The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 24, 1914, Image 2

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    good work ol killing the "devil” is the question of character and
sincerity, not of dogmatic belief. Thus we are undergoing a great
change for the better, for truth will come to the world and right­
eousness will grow only as we unite to kill that which destroys
Published every Friday morning at Silverton. Oregon, by
truth and righteousness in the human mind. In the political
J. E. HOSMER, Editor.
world it is the same. The most wonderful change is coming has
already started. It started many years ago, but, although it
Entered at the poetatile« at Silverton. Oregon,
seems like a long time on the way, yet we can rejoice that "the
at »econd-clai*» rates.
Subscription. 11.00 per year, in advance. Single
Instructive ami Educative.
copies. 6 cents.
from a government by a favored, divinely! ?) chosen or aristocratic
Advertising rates made knawn upon applica­
[H'ople and for the people. The establishment of this great re­
Thi« paper «land* for freedom<>f thought, free­
was a very important and wonderful change for the ¡»eople
dom of the pre», free.ioin of apeeeh. equality of
f 1776, and now, even the old crude methods of representitive
opportunity and the religion of righteounne.s It
la radically oppoaed to every form of auparatithin
Coolidge Street. ♦
government which grew into misrepresentitive government is <► Phone lilarh 1242.
and tyranny, or licenaing or permitting any form
of evil.
giving way to initiative and referendum methods; half our adult
and intelligent citizenery, w in» formerly were considered as having
Build This Spring When the Birds Do,
no political rights, have been enfranchised in many of our states; I
that old relic of the House of Lords, the senate, is being examined j < •
Get a Nest of Your Own
HE REVOLUTION IS ON! Roman mob violence has pre­ and already in Oregon the voters will say yes or no with a strong
cipitated it, and the best move for the Protestant world probability that the no's will have it and this costly political fossil
It will not rout you ho much hh you m»y think, if you .... ploy
now to make is to get together. If we don't we are going will probably be laid on the table for the first time in history by
to get licked. Extreme conditions require extreme
< >
measures, and we suggest that the individual members of all pro­ vole on such questions as the abolition of the liquor traffic; in
testant denominations be allowed to hold their personal belief, but Oregon we will do so at our next election, anil many estimate that |
Contrartor and Builder.
that all immediately unite on the broad basis of righteousness and this monster evil will go with a majority of at least 10,ODD patriots
Silverton, Oregon.
that an entirely new church with an entirely new name be estab­ shouting praises to the great and glorious change.
lished. We can select a name that means Catholic or universal.
The new church will thus be the first real Catholic or Universal some might wish, but "the deal” is just naturally on and such
church in exist&ace and it will be a power and tne only power things never go backwards. The old methods are forever dead. .
imaginable that can win out in a life and death struggle with the They are things of the past as surely as is the dodo, the reptilian I
Romans’ so called Catholic church which is far more Roman than bird or the trilohite. Nor should we weep for the old forms and
RATES: Single Meal 25 cents
Phone Main 209
Catholic, far more pagan than Christian and far more of a corrupt methods. They have served their time, and, now that which is
Rooms 50 eta and up
more nearly perfect has come, let us scratch the conservative,
political power than a church.
In this fight for life, any protestant who does not sink self and
his dogmas and prejudices, and enter the fight as a brother of the of the twentieth century, the buds and blossoms of this spring time
humblest and most mistaken soldier, is not worthy of membership. of the ages. All life is beautiful only because it changes, and if *
It is a fact that the members of every protestant church in this we as individuals can be in harmony with the glorious revolution­ i
city, as in all others cities, do not believe alike, many of them not ary changes now going on we can lx; happy in the thought that we I
believing just literally as their creed reads. There are those in are the salt of the earth which has not lost its savour. Let us get j j American and Euro|>ean Plan
All good outside rooms
the Christian Church who believe more like the Unitarians than into happy harmony and help perfect the new deal.
some of the Unitarians' themselves; some in the Methodist Church
who are really more like the Christians, and many in the Lutheran
MRS. MAE IVIE, Proprietor
Church who are really Unitarians and there are some in all of them
who are really Christian Scientists.
ed in a battle against the gigantic evil known as Catholic­
The borders over lap and the differences have largely become
ism it must not be supposed that that is all we stand for.
only differences of individual opinions. But true Christianity, the
Child murder in a nunnery is murder and awful and so it
ideas which Jesus taught of justice, liberation, love and equality
• • •
are in all of them, and on this basis the whole anti-Roman world is any where. The following from the Keystone American shows 1
must sooner or later unite or a twentieth century Roman Empire, a condition that exists in more than one state of the union:
“The authorities of Allegheny county are deserving of credit
with the pope as Emperor, will again conquor and rule the world.
