The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, February 20, 1914, Image 3

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L. E. BROWN, ’ Opposite Drake Bros* Studio
I make a specialty of Harness and Shoe repairing
Guarantee Satisfaction or money back. Harness
made to order.
W hat the World la Planning at the
When Abraham Lincoln with his
Panama-Pacific Exposition.
splendid administration of affairs, at
the most critical time of the great re-
Th»- rarest fabric* produced in Chi­
b Ilion, was winning out, the pope of
Rome was planning the defeat of the na will be exhibited at the Pariam-Pa-
Union forces and aiding anti acknowl­ cific International Exposition. Dr. T.
edging the government of the south- C. < hu, counselor of the ministry of
h duxtry and commerce of China, and
special commissioner to the exposition,
announces that the Chineae architect
who ix to design the Chinese pavilion,
will reach San Francisco soon. China
will expend 1X00,000 on its display,
says l>r. Chu. The exhibit will be con-
cerned principally with the liberal
arts, manufactures, and agricultural
pursuits of the republic.
At the close of the exposition, the
pavilion, which will l>e of permanent
construction, will be presented to the
American people.
Radium, the rarest and costliest of
all minerals, the curative and energiz­
ing powers of which are holding the
attention of the scientific world, will
lie one of the most important exhibits
at the exposition. The intrinsic value
of material shown at the exhibit will
reach a fabulous sum. German ex­
hibitors have promised to send a dis­
play of radium and radium ores.
em confederacy. Not only thix, but
according to Father Chiniquy, he plan­
ned and accomplished the murder of
L'ncoln him elf. Father Chiniquy had
learned from another ex-priest that
The Panama-Pacific International
there was a plot to kill Lincoln and in
August obtained an interview with exposition hax made an agreement
with the Parseval Company of Ham­
o th«’ president.
burg, Germany, to operate a Parseval
....................................................... ■ .........................................................
In that interview Lincoln said:
“J want your views about a thing dirigible at the expmwtron.
The dirigible will be the largest
which is exceedingly puzzling to me,
inmn and
you are the only one to whom I ever constructed, having a length of
like to speak on that subject. A great 4X0 feet and a width or HO feet, and
number of Democratic papers have will cost $250,(NN). The hangar, or
been sent to me, lately, evidently writ­ house in which it will be kept when on
ten by Roman Catholics, publishing exhibition, will t>e portable, construct­
that I was born a Roman Catholic, and ed in Germany at a cost of $60,(NN). A
baptized by a priest, -sliey call m«’ a gas plant will be built costing $40,000.
renegade, an apostate, on account of The gigantic air-ship will make trips
that; and they heap upon my head of fifty miles length, carry ing passen­
mountains of abuse. At first, I laugh- ger.^ at $25 each. Two licensed crews
«•<1 at that, for it ix a lie. Thanks be of eight members each, from Ger­
to God, 1 have never been a Roman many, will accompany the dirigible to
Catholic. No priest of Rome hax ever America and operate it while at San
laid his hand on my head. But the F raricisco.
When not making regular trips the
persixtency of the Romish press to
present this falsehood to their readers Par eval will lie on exhibition at the
as a gospel truth, must have a mean­ hangar. Here exposition visitors will
ing. Please tell me, as briefly as pos­ have on opportunity to explore its spa­
cious interior, comprised of observa­
sible what you think about that.”
"My dear president,” I answered, “it tion rooms, sleeping rooms, diner,
wax just this strung«1 story published kitchen, bath, smoking room, reading
about you, which bropght me here yes­ room and all accessories that provide
terday. 1 wanted to say a word about a modern transportation car with the
comforts of travel.
it; but you were too busy.
