(Of ^ilbfrton journal Published every- Friday morning at Silverton. Oregon, by J. E. HOSMER. Editor. Entered at the poMotfice at SUverton. Oregon, at MTond claM rates Subscription. 11.00 per year, in advance. Single copie«. 5 cants. Advertising rate« made known upon applica­ tion. This paper stands for freedom of thought, free­ dom of the pre**, freedom of speech, equality of opportunity and the religion of righteouaneaa. It is radically opposed to every form of superstition anti tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form of evil. RELATION OF MONEY-GETTING TO CRIME. seems pretty tough, but we individuals are only atoms in the great evolutionary process of building the most powerful future civiliza­ tion and it is all right for us to take our place wherever we find our- elves, and if we are ground up into mortar for the foundation, it must be all right, for a foundation must be built and we are no ludler than any one else. But it would I k * all right if after enough material is ground up, and there has been a lot of grinding going on since Adam was a little boy, if we would commence on the main building. Don’t we know enough by this time to run our own busi­ ness? if we don’t, it is all right to let King Rockefeller ami his ,-en.or nobles of the United States senate ami the supreme court, l>; . -ed up by its big chief of police, called the president, run it a while longer. Fall otf the brake-beam and get cut in two. That is all right. You don’t know how to run a railroad and you don’t want to ride very far anyway. The railroad companies knew how to get the land, and we didn’t know how to keep them from it, so it’s all right. Some men who milked cows when they were boys, now own most of the United States and some who milked cows and were really smarter and better boys, are in the penitentiary for stealing less than $29,000,000 worth of coal or oil or food. (), it’s all right, but the women and children, who are giving their lives to the master class, are being dwarfed ami driven into all kinds of wrong-doing, and their sins will (low in the veins and brains of coming generations, it is awful, but all this makes us think, and it is all right to think, and when enough of us have thought, it will be all right to act.” THE GEM THEATRE, mo S res Never Gets Old ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS In- tructive «nd Educative. 444444444♦ .. < > < > ■ I . «♦ ♦.♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ R. H. ROBINSON : Sull ILm the Agency of the ♦ HENDERSON FOUR CYLINDER : MOTORCYCLE < ► HEN WE READ from a back number of McClure's Maga­ ♦ • ' The 1914 Model ia Hard to Beat : zine (April, 1907) that twenty million dollars is made in one year by prostitution in Chicago alone, we liegin to think for sure that the Bible doctrine of love of money being the root of all evil is about right. It is said that of the large army of prostitutes in the United States, at least three-fourths of PURE FOOD HOME COOKING CLEAN them are trapped, bought and sold as a matter of financial gain. The people who love money more than they do the happiness of Get The Beat Service the human race, are getting it all. Money is a representative of THINK MORE OF TRUTH AND LESS OF SUCCESS. —AT— • wealth. It is no good in itself, but it is a convenient way of carry­ ing houses, horses, land and big timber around in our pockets. f t INANCIAL AND SOCIAL SUCCESS is no success at all. if When a man steals a hundred dollars, he steals a horse worth that purchased with deceit or a silent lie. 'To promote truth ami amount, or an acre of land, or a ixior country girl who can lx* to be forgotten, to help the world to be better and to sutler “trapped” for that sum, or that part of a working man’s life which Silverton’» Up-to-Date Rcitaurant and Lunch Counter at the hands of those benefited is a thousand times more of it takes to earn it. It has been said that there is only one right way to get wealth and that is to produce it, or its equivalent, and a success than to blossom out into a big business that produces perhaps if we could do away with every method of getting it oth­ great wealth or to be hailed as chief among the smart set. “You erwise, we might solve the great problems that are up to us chil­ will lose all your friends if you tell the truth,” is the warning of dren of the first half of the twentieth century. What other ways many well meaning, but misguided associates. Which do we want, besides producing wealth, or stealing it, are there of obtaining it? the . elf-respect ami the happiness that comes from knowing that One is by inheritance, one by profit or speculation, one by interest, ve have helped in the great advance of the world toward the ♦ ♦ (oolhlgr Street and one by rent. After a man or woman is fifty years old he or she i golden age of righteousness, or the so-called friends purchased at ♦ ♦ ought not to lie obliged to work, therefore it might be well to pass so great a price? The world is dying of deceit and selfishness. One ♦ a law that all between the ages of twenty-one and fifty can have real man or one real woman is worth more to the world and to nothing unless they produce it, or its equivalent, and that those themselves than a whole “generation of vipers,” who crawl around Get a Nest of Your Own past fifty are to be allowed to inherit wealth, get it through inter­ in the dark recesses of social debris, skulking to cover for fear of est, rent and profit otf of those under that age, and to steal it, the losing friends who are usually worth less than honest, humane ene­ only punishment, in case of getting caught stealing, lx?ing for not mies. It »ill not coat you ho much an you may think, if you employ Washington said that “the thinking part of mankind do not nutting the stolen