The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 24, 1914, Image 3

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Silverton Journal,
Cut out <»n «lotted line and mail to J. E. HOSMER, Silverton, Orriron
______________________ _ 191—
E ditor of S ilverton J ournal ,
S ilverton , O regon .
Enclosed find $1.00. for which
send the J ournal to
< ►
Joyful Childhood
Beautiful Womanhood
“All that is human must retrograde if it do not advance."—Gibbon.
1914 OREGON DRY 1914
Man's liberty ends, and it ought to end, when that liberty becomes
the curse of his neighbors."—Farror.
Happy Old Age
Noble Manhood
< >
... OR —
for one copy
for 12
4.00. .
for 50
for 100 copies
for 500 copies
for 1000 copies
J. E. HOSMER, Silverton, Oregon
We have just what
you are looking for
For Sale.
Satin-finish, silver-plated J. W. York
alto, used about four months, with
good case. Will sell reasonably. Jay
E. Myers, Journal office.
There are so many things that
we have that you need, just as
good as new. Come in and see.
Use the subscription blanks we en­
close in The Journal to get us new
subs. It is the only way we can sur­
vive. This is your fight, as well as
ours. Let’s each do his part well and
a great victory will be won.
Second Hand Store
tion to overcome capitalistic environ­
"T'he Value of Differences.”
ment; we urge the voters to look, not
to the man but to the principles sup­
Looking out upon nature we are de-
While apparently deprecating any
We, the Socialists of Morrow ported by the man or woman, which Pghted with the innumerable varieties injection of the church into politics,
County in Convention assembled this principles make for the better con­ of type, form, color, etc. What a mono­ Roman Catholic papers are repeatedly
28th day of February, 1914 declare ditions. Especially do we invite the tony life would be, !f ternal sameenas emphasizing the success of Catholic
for political emancipation from fur­ newly enfranchised women to study were nature’s order. Just as flowers ' candidates for office. Thus the Cath­
ther capitalist Incompetency and fail- social economics as defined by the differ in color and form, just as each olic Citizen (January 18), under the
1 ure to provide for present day society Socialists in their platform and use type or species is distinct in character, heading “A Catholic Senator from
and through our numlters and solidar- the ballot intelligently for their social so al so do men differ in personal char­ Montana,” prints this paragraph:—
I ity as the working class of farm, of and industrial emancipation.
acteristics. So also do men differ in
Hon. Thomas J. Walsh, a Catholic
■ factory, of forest and mine propose to
As a mater of present legislation we mental inclinations, in views and opin­ and a Knight of Columbus, was on
take over the management of affairs point out the favorable and unfavor­ ions. And, it is well that they do. Monday elected United States Senator
and minister to the necessiti s of the able proposed jnitia4ive measurer, What a mental monotony and stagna­ from Montana, receiving every vote
whole people.
coming up for your consideration at tion would ensue, should all men think cast in the two houses of the Montana
We declare for and endorse the the coming election as follows:
alike on all subjects. How stupid life Legislature.
national and international platform of
1st—We endorse the measure for would lie. Think of politics without
The simple fact that the Citizen
the Kbcialist party and consider the abolition of the Senate, which is a discenting minority, without ir.sur- designates Mr. Walsh as “a Catholic
socialism us the political expression a senseless, useless, expensive capital­ rectors or insurgents. Think of life senator” indicates its division of sena­
of the class struggle. We declare that istic institution.
without inovators, inventors and pro­ tors into Catholic and non-Catholics,
tl|c whole people should own, pos.-c,- «
2nd We endorse the measure for moters. Why, life without progress and suggests that the former are ex­
ami control that which they collective­ proportional representation <n legis­ or change is simply unthinkable. pected to act as Catholics. We pro­
ly use and need for their collective lative assembly, whereby all parties And could there be progress without teat against this ecclesiasticism in
welfare and happiness.
may lie fairly represented; adding inovation? without change? Eternal politics.—Ex.
