at S’sters.
If you were Italians, living in Rome THE PROTESTANTS!”
1 of a heartless hierarchy. Remember
Mosier wants a fruit cannery.
and bound to the Italian pope ns you
Already your Quigleys and your this that their great desire is to ruin
New’ school houses are going to be
are now bound, it would not be any Phelans have insolently told us that his paper anu to stop its publication
of our business; and you would not your Itilian boss has the right to because it tells the truth about the built in Lane county, cost $60,000.
be a menace to our liberties.
Willamette Pacific tracks ‘ are to
"punish” Protestants, for being Prot­ Hierarchy. Patriots to the rescue! •
tidewater by October 1st. In
The fact that you are spies and estants, just as the State has the right
al’ 1500 men are employed.
traitors, inside our citadel is what to punish criminals for being
Douglas county will finish planking
constitutes our danger from you, and criminals.—Sei.
the road over Camas mountain.
Bandon will erect a municipal dock.
1 he Coudersport (Pa.) Enterprise
same if Hosmer had been a Catholic
has voted $175,000 bonds
recently contained a novel paid ad­
L'ttle drops of priest-craft,
priest? “Nit”!
springs and baths
vertisement. It was three columns
Little poli-tics,
• • •
wide and twelve inches long, and it on a large scale.
The Pope, Lord of America,
Governor West announces that 2000
Were Adam and Eve Catholics, and was an application for a license to
And Columbia in a fix.
of the Tumalo project is ready
• • •
at forty dollars per acre.
tory far eating that apple?
The petitioner said he was willing
O yes, we know the Hierarchy is
of the North Pacific
♦ * ♦
to pay liberally for the privilege, and
the greatest organized power on earth,
Fruit Distributors Association says
Those who know enough to “say
but give up, NEVER! They can cut
the Panama canal will bring large
Hosmer’s legs off at the knees, put nothing and saw wood” get rich and others to carry on the business pro­ shipments of German beer and the
his eyes out, and force him to dig don’t have to go to jail or pay a fine. ducing at least three-fourths of the vessels will take fruit tonnage back
crime committed in the community,
dirt and wheel it out of one of their Hosmer is a fool!
with them.
he did not see why his request should
• * •
underground dungeons, but even then
The Oregon grain crops are esti­
he would be free to think and plan
Is it or is it not a fact that the Hie­
at 69,024,000 bushels by the
He considered that the business of
and defy the the hellish beast of rarchy has been fitting young men to
of Agriculture.
occupy positions on the supreme bench horse-stealing, for which he asked a
Lumber shipments out of Columbia
in our state and in our nation ? If it
the community than that of selling river ports aggregated 6,118,000 feet,
Machine politics had something to is so what are you going to do about
and Coos Bay 9,316,000 for the last
do with the decision against Hosmer, it?
two weeks of May.
He pledged himself not to take
• • •
don’t you think ? O, it’s a great sys­
A million pounds of wool sold at
away the senses of any man, or cause
tem and if you like it, keep it.
One of the best Jesuit stunts is to
Shaniko last Thursday, 16 to 20 cts.
* • •
educate young men to fill judicial po­ murder.
A new industry in Oregon is the
Would the Macks and the Micks sitions and then attend to their elect­
demand for husbands.
He promised not to steal horses
on the Supreme bench have voted the ion. It’s great!
engineers are promoting an
on Sunday or on election day or on
100,000 drainage project.
legal ho'idays or after ten o’clock at
night. He also agreed not to steal
Monmouth, Oregon---------
* colts, or horses that have no sense, Dear Mr. Hosmer:—
Patriotic Reader:
• or old, broken-down plugs.
I am enclosing 20 cents for one copy
I have been boycotted, slandered, persecuted, prosecuted and now
He reminded the court to which he of each of the “Escaped Nun and the
convicted of criminal libel for telling the truth. I do not like
app’ied that “the community could June “Protestant.”
to tell you this nor what I am about to say, but I do not want to
not be run without license fees,” and
Mr. Hosmer, I enjoy your editorials.
be crushed entirely. I think I can do much good if allowed to
that “if he did not steal horses some I know that they must be the result
continue in my work. So listen! The enemies of free speech and
* one else would,” and that “all at- of much thought. Wh:,e I fear that
a free press have compelled me to go in debt. I owe $4,837. This
temps to prohibit horse-stealing only you somewhat overdraw the Roman
may not look like a large debt to some people, but it is a mighty
result in sneaks and liars.” He also situation, I believe that the Catholic
big burden under present conditions and I fear it more than going
directed attention to the number and Church is an enemy to our public
to jail. It should be paid at once, and then, even if I go to jail
character of those subscribing to his schools, Freethought.and Liberty such
for three or four months, I can write from there and with good
petition, which included Eaton B. as patr’otic Americans understand the
help in the mechanical department and the good wife in the businss
Merry, Barr T. Ender, Wurse N. Use­ term. As a teacher and student of
office we can print the SILVERTON JOURNAL in spite of the
♦ less, A. Ward Heeler and Justwon History, I am wondering what will be
Catholic Hierarchy. But listen! This is not a begging letter. Iwish
* Glass.
the result of Roma’s aggressiveness.
to give more than value received. I want 10,000 subscribers to
This bright advertisement is one of It is gratefying to know that the ten­
the Silverton Journal at 50 cents per year. This is a square deal
the shrewdest temperance arguments
dency of Protestant churches is to
and will be the best answer we can give to Old Rome’s attacks.
ever set forth. And why is it not a consolidate—this they should have
It will pay all our debts and make us sing like a lark on the way * perfect legitimate argument? Prac­ done long, long ago. But Rome will
to jail. The subscription price of our paper is one dollar per year
* tically every one acknowledges the compromise NEVER. It is too bad,
hut for the next thirty days we will cut the price in two to every- * harmfulness of the saloon. If we indeed, that Napoleon did not raze the
body. Send in one subscriber, or as many as you can, at 50 cents. * license it, why not license less harm­ Vatican and exile the Pope. Yes, per­
Lets’ pull together! Do your best and I'll do mine!
ful sins also?
haps you are right in saying that did
Yours for “Staying With It,”
If the advocates of license were cap­ His Holiness(?) have his way, you
• able of seeing a point, they would see and I would be burned at the stake.
this one.—Ex.
Yours for Liberty and Freethought.
Catholic Priests in This County Who Have Com-
milled Adultery, He Who Committed Sodomy,
Those Who Have Committed Child Murder and
Those From Whom the Nun Escaped Are All
Free; but Hosmer, Who Told the Truth, May HOT SHOT FROM TOM WATSON.
Go To Jail tor He Will Not Pay the Fine.
The following appeared in the Oregon Daily Journal last Tuesday:
NO. 33.