The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 10, 1914, Image 3

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La»t Sunday the Woodburn Thinking People Had a Treat From the
Christian Scientists' Standpoint.—With Beautiful Language
The Speaker Show* (be Liberating Power of Truth
And the Healing Power of Faith.
Mr. J. M. Poorman, President of the
Bunk of W oodburn in introducing the
lecturer spoke as follows:
Science Churches, or
{Students of Christian Science are to
be found in every civilized land, In
our own Country where the doctrine
first started, the growth has been
murvelous; this womlcrful religion, u
religion that helps both spiritually
und physically, has been often criticiz­
ed und denounced becuuse not under­
stood. This Afternoon is the first
lime that any one authorized to speak
on Christian Science bus ever appear­
ed in your city, und those not inform­
ed, or worse still misinformed in re­
gard to Christian Science will appre­
ciate the opportunity to hear a Mem­
ber of the Bourd of I .ectureship of the
First Church of Christ Scientist, of
Boston, Massachusetts, who will Rive
us a clearer understanding of what
Christian Science is
I am pleased to have the honor of
introducing to you, Willis F. Gross,
who will now address you.
The Lecture
When one considers the multifarious
beliefs of mortals, the great diversity
^«f human opinions, and the many un­
happy experiences
resulting from
wrong thinking and evil doing, he
realizes to some extent how great is
the need for a definite starting point
and a readily comprehended method
of procedure in the working out of
life’s problems. As the mariner con­
siders u compass a necessary part of
his equipment, so tnortul man needs
a demonstrable idea of truth which
is so firmly established in thought
that it cannot lie questioned even in
the darkest hour. If he does not have
something upon which he can depend,
something that will hold him true to
his course, he ia tossed ubout by every
wind that blows and there is little
hope of ever reaching a h^ven of rest.
Discouragement too often gives place
to despair and the unfortunate one
ceases to struggle against what he con­
siders the inevitable.
Thia is by no means an unusual ex­
perience. ll <>w many persons realize
their utter helplessness when con-
fronted by certain conditions over
which they feel they have no control,
«That which has helped them at other
times seemH of no avail. Because
they know of no remedy for the ills
they suffer they assume the trouble
is incurable. When this conclusion la
reached, there is little hope of deliver­
ance unless the wrong sense is cor­
rected and the sufferer is made to see
that there is no such thing as an in­
curable evil.
There are countless theories advanc­
ed and many methods of practise out­
lined which it is believed will improve
human conditions. The wise man
said, “Wisdom is the principal thing;
therefore get wisdom: and with all
thy getting get understanding."
Truth Makes Eree
It is the basic idea of all education,
secular as well as religious, that the
truth makes free. Mortal man is in
bondage to ignorance and superstition.
Ealse lielief has bound him with chains
and cast him into prison. It is error,
the opposite of truth, which limits, en­
slaves and coniines. Was it ever be­
lieved that a person could lose any-
thing by knowing the truth? Is it
not a fact universally accepted that
every man gains a higher and truer
sense of existence as he is able to dis­
tinguish between the true and the
It is believed by all that much of
the sin and suffering of this world is
the result of ignorance, hence the con­
clusion that education will prove an
effectual remedy. To this end we have
our public and private schools, col­
leges, seminaries and numerous other
means and methods by which it is
reality and a more correct and a more
comprehensive thought of life and its
various activities. In proportion as
this is accomplished, it is expect that
there will be more unity of thought and
action and that huihanity will enjoy
greater freedom. Because we believe
that education will accomplish so
much for mankind we are all agreed
that (ducation is a good thing and a
very necessary thing. We are also
agreed that nothing but the truth can
confer lasting benefits.
There have been differences of opin­
ion as to what istruth and what con­
stitutes reality, and doubtless this is
the principal reason why humanity
has made so little progress along cer­
tain lines. It would almost seem that
in so far as it relates to the every-day
affairs of this life, Pilate's question,
what is truth? remains unanswered.
That mortals are materialists in
theory and practice cannot be denied.