"I-et me tell you that I wept as a
A model of the Panama canal, 500
ch’ld when I read that xtory for the
The Exposition Line- 1915
be -------
the ex-
_ . will
— —
„ ___
first time, but 1 have from the lips of a feet . in length,
hitx by the United States govern-
Ami now is the time to see California; to live outdoors
converted priest, that it is in order to
excite the fanaticism of the Roman i. ent at the Panama-Pacific Interna­
and enjoy the sunxhin ", flowers, ami summer sports. It
Catholic murders, whom they hope to tional exposition. Of the $500,000 ap­
is a trip you cannot afford to miss.
find, sooner or later, to strike you propriated by congress for federal ex­
down, they hav«1 invented that false hibits, $60,000 has been turned over
story of your being born in the church to the Isthmian Canal commission for
<>f Rome, and of your being baptized the construction of the model. The
by a priest. They want that to brand model, complete in a'l working details,
face with the ignominious mark will allow the passage of toy boats.
including Shasta Limited the train of modern service
Do not forget that, in the It will be built to scale.
with all steel up-to-the-minute equipment.
The first round-the-world air flight
church of Rome, an apostate is an out­
The California and San Francisco Express Trains with
cast, who has no place in society, and is planned to start from the ground of
the Panama-Pacific International ex­
who has no right to live.
Standard, Tourist and (’hair Cars and dining service that
“The Jesuits want the Roman Cath­ position in May, 1915. Airmen from
will please.
olics to believe that you are a mon­ all the nations of civilization, in air­
ster, an open enemy of God and of his craft of every type, will contend for
that you are an ex-communi- the largest prize fund ever offered in
Call on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outline a trip,
rated man. For every apostate is, any sporting event in history—$300,-
quote fares and furnish Outing literature on California’s
ipse facto (by that very fact) ex-com­ 000 will be distributed among the vic­
municated. I have brought to you the tors. I he route will pass eastward
famous resorts.
theology of one of the most learned across the American continent, the At­
and approved of the Jesuits of his lantic, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific
time, Bussarnbaum, who, with many ocean to Alaska, thence the flyers will
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
others, say that the man who will kill proceed to San Francisco.
A time limit of 9e days is placed
you will do a good and holy work.
More than that, here is a copy of a upon the contest, which will have the
decree of Gregory VII., proclaiming xanction of the Federation Aeronau-
that the killing of an apostate, or an t'que Internationale, the central or­
and an ex-communicated man, ganization of aeronautical bodies in
Cut out <>n dotted lin«- and mail to J. K. 5IO8MER, Silverton. Oregon
as you are declare«l to be, is not mur­ every civilized country on the globe.
der; nay, that it is jpod, a Christian
The Davenport Estate.
action. That decree is incorporated in
the canon law, which every priest
Finest location for business men,
must study, ami which every good most sightly and attractive lots in Sil­
Catholic must follow.
verton, an ideal place for retired farm­
“My dear president, I must repeat ers to build a modern home in a quiet
to you here what I said when in Ur- close in and attractive part of town,
bana, in 1856. My fear is that you will lots that will increase rapidly in value.
fall under the blows of a Jesuit assas­ If you are looking for something that
sin, if you do not pay more attention is unequalled in situation, price, qual­
, 191
than you have done, till now, to pro­ ity, beauty and convenience, you
tect yourself. Remember that tie­ should see these lots. I am at your
E ditor of S ilverton J ournal ,
cause Coligny was an heretic, as you service; no trouble to show property.
S ilverton , O regon .
are, he was brutally murdered in the You will get the lowest cash price. I
St. Bartholomew night; that Henry IV will sell one or thirty-one. You can
Enclosed find $1.00, for which send the JOURNAL to
was stubbled by the Jesuit assassin, have reasonable terms. These choice
Revaillac. the 14th of May, 1610, for lots are level, streets paved to part,
having given liberty of cohscience to sidewalks in on part. Wake up! Think
his people, and that William the Taci­ of it! Study the location. There is no
turn, was shot dead by another Jesuit other such opportunity to Purchase
murderer, called Girard, for having close in, well-located homes in Silver-
broken the yoke of the pope. The ton. Call and see me. Get the prices.
church of Rome is absolutely the same
today as she was then; she does be­
Exclusive Agent.
lieve and teach, today, as then, that
she has the right and that it is her
Changed Headquarters.
duty to punish by death any heretic
Dr. Heisley will be at Silverton
who is in her way as an obstacle to
her designs.
