The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 10, 1914, Image 1

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    T he S ilverton J ournal
NO 23
Bulletin: American
La Grande, Or., April 4, 1914.
League Pre.-
Bureau, Westerville,
E. Hosmer,
Ohio. Offered free to editors. Re­
leased for publication immediately.—
Dear Sir:
No doubt you have heard of me.
Judge O'Connor tome»
Himself mid Turns Himself Out of Jail—Il It'» now two years since I left the
Seeins That s ( alholir Judge "Can Do No Wrong"—Il Catholies Rule, Roman Catholic Sisterhood. 1 get the
luatice Divs.
S'lvcrton Journal occasionally through
friend» of mine from Portland. I am
very glad you are persevering in the
great good work, you carry on »o cour-
It seems strange to those "on the with the J. J. Crowley riot at Oelwein * 1 ageounly against this
firing line' thut people a, u rule are on the 12th of June, 1913, al which Roman Machine. If there were more
ho indifferent regarding the inroad» time und place the Roman Catholics
men and women who had the courage
made by the Roman hierarchy on Am­ brutally assaulted and seriously in­ like you and Rev. Myer», to openly
erican principles during the last few jured J. J. Crowley while he was on his take a stand against this awful power
years. But the only way to arouse the way from the opera house to his hotel of darkness and superstition, they
sleeping giant who when once uroused after delivering a lecture on the Pub­ would soon be brought to a halt in
will crush the head of thia monster lic School vs. the Paroch(al School.
their bold progress. Our American
evil, is to preach und pray and pub­
people I fear are loosing out in
lish the truth. To thia end a friend
The Catholic riot at Oelwein last patriotism, and the principle» estab­
from Iowa sends us the following ummer is still fre h in the mind» of lished by our forefathers. The con­
which cun not be false for it is taken "Menace” readers and although the stitution is of small concern. Its
from the public records. The writ will Catholics deny everything, the follow­ points of consideration are not to be
speuk for itself. Circulate it. Here it ing from the pen of our friend, who ia mentioned among ordinary citizens,
a much-honored citizen and proMperouH nor to be hinted at in one’s daily
W rit of Habeas Corpus.
busine-1 man of Iowa, will prove that practical every day life. Such as re­
State of Iowa.
the Menace told the truth. He saya in ligious freedom for instance, one is
To the .Marahul of Oelwein, Iowa, or hi» letter to The Journal:
never to speak of it, or we pass fo»
to <’. II. McQueen, Constable, or to "Dear Sir:
lieing prejudice, by Roman Catholics
W. P. Scallion, Deputy Constable:
"Enclosed 1 am sending you what 1 but they on the other-hand can talk
You are hereby commanded to have think is a sample of what we might ard preach from their Gospel pulpit»
the body of E. J. O’Connor by you un­ expect in our courts if the Roman the most vile ami slanderous stuff
lawfully detained as is alleged, before Catholic» would succeed in Romania-' against protestants, and that is all
the court at my office in Oelwein, Fay­ Ing America.
for the glory of God and the sake of
ette county, forthwith after living
"The copy of the writ enclosed is an 1 doing good and Christ-like work, and
served with this writ, to be dealt with exact copy of the original of which it protestants will laugh and enjoy
according to law. and have you then purports to be a copy. 1 also enclose themselves at such smartness, and go
und there thia write, with return there­ the write-up of the attempt on Crow- i on In their mail rush for money and
of of your doings in the premises.
ley's life here at Oelwein the 12th of gay times. From what I can judge
In witness of 1 have hereunto signed June 1913. The write-up in the Men-1 from the Menace, and other papers
my name, and affixed hereto the seal ace enclosed is not exaggerated. I and books I don’t think they will con­
of said court.
was an eye-witness of the attempt on tinue so very long in their luxurious
Crowley’s life. 1-ast summer Judge living and gaieties. What’s going on
Judge and (Jerk of the Superior
E. J. O’Connor was tried in justice I in the Philippines in Bible burning,
Court of Oelwein, Iowa.
