The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, March 13, 1914, Image 3

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is up-to-date, with NEW, MODERN MACHINERY.
Every Patriot Must Remember That
There Are Three Principles of Our
Government Upon Which Liberty Is
to Be Preserved, Namely, An I’n-
trammeled Public School, Freedom
of Press nnd Speech.
We do “QUALITY” job printing promptly and neatly.
Would Destroy Our Liberty.
It is better than Linotyping
Silverton Journal,
F ladies and gents suits
Opponile Drake Bros’ Studio
I make a specialty of Harness and Shoe repairing
Guarantee Satisfaction or money back. Harness
made to order.
W. A. CROSS, the Harness Man.
..................................................... ..
Cut out on <loll«l Uno »nd mall to J. E. HOHMEK, Silverton, Oregon
A FREE PRESS__________
, 191
E ditor of S ilverton J ournal .
S ilverton , O regon .
Enclosed find $1.00, for which
send the JOURNAL
With the above heading, the Senti­
nel of Liberty given the following,
which is such good ammunition of Ore­
gon’s coming election, we print it in
All Catholic must make them elve
felt a active agent in the daily polit­
ical life in countric- where they live
They must penetrate wherever possi-
ble ill the administration of rivi af-
fairs. Leo XIII.
* • ♦
>><• thoHP who a <-rt th» lib-
erty <> i conscient i and worship, and
such a maintain that the church may
not em ploy force. Pope Pius IX.
* ♦ •
All Catholic- should exert their pow­
er to cau <• the constitutions of staten
to be modeled after the principle, of
their church. Pope Leo XIII.
• • •
Ere long there will be a state relig­
ion in the United States, and that
state religion is to be the Roman Cath­
olic church.- Priest Hecker.
♦ • •
I know the young men will obey the
church and take up arms to extermin­
ate the enemies of the Roman Catholic
church. Priest Me.-nard.
* .* *
Brote tantir-m!
W'h'‘, we hate,
loathe, detest it! We would tear its
th- h with pinchers and sink it in hell’s
tire a hundred fathoms deep.—Fr.
| From time to time we will add to
this material. We intend to furnish
our Anti-Catholic workers with am­
If Catholics ever gain a sufficient munition for the coming election.]
numerical majority in this country, re­
ligious freedom is at an end! So our
enemies say; so we believe.—The
Shepherd of the Valley.
| The sale of indulgences—which all
♦ • •
Protestants call licenses to sin—’ was
When a Catholic candidate is on the I the
cause of Luther’s separation from
ticket, and hi opponent is a non-Cath- the church.
Every tighter against the
olic. et tl.e Catholic candidate have
should thoroughly
the Vite, no matter what he repre-
understand just what this doctrine is,
. rilr ' atholic Review.
j so a.- to put up an intelligent fight as
well a- a continuous, united one, until
We must take part in the elections, the deadly menace is removed from
move in a solid mass in every stale this land which was dedicated to the
against the party pledged to sustain , sons of liberty.
the integrity of the public schools.—
Here is what the Catholics them-
Mc< 'loskey.
selve.- say this doctrine is, from their
■ own catechism. Study it well, arai
"We can have the United States in I study its history and the part it playea
ten years, ariti 1 w'ant to give you in the "Reformation.” Know, too, 1
three points for your consideration-- that it is still taught and practiced
all the
. ­
the Indian . the Negroes
and that we are now entering the sec­
mon schools.”—Archbishop Ireland. I ond Great Reformation that will sweep I’
• • •
old Rome and her vicious doctrines
Undoubtedly it is the intention of and her more vicious practices into
the pope to possess this country. In Oblivion’s sea—a wonder to a freer, i>
this intention he is aided by the Jes­ more enlightened and happier genera­
uit nnd all the Catholic prelates and tion.
priests. Brownson’s Review.
« • e
R\ what means does the church help
Protestantism has not, and never us to discharge the temporal punish­
• can have any right, where Catholicity ment due to our sins?
hatriumphed! Therefore, we waste
By the grant of Indulgences.
the breath we expend in disclaiming
What is an Indulgence?
again.-t bigotry and intolerance and in
An Indulgence is a remission of the
favor of religious liberty, or the right temporal punishment due to our sins,
to be of any religion that best pleases which the church grants outside of the
him.—Catholic World.
. • •
What must we believe with regard
We are Catholics first and citizens to Indulgences?
next.—Bishop Gilmour.