property to some good use. The editor is past fifty year old, you see, and wants to get some form their judgments from events; and their estimate will ever BEN HOFSTETTER kind of a chance to even up on some of the fellows who have got attach equal glory to those actions which deserve success and those which have been crowned with it.” In this tight against the great Cuntractur mid Builder. ahead of him in the race for wealth. But, seriously, isn’t there some just way by which we can stop evil of Catholicism, we do not expect the support of Jesuits or Sih er ton. Oregon. the awful prostitution and poverty, the child labor and crying wo-| Jesuitical hypocrites under other names, and therefore we are not ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ men, the growth of all kinds of crime and the ever-increasing tyr­ going to undertake to make friends from such. We do Itelieve, anny of wealth ? If the love of money is the cause of all this, we however, that there are enough real, true American people who certainly ought to do away with the money making system and will gladly help keep our presses running wfien they know about turn the money makers’ abilities into some other channel that | our work, and if there are not, and we must choose between liberty Phone Main 209 would be productive of more happiness for themselves and for and the slavery of trying to make friends by being a sycophant everybody else. Perhaps after all Frances E. Willard’s idea of and suppressing the truth, then we say with Patrick Henry: “Is changing things is nearer right than most people thought when, life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of after a life-time of endeavor in the ranks of reform, she said that chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what she would take into the hands of the people, not by force, but by course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me the process of lawful acquisition, all that which labor has produced death.” SALEM, ORE. in the four hundred years since Columbus wended his way hither. [ / American and European Plan All gtxxl outside rooms If Uncle Sam should thus become rich enough to give us all | UNITE ON FUNDAMENTALS AND SA\ E THE WORLD. work, and the magnificent reward of all we produce, poverty would CENTRALLY LOCATED vanish as well as millionaires, and all would be rich in opportunity,, • and the workers rich in fact. HOSE WHO REALLY BELIEVE in Jesus as the Savior of MRS. MAE IVIE, Proprietor mankind, believe it is right, and an act of wisdom, to follow his example in everything as far as it is in a |xx»r mortal’s A REVIEW—EDITORIALS OF 1909. power to do so. He did one most wonderful thing that has gone farther to save the world than any other yet known, and that IRL B. LYONS HE FOLLOWING are selected from editorials written for was his peerless work of uniting the warring factions of the think­ ing world by his simple teachings of forgiveness, sympathy and “The Silverton Leader"'of five years ago. It may be of interest to our old standby subscribers to know that they love. In imitation of this great teacher and working-man Savior, the express in a general way the editor’s ideas at the present date. After studying them over carefully we might state some editor of The Silverton Journal would very much like to have the I handle Mueller Brass Goods, Standard Enamelware tilings a little different, but for hastily written newspaper editori­ honor and the happy satisfaction of uniting the warring factions Hydraulic Rams, Pneumatic Water Systems. I can als, they stand approved. We notice that a number of those whose of our time. The work is not yet complete, all will admit. Here make it worth your while to see me about your names are mentioned in the locals of the same issue, are forever Brother Methodist, Brother Christian, Brother Presbyterian, HOP DRYER PIPES gone from the land of the living and this reminds us that life is Brother Baptist, Brother Unitarian, Brother Lutheran, Brother t very uncertain and short at best, and that we who really desire to Congregationalist, and every other brother who really believes in do something to make the world better, should “be up and doing righteousness, let us reach way over the space that separates us J. H. DAVENPORT and shake each other’s hand. ILet us be one in the battle for right, : JOBING A SPECIALTY. with a heart for any fate:” PHONE BLUE 1191 and soon all other men will understand the true message of the : ‘‘A Universal Desire. • • • .................................................................................... .. • • •-►• • • • Carpenter and unite in a grand march to the New Jerusalem, the “The Christian Scientists have an idea, in common with many | “Tabernacle of God,” which is to be with men here on earth. Ix?t individuals of other denominations, that prayer is “desire.” The us as individuals agree to disagree on those theological points on writer rather likes the idea for it seems quite practical that if a which the greatest minds of the world have disagreed and on thing is possible of accomplishment at all, it can be done by a whose rocks the great ship of civilization is still floundering, and strong desire for its accomplishment. all be willing and anxious to associate with publicans and sinners, “No individual can do things worth doing unless he or she has if need be, to save the world from the same over-bearing power PUT UP IN POUND PA KAGES a desire to do them. The desire to become an artist Is, we believe, that was destroying the freedom and happiness of the people two Four quires to a pound. one of the prime requisites in becoming a Michael Angelo. Per­ thousand years ago. In doing this work, you true disciples may haps it is really what we usually call talent. At least, it must