court and fined $25 for drunkenness, i is going on every day in every city
The above is a true copy of a writ He appealed to the district court and ami town in the United States and it
issued by the said E. J. Connor as the district court affirmed the judg­ wont be long till protestants will be
judge und clerk of the superior court ment rendered by the justice. 1 think told at the sword’s point what church
of Oelwein, Iowa. The writ was plac­ the readers of your paper would be to worship in and in what spirit to
ed in the hands of C. H. Chivington, pleased if you would publish the writ yield obedience to its church authori­
city marshal, who served the same on and comments enclosed on another ties. Weak-kneed protestants might
(’. H. Mc Queen, con-table who had the sheet below the writ, which is all true. have to straighten up to a little moral
judge in custody ami on the way to
Sincerely yours,
courage, and take an actual part for
• • •
jail, by virtue of a Mitimus issued by
right or accept the positions and
A. E. Irvine, a justice of the peace, be­
conditions assigned them by Roman
fore whom the judge, E. J. O'Connor,
The very idea of the infallibility of decrees. I don’t think it good policy
had lieen lined for contempt of court, the pope ami the superiority of the for them to help the Catholic citrap
and the said judge refused to pay the priesthood, gives the Catholic who gets and down us poor convent girls, their
fine; therefore by virtue of the "writ into power a very dangerous weapon turn for the same may lie upon them
of habeas corpus, caused himself to be against the people, and, for this rea-1 sooner than they think for, I know
brought before himself ami set himself son, it is not only un-American to vote : it because I know- their workings I
at liberty.
for a Catholic official, but, at this stage don’t know yet if I will be permitted
Thia Judge E. J. O’Connor is a of the game, it is absolutely dangerous to earn a decent living. When 1
brother of P. S. O'Connor, the local
to vote for any one who is afraid to i came here no one but Dr. R. Holt,
Catholic priest at Oelwein. These two
the doctor I was working for and my
O'Connors have been mentioned sev­ come out boldly against this beastly i minister knew about me.
eral times in the Menace in connection power of foreign corruption.
I refused the Dr’s, dishonest terms
of business to me. It was not long
| open the door which leadeth unto the after that he and another of his
higher liberty that peace may bless | calibre, had it all over town that I
The effect and function of light is the earth und the love of human was an "escaped nun” talked it as
twofold. Light reveals higher pos­ brotherhood unite all mankind. To cunningly as Catholics can, to make
me out an incompentant nurse and
sibilities. It reveals the path to high­ this end let us turn on the light!
—Unitarian. as lacking in management. * am a
er attainment. It reveals the promis­
nurse, I worked as head nurse at St.
ed goal before us. But, does it not
Vincent’s Hospital, Portland, Ore., for
also reveal and interpret conditions | VMERICAN1SM AND
CATHOLICISM twelve years in one stretch. Have
left behind? Does it not also make!
my diploma and the signatures of
clear and discover and uncover con-1
prominent doctors of
ditions of darkness still existing to­
Americanism means the separation
Portland to my recommendations
day? The light of prophetic vision of church and state.
helps us to understand experience»
Americanism means the freedom of showing my qualifications as also my
and conditions through which the the press. Catholicism means a cen­ conduct and management. I am
pretty well known all over the coast
human race has passed. The light sorship of the press.
of true Christian faith clearly reveals
Americanism means freedom of | and what my standing has been. 1
lingering Pagan shadows in the world speech. Catholicism means a restric­ have not changed any since I left the
Roman Institutions, neither in char­
today. By revealing the path of pro­ tion of speech.
nor have I deteriorated in my
gress it also reveals the powers which
Americanism means no establish­
obstruct that path, which hinder the ment of religion. Catholicism means nursing work. Now what should keep
normal process of evolutionary growth the establishment of the Roman Cath­ protestants from giving me work ? I
and of natural development.
olic religion as the religion of the can’t imagine any other reason than
because of the fear they have of
By declaiming the higher law of country.
life it at the same instance uncovers
Americanism means true democracy Roman Catholics. If a doctor gives
the lurking foes of progress. If re­ —the rule of the majority in things work to an ex-nun he knows that he
ligion is the light of truth—the light civil, and the protection of the rights will be boycotted by CatKolics, and
of the Spirit within the soul of man of the minority. Catholicism means that’s the reason the convent girl has
then it is for religon to lift the veil, the alleged divine right of the few to to be dropped by them. Some even
not to draw it. It is for religion to rule the many, with no regard what­ insinuated that I cannot expect to do
reveal, not to conceal truth. It is for ever for the rights of the individual much because of my having been a
religion to help men into the liberat­ when they conflict with the wishes of “nun.” Catholics usua'ly make Prot­
estants come to their terms whether
ing newness and fullness of the Spirit, the hierarchy.
it's in business, politics, their institu­
not to bind men to the oldness and
deadness of the letter. The goal of worship God according to the dictates tions, begging all over the country, or
our high calling lies before and not of one’s own conscience, with no per­ service of whatever nature.