We must believe (!) that the Cath­
• • •
olic church has power to grant Indul­
So great an honor has never been gences; (2) that the use of them is
conferred on the historic pile, the very salutary to us.
White House, as will be conferred
from whom has the Catholic church
when there w’ll be a "Catholic altar” the power to grant Indulgences?
erected, and by the will, consent and
From Jesus Christ, who said:
aid of the American people. The Cath­ ‘Whatsoever thou shait loose on earth,
olic church is today the balance wheel it shall be loosed also in heaven.”—
of this republic, ana the day is not far St. .Matt. xvi. 19; xviii. 18.
distant when she will liecome the en­
From what source do Indulgences
tire machinery of this government and draw their power and efficacy?
perpetuate it.—-Catholic News.
From the treasury of the abundant
♦ • ♦
merits of Jesus Christ and of the
Tell us we are Catholics and Ameri­ Saints.
What is required to gain an Indul­
cans or Englishmen afterward; of
course we are. Tell us, in the conflict gence?
To gain an Indulgence, we must (1)
between the church and the civil gov­
ernment we take the side of the be in the state of grace; and (2) [ter­
church; of course we do. Why, if the form the good works prscribed for
government of the Unitert States were the gaining of the Inuulgence.
How many kinds of Indulgences are
at war with the church we would say
tomorrow, TO HELL WITH THr. there?
There are two kinds, (1) Plenary In­
STATES; and if the church and all the dulgences, which remit the whole debt
governments of the world were at war of temporal punishment due to sin;
we would sav. TO HELL WITH ALL (2) partial Indulgences, which remit
THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE only a part of it.
Note.—An Indulgence of forty days
WORLD. They say we are Catholics
first and American decidedly after­ or seven years is a remission of such a
ward. There is no doubt atiout it. We debt of temporal punlsTiment as a per­
are Catholics first and we love the son w< uld discharge if he did penance
church more than we love any and all for forty days or seven years, accord­
the governments of the world. Let ing to the ancient Discipline of the
the governments of the world steer church.
Can Indulgences be applied also to
clear of the Catholic church- let the
emperors, let the kings, and the presi­ the souls in purgatory?
Yes, all those which the pope has
dents not come into conflict with the
head of the Catholic church. Because declared to he applicable to them.
Application.—Value and esteem In­
the Catholic church is everything to
all the Catholics of the world; they re­ dulgences; they remit temporal pun­
nounce all nationalities where there is ishments due to sin, encourage to pen­ ■
a question of loyalty to her.—The ance, to the practice of good works
and to the reception of the sacraments.
Western Watchman.
Avail yourself of every opportunity of
• * *
gaining them for yourself and for the
Their Teachings About the Bible.
Question: “Wnat ought a Christian souls of the faithful departed.
(a Roman Catholic, of course) to do if
It is a wonder that there is any
a Bible is offered to him by a Protest­
good left in the Catholic people at all.
ant or by an agent of Protestants?”
Answer: "If a Bible is offered to a But the explanation is that many of
Christian by a Protestant, or by any them arc just naturally good citizens
agent of the Protestants, he should re­ and remain so in spite or the wicked­
ject it with horror; and if he should ness of their priests and the doctrines
happen to have taken it without being of their church.
What a horrible doctrine the whole
aware of it, he ought to throw it into
the tire, or consign it to his parish thing is, and especially the idea that
the souls of their loved ones who are
priest.”—Pope Pius X, 190(5.
suffering in a purgatory, can have a
• « •
remission of punishment according to
Catholics Teach Protestant Children one man’s say so.
Arc Bastards.
That some of these people actually
You Catholics ought to be proud of believe this absurdity is a fact, but we
your women, because you are the only must remember that it Is taught them
people in the world that have virtuous from early childhood and many of
women; there ARE NO virtuous wo­ them have never had it seriously dis­
men in Protestant churches.—Fr. puted.
We must not blame the people, but
♦ ♦ ♦
only do our part to free them from
Arc Opposed to Our Public Schools. this awful wrong. We must, for their
"Education outside the Catholic sakes, plan and work, until “labor ipse
church is a damnable heresy.”—Pope voluptas.”
Pius IX.
* • *
Use the subscription blanks we en-
“Education must be controlled by
Catholic authorities, even to war anil close in The Journal to get us new
subs. It is the only way we can sur-
bloodshed.” Catholic World.
♦ ♦ •
vive. This is your fight, as well as
“The public schools have produced ourB. Let’s each do his part well and
nothing but a godless generation of a great victory will be won.