While it is admitted that there is spir­
itual truth yet it is held that material
truth, so-called, is just as real us spir­
itual truth and lias vastly more to do
with the present life and all that tends
to make this life desirable. Thought
ami effort have been in the main along
material lines and wjiat has been call­
ed progress has been in no Hmall de­
gree merely u change of belief. Mortal
man lias been compelled to admit that
much of what he at one time believed
to fie true is not true. The progress
lie ha made, the good he has attained
and the freedom he has gnjoyed, has
been relative rather than absolute.
Scriptural Authority.
The belief that man is possessed of
a dual nature, that he is both material
and spiritual, is father of the belief
thut truth is both material and spirit­
ual, und this belief is responsible for
the conflict between material science
and religion. The Bible is accepted as
authority on spiritual things, but the
so-called higher criticism of this age
is inclined to question the authenticity
of the sacred writings whenever they
fail to harmonic«* with scientific de­
ductions from a material basis. Those
unusual experiences, which have since
been « ailed miracles, are being ques­
tioned today as never before.
If the biblical record of the wonder­
ful works accomplished by the pro­
phets, apostles, ami the Master is true
then that teaching which causes hu­
manity to doubt, or to question, is an
evil, for it prevents the exercise of
that faith which Is so necessary to a
right apprehension of life and the
proper solution of its perplexing prob­
lem-. On the other han«i the teaching
which restores the waning faith and
gives present proof of God’s power to
help humanity, is the pearl of great
price, the value of which cannot l>e
according to material
Such a teaching is Christian Sci­
ence. It interprets all things from the
stand-point of one God, infinite Spirit,
one power, one cause an«i creator and
brings more of hope and faith, and
courage into human experience. The
Master declared that all good is gain­
ed, even in this world, by seeking first
the kingdom of God, an«l those who are
gaining the understanding of the fun­
damental teachings of Christian Sci­
ence and putting them into practice,
have abundant proof of the truth ex-
pre sed in thin far-renching statement
of the great teacher.
Religion and Medicine.
Ever since the dawn of civilization
religion and medicine have been re-
garued u. the two most effectual rem­
edies for the ills of human experience.
Every people has had its religion and
every nation its system or systems of
medicine. Every person has had faith
in some method of healing and almost
every person has had some faith in
religion. It has been quite generally
lielieved that medicine and religion
are in no way identical, nor are UMH
even necessary to each other. It is
thought that the study and practice of
medicine can be pursued independent­
ly of any religious convictions and it
is also held that medical theories can
neither help nor interfere with one’s
religious experience or the benefits re­
sulting therefrom. Both are supposed
to minister to human needs but each
in its own way.
Mortals have been educated to be­
lieve that they cannot look to medicine
for moral help or to religion for phy­
sical benefits. The line appears to be
very sharply drawn and it is clearly
set forth as to what one may or may
not expect to receive from either
source. It is true that religion is
sometimes'appealed to when material
reme«lies have failed, but this is not
because it is believed there is any con­
nection between religion and medicine.
Rather does it show that in the hour
of extremity, when all material means
have failed, the human heart has some
faith, feeble though it may be, that
God is able to heal the ills of the flesh.
It is believed that in some ways
medicine is able to provide the needed
help, while in other respects religion
alone can minister to human needs.
But there are so many problems of
daily life and such varied experiences
which seem to be beyond the reach of
either medicine or religion. In these
trying times mortals are left to con­
tinue the struggle as best they can.
If they succeed it must be in their
own strength, and if they fail they
must suffer the consequences of ignor­
ance or work poorly (Ione. The seem­
ing hel'ilessness of mortals and the
never ending struggle against fearful
odds show the great need of a univer­
sal remedy—-a remedy which will ef­
fectually heal the ills of human ex­
perience. Christian Science is such a
remedy. It declares that there is no
such thing as an incurable ill. The
one universal remedy for all discord
is the understanding of and obedience
to the law of God.
The law of God is eternal and its
harmonious action cannot be interfer­
ed with. In the study of the Scrip­
tures one is impressed by the fact that
in the days of old, faith in God’s pres­
ence and power was able to remove
mountains and provide whatever was
necessary to establish harmony. Many
of the demonstrations of God’s power
were so extraordinary that they are
considered unnatural experiences and
for this reason it is argued that their
recurrence is not expected.