We declare that the natural re- greatly to the shortening of the initia- Progress is nature’s divine and inexor­
War, V\ hat For?
sources of life are the inalienable, live ballot and giving the people able law. Evolution is the process of
The pope acknowledged the South­
rightful property of the people who greater justice and equity.
that law in outward manifestation.
must live by them and that the great
3rd We endorse the $1500 exemp- Fixity is death! God’s divine com­ ern Confedracy. He called Lee “my
dear son.” Beaureguard, the rebel
tools of industry with which these re­ tion measure whereby those citizens mand to man is ever “Forward”!
sources are operated which can only with property in p ain view of the
Why should this divine law tie ig­ general, was a Roman Catholic. Rom­
be operated collectively; which in real­ assessor may be exempt to that nored in religion? Why should men an Cathol’c priests were in the con-
ity are but the inanimate hands, feet, amount to even up with the unseen tie bound by tradition? or to exper­ spiricy to kill Abraham Lincoln.
Huerta is a Catholic. Woodrow Wil
eyes and mind of society, with which property that escapes taxation, owned iences of the past ?
it must provide for its needs, should by those who have greater wealth.
Why should men tie circumscribed son came from the South. His pri­
vate secretary is a Catholic. .Mr. Wil­
also belong to the people who use
4tl»-- We endorse a right-to-work I by binding creeds?
measure for the unemployed for
Why should men be asked or made son attended mass. The rebels in
We deciare that
building state highways and other to subscribe to ideas and notions in re­ Mexico are not Catholic and their gen­
machine tools our mode of production J public features at a wage that will ligion long since outgrown or proven eral is not a CathoPc. He and his
I soldiers are fighting for freedom and
has been entirely changed since th«’ l>e sufficient for every deserving to be erroneous ?
present competitive system of econ- citizen, who has been a resident of
Why should standards and methods were making it very tropical for the
«omics was established by our fore­ the state for one year, to maintain lielonging to the 13th. century lie im­ ' Catholic general, Huerta. What is
fathers and that the capitalist party and decently care for a family; the posed upon men in th!s 20th. century? the conclusion of the whole matter?
It is a Catholic fight pure and sim­
politicians, in their blind greed for money to be raised on inheritances of Why should medieval speculations be
gain, are unable to adapt their pro­ wealthy deceased citizens, whose made a test of faith with men now, ple and it is a fight in which the Cath­
gramme to the necessary change that estate exceeds the amount necessary when change and progress is the or­ olics’ inner circle expect to be the
must be made to provide for ALL the to comfortably care for the heirs to der of nature? Why bind men with great winners. There will be many
whom it may be bequeathed.
the oldness of the letter, when the engaged who will never know that
We declare that if the present lack
5th—We oppose the “Bourne anti- newness of the spirit urges and im­ they are fighting to extend the
pow’er of the Roman Catholic church,
of co-operation, socially, were applied paid-petition-circulator” measure pelís—forward and upward?
industrially, not a railroad, not a whereby the common people will be
Is not primarily every man a law but if this war is not hatched up to
save the beast in poor bleeding Mex­
steamship line, not a mine, not a deprived of the practical working of unto himself?
factory, not a large farm could be the initiative and referendum.
“There is in man a spirit, and the in­ ico, what is it hatched for? A sillier
We declare the Socialist party to spiration of the Almighty giveth un­ excuse for a war never was dreamed
of and the dishonor, if dishonor there
We declare that if the natural re­ be the only party whose goal is the derstanding”.
sources and machine tools were complete freedom of the workers
If infinite wisdom has decreed be, is in this great nation throwing
socially owned and managed, as they from the bondage imposed by the ever “Diversity,” how anw why should away the people’s money and their
are now socially operated, there could increasing power of the capitalist any church or any eccliastical insti­ best lives on such a puerile pretext.
There is something behind this war
be no idle hands or hungry mouths, class; we realize the necessity of re­ tution demand “Conformity”?
no want, no destitution or failure to moving as far as lies in our power,
Out of the-within-of each heart let more than an imaginary insult to our
provide for every nec ssity and plea­ every obstacle which has a tendency to us have full and free utterance each as flag, just as there was In the war with
Spa:n. The blowing up of The Maine
sure of the entire human family; and hinder the free and natural develop­ the spirit giveth.—Unitarian.
was not the real cause and this fact is
that we might continually improve ment of the mental and physical
well known to day. And when the
our social and economic condition and powers of man; and we realize that
great day comes that exploitation and
get ALL there is of pleasure and the strong drink habit among the
war, and that old fossil of paganism
satisfaction in life and living; and working class is becoming a power,
further that, were the simple rule of which, by deadening their sensibilities, citizen of artistic tastes read that six­ calling istelf a church, is no more, we
common interest and common sense tends further to enslave them,—we teen paintings of more than ordinary may know through a better under-
quality, a traveling educatinonal art ; standing of the history of this barbar­
applied to distribution that is applied therefore resolve.