I wonder how long this can go on
secution for dissenters. Catholicism
behind us!
their getting complete control.
God is not the God of a dead past, means compulsion to worship God ac­
protestants see what’s
but a glorious living presence, to be cording to the direction of a hierarchy
found and realized nmi worshipped in with persecution of heretics, even unto before them and stand together before
it will be all too late. Why should this
the perpetual newness and living in­ death.
with all its cruel tyran­
spiration of the spirit, in which we
live and move and have our being. body, soul, and spirit which tends to nical attachments he permitted in this
As Jesus turned on the light in His the development of all that is noblest country of religous freedom to hound
day, so the true follower also must and best in the individual. Catholic­ and down one without interference.
be ready to follow in those precious ism means the repression of individu­ The cunning way they do their dirty
destructive work is unimaginable to
footsteps to turn on the light! that ality and the subjection of body, soul,
a righteous clean mind. My greatest
freedom and deliverance from all be­ and spirit to a ruling class inexorably
surprise is that protestant men who
setting bondage may come.
bound to the spirit of medievalism by make at least a practice of being
Ix»t us turn on the light of reason
somebody before the world, such as
ami of faith in the fulfilling of the the terrible doctrine of infallibility.
doctors will stand right in with them
true Christian mission of leading
serve their mean contemptible pur­
mankind out of darkness into light, olicism and Americanism are in com­
ont of bondage into freedom unto plete agreement." We affirm that there poses. I cannot expect work from
those wells of living water which are is absolutely no agreement between Catholics, nnd if protestants have to
only found within the higher spiritual
Catholicism and Americanism. What shun me for fear of CathoEcs, then
our readers say?—Protestant what am I to do for an existence?
Lot us seek after that divine light
Must I feel compelled to do the un-
of truth that shall reveal the path and Magazine.
William E. Johnson, Associate Editor.
Westerville, Ohio, April 2.—The
campaign that is being waged by the
Anti-Saloon I^-ague of America in
Washington, California, Oregon and
Colorado for state-wide Prohibition is
a part of the general program of that
organization for national Prohibition.
It is f%r that especial reason that the
national organization i» making the
fight of it» life in these state».
During April and May the strongest
orators the league can secure are to
hold great mass meeting» at all of the
principal western point» as “opener»”
for the general contest that will be
Ernest H. Cherrington, general
manager of the more than forty­
periodicals of the Ix-ague, is now on
the coast making business arrange­
ment* in the four »tates for the de­
tails of the campaign. A part of this
program will be the installation of a
four-state literary bureau at either
Seattle or Portland, in which a force
of writers and cartoon-’sts will be em­
ployer to furnish every newspaper in
these pivotal states with up-to-date
information regarding the progress
of the fight. A free plate service will
be established for all local weeklies
that desire the information in that
form. A telegraph service will also
be installed.
It is a part of this national pro­
gram, also, that led up to the decision,
a few days ago, to establish a dry­
daily newspaper at Washington, D. C.,
the first issue of which will be on the
day that Congress meets in December.
With this daily, and with the forty­
weeklies and bi-weeklies, the league
proposes to carry the fight for a
saloonless nation into every congres­
sional district in the United States.
Congressmen who have supported the
dry proposal will tie vigorously sup­
ported for re-election, and congress­
men who opposed or knifed the dry­
policy will be just as vigorously-
The congressman who sides with the
people against the brewery corpora­
tions will lie supported with every re­
source that our 150 branch offices
can muster, and the other fellows
will find that there is still a God rul­
ing in Israel,” declares National Su­
perintendent, Dr. Purley A. Baker.
Dr. Baker has just returned from a
preliminary tour over the Pacific
states and declares that“the saloon is
doomed on the whole Pacific coast.”
It is believed by the national leaders
that a dry victory in the Western
states this year will create such a
tremendous impetus for national Pro­
hibition as will be well nigh irresisti­
Endorsed Prohibition Platform, Put Full Ticket in the Field, Nominated J.
