The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 24, 1914, Image 1

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    ‘T he S ilverton J ournal
VOL. ill.
the matter is that the
ROME STANDS ON LABOR QUESTION. easy The way fact in of which
Roman Catholics
The Hierarch, Munt»lh«’
ity in the Church But
to Working Men That
demna Our I’leaaure
Exploited to Economize More, to Lone Individual­
Not in the Struggle tor Itrend, Quotes Scripture
Really Applies to Lazy, Meddling Priest», Con-
And Hold» the Roman Church I p aa Our Savior.
l)cMpoli»ni, one man rule, govern-
ment for revenue, the slavery of the
mama*» i» wliut Catholicism stands for,
^^nd the so called statesmen who put
capital equal to or above labor will
back up to Catholicism und there mak«*
their last light against the rising tide
•of lila-rty, democracy and that kind
of government by the people which
does not ask the consent of the king,
the pope or the millionaire prince.
When the time is ripe the Roman
Catholic Church wi’l step in ami
offer her remedy to cure the aggita-
lion of Socialist» und protestants and
the Capitalists will be obliged to ac-
cept her terms or kcc the kingdom
of Mammon perish, They will accept
und Rom«* muy rule with her million»
and with her well organized but ignor-
• nt and superstitious fanatics.
In the great city of New York,
where the population is so overwhelm­
ingly catholic is printed the beautiful­
ly gotten up little muguzirie, ** Mes­
senger of the Sacred Heart.” The
Muy number of the Messenger lies on
th«’ desk before us us we write. We
huve read it, and our heart beats so
fast as we look at it, and our brain
whirls so confusedly as we endeavor
to give to our readers the important
truth revealed therein, that we would
th’nk the thing bewitched indeed if
we were in the least superstitious, but
we must deliver our message and we
ca’I on our readers to help us. Be
patient please. Think hard. Supply
what we are forced to leave out. Send
us uil the he'p you can in the way of
information und circulate the message
as fast as you cun for it is of mighty
import to this und coming generations.
The first article in this magazine,
which would look better under th«’
title of "Messenger of the Hellish Art”
«hows exactly the purpose of its
pub'ishers and its "inner circle”
The title of the article is
era ami Employed”, We can
on'y g*ve u few <|uutations. But thia
article shows the attitude of th«-
Hierarchy und the whole magazine
shows the method by which it ex­
pects to win. It holds that the labor
problem is not "merely an economic
one,” and in the very smoothest way,
endeavors to show thut it is not a
question of the state, and through
exaulting the horn«’ and the right that
workers have to strike etc., finally
draws out the idea that all the
trouble between capital and labor has
been brought about by the revolt
against the Catholic Church, in the
"so-called Reformation.” This great
Catholic writer, who is no less than
' His Eminence William Cardinal
O’Connell,” says:
“The individual! itic principle of life
was introduced by the revolt against
the authority of the Church. The
unity of faith was broken and
Christendom ceased to be one great
organic social body, one brotherhood
in Christ. Once granted, the principle
that man can choose, as he would a
garment, his own religion, the most
•lpremc issue of life, the way is open
ir him to hav«> his own way in things
of all moral import. The direct ten­
dency of the spirit of individualism is
to breed self-sufliciency and selfish­
ness. That it does not always do so
is owing to the fact that it is not
always carried out to its logical out­
It seems that the Cardinal wants
to keep the two classes Masters and
Slaves but as to th«1 working man’s re­
lations to the church and capital, he
<1 n’t want him to be an individual.
He must just be good and take his
medicine when he is skinned and his
hide hung on the fence. But the
danger is not in the cardinal’s idea.
It is in forcing the labor world to
fall in line with it, that is going to
raise perfect hell and return us to the
dark ages. Listen to the soft handed
official of Rome talk:
“There is a disposition, too, to re­
gard work as an intolerable burden
to be gotten rid of as soon as possible,
and with as little effort as possible.
This is contrary to Christian teaching.
The Wise Man in Ecclesiastes who
^Bul tasted all the pleasures of life
was forced to confess: “For I have
f und that there is nothing better for
a man than to rejoice in his work.”