to production, all strife found between
That we, the Socialists in Morrow exhibit, were to be shown in Portland. ous age what was the real cause for
individuals, found between nations, County Convention assembled, this Eugene is not a great city like Port­ I starting a wholesale murder business
cu'minating in the demand for the 28th day of February, 1914, favor as land, but the citizen, Mr. Allen Eaton, with our southern neighbors.
Boy Scout recruting station for police, an immediate demand, an amendment believed his fellow townsmen would
Keep Posted
for militia, for standing armies and to the constitution, prohibiting the appreciate a chance to view these
Those who have bought land and
for large navies would recede to a manufacture and sale of intoxicating paintings: he did not believe, in short, live in and near Silverton, and those
that the artistic feeling is restricted who contemplate the purchase of pro­
minimum and the tax now levied in liquors in Oregon.
to places of more than 100,000 popula­ perty here can keep posted as to local
wasted energy and human lives
D. S. BARLOW, Chairman,
through war would cease to be.
HERBERT W. COPELAND, Secy. tion. Inspired by him, nearly 100 in­ doings and developments by subscrib-
habitants of Eugene contributed to a ' ing to the Silverton Journa', a paper
We declare that politicians instead
fund to have the paintings brought which faithfully reflects conditions as
of statesmen, who now make up the
to their city and put on exhibition, i they really exist. This is the best
official life of capitalism, dominate the
free to all.
people to their injury and not to their
(For the Silverton Journal)
way for the seller and the buyer to
During the five days the paintings keep in touch with the advancement
Say Patrick stand up said the Judge
remai''<Hl, 5.000 persons went to see , and rapid growth of the country.
to the court
We declare that the evil of our
social condition ’s a disease, brought Till 1 read you the crime for which them. Farmers and their wives came The Journal is a weekly paper $1.00
clear from the foot-hills. Eager in­ | per year, send subscriptions to the
you are here.
about by incompetent legislation and
as such is curable by legislation.
Are you guilty or not you have heard dividuals came from towns forty editor, J. E. Hosmer.
distant. Practically
the report
We declare against monopolies, not
I also find the paper an excellent
by curtailing their power to extort Shall 1 punish you Pat or let you go school child in Eugene passed before advertising medium.
the pictures, and th£ number of them
clear ?
from the people, but by overthrowing
H. E. Brown
is additional to the 5,000 mentioned.
the political parties and the system
The building up of a community HERE IT IS, CHEAP FOR CASH
that protects and fosters them and we Sure I’m guilty said Pat, of the half
love for the artistic things of life is
yez have read
would establish instead thereof a co­
Will give reasonable terms:
operative system.
For I’m shure I did bate Tom Muldoon not impossible anywhere.—Extention
If you are looking for something
wid me fist
We declare the several capitalist
that will make you a nice home and a
How does such work as the above nice income, and a good investment
parties to be but one party in prin­ But ye see I was drunk as the witness
compare with the efforts of a saloon on your money, you should look this
has said
ciple, founded on a system of produc­
tion for profit instead of for use, and On the manest corn whiskey yez iver keeper or a blind pigger to get rich ? up.. . Investigate! I have 160 acres
Down with evil! Up with the good, near Molalla with new 6 room house
did taste.
that their power to rob is vested in
the beautiful and the true!—Ed.
legislation, which the working class
and other buildings, all kinds of fruit,
by their number and solidarity con­ But Pat I dont drink said the Judge
30 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in
of the court,
good pasture.and one of the best water
We declare this statement is veri­ Shure don’t yez yer honor said Patrick
powers on Cedar Creek. There <s a
For two acres, fine black soil, right in cruze of 1.000,000 ft. of fir saw timber
amazed ?
fied by the action of the capitalist
; Silverton ? $800. Also—
parties uniting to def at the Socialist \ ez should just take a drop and see
A 5-room house and bam on a good and 100,000 of piling. You will find
party whenever it presents a solidar-
how t’will work
i lot, for $1200. Both places can be ex­ this is an Ideal place for the pr<ce.
ity likely to gain legislative and ex- On yer brain and yer fist when wid changed for aecreage near Silverton. $6,400. I have not told ail the goml
How about this farm? Four acres qualities, but if you are .interested
ecutive power.
liquor yer crazed!