The great army of this un-American, un-Christian, un-Progressive for the crusaUe that has been started against medical practition­
and untruthful power is on the move. Stay divided up into war­ ers who conduct illegal business, as a result of the recent raid on
ring camps and protestantism will die, and with it the great prin­ the "House of Mystery” in Bellevue. The district attorney has
1 handle Mueller Brass Goods, Standard Enamelware
ciples taught by the Carpenter’s son will be lost in the dark ages announced that the move already taken to break up the abominable
methods of certain doctors is the beginning of a campaign that w ill
Hydraulic Rams, Pneumatic Water Systems. I can
of another superstitions and ignorant night of paganism.
make it worth your while to see me alx»ut your
We must have a new name for the new church and all sacrafice result in the breaking up of a branch of the medical profession not
their cherished hopes of seeing the old names they love become a credit to the community. It is to be hoped he will keep his
dominant. A new name must be selected or failure will meet us promise, made within the past few days, that all known abortion­
at the very start, for in order to unite no individual must be robbed ists and persons who procure patients for them will be placed un­
of his honest belief. This is American, it is justice, it is true der arrest and made to face the punishment prescribed by the law
Christianity. But a Universalist believes that all men will be for their offenses against humanity. The district attorney has ; JOBING A SPECIALTY.
saved while a Methodist does not. A Unitarian believes that we certainly made a good start, and there is no reason to believe he . . ......................................... ................................................... ........................................................I..........................................
are saved through character but, the Christians believe it is will be a quitter. There is plenty of opportunity for him and his
through faith. Therefore in the new Universal Church we must detective force to demonstrate their efficiency by blotting out the
have a new name and a test that will exclude none who are fit to be long existing course that has besmirched the Pittsburgh district.
There are many other alleged sanitariums similar to that closed
Silverton protestants who are in sight of one of the largest of in Bellevue. Here’s hoping that all offenders will be driven into
the enemies’ Pacific Coast Forts should start the movement, and legitimate business or go to jail.”
There are men (?) in Marion County who would rejoice to see
if all unite we can build a large beautiful stone church with a
hospital, a school for the study of history and any or all of the the editor of this paper in jail, for no other reason than for telling
religions of the world, a great library, a home for orphans, and the truth. Some of these men ( ?) would now be in the penitentiary
if the whole truth had been told before an unprejudiced jury. Even
the needy aged and a refuge for escaped nuns.
Let word go out to the world that all of the Silverton Churches Silverton would do well to wake up, and at least keep criminals
have united, other protestant churches will follow suit and the from securing too much wealth from practices made greater by
enemy will tremble.
their own example.
The .McCorkle Sub-Division.
It has been a long time in coming, but the time has come! Will
1 have about 400 acres, all level,
Silverton be the first to act?
Œljp Milverton journal
Never Gets Old
HE PRESS of the United States is muzzled and it has been
proven time and time again that as a rule it does the bidding
of a well organized power that has an object in view and
that object is the domination and exploitation of the work­
one would never learn that the money power in this country
and in Mexico has anything to do whatever with the war ers of the world. The bread and butter question with our little
in Mexico or the war that is very apt to be precipitated and presses and the financial success of our large ones is the main­
soon in full swing between that country and the United States. spring which puts out the dope to educate! ?) the masses or leaves
The Editorials in the Oregonian furnish a good example of the out the truth to keep them in ignorance.
When a bold spirit, or what is usually known as a foof, dares to
attitude and the hypocrisy of the real rulers of the nations of the
world to day. When writing soft, sweet soothing, songs of peace say what he thinks, he is boycotted, black listed, assaulted, sued
every moneyed arristocrat who has interests in Mexico, and every for big damages and tor criminal libel and often murdered out­
one of their conscious and unconscious agents are moved intoaction right. Therefore we have no free press long at a time, but "things
only by their material interests. Money has no conscience what­ are certainly doing” now and the real patriots of this country are
ever and money still has control of the world. Men are nothing waking up to the fact that, in order to have this most desirable
when weighed by big business on the scale with dollars, and if war servant, a free press, which they had supposed to exist, they must
is really declared and the working men of the United States begin do something themselves. They are now looking at the enemy
to shoot down their working brothers of Mexico just Decause a fool which they did not know existed. They see the game that has
ruler won’t appoligize for the fool act of some of his fool lackeys, been played on the unsuspecting people. They realize the result
then another fool war will again be started which will cause more of longer remaining inactive and therefore the “Menace” with its
harm than all the insults a Mexican brigand could offer a real monster subscription list, “The Keystone American,” "The Liber­
dignified and civilized government if he lived and gabbered a billion I ator,” “The Appeal to Reason,” “The Sentinal of Liberty” The
Silverton Journal and the others who are not afraid to speak out
These United States are still uncivilized in the tru« sense of the which are springing up all over the world.
Nor do the patriots wish to see any of these new papers crushed
word and we have but little to crow over when talking of the i
Mexican barbarities. Real civilized Nations in the future will have out, and words of cheer, financial aid and promises to do their best
learned that “a soft answer turneth away wrath.” It will have to help in the good work comes pouring in from all sides. We
swept every fighting ship off the seas. Its great murder machines have been in the horrible, slimy tentacles of the monster octapus
will have been melted into tools of production, travel and scientific of greed. A subsidized press is one of its vacum-sucker tentacles
but the Journal-Menace clique will cut it off if we’re given half a
There would be no war with Mexico or no talk of it if it were not i chance and the Silverton Journal branch hereby gives the world
for the moneyed interests of the individuals, who, with their vast notice that it expects to take a chance without regard to the
wealth are governing this country and who control nearly every personal interests of any human being on earth.
method of publicity, and thus forever smother among the workers ’
the idea of the Carpenter’s son of “peace on earth and good will I
to men.”