be a expect the modern Pharisees to say that you “casteth out devils ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. large part of it, as without it no man or woman could ever rise to . through the prince of devils,” but “the disciple is not above his Envelopes to match, 2 pkgs, for 25c. that condition which we call great. j master, nor the servant above his lord.” “What wonders could be wrought in the production of the good, tve beautiful and the true if there was a universal desire for these ! things? It may be that we could not make it rain whenever we so BUSINESS MEN MUST LINE UP. SALEM, OREGON desired, but in the field of moral, social and intellectual develop­ ment of the world, the results are beyond the comprehension of HE PRESENT SYSTEM of comi>etition and exploitation is those now living in a world of almost universal selfishness and de­ productive of one very bad social result. It is the product ceit. Let us pray!” of moral nonentities. The world is full of men -men espe­ MEETINGS EVERY SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. cially, who stand for nothing that you can notice in the way “Bribed and Bamboozled. of moral uplift. Taking any American city for example; how “If you were elected to a high office, say to the senate of the many business men are known by their firm stand on any moral United States, and you were offered $100,000 to vote against what question? Look at’em! Isn’t it appalling? Scarcely one! A few you thought was right, would you take the money? Yes? Well belong to church but are "attending strictly to their own business” you ought to be put in the penitentiaiw if you did, and as it is, you excepting occasionally at Sunday school. Outside of the business are a dangerous character to run at large. Don’t you know that men, a few are known to advocate and work for certain moral ideas The Program for Next Sunday. but they are painted so black by the criminally inclined that their that is just what is the matter with our country today? “And don’t you know that when you have once sold yourself for i work is reduced to the minimum. Men and women, this won’t do. Opening .song. Boll Cull, with voluntary renpoirneH. gold, you can never, as long as you live, be happy again, unless by Let every business man take a stand and be known as a worker for Instrumental Mimi*. some hook or crook you can really and truly repent and find a little the principles of righteousness, and the world will take a flip-flop Addrena—“How to Become Rich, 4. mighty quick. Oh, yes, we know that “business is business” and satisfaction in trying to repair the injury done your fellow men ? Oueationa. you must have all the business you can get, but the time is right “We want men who will not violate their conscience for any Five-Minute Speeehen. Dehate, 13 and 19. amount of money; and if you are not that kind, it would be well for at hand when the majority of the patrons of your business are go­ Vt hy I Am a Socialist, 21. you, and for the world, if you would get back to the first principles ing to understand the power they have to bring about a happier Song, (> and 12. of manhood and learn to be true to yourself. Simple honesty will condition by concerted action and you “will not be in it” unless you My Experince in Denver, 23. conquer the world and make it a paradise, and in your individual take a stand for righteousness. You will be obliged to do this or M uhìc and Social Time. work, no matter what your calling, it is the strongest weapon in get into the box with the criminals you are so afraid of offending. EVERYBODY WELCOME. COME! Get ready to line up! the fight for success. Colton truly says: “ ‘Nothing more completely baffles one who is full of trick du-, »I plicity than straightforward and simple integrity in another. A Cut thin out. Klirri «nd »end to the Barty. J. E. Hlaxnr, Silverton, Oregon In the great fight against evil, the worst enemy we have to deal knave would rather quarrel with a brother than a fool, but he APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE would rather avoid a quarrel with an honest man than with both. with is our own prejudices. Taking the Catholic controversy for He can combat a fool by management and address, and he can con­ example, we can readily see that the greatest advantage in the SOCIALIST PARTY quer a knave by temptations. But the honest man is neither to be ' world is gained by the Catholics if the hierarchy can keep all the I, tho under»i K n«l, rrecwnlxinir therla»» »truirirl.- l>etw<-.-n th.- rapltallat cl«»» and the Protestant denominations and the more liberal elements all “by the bamboozled nor bribed.’ ” working I , and th»* nerraalty of the working cla«« constituting itavlf into a political party ears,” If we should object to saving our country from a foreign diatinct from and oppoMi-d to all parti»*« formed by th«* »apitalint < la««. hereby «Irclare that I 'ril rnnr< at ?nHlw!Pl nl! l’*’ lh*H, and I Indorse the platform and constitution invader because some of the soldiers who went to the front were of theS«x ialiM I arty, including the principle of polith al action, and hereby apply for ad­ “It Is All Right. mission to «ai right. How would we ever know what a horrible thing it is to have there is anything in our “free press” that doesn’t suit, make it bet­ one man own $800,0(X),000 while millions of our children are starv­ ter by writing an article that will make it better. “In union there _________________ _ 191 ing, unless we had the practical demonstration? Of course, it, i is strength.” W F I. McMULLEN, Proprietor J f f f f f COTTAGE HOTEL T T SILVERTON’S PROGRESSIVE PLUMBER IRL B. LYONS i HIGH GRADE PAPER AT WHOLESALE THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 'ZT'"' T Silverton Socialist Local c hmr «1