The unanimity with Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Of­
Air: "America.”
which the Catholic hierarchy of the fice over Preston's Shop. Leave orders
"My country,” 'tix of thee,
United States is on the side of the reb­ at Preston’s. Salem office and resi­
The price of the Gravity Ha «1 Cul­
“My” private property,
is an incontrovertible evidence dence, 527 Court street, opposite Court
tivator is $8.
Of thee “1” sing;
Rome wants to destroy this re­ house, and next door to Moose build­
The price of the Gravity Junior ix
Land where "my" millions toil
public, and as you are, by your person­ ing.
In serfdom on “my” soil,
al virtues, your popularity, your love
The price of the Gravity attachment
That out of “Standard Oil"
for liberty, your position, the greatest
is $2.50.
I wealth may wring.
The McCorkle Sub-Division,
obstacle to their diabolical scheme,
These inventions are beyond ques­
their hatred is concentrated upon you;
tion the greatest that were ever used
I have about 400 acres, all level,
“My” native villainy
you are the daily object of their male­ well located _ in ___
in a garden.
the ______
heart of the best
Is what enables “me"
it is at your breast they will farming district of the Willamette val­
We recommend the Gravity Hand
To make “my" pile.
direct their blows. My blood chills in ley, on Howell Prairie. This tract is
Cultivator for large gardens and for
“I” own the rocks and rills,
my veins, when I contemplate the day cut to suit purchaser. Each 10 acres
splendid deep work. The Gravity Ju­
Their oil "my” coffer fills
which may come, sooner or later, when facing a public thoroughfare. No rock,
nior ’a a lighter machine and is espe­
With gobi and bonds and bills.
Rome will add to all her other iniqui­ no gravel, no hardpan, no sloughs, all
cially adapted for women and children
That’s W’hy “I” smile.
ties. the murder of Abraham Lincoln.” good, deep, rich, black sediment loam
with small gardens. The Gravity at­
The whole account as given in Fath­ soil. Prices from $90 per acre and up.
tachment works on the same principle
Then there's "my” son, John D,
er Chiniquy's book, "Fifty years in the Terms to suit the purchaser. If you
but ix attached to other tools, such ax
A pious youth is he,
Church of Rome,” should be read by are looking for a home nicely and con­
a pointed hoe or rake, and it ix one of
Takes after ma.
citizen of America.
the finest things any gardener ever
veniently located, and one that will
And through the needle’s eye,
Th«1 officials at Washington were pay on the investment, and one that
used. With any one of these machines
With out-stretched wings lie’ll fly
afraid to look into the matter closely will mgke an ideal home, call or write.
the worker can do the work of five or
Up to that home on high,
for fear of another bloody war be­ Get prices and terms.
six men and do it much better than
Bought by his "pa."
tween the Catholics and Protestants,
with a hoe or with the ol«l style push
H. E. BROWN, Exclusive Agt.
—The Eye Opener.
and they were very anxious to have
machines. The Gravity cultivates deep
Silverton, Oregon.
peace at almost any cost. But the
or shallow; it works <ery rapidly: it
does the work better than any other
hand cultivator in the world and it
Have you heard of wie Waldo Hills? how one of the murderers was pro­ Stock and Dairy Ranches Equipped.
does it so easy that gardening becomes Have you seen the choice fruits, hops, tected by priests in the service of the
I have 115 acres 1‘2 miles north of
a pleasure. Write for information or grapes, English walnuts and garden b’shop and smuggled off to Europe, Silverton, in Evans valley, fully equip­
send the price and we will ship a ma­ stuff which the Waldo Hills produced and finally taken from the service of ped, fine improvements, good string of
chine at once.
in 1913? Would you like me to give th«1 pope by the Unite«l States govern­ cows, will sell at $100 per acre, or ex­
you the names, or would you like to ment and tried, but how by getting change for a good stock ranch.