That which is unnatural is contrary
to the law of nature. When it is un­
derstood that the law of divine Mind
is the only real law of nature and that
(livine Mind never does and never has
set nsidc its own eternal law, then it
becomes evident that whatever God
has accomplished for any people in
any age, was and is divinely natural,
anil it is not unreasonable to expect
such a recurrence of those wonderful
works as occasion may require.
Law and Prophecy Fulfilled.
The three great
characters of
sacred history are Moses, Elijah,
flesh would rest upon a more sure with the various material i methods
was cured from that very hour.
Christian Science de­ known as medical practise, and while
When the disciples afterwards ask­
clares that it is possible to heal all it doe not harmonize with some of ed him why they had failed to accom­
manner of diseases through spiritual the pre ent «lay theology, nevertheless plish thia good work he told them it
means, a.< was demonstrated by the it is Christian in spirit and practise,
was because of their unbelief. He
members of the early church, since and it is scientific. I It is
' based on
not say that the case wu.- ineura-
those healing works were accomplish­ divine Principle and can be demon­ b'e, or that it was God’s will for the
ed through obedience to divine law , strated only a» this Principle is under-1 child tc- be afflicted in th<s manner,
and that law is in full force today stood and obeyed.
but he did say that failure was due
manifesting the will of God.
The teachings of Christian Science to the lack of faith, or spiritual ur.der-
and Jesus. The law was revealed
This Ghnstianly scientific method of and the method of application in the standing.
the healing has many advantages. It is healing of sickness are today exactly
Fit new to Receive
„'[/¡Jof Moses,
prophe. Elijah
y whkh
“not at the one universal remedy for all dis­ what they have been from the begin­
necessary in the teaching
the things that are seen, but ut the cordant conditions; it is the most ef­ ning. What other method of healing and practice
Christian Science.
things that are not seen,’’ and in the fective healing method the world ha- administers the same remedies and Belief in good of
and in the possibility
teachings, the works and the life of ever known and it avoids the pos­ proceeds along the .-,ame lines as it of its attainment is a step in the right
Je us, both law and prophecy were ful­ sibility of disastrous result.- of oiwra- did 40 year- ago? We hear it asked, direction; faith is a more spiritual
filled. In him was revealed the way tions and material method.- of healing. Is there no progress in Christian quality of thought wherein one begins
out of Egyptian bondage, through the It is always available. There is •Science? Indeed there is. Progress to rely upon tne Infinite and to ex­
wilderness of human beliefs, doubts never a time or a place that the in Christian Science means a iietter pect the desired result, but spiritual
and fears, into the conscious posses­ remedy is not at hand, for God’s law understanding of divine Principle ex- understanding which is faith in the
sion of the promised land of spiritual and love are everpresent and omnip­ pre-.sed in a more spiritual conscious­ true and broad sense of the word, de­
existence where harmony rules and otent. Is it not l»elieve<l that God is ness and a more faithful obedience to monstrates God’s presence and power
ever-pre ent to help ail men in the divine law. What one learns of truth to heal.
persons possessed a sense of overcoming of sin? Why then should ia for eternity and it matters not how
It is a fundamental teaching of
the presence and power of God which it seem unreasonable to declare that far he may go or how much he may Christian Science that God, divine
was unknown to the people, hence they God is ever-present to help in over­ learri, if he has really gained even one Love, has bestowed all good upon all
were able to accomplish that which coming of all discordant conditions? idea of Truth he Will never find an­ mankind, but from the human point
was believed by the multitudes to be
When Paul was permitted to plead I other idea of Truth t contradict it. of view there must be an ability to
impossible. This was especially true his own cause in the presence of King There is but one infinite, eternal perceive and a fitness to partake of
of the Master who demonstrated the Agrippa and the principal men of the Truth.
that which has been bestowed. On
Mrs. Eddy was one of the most ca­ how many occasions did the Master
power of God to restore harmony «•itv, he asked this searching question,
whatever the need might be from a i “Why should it be thought a thing in­ pable and successful religious leaders say to those who appealed to him for
human point of view. Many of his credible with you, that nod should of this or any age. She is the author of help. “According to your faith be it
works were contrary to personal ex­ raise the dead?” And so Christian' “Science and Health with Key to the unto you,” and to those who were the
perience and even to this day they are Science is a.-king of thinking men and Scriptures,"the first and only text­ recipients of good he said, “thy faith
regarded as contradictions of natural women of today, believers in God and book on Christian Science. This hath saved thee." By this he meant
I i believer in the verity of the sacred book is in no sense a substitute for that they were in a condition to be
law and order.