This natural discontent is fomented
and intensified by the noisy agitators
of Socialism, the enemies of God and
man, who would overturn the founda-
tiona upon which human society ia
built, and exile God from Ilia uni-
This singular set of men who seek
to conceal the malice of their real
principles, but who cannot, are a brood
«.f disturbers. Their doctrines are an
abominulion striking at the founda­
tions of family life and religion. Their
spirit is not new. A similar class of
men were graphically described by
Saint Paul in his second epistle to the
Thessalonians: “For also when we
were with you, this we declared unto
you: that if any man shall not work,
ne ther let him eat. For we have
heard that there are some among you
who walk disorderly, working not at
all, but curiously meddling. Now we
charge them that are such, and
besetxh them by the Lord Jesus
Christ, thut working w th silence, they
would cat their own bread.”
There is not, ami cannot be a Cath-
o'ic Socialist. Leo XH1 has rejected
such a fellowship in his immortal
encyclical. The principles of Socia1-
ism are utterly opposed to the prin­
ciple.« of Christianity. They are
mutually destructive of each other.
Certain misguided Christians may call'ves Socialists, but objectively
a Catholic Socialist is an utter im­
Another source of unrest among
working people and one against which
they must be warned, is the desire to
give themselves over too much t the
pleasures of life. It is directly con­
trary to the Christian, Catholic spirit.
It leads people to live beyond their
incomes, and is the fruitful source of
family troubles ami discontent with
one’s station in life. A Christian peo­
ple should remember that the Chris­
tian life is one of restraint. Legiti­
mate recreations are good, but not
the surrender of the heart to the
pl asures of this life. They should
bear in mind the warning of Saint
Paul, that among those who make
oangerous times in the history of the
world are "lovers more of pleasures
than of God.” More economy at home
nmi less perpetual seeking of empty'
pleasure would remove much of the
unnecessary discontent and murmur­
ing which, ever without real cause,
we hear on many sides.
The social problem of the relations
between employers and workers must
be solved on a Christian basis, or not
at all. They must face each other in
the proper frame of mind springing
from a Christian spirit, before even
an inital step towards permanent
betterment can be effected. Employers
and workers must regard each other
as brothers in the same great brother­
hood of Christ. The Church by her
teaching inculcates the only sure
method of social regeneration. She
would purify the hearts of men of
selfishness, greed, envy and hatred
which stand in the way of a better
understanding. She abolished slavery,
in spite of opposition coming from
human interests, and made men
socially free. She protested anti fost­
ered the workingmen’s guilds of the
M'ddle Ages, using every means in
her power to keep the workers under
the gracious and mellowing influence
of religion. She alone can be the re­
generator of the social commonwealth
in the conditions which confront us
When the worker imbibing her
spirit wi'l look upon labor as a con­
scientious duty to he done with care
and diligence, and when the employer
accepting her teaching will be con­
tent with reasonable profit anil treat
the laborer generously anil humanely
the battle will be already won, and
peace will descend and bless both for
their loyal Christian and Catholic
O, ye Protesting heretics, shall we
let these priests, who do not work,
forever curiously meddle with our
affairs and forever enslave us? If
you ever expect to wake up and save
yourselves and your progeny from the
flames of a Capitilistic, Pagan Hell
here on earth, wake up now!
“Catholic” means “universal.” How
enn a Roman church be a universal
church? It’s no church at all. It is
a political machine of wonderful
power, and it w'll completely control
America unless Americans wake up.
NO 2»
(By Henry M. Tichenor.)
“When a man is broke, and out of
repudiate the obligations of their oaths work, what is he going to do?” And
and promises to Protestants is based Taft but shook his head and said,
on the Romish theology. Roman Cath­ "that only the Great God knew!” Telegram From Spurgeon, Dicated From His Bed in a Denver Hospital,
Where He 1» Suffering the Agonies of Death From Mounds Inflicted
olic authorities on the canon law of the Never so many out of work, and broke,
by Roman Catholic Ho«»diuma, Whose Argument is Brute Force, Typical
Church of Rome ar«’ agree«l that ob­ as there are this year—and Wilson
of the Beast» of the Jungle.