H. E. Brown, Si'verton, Ore.
Inventor and Manufacturer, Silver-
shake hands with some of these pros­ Catholics on the jury, the church saved
perous farmers? Would you like the their murder tool. The whole story
ton, Oregon.
facts demonstrated and proved to you
A brand new piano for sale at a
that the Waldo Hills is the most all­ enough known to brand the hierarchy very low price. Call at this office.
Almont 70 acres, best located, near round successful farming land in Ore­ with the foulest names in the English
See the Old Trusty Incubators and
electric and steam line railroad, fine gon? These low-rolling hills, almost language—traitor and assassin.
Brooders at the Cash Produce Market
improvements, 5 acres choice prunes, level land, partly in fruit, partly in
15914 acres 7*2 miles from Silver- befor.- buying elsewhere.
grain, can be had in lots from 8 acres
2 acres variety orchard nicely equip­ and
up; prices from $40 and up to $150 ton, new 6-room house, large barns, 60
If you want a Gravity Hand Culti­
ped, five cows, horses, hogs, chickens. per acre, on easy terms. I have a acres bottom land. Hill land is fine
vator this spring, order it now’, of J.
Will sell and give terms. Price, $12,- number of very choice and attractive fruit land, about 15 head cattle, four E. Hosmer.
000, or will exchange for transfer bus­ little homes about three miles from horses, all farm implements, hogs,
For Sale.—Pure blood Rose-Comb
Silverton. Can give terms to suit the chickens, all goes at a slaughter for
iness or close in income property. For purchaser.
Calj and see me, or write cash, or will exchange for anything of Rhode Island Red eggs, $1.00 per set­
further information cah or write H. E.
ting of 13. Ed K. Adams. South Wa­
good value.
Exclusive Agent. I
H. E. Brown, Silverton, Ore. ter Street.
Brown, exclusive agent.
W. A. CROSS, the Harness Man
“Safety First“ Our Motto
With the Menace, we have no religi­
ous argument with Rome over her doc­
trines. Let her dogmas be what they
will and let her practice what she will,
so long ax that practice grants the
same free«iom to every other religion­
ist or non-believer; but it is interest­
ing to note that the church cannot
prove the following doctrines, from
one of her professed standards of
faith—the Bible, an<l she must rely
solely upon her “Lord God, the Pope,
for the authority of her creed. From
the Converted Catholic Evangelist we
print the following "Challenge to Ro­
man Catholicx:”
If it is true that the Roman Catho­
lic laity are carrying copies of the
New Testament, and are reading the
Scriptures ax a priest reads his brevi­
ary, we respectfully invite them to
produc«* a text of Scripture to prove
any of the following dogmas or teach­
ing.-. of their church, or any of the fol­
lowing statements:
1. One text of Scripture proving
that we ought to pray to the Virgin
2. One text of Scripture to prove
that the Virgin Mary was born with­
out sin.
3. One text of Scripture to prove
that St. Peter had no wife.
4. One text of Scripture to prove
that priests ought not to marry.
5. One text of Scripture to prove
that St. Peter was bishop of Rome.
6. One text of Scripture to prove
that the p pe is the vicar of Christ or
the successor of St. Peter.
7. One text of Scripture to prove
that priests can forgive sins.
8. One text of Scripture to prove
that the wine at the Lords table ought
to be taken by the priests only.
9 One text of Scripture to prove
that there is such a thing as the Ro­
man mass.
10. One text of Scripture to prove
that the prdsts have power to change
the bread and wine into the body,
blood, soul and divinity of Jesus
11. One text of Scripture to prove
that there are seven sacraments.
12. One text of Scripture to prove
that the use of images was recom­
mended either by Christ or by hie
13. One text of Scripture to prove
the existence of of such a place as pur­
14. One text of Scripture to prove
that there are more mediators than
15. One text of Scripture to prove
that we ought to pray for the dead.