He walked on the water, stilled the writings, Why should it be thought 1 the Bible but it enables the student helped by his understanding of the
tempest, fed the hungry multitude.-, a thing incredible with you, that God gain the spiritual sense of the Scrip­ Truth. It is recorded that at least
tures and make a practical applica­ on one occasion he did not perform
healed the sick, cast out devils, and should heal the sick ?
Is there anything unreasonable in tion of the inspired teachings.
raised the dead. His power to heal
many mighty works because of the
The various other writings of Mrs. people's unbelief, or lack of fitness
was not limited, neither was it exercis­ such a teaching, or is it in any sen e
ed on'y in the healing of certain types I contrary to the letter or the spirit of Eddy, the unique public service which to receive the blessings of divine
of disease. It is recorded that he the Scriptures? Even though one she instituted, the truly effectual Love.
healed "all maner of sickness and all may not believe in Christian Science, church organization and government
In his parable of the sower, the
manner of disea <■ among the people.” as he understands it, must he not ad­ which she established, the provision Master taught that results are satis­
Considering the inclination of mortals mit that the claims of Christian for supplying the world with an abun­ factory only when conditions are fa­
to rely upon earthly tlr’ngs so long as Science are legitimate and in ace >rd dance of pure Christian Science lit­ vorable. The soil must be good and it
there is any hope of salvation in this with what could be reasonably exp-x t- erature, all go to show how clearly must be prepared for the seed. If the
direction, one is warranted in conclud­ ed if one were to accept and put into she realized humanity’.-' great need and soil is of inferior quality or is not
ing that the great majority of those practise the simple direct declarations what would most effectually meet properly prepared , it is unreasonable
who appealed to the Master for help of truth as uttered by the Master? that need in the present and the fu­ to expect a bountiful harvest. If one
belonged to the so called incurable Is there any reason why one should ture.
would receive the blessing of Truth
We are accustomed to think and, he must make fit preparation. If he
not accept at its full value the
Among the diseases which are men­ emphatic declaration “He that be- speak of her as our revered Leader is unwilling to do this he should not
i«ecifically by the sacred I lieveth shall I>e saved?” Surely not. ' and we realize that if we would gain complain when he fails to experience
writers are fever, dropsy, I’alsy, Why then should he not accept, with the greatest possible good from her the good he desires.
leprosy and insanity. The lame, the the same measure of faith, that other teachings, we must have the right
blind, the deaf and the dumb were i equally important declaration made by concept of her life ar«d of her works.
The sooner one learns that eternal
made every whit whole. Among the the same person on the same occasion,
good can be gained in no way except
blind was one who had never seen | “And these signs shall follow them is one who goes before and the most through obedience to divine law, the
capable leader is the one who is the better it will be for him. The thought
i that Iwlieve?’’
the light of day.
most successful doer. When Mrs. of God as person has encouraged the
Kingdom of Heaven at Hand
To the man with the withered
John the Baptist was the forerunner Eddy gave to the world the funda­ belief that one can gain good merely
hand the Master said, "Stretch forth
thine hand,” and “it was restored of Jesus the Christ. He came preach­ mental teachings of Christian Science by asking for it, but the revelatin
whole like as the other.” There was ing in the wilderness of Judea and the she was not promulgating a thery. that God is divine principle operating
another man who had been afflicted burden of his cry was, "Repent ye: i She had long since passed the the­ through spiritual laws, shows what
thirty and eight years. He lay in a for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” oretical stage in her work. She had ex­ is required on- man’s part and why it
helpless condition beside the pool When Jesus lifted up his voice to pro­ perienced the healing power >f Truth is required. Christian Science : im-
Bethesda "waiting for the moving of claim the gospel of eternal salvation in her own life and after she parts the true idea of God and his
the water.” When Jesus saw him he j to a waiting world, he began by re­
creation and makes it possible for
commanded him to rise and walk, and minding the people that something health had l»een accomplished, she men to obey the divine demands.