ligations of oaths and promises may says, “cheer up, poor men, summer
be dispensed with. 'I his is the teach­ w’ll noon lie here! It’s great to have
ing of "Saint” Alphonsus l.iguori, who such rulers, who are so wondrous wise
was canonized by Pope Gregory XVI, —one points you to the summer, th«'
If you have read the following in gled away to escape their further
in May, 1839. In his “Moralis Theo- other, beyond the skies. No matter this week’s “Menace,” read it again
murderous intentions. The Denver
logia,” he states that “a dispensation though the ma. ters have swiped your and think:
press, without exception, seem dispos­
ia the absolute disposing of the ob­ last lone dime—you still have God to The Menace, Aurora, Mo.
ed not to print all the facts, but the
ligation of a vow made in the name look to an«l the good old summer
Accept my appreciation of the sym­ first article in the News was the most
of God. That such dispensation may
pathy of The Menace staff an«l its accurate of any yet published.
be valid, a just cause is required.—
many readers whom I know are with
The police department and city
such as, for example, the good of the
me in my hours of suffering.
detectives seem powerless to render
church or the common well-being of
This is only the beginning, for as any assistance, but
Selverton, Oregon.
the republ'c.” And as to the most
soon as I am out of this I intend to Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows,
exacting of oaths, he declares: “How­
vel I recd your paper somtime and fight the system ten times harder than Knights of Luther, and in fact all
ever, let them be ever so valid, they
you tell me som tings of the old ever before, for they have not bluffe<l secret societies of the city not con­
can be relaxed by the church.”
me yet.
nected with the Catholic church will
Liguori's "Compendium of Moral tim vonse in a vile, vich I tink is
1 can endure the suffering from my endeavor to bring the guilty perpe­
Theology” is contained in the May-
rounds if it will be the means of trators to account. The ministerial
nooth College Calendar for 1900, as they are pourty go«xl al rite bke the opening the eyes of indifferent Prot- association is aroused and will demand
one of the text-books in use at that prests and the monkes of Mont angel i estent people. I believe America is justice. Mrs. Spurgeon is with me
in the Kloster, they eat and they
Irish college of priestly education.
a vile and then they mak a vis­ on the verge of a revo'ution, and it now, having arrived this morning from
The well-known Jesuit theologian
other hous vons in a vile and wi'l take wise and cool heads from Des Moines. She has just been in­
Lehmkuhl, in his "Theologia Moralis”
terview by reporters from the
sisters, an«l they love avery now on to save life and property.
states that—the obligation of the oath
Denver Times, who tried hard to
[i. e., of any oathj can be directly body if you dont make them mad.
Washington to take cognizance of the secure a statement from her to the
removed by the ecclesiastical author­
struggle of today and act for the good effect that she had no animosity
ity; namly, by the power of the Pope I vos born in Switzerland about 2 of Americans an«i the preservation of against Romanism and had warned
and the bishops, or by others legally
me against giving my lectures, but
«'elegated in accordance with the will lela, the kloster vos verry big lik one
absolutely refused to make such
soiled block in Portland, one side
of the Pope.
parts of the country and Denver pat­ a statement.
In 1909 a work entitled “A Manual
riots are active by thousands, and I
While being dragged from my room
of Moral Theology for English-speak­ rooms for the monkes 3 storys high, am in the m'dst of friends notwith­ to the automobile I was unmercifully
ing Countries,” by the Rev. Thomas
standing the fact that the mob has beaten about the head, face and body
Slater, S. J., was published, bearing with a big wagon can turn around declared that I shall not leave the and I cannot yet say what the result
the imprimatur of the Roman Catholic al rite in the seller, the barels ar so city alive.
of my internal injuries will be, but I
archbishop of New York (now Card­ big som of them they can not take
According to their own statements thank God that my sight will not be
inal Farley). The preface states that
while in the automoble, my abductors permanently impaired from the
the object of the work “is to present i horse. Vel whot do you thinck thes are Knights of Columbus, and while terrific pummiling given me by the
the common theology of the Catholic
in the car they put a strap around my would-be assassins. My’ broken nose
moral theologians in an English dress.” barels, some red water from the red neck by which they would forcibly is healing and my jaw is none the
Thia work is an authoritative and up-
jerk me when I would not answer their worse from the brutal kick I received
to-date statement of the moral theo­ also lots of wine and al sorts of drinck questions promptly.