(From “Thirty Years in Hell”—Ex­
McClure’s for March has a story
upon the wonderful achievements of
Priest Bernard Fresenburg.)
John Hays Hammond, Jr., in electrical
All human power is from evil and work. He picks up the electric waves
mu-t therefore lie standing under the in the air and makes them obey his
will. He is the son of our John Hays
The state has not the right to leave Hammond of the west, ha« had every
every man free to profess and em­ advantage of schooling at home and
brace whatever religion he shall deem abroad, but the solving of the myste­
ries of electric currents and how to
The state has not a right to estab­ control them has always hail a special
fascination for him.
lish a church separate from the pope.
He has erected two masts, each 360
The state has no right to assist the
inmate of rriona teries and convents feet high, on the shore of Gloucester
hay, for a wireless station. He has a
to abandon them.
The Roman Catholic church has the boat in the bay. He ha- a disc or dial
right to require the state not to leave on shore to separate electrical cur­
every man free to profess his owr re­ rents; he ha,, a “director" of his own
planning in the boat to receive any
Roman Catholicism ha- the right to particular current which he sends to
exercise her power without permission it, and thus, by touching buttons on
shore, makes the boat start or stop,
or consent of the state.
Roman Catholicism ha- the right to turn to the right or left or speed
prevent the foundation of any national through the water at more than thirty
church not subject to the direct au­ miles an hour. All the time the boat
is kept in sight by a blinding search­
thority of the Roman pontiff.
The Roman Catholic church ha- the light. His proposition is to protect the
right to deprive the civil authorities of «■oast from foreign warships by mean,
the entire government of the oublic of torpedo boats .sent out by wireless.
The boats will be submerged and leave
Roman Catholicism ha- the right to nothing in sight but two short masts.
require that the Roman Catholic re­ A hostile warship rises on the horizon
ligion shall lie the only religion of the out of the -ea. Beyond the bow of the
torpedo boat is suspended a charge of
nation to the exclusion of all others.
Roman Catholicism has the power dynamite sufficient to blow a hole in
to require the nation not to permit the battleship below the water line.
The torpedo boat is rushed straight at
free expression of opinions.
The teachings given by the Apos­ its victim, at a speed of more than
tolic See, whether contained in the syl­ half a mile a minute. In a battle be­
labus and other acts of our illustrious tween fleets, the same thing can be
predecessors, or in our encyclical let­ done by ships prepared for the pur­
ters, has given clear guidance to the pose.
Human nature could not long hold
faith as to what should be their
thoughts and their conduct in the up against a terror of that kind.
midst of the difficulties of time and Young Hammond believes that the
events. There they will find a rule for whole eastern coast can be defended,
the direction of their minds and their in this way, at an expense not so great
as one fighting ship costs. Surely the
age of miracles is close upon us.
These are facts. When a church is
founded on such a foundation a.-. this,
it can bring nothing but criminals. En­
closed will find some clippings from
One acre in Silverton, new 6-room
the Daily Statesman. You can see how
house, new barn 24x32, fruit, berries
the press is catering to the church.
I am sending every Journal I receive and garden, will exchange for acreage,
located on southeast side; $2100.
out to neighliors. Yours truly.
About three acres can tie sold with
this if desired.
Salem, Oregon.
Neat 5-room house in Geiser add.,
$1400; $500 down, installments on bal­
ance, 7 per cent.
Just outside of Silverton, 127%
Don’t overlook this splendid buy.
acres, the be.-t and cheapest place in
the valley to subdivide. This is fine Lot west of People’s Market can be
sc:!, all in cultivation, good improve­ had at $4200, if purchased on or be­
ments. This is a money-maker as it fore November 12, 1914.
Eighty acres 8 miles from Silverton,
is, but to subdivide and plat to 5 and
10 acre tracts, this would easily bring good fences, spring water, 5 acres in
$200 per acre, making a profit of $5,- cultivation, 7-room house, good barn
550. Price, $20,000. H. E. Brown, ex­ and other buildings, fruit and orchard.
Will sell for $3600 and give terms. If
clusive agent.
you are looking for a dairy farm, han­
Go to Church’s Candy Store, on the dy to school, railroad and market, thi.-
corner of Water and Oak streets, if is it.
you want to get pure, wholesome can-
Box 145, Silverton, Or.
"The common schools of this coun-
try are sinks of moral pollution and
nurseries of hell.” The Chicago Tab-
• • •
"It will be a glorious day in thi.
country when, under the laws, thr
school system will be shivered to
pieces.” Catholic Telegraph.