immediately he was healed. A woman was required of them.. ."Repent: for proved that it was p ssible to heal
All the sin, sickness, discorder and
having an issue of blood twelve years the kingdom of heaven is at hand," others in the same manner. It was suffering of earth can be traced back
the demonstrable idea of Truth which to a false sense of God and man.
was healed when she touched the hem was the keynote of his message.
John the Baptist and Jesus the heals morally and physically that she That which produces discord is not the
of his garment. There was another
‘woman which had a spirit of infirmity Messiah referred to the kingdom of set forth in her writings. During the remedy for discord and can never suc-
eighteen years, and was bowed to­ heaven as at hand, and both declared more than forty years she labored so c- ed in removing it. When this self-
gether, and could in no wise lift up there must be a change of thought unceasingly for humanity, she always evident fact is recognized it will
herself.” To her the Master said, on the part of the people or they would went before, and when she uttered her be understood that the only remedy
‘‘Woman, thou art loosed from thine not be able to comprehend this great voice it was to give expression to the for evil is that which cannot produce
infirmity . . . and immediately she truth. When Jesus sent out his dis­ things she had found true in her own or contribute to evil.
was made straight, and glorified God.’’ ciples to preach the gospel and heal experience.
Paul had a clear sense of Truth and
In at least three instances the dead the sick, he told them to declare umo 1 It is often the case that a leader error; good and evil, and throughout
were raised to life. The daughter of all who had ears to hear, “The king­ s eks to impress his followers with a his writings he is very careful to sep­
sense of the greatness of his personal- arate one from the 'ther. What
Jairus had just died when the sorrow­ dom of heaven is at hand.”
To repent means more than to be j ity, but such was not the case with could be more emphatic or more to
ing father appealed for help. In the
case of the widow's son the funeral sorry for wrong doing. The literal Mrs. Eddy. She was a remarkable the point than h;s positive declaration
party was on the way to the burial, meaning of the word is “to have woman intellectually, morally and that “to be carnally minded is death;
while Lazarus had >>een dead four another mind,” and repentance means spiritually, but those who talked with but to be spiritually minded is life and
! her, or heard her speak on public oc­ peace”? It may be that Paul’s
days. But no mortal belief could "change of mind on reflection.”
The Master declared at the very be­ casions, were impressed more by the th ught is more clearly expressed in
prevent the demonstration of God’s
power to destroy even the last enemy. ginning of his ministry that he was thought of the presence and power of the revised version which reads,“the
not come to destroy the law but to ful­ God than by anything else. From mind of the flesh is death: but the
I'niversal Remedy
The Master’s demonstrations were fil the law. Neither in word or in deed first to last Mrs. Eddy's purpose was mind of the spirit is life and peace.”
so varied and complete that it seems did he go contrary to the eternal, to turn the thought of the people a-
The mind of the flesh includes all
strange humanity has not seen in these unerring, and unchanging law of way from her personality to God, and evil; the mind of the spirit includes
healing works the proof that the un­ divine Mind. When it is understood i to those faithful students who lov- all good and is life eternal. To the
derstanding of Truth is the universal that the law of God is made known I ingly accepted her as their God-ap­ human sense of things the tares and
remedy for all ills of human experi­ in the teachings, the life, and the pointed Leader she said many years wheat, good and evil, truth and error
ence. The failure to realize this can works of Jesus and that obedience to ago, “Follow your Leader, only as far grow side by side. The understanding
he accounted for only as one considers this law constitutes the kingdom of as she follows Christ” (Message to of Truth separates the one from the
that these works were and are regard­ heaven in man. then is seen how The Mother Church, June, 1901).
ther. That which is found to he
Enlightened Faith
ed as miracles—i. e., they were in some great is the need for humanity to re­
g od and true is retained, and that
We sometimes hear it said that the which is proven false is evil and has
way accomplished contrary to the pent, or have another mind. ’
Even though there may be differ­ physical healing accomplished in no legitmate place in consciousness.