Mexico has two classes of people, the patriots who are fighting
HEN WAR COMES we must always make the best of it.
for liberty, and the conservative, reactionary moneyed rulers and
Spain still feel§ sore over her former fight with the United
their misguided followers. The Roman Catholic Church is not
States. She is Catholic. So is Portugal. Italy is the
home of the Pope. The “Inner circle” must feel some
on the side of the patriots nor will the money power of the United
States help them gain a victory over tyranny. But if “truth what put out at the attitude of the American people. The Jesuits
crushed to earth will rise again” both of these nations and indeed and the Knights of Columbus have not been idle. Uncle Sam has
the whole W’orld will some day have sense enough to “beat their been fooled into having a chip knocked off his shoulder, and it may
swords into plow shares, and their spears into pruning hooks; be that this whole affair will precipitate such a war between the
nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they representatives of government and religion for revenue only and
learn war any more.”
those who hold men and their liberty above dollars, that the result,
though horrible in the extreme, may be wisely turned to the right
side of the account of humanity
To be sure the same good, if it could come in a peaceful way,
LD TIME METHODS ARE PASSING AWAY in every thing. would be a million times better, but we who can see the follies of
Farming is different. Manufacturing is done in a very much war are not yet in power and must take what comes. The wise
more rapid and better manner than in the old days of thing to do in this struggle is to watch Rome. Has she been pre­
little shoe shops and hand made nails. Travel and com­ paring for this, and is this old beast the Devil who nas planned
munication are different. The lighting of our homes and streets such a struggle, and is this whole affair in answer to the Pope’s
are wonderfully different. Every thing
rapidly undergoing a propecy that in 1900 America would be controled by the Roman
change and all human activities are on a larger and grander scale. Catholic Church? Was Woodrow Wilson allowed to be elected by
Under these conditions physically it would be strange indeed if the Hierarchy or was he the choice of true blue Americans? Is
things remained in the same old ruts in the moral world, and indeed there a purpose and a force behind the fact that our judiciary, our
they have not. Clannishness is giving way every where, excepting police and our executive departments are either Catholic ordomin-
as dupes are held to their place by fhe exploiting priests, politi­ ated thereby?
cians and money mad capatilists.
Is the gathering of untold wealth into the hands of this monster
Women are voting. Churches are uniting in works of right­ political organization, who uses the name and the superstitutions
eousness. People are finding out that the individual man and of a former age to rapidly increase their exchequer, all accidental
woman has a right—yes a duty, to think for him self and for her and without purpose? When will the would-be-free Americans
self and that the main question to settle regarding uniting in the wake up? And what will they do when they do?
well located in the heart of the bent
farming district of the W illamette val­
ley, on Howell Prairie. This tract is
cut to suit purchaser. Each 10 acres
facing a public thoroughfare. No rock,
no gravel, no hardpan, no sloughs, all
good, deep, rich, black sediment loam
soil. Prices from $90 per acre and up.
Terms to suit the purchaser. If you
are looking for a home nicely and con­
veniently located, and one that will
pay on the investment, and one that
will make an ideal home, call or write.
The Davenport Estate.
Finest location for business men.
most sightly and attractive lots in Sil­
verton, an ideal place for retired farm­
ers to build a modern home in a quiet
close in and attractive part of town,
lots that will increase rapidly in value.
If you are looking for something that
is unequalled in situation, price, qual­
ity, beauty and convenience, you
should see these lots. I am at your
service; no trouble to show property.
You will get the lowest cash price. I
will sell one or thirty-one. You can
have reasonable terms. These choice
lots are level, streets paved to part,
sidewalks in on part. Wake up! Think
of it! Study the location. There is no
other such opportunity to purchase
close in, well-located homes in Silver-
ton, Call andsee me. Get the prices.
The Old Donation Land Claim.
Have you heard of the Waldo Hill«?
Have you seen the choice fruita, hopn,
grapes, Englinh walnuts nnd garden
Htuff which the Waldo IHII h produced
in 19137 Would you like me to give
you the namen, or would you like to
Hhake hand« with Rome of theae prow-
perouH farmer«? Would you like the
factH demonRtrated and proved to you
that the Waldo Hill»« is the most all­
round HiicceHHful farming land in Ore­
gon? TheHe low-rolling hills, almost
level land, partly in fruit, partly in
grain, can be had in I o ( h from H acres
and up; prices from $10 and up to $150
per acre, on cany terms. 1 have a
number of very choice and attactive
little homes about three milcH from
Silverton. Can give terms to suit the
purchaser., .('all and see me, or write.
BOX 145