E. Hosmer, Anti-Catholic, for Attorney-General, and Put a "Public In-
»pection of Private Inatitutiona" Claune in Their Platform.
The Socialist party of Oregon held and anti-war, the editor has many en­
its convention in Portland last Sunday emies, but he would rather be right
and Monday. E. W. Ross, of Local than lie president, and he hereby pub­
Silverton, was the delegate from this licly accepts the nomination and most
place and he reports that the conven­ sincerely thanks the convention for the
tion was a great succès» in every .,a?. great honor they have shown him. Of
To show the attitude of the party course, if he should happen to be elect­
toward the beastly Roman power, that ed, he would fight, exactly as he has
ia doing all it can to destroy the idea always fought, for the home against
of democracy in the world, this work­ its enemies, for religious freedom
ingman’s organization adopted and against Roman slavery, for the pro­
put in its platform the following sug- | ducers against the parasites, for peace
gestions, made by L. D. Ratliff, one of j and plenty against war and destrac­
the "comrades” from Salem:
“No public funds should be appro­
The editor is not looking for office;
priated to private institutions. We de­ he is not a politician; he believes that
nounce the clause in the Free Text- the office should seek the man, and not
Hook law which provide» free books to the man the office, but if the majority
private schools.
of the people asks any one to do a cer­
“We favor the public inspection and tain piece of work, it is that citizen’s
supervision of all institutions, both duty to do it with the same brave, hap­
public and private, in which people are py conscientiousness as though all the
domiciled, or detained.
human goodness of the state were cen­
“V.’e would forbid the commitment tered in one god-like being who wa.
of offenders to private institutions. In­ always present to direct, cheer and
voluntary servitude in private institu­ strengthen him. At the present writ­
tions is intolerable.
ing we haven’t all the data for a com­
“The Soclialist party stands square­ plete report of the convention, but
ly upon the idea of a co-operative in­ hope soon to be able to give it in full.
dustrial democracy, as the only solu­ We understand that the Prohibition
tion of the industrial problem; yet we party platform was endorsed by the
favor all measures which make better convention and that the delegates
conditions for the worker.
came within two votes of adopting the
“We stand for an economic industri­ $1500 tax exemption hill.
al revolution by peaceful political
Verily, the Socialists are doing
methods; but advise a general indus­ things in Oregon, and, with the ‘Dry’s’
trial union of the workers for the en­ fixing the saloons plenty, the anti­
forcement of their political will.”
Catholics doing up the old convent
They also showed their attitude as slavery and every honorable citizen up
a party who really stands for "making in arms for law enforcement, this is
better cond’tions for the workers” by­ surely becoming one of the foremost
nominating the editor of the Silverton states in this great, wonderful United
Journal, who is known all over the States of America. Hurrah for Ore­
state as a radical “dry” man for one
of the highest offices in the state, at­ gon and its “forward march” to a glo­
torney-general. Of course, being anti­ rious, free, sober, industrious broth-
Catholic, anti-saloon, anti-exploitation ■erhood of equality of opportunity!
This is a big court week for Silver-
ton at the Capital but Hosmer don’t
seem to be in it yet. It is sometimes
better to scare a man to death than
to kill him outright. How long, 0
Lord, how long?
Mrs. Annie Reeves arrived from
Willowbar, Oklahoma, last Saturday.
Mrs. Reeves is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Volgamore, of this city,
who are delighted to have her with
John Waldal will lecture at the W.
womanly thing, to marry a good for O. W. hall at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, April
nothing just to loose my identity like 19 on “Total Abstinence.” Mr. Waldal
many a one feels obliged, or resort is working under the auspices of the
to some low, mean way of eking out a Pacific Coast Total Abstinence Socie­
living? Priests and older sister in ties. He is a musician. Come and
authority used to tell us how al’ girls hear his voice and his violin.
nothing or go to their death or de­
Died, at the hospital in Walla Walla
struction by some bad end, I did not
used to believe it, but I am coming John Palmer of Benton City, Wash.