datura! operation of the laws to which
men and women of today are subject. ences of opinion as to where heaven is Christian Science is merely the result
It is generally recognized that sin
This belief has prevented the practical located and when and how it is to be of faith. Let it be admitted that is a quality of the carnal, or mortal
demonstratum of a power which is gained, all are agreed that in heaven faith is desirable, yes, even necessary, mind, and that it can be overcome by
able to save from all evil.
there is no sin, sickness nor death. this in no way detracts from the gain:ng a higher sense of good. It
Impossibilities do not occur. What The revelator saw a new heaven and practical value of Christian healing, is not, however, so generally under­
has been done in the past can l»e ac­ a new earth and he heard a great rather does it show that this method stood that sickness is from the same
complished today. If a particular re­ voice out of heaven saying, “And God of healing, even from a human point source as sin and can be effectually
sult has fo'lowed the combination or shall wipe away all tears from then of view, is built upon a foundation healed in the same manner. The in­
succession of causes
that result will eyes; and there shall be no more more enduring than that which sup­ fluence of thought upon the body is
always follow when the same and no death, neither sorrow, nor crying, ports the gigantic financial enterprises being recognized more and more and
other influences are at work. No man neither shall there be any more pain; of a commercial ag .
mental conditions are being taken in­
Take away the faith in men, in to consideration even in the physical
ever undertakes that which he believes for the former things are pa.. e«i
to be impossible. Because mortals away." In view of the fact that John business methods, in the value of se­ diagnosis of disease. It is admitted
have believed the the healing works saw this new heaven and new earth curities, and especially faith in the that many times what are regarded
of the Master were unnatural experi­ nearly two thousand years ago it ’ certainty of success, what would you as purely physical conditions could not
ences, that ;s, contrary to natural must be that this harmonious state of have to build upon? It must be ad­ result from the same causes if mental
law and order, they have not tried to existance is the reality of being now. mitted that the value of material conditions were different. Even from
things is largely mental and when a material point of view a harmonious
What is Required
understand how, or by what means,
those works were accomplished; not­
The declaration that “the kingdom j faith in values is destroyed there is mental condition is most desirable.
withstanding the fact that the great of heaven is at hand” implies that it a period of depression until that
In all the affairs of human experi­
demonstrator of God’s power to heal is possible of attainment. God’s will faith is restored. Th. so-ca' ed hard-
all human ills, declared that the be­ is supreme in heaven. In fact there headed business man is as much de­ ence it is believed that to understand
liever in all ages would be able to do is no other will and His will is mani­ pendent upon faith as on anything the nature of a trouble and what has
the works that he did.
fest or expressed, in the unceasing, else. Human faith in good is not a caused it, is a great help in overcom­
Miracles Divinely Natural
harmonious operation of law. To un­ th ug to be esteemed lightly. It needs ing the difficulty. This is believed to
Believers in the Christian religon derstand and obey this law is to enter to be encouraged and strengthened, be especially true of disease, and
have accepted the miracles of the the kingdom. More than this is not for without faith the attainment of many persons argue that before one
good is impossible.
can heal a disease he must know its
Bible as demonstrations of divine necessary and less will not avail.
Faith is by no means a weakness; name and nature and what has caused
Jesus said to his disciples, “Except
power. Christian Science presented a
new view of those miracles when it your righteousness shall exceed the on the contrary it is an indication rf it. A correct physical diagnosis of
declared that the wonderful works ac­ righteousness of the scribes and Phari­ strength and ability. In the Script­ disease is well nigh an impossibility,
complished by holy men of God were sees, ye shall in no case enter into the ures we read that ‘faith” is the sub­ as is shown by the great diversity of
not contradictions of law. They were kingdom of heaven.” The Master stance of things hoped for, the evi­ opinion of those learned persons who
not brought about through suspension knew whereof he spoke and he de­ dence of things not seen,” and this have spent years of study along mate­
of the laws of nature, nor by arousing clared that a higher sense of right­ word of truth has a much broader ap­ rial lines. Many times what is consid­
dormant forces and powers which eousness, or rightness, than was en­ plication than is generally recogniz­ ered a cause is merely an effect, and
have since returned to their former tertained even by those who were re­ ed. Faith in the possibility of an the first or primitive cause is un­
state. Those healing works were garded as the spiritual leaders of the achievement is necessary to sue ‘ess known. It must be admitted that many
marvelous because human experience people, was necessary to gain the in any undertaking. In all ages those siek persons have recovered, or at
was unfamiliar with them. Never­ kingdom of harmony which is ever who nave contributed most largely to least appeared to do so, when no one
theless they were the divinely natural at hand. It was the purpose of his the world’s good have been inea and was able to discover the nature of the
Many trouble or what had produced it.