logy of the Church of Rome at the
When they stopped the car twenty
The visiting of friends makes me
present time. On page 112, of Vol.I,
my suffering, and also makes
we find it stated that “in vows, oaths, j ‘eg iron dor with a great big lock. In two hundred yards by this strap, re­ me glad that I have been able to make
and in marriage which has not been
moved my clothing and then used the th:s sacrifice for the cause. Rome’s
consummat«*«!, the Pope can for good I Y ou find al sorts of bones in them, strap to beat me across the body and doom is pronounced, and as soon as
cause dispense in the name of God,
limbs. The marks I bear show the I am able to write I will mail you a
or at least declare that in certain cir­ I tion of the F rench (burgeo) they kil- extent of their brutality. The kid­ fu'l and accurate account of every­
cumstances they have ceased to ex­ ed al the officer and al the prist and napers took the money from my thing connected with this outrage. I
ist." On page 253, Vol. I, we find it al the monkes they cold ketch, the picket to pay the chauffeur and left am dictating this telegram from my
affirmed: “The Pope can for just cause others they lettem go, wel that are me to die. On hearing two of them bed, where I am unable to move, and
dispense any of the faithful from any pourty rof al rite. I sen som old pe­ returning towards me, who at times I again repeat that Chief of Police
vow.” The writer explains tha' this pel, they cry over that terrible revol­ on the trip had declared their intention O'Neill refused me police protection
last point of doctrine also applies to ution. The church had 2 steples and of mutilating me with a knife, and in the city of Denver.
oaths. The Jesuit also states, on 8 big bels of fine mettle that was shot who had slashed my clothing in an
page 240, that "there can not be an down and me*ted for coin licke the attempt to do so, I crawled and strug­
Denver, Colorado.
oath strictly so called unless there be gold silver an«l copper vessels with al
the intention of swearing.” We have
already observed that a "go«xl cause,” lic sale vas held for thre weeks to sei my’ friend are there any doubts still Harrison all Catholic. A Catholic
in the eyes of Roman Catholic theo­ al firnisher they vas in there, then the in your mind?” Yes, I answered, Why priest went about with the Roman
logians, is the “good f the Church” money vas taken to pay the grat det the deuc if Catholicism was so good Catholic assassin Gallager looking for
of Rome. These peculiarly dishonest of France, the convent vas also sold did Luther and Crowley’ leave the
doctrines are taught to young and w'th about 2000 ackers of land be- church ? Mild as honey he started Mayor Gaynor of New Y'ork City and
Romanists in the I long'ng to thes monkes. they used to in w>th his explanations. Listen here then became an accomplice in the mur-
make the people give a tenth of their
uer of Mayor Gaynor when he went
Jesuit senrnaries.—Arthur Walsh.
crops for them to have, the convent they are:
When the pope was preparing to aboard of the Atlantic ship on which
vas vacant for som years, then turnd
in a dary and chese factory, the sell indulgences in G-rmany he gave the Mayor had secured passage and
Is there any mortal out of an asylum church department vas converted in the job to a Dominican named . . . . was about to sail for Europe for a va­
who would not hail with joy the ad­ stab es for horses and cows ect. lat­ Luther getting a grouch on this ac­ cation. This priest pointed out Gay­
vent of brotherhood and peace in this er on the 2 brothers who bot it also count started a kick. Going too far nor to the assassin Gallager. As the
mad«* a fine brewry in connection, then he was called upon to explain and assa sin’s hand raised the revolver tc
war-weary and sin-scarred world?
Brotherhood and Peace! Who shall latters on they’ ha«l a grate glass then in sp'te of his pleadings he was fire at Gaynor the priest ducked out of
the crowd. No effort was e\er made to
tell of the benign influence, the soften­ works where many peple were em- excommunicated.
Crowley was much the same way. arrest this Holy Father. Schank, the
ing effect even the dream of human p'oied, also my father und maney
brotherhood and of peace and of good francks earned money there, at last The Bishop of Chicago was looking man ( ?) who attempted to assassinate
will among men has had upon man­ the owners died and left no ares, the around for a secretary, finding one ex president Roosevelt was a Cath­
Couvan vas vacant agen for som tim who suited him he left Crowley out in olic. The Me Namara brothers
The brotherhood and peace, in all but at last it becam the Incane Assil- the cold. Becoming enraged at this were Catholics and Democrats. They
things the opposite of selfhood an«i lum for Le Canton Bern for witch it "Jerry J” began to set up a howl. No were also Knights of Columbus, and
strife, beautiful and elevating as they is yoused at the prasent tim. vel I doubt, being backed up by others, he were in daily communication with
are as dreams and ideals, can only tel you it is a fine bilding for the was at la t induced into rebellion. Father Brady, a Catholic Priest, da­
After a while when he found out he ring the trial at Los Angles. I am in­
come upon earth when material con­ craseys yFoubet.