more and more to the conclusion of its The deceased was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Palmer and a nephew
But it is the Catholic machine back of Marion Palmer of this city. His
of Protestants, using them to bring death was caused by an operation for
about the trampling down and the appendicitis. The funeral took plac--'
final distraction of these p >or convent at his home last Wednesday, Earnest
girls. No wonder there are not more Palmer attending from this place.
leaving, they succeed in driving near­
There are some fine homesteads now
ly every one that does leave to a sad, open for settlement in eastern Oregon.
heart broken end, and of course the Good rich land, some timber, and it
poor girls think they might as well does not require irrigation. Write
stay and die in their prisons of York B. Conway, Portland, Oregon,
wretchedness and misery, as to be three years a V. S. surveyor and tim­
put to a miserable end in the world. berman. Send $1.50 for large map and
Hundreds of these girls would come full instructions and information by
out of the convents if they knew that which you can locate yourself on an
they would be left in peace to gain exceptionally good free homestead
their decent honest living and could near small town and railroad. 23c25.
move about the world without being
The article which appeared in the
pointed at with suspicion the same
Silverton Journal a few weeks ago re­
as any Protestant leaving one de­
garding five white leghorn cockrels
nomination to join another. Hope
which I stated came from the record­
I have not tired you, I would be
grateful to hear from you if you are breaking hen of the O. A. C. was in
error on account of a misunderstand­
not too busy. Got! help you in your
ing on my part. I misunderstood my
informant and thus unintentionally-
Very Respectfully,
misstated the facts to the editor.—J.
F. Costello.
(Sister Lucretia.)
In the front office of The Silverton
The W. S. S. C. has inaugurated a Journal is a library of about six-hun­
series of teas to be given for the pur­ dred good books. This is a free read­
pose of securing hooks for the public ing room and those who wish to take
library and rest room. The first of the b oks home with them may do so by­
series was given at the home of Mrs. paying ten cents for a month’s read­
H. B. Latham April 4. The members ing and having the librarian record
on the program were very pleasing the book. Some of these books we
and of a high order. The proceeds have purchased, some we have paid
amounted to seven dollars. There for in advertising and some have
will be another in the near future. The been donated. We feel that this is a
club thanks the public for its liberal good work and we rejoice that we
patronage and are going to a great have been able is the last ten years
deal of work to make these teas a suc­ to do much good by h 'lping a great
i many people and especially the young
folks to read good books. No one
should let these messengers of the
thinkers of the world lie in hiding
somewhere on a closet shelf. They
should be kept in action, for the train­
ing of the mind of man means salva­
tion from the devil of ignorance and
all h:s imps.
Silverton Missed Manufacturing Plant.
Drs. Heisley & Heisley have moved
to Woodburn and are about to build a
factory to manufacture “Like-Meat.”
Th» doctor has been looking for a
large house centrally located in Silver-
ton for several months, but, unable to
find a desirable house that was availa­
ble, he moved to Woodburn. “Like-
Meat” is a new food he is placing on
the market, and the increasing demand
for it makes it necessary to enlarge
and build a factory. The doctor has
given up practice in Salem to devote
more time to the manufacture and sale
of “Like-Meat.”
School District Bond Election Notice.
State of Oregon, County of Marion,
School District No. 4, ss.
Notice is hereby given that at the
school district bond election hereby
ca'led to be held at High School build­
ing in Silverton, in and for school dis­
trict No. 4, of Marion county, Oregon,
Saturday, the Eleventh day of April
A. D. 1914, between the hours of two
o’clock p. m. and seven o’clock p. m.,
there will be submitted to the legal
voters thereof the question of con­
tracting» bonded indebtedness in the
sum- of $20,000 for the purpose of
erecting a new public school building
in and for said school district.
The vote to be by ballot upon which
shall be the words “Bonds—Yes” and
“Bonds—No,” and the voter shall
place a cross (X) between the word
“Bonds” and the word “Yes” or be­
tween the word “Bonds” and the word
“No,” which indicates his choice.
The polls for the reception of the
ballots cast for or against the contrac­
tion of said indehtdness will, on said
day and date and at the place, afore­
said, be opened at the hour of two
o’clock p. m., and remain open unt'l
the hour of seven o’clock p. m. of the
same day, when the same shall be
By order of the District School
Board of School District Number
Four, of Marion County, Oregon, made
th:s 17th day of March, A. D. 1914.
Chairman, District School Board.
Attest O.E. Thompson, District Clark.