• • •
"The time is not far away when the
Roman Catholic church of the Repub­
lic of the United States at the order of
the pope, will refuse to pay its school
tax, anil will send bullets to the
bt".-a.4 .. of government agent- rather
than pay it. It will corrie as quick as
the click of a trigger, and will tie
obeyed, of course. It will be remem­
bered papist are sworn to give allegi­
ance fir t to the pope ami then to the
government, a coming from God Him­
self.” Father Copal.
* * e
I would as soon administer sacra
merit to a dog as to Catholics who send
their children to public schools.- Fr.
• ♦ •
If your son or daughter is attending
a state school, you are violating your
duty as a Catholic parent. Take him
Western Tablet, Chicago.
• • t
Socialism is sloth anti laziness con­
cocted into a gigantic system anti in­
volve the end of all decency and pro­
gress in the human race. Well, then,
what are our public schools but a part
of this system?- The New York
World of June 25, 1904.
The cry everywhere is for non-sec-
tarian education. This is secular edu­
cation, which is liberalism that is the
fundamental error of the age. It does
not recognize the church of God, but
only the individuality of man. This is
the trouble everywhere between the
church and state.—Archbishop Quig­
leys address to the Catholic Woman’s
th eves and
htfildings, near depot; $1500. Easy
New house, four large rooms, wood
shetl, orchard, berries ami garden,
large front yard and flowers; $1500.
This is a sightly home, on the hill
leading to Sublimity. Let me show
(his property.
Exclusive Agent.
A nice large lot anti 6-room house,
city waler, lawn, orchard, garden, for
$1400. Will give terms, or exchange
for Salem property.
Large 9-room house, close in, on
Water street, full basement, anti mod
ern improvements, $3600.
make a good home anil rent enough
rooms to pay interest on the invest­
Notice to the Public.
$2500 for 15.It! acres, ft minutes ride
I am in position to accept a deposit
from Silverton, line bottom land, to ami give a binding contract of sale on
exchange for Silverton property. Must
be good anti in walking distance from anything 1 advertise. When you see
a bargain, come in and we will nail it.
Seven-room house, Karn, anil other
H. E. BROWN, Agent.
$225 for a corner lot, Geiser add.
$275 for a nice lot in Davenport add.
$275 for a 2-room house and lot in
$800 for a choice lot. Newlywed.
That-’s the name of the street.
$450 for a fine building lot. Mill St.
$1100 for lots 1. 2. 3. 4, block 8, west
side of Woodburn. Will give terms, or
will exchange for acreage.
$360 for a nice building lot. close to
the new garage.. Is this a snap?
$900 will buy that one-half acre, or
four large lots, close to University.
This is a snap.
$2400—Modern 8-room house
Woodburn. Sell or exchange.
$1500 for 5 acres, adjoining Salem;
orchard, berries, some improvements.
M ill exchange for Silverton residence
or acreage.
$2000 for two acres near University,
Silverton, improved. Orchard and ber­
ries. The price is right. Will ex­
change for acreage.
$2000—Lots 1 and2 in block 4, Rose­
law n addition to Portland. Five-room
house, modern improvements, will give
terms or exchange.
$2000—Lot 1. block 2. Blumaur add.
to Portland, Exchange for anything
of value.
$1000—Lot 11, block 110. Rose City
Park. Portland. Or. terms or ex-
$850—Lots 15 and 16 in block 17 in
Jonesmore add. to Portland.
$1600—Lots 18 and 19 in block 4, in
Brainard add. to Portland; also a 5-
room modern cottage.
$800—Lot 13 in block 15 in Belle
Crest add. to Portland. All the above
to sell, easy terms, or exchange for
acreage near Silverton, or what have
$3700 for 2012 acres adjoining Sil-
verton. This is a fine home place for
a few cows and chickens; 8-room
house, stone milk house, large barn,
spring water, all kinds of fruit and
berries and garden; a beautiful home,
on nice level road.
$1000 will buy a neat 4-room house
in Cowing addition; part cash.
$1250—Seven rooms, lawn, city wa­
ter, well located near depot. Hurry!
$1500 residence reduced to $1100.
Oh. what a slaughter, and close in.
$1000 for eight lots, all level and
fine garden land, right in the city of
Silverton. I will guarantee these lots
or one acre is worth $1200, and going
H. E. Brown
Box 145
Silverton, Oregon