result of the operation of law which is life work to reve»’ the way to har­ women of
One celebrated physician and sur­
ever present and ever active. Because mony. His method was to teach the have desired to make their lives a
a law is not recognized is no evidence truth as the people were able to re­ blessing to humanity, but only those geon declared that nine persons out of
of its nonexistence, and because the ceive it. His works were in demon­ who had faith sufficient to inspire ten would recover without the aid of
operation of law is not comprehended stration of what he taught and while endeavor in the face of great opposi­ material remedies. It <s admitted even
is no proof that the law is inoperative. it might seem that the chief purpose tion have accomplished anything of by the advocates of material methods
of healing, that all that drugs can do
All the progress that has ever been was to help those in need of help, yet real worth.
In his truly wonderful dissertation j is to help nature heal the sick, and to
made, or ever will be made, is the re­ the great benefit of these works'to
sult of obedience to law. The wonder­ universal humanity, is to be found in on faith, contained in the eleventh I this end and for this purpose only are
ful inventions of the last century were that they were practical demonstra­ chapter of Hebrews, Paul writes, “He [ they administered by those who em­
as possible 6000 years ago as they are tions of the Truth which he declare 1 that cometh to God must believe that ploy them.
Laws of Nature.
now. There is no law in operation, would never pass away but would re­ he is and that he is a rewarder of them
Let’ it be granted that sickness is
or in existence, today that has not main for all men in ali ages to under­ that di’ligently seek him." The open­
been in operation since time began. stand and demonstrate. The kingdom ing sentence of the Christian Science the penalty paid for breaking nature’s
And there never has been a law which of henven will never be more r.'al than text-book, “Science and Health with laws either knowingly or unwittingly.
is not in operation at this moment. it is today, and it is at hand. What Key to the Scriptures,” is as follows: Then the question arises, How can the
If this be true, and if the works of the is there to prevent a man from enter­ “The prayer that reforms the sinner ! sufferer best atone for the wrong that
Master and his followers were the ing this kingdom now and escape the and heals the sick is an absolute has been done and thereby regain his
result of obedience to law, then all discords of mortal existence ? There faith that all things are possible to ' health ? If it be true that nature is
those works are possible today, and is nothing but the belief in the realit;, God,—a spiritual understanding of I asserting itself in behalf of the sick
' man, how can the unfortunate one
oven greater demonstrations can be and power of evil; hence the great Him, an unselfed love.”
On one occasi-n a father came to Je­ place himself in the position where he
expected, for no one believes that the need of repentance, the necessity for
possibilities of infinite law have been having another mind which will enable sus bringing his lunatic child whom will experience the greatest possible
the disciples had failed to heal. In good? There are various forms of
one to see things as they are.
fully realized.
Discoverer and Founder
the anguish of his heart he exclaimed, 1 medical practise, all claiming to work
Advantages of Christian Healing
The term Christian Science was “if thou canst do anything, have com­ in harmony with nature’s laws, and
Most persons will admit that if it
were possible to heal the sick today used by Mary Baker Eddy to design­ passion on us, and help us.” The those in need of healing must decide
in the same manner as the sick were ate the purely spiritual ni'*iho.l of master replied, "If thou canst believe, between them.
The Christian Scientist will admit
healed by the primitive Christians, the healing which she discovered. While all things are possible to him that be-
(Continued on page 4.)
hope of overcoming the ills of the this system of healing is not in accord lieveth." It is recorded that the child