' on Water and Smith streets, with all
We declare the main issue before
kinds of orchard, berries and garden. come in and we will talk it over.
the people is the private ownership Shure yer honor grants license to sell Modern improvements, buildings of all
103 acres near Silverton. 80 rods to
kinds; hot and cold water; $4200. Is
of public utilities, operating under a
us the drink
good school. 2’i miles to station and
wage system that produces for profit For I seen Muldoon's papers hanging this, or is it not, a snap ?
I have a score of other good proper­ store on Main R. Route, telephone in
and not for use resulting in an army
up on the wall
ties to sell and exchange, which I
of the unemployed of which there Wid the names of yerself and two would like to advertise. However I house, on Cream Route, every con­
must leave a small part of it out, hop­ venience and an up-to-date farm, 35
were some 5,000,000 during the past
deacons I think
winter in these United States. For And shure good folks should know ing you will come in and let me tell acres under cultivation, 6 acres hops,
you about it. It doesn’t matter where family orchard, berries, good garden,
relief from this oppression we, the
what is good for us all.
you want it, or what you want to pay,
Socialist party, political representa­ But answer my question, the angry or exchange for it, I can get you what 7 room House, 2 large barns, sheds
and smoke house, a good new Hop
| you want. Call or write,
tives of the working class, separate
Judge said
house, hop press and all kinds of farm
ourselves from and renounce all I’m not guilty, said Pat somewhat
Box 145, Silverton, Or.
equipments, also 4 good horses, 4 cows
parties made up from the capitalist
restless and twisty,
and about 12 head of young stock,
class and by consolidation of our Well I guess I did bate on the bar­
For Sale
fine broode sows, chickens, wagons,
tinders head
greater numbers (the workers as com­
400 acres in tracts of 10 acres and harnesses etc...The price of this is
pared with the capitalists) declare for But I just gave him back what I found
up. This is very best garden truck $8.500; will take part cash and some
a new freedom and complete emanci­ in his whiskey.
land, close in near Scandinavian good city or income property.
pation from further capitalist mis­
management and domination.
Now I’ve answered ye Judge and 1 Church, will sell this on easy terms.
H. E. Brown, Silverton, Oregon.
guess I'll get bail
We therefore present to you, this
26 and two-thirds acres close to
declaration of principles and platform For shure I feel Judge if I’d got in
Salem. 5 acres in good cultivation and
a mix
and pledge our nominees to work for
For Sale.
about 12 more easily cleared, good
political power to the end that educa­ But yerself and the deacons of course , $10,300 for almost 104 acres on good creek and well water, fine pasture for
tion along the lines set forth in these
should be jailed
macadam road, close to Silverton, 8- 6 cows, oak and fir wood, fruit and
declarations may be accomplished that For getting an innocent man in a fix. ! room house, 3 large new barns, 85 berries and 5 choice walnut trees.
will emancipate the products of our
acres in crop, balance fine pasture; The buildings on this place are all
toil and give to the working class the And now good day Judge I think I’ll well, creek and spring water. Fences new and up-to-date, on main country
full social value of their effort; chal­
go home
all new, woven wire. Family orchard, road, 3 miles out from Salem. This
lenging every evil and co-operating I’m not guilty of half of them things berries and garden; enough fir and oak handsome little farm is to exchange
with every good thing that presents
yez have read.
wood for fuel; $5000 cash, balance 7 for Silverton property, or part ex­
for the welfare of the common people And I hope when from prison the per cent, terms to suit. This is the change and part cash, or terms. A
of the working class.
«’hole of yez comes
best-paying farm for the price which small payment down will handle it.
No man or woman can raise socially Yez will all have a little sound since I have on my list. It will easily run 40 The buildings cost about $3,500.
above their environment. We are the
in yer head.
If you w ant to buy or exchange see
cows and twice as many hogs. For
subjects of that which envelops us.
particulars see the exclusive agent,
me, over Journal Office.
We must have working class co-opera-
H. E. BROWN, Silverton, Ore.
Forest Grove, Or .