I' rance and Germany are claming had gone too far to go back, he turned formed that detective Burns is also a
ditions are ripe for their realization.
Class rule, whether in an autocracy, and hav taken thousand of ackers of apostate and began to write for the Roman, ditto his stool pigeon McMaq-
igal—smells somewhat like a steel­
a monarchy or a republic, is always clergy land and are selling it anil "Menace.”
“Jerusalem,” any one who could trust conspiracy against labor and the
and everywhere fatal to brotherhood meny fine farms are made out of it.
A catholick beshop some time ago swa'ow that would have to be an red socialists, don’t it? But the in­
an«i peace. The material re’ations
that men and nations bear to each said when the catholics get control of ostrich or a fool. I escaped it and am side of the McNamara case will be
other determine largely their social america they wil buiki ther instutions now in a good protestant home in known to the public some day perhaps
and then the honest working people of
and ethical relations. If their mater­ over the grave yards of the protes­ ! Portland.
Hoping to hear from you soon I this country may have their innings.
ial relations are mutual they will be tants anil sei the protestant churches
It is a fearfid inditement to make
friends; if antagonistic they will be to build catholic institutions, I thinck am your friend.
“A King’s Worker.”
but here are the facts: A French
he talcks throuth his hat, and he bet­
monk named Lipicier has written a
The capitilist class and the working ter keep his shirt on dont you, before
book entitled “DeStolietate et Prog-
class can never be friends, and america does to them licke Flurope
ressiv Dogmatis”. On page 194 of
brotherhood anti peace can never be did ? I vent to american school tree
Pratically every known assassin in­
realized until the war. between them veax and I tink I do pourty gooil for a history has been a product of Catholic­ this book he declares that public here­
tics (off:c:als who are not Catholics)
is ended by the abolition of class rule 3x6 farmer, dont you?
ism, from Constantine down all these deserve not merely to be excommuni­
and thip establishment of the co­
centuries. Constantine was a foul, cated but to be killed, and on page
operative commonwealth.
black murderer. He killed his own 195, he reclarCs that the power to
To this end the Socialist movement
son, scalded his wife to death in a vat murder heretics belongs, not only to
My Dear Friend:
is educating and organizing the work­
Here I am again. I read the Journal of water, put numerous memb> rs of the State but to the Church. Pope
ing class and preparing the people for
the Menace today as usual and his househo'd to death, and these mur­ Pius X through his official secretary’
the inevitable change.
some very interesting features ders included his immediate relation wrote to Lipicier commending the
The Socialist movement, based upon
and near relatives.
in both.
book and bestowing his “Apostolic
the philosophy of mutualism and em­
The world’s brightest minds in free Benediction”. With the proofs, fur­
bracing the whole of humanity, is at
! thought, literature, sc’ence and pub-
once the revolution of the masses for close to you, I was taking a course lic life, have been felle«! by the hand ther comment is unnecessary.
—A Journal Patriot.
the overthrow of class rule and the
of the Roman assassin. Follow’ the
historic agency, material and moral, had it up and down all over the book pages of history both ancient and
Is it true that our government does
for the reconstruction of society upon from Genesis to Reve'ations. but at modern.
more to protect property than it does
the foundation st ties of brotherhoixl
Here in America we find Booth and human beings? There certainly would
Well we were almost through and in
and peace.—Rip-saw.
a week the bishop was coming to those connected with the death of Lin­ be more excitement over a band of
Purgatory is a soft snap for the confirm quite a large class and, hoping coln Roman Catholic. Guiteau, the horse thieves in our Mountains than
priests hut it’s hell for the poor vic­ to get me strung up as soon as pos­ assassin of President Garfield, Czol- there is. over a band of foreign out­
tim who worries and digs up the sible, he w’as giving me a hurried goz. the assassin of President McKin­ laws who are stealing our American
review. At last he had finished, “well ley, Pendergast, the assassin of Mayor girls.