16. One text of Scripture to prove
that we shf ild fast on Fridays.
17. One text of Scripture to prove
the infallibility of the pope.
18. One text of Scripture to prove
that baptism “cleanses from original
sin, makes Christians the children of
God, and heirs to the kingdom of
19. One text of Scripture to prove
that unbaptixed children after death
go to a place called "limbo,” or that
there is such a place.
20. *?ne text of Scripture to sanc­
tion the baptism of bells.
21. One text of Scripture to prove
that a man should be prosecuted and
cursed who conscientiously leaves the
religion in which he was born, to ac­
cept that of Jesus Christ.
It is impossible to personally thank
all those who are he'ping us in this
struggle against the Roman power,
but we are thankful just the same. It
is your fight, h«>wever, as well as ours,
and as a business proposition in the
greatest campaign against the great­
est evil of any age we wish to notify
those on the firing line that we have
got to get more financial aid or Rome
will gain her point anil put our free
press out of business. We want $5000
at once, and if all of our subscribers
will use the subscription blanks we are
sending out with this issue, we will
get the money and not be beggars,
either, for The Silverton Journal will
be worth one dollar during the year
1914 and thus we will be giving value
r«»ceived. The time ’s very short.
Please act at once.
Ingersoll on Cannibalism.
In the days of savagery the strong
devoured the weak—actually ate their
flesh. In spite of all the laws that
man has made, in spite of all advance
in science, literature and art, the
strong, the cunning, the heartless still
live on the weak, the unfortunate and
the foolish. True they do not eat their
flesh .they do not drink their blood,
but they live on their labor, on their
self-denial, their weariness and want.
The poor man who deforms himself by
toil, who labors for a wife and child
through all his anxious, barren, wast­
ed life—who goes to the grave without
even having had one luxury—has been
the fo«xi of others. He has been de­
voured by his fellow-man. The poor
woman living in the bare and lonely
room, cheerless and fireiess, sewing
night and day, to keep starvation from
a child, is slowly being eaten by her
fellow-man. When I take into consid­
eration the agony of civilized life—the
number of failures, the poverty, the
anxiety, the tears, the withered hopes,
the bitter realities, the hunger, the
crime, the humiliation, the shame—I
am almost forced tj say that cannibal­
ism, after all, is the most merciful
form in which man has lived upon his
'Rfr..... iff
I have property in Portland, Wood­
burn, Salem. Sub'tmity, Stay ton, Sil­
verton and Eugene to exchange.
I have a large list of California,
Mexico. New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Canada farms
and residence properties to exchange.
I have business propositions in Ida­
ho, Washington, Oregon, California,
Colorado, Nevada, Nebraska, Michi­
gan, Kentucky and Tennessee, to ex­
In fact, I have homes in almost all
states in the United States and Cana­
da to exchange, eastern fsrms for
western; southern farms for northern;
western land for eastern, and northern
land for southern; fsrms for city and
city for farms. I don’t believe you can
mention a place in the United States
that I can’t find you an exchange. Tell
me what yon want and what yon don’t
want. You can get just what yea want
and unload what you don’t want, if
you will tell your traablea to me.
Now come down to business, try thia
exchange, give your property in right;
don’t hand me a package, and I won’t
have a package to hand the other fel­
low. You can make an honest ex­
change. Many a man or lady has
property they can’t sell for cash. They
want to come to Oregon, and yon
want to go to California, or some oth­
er atate, or you want to leave the old
farm and get in town; the other fel­
low wants to get out. Why not ex­
Why not tell me what you want and
where you want it? Why not come in
and aee me ar write me? It will coat
you nothing to inveatigate. I adver­
tise what you have and what you want
and get you the exchange. All you
have to do is to move and get away
from your quarrelsome neighbors.
Write me.
1 buy, sell snd exchange anything,
H. E. Brown
Box 145
Silverton, Oregon