The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, February 20, 1914, Image 1

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    T he S ilverton J ournal
One of the Greatest Christian Sermons Ever Preached in Silverton
NO. 16.
Read This and A»k
Your »elf
if All These
0. S. B’» Haven't the
Was Delivered Last Sunday Night by the
Same Opportunities and If Any Are Apt to Be Angels
Rev. Leon L. Myers
Under the Circumstances
There has been great complaint all
over the civilized work! about the peo­
ple not attending religious servi es,
but the reason for it is manifest in the
fact that more than every seat was
taken last Sunday night at the Chris­
tian t-hurt h The main floor was
crowded, the gallery was full ami peo­
ple were standing in the hall when the
pastor, I .eon L. Myers, opened one of
the epoch-making meetings in Silver-
ton’s rapid transit toward higher ami
better things. On account of the suits
against certain “blind piggers,” which
had not yet been tried as expected at
this time, Mr. Myers could not give
the names ami places as fully as some
expected, but there was certainly
enough said that the wayfaring man,
though a fool, need not have erred
therein. The best part of any religion
and the part which in time is bound to
lecumr the whole of the true religion,
is the part which is practical for hu­
man iteings here on earth. The fight
against that which makes men and
women unfit for any kind of a heaven,
ami the upbuilding of justice, equity
and lilierty, right here on earth, is
certainly the largest part of “Thj
kingdom come” here and elsewhere.
Mr. Myers has been very aggressive
in his work against wrong of all kinds,
and there had been an underground
rumbling among some of the weaker
of hia congregation, headed and abet­
ted by those who had been hit bj Lis
sharp arrows of truth. But when this
earnest worker for righteousness call­
ed for volunteers who approved his
work, and who would help him, first
from the memt>ers of his own church
and then from the whole congregation,
therr was no doubt left in the minds
of any as to the esteem in which he
is held by the peupls of this city. The
congregation stood almost as one man
for the enthusiastic preacher and for
the clean up which he represents.
Some of the most prominent and
pointed thoughts brought out in the
sermon were as follows:
"The average preacher is tied soul
and body to the feet of his unspiritual,
unscrupulous master with a chain of
silver dollars.
“He knows that his God wants him
to speak out against the Roman hierar­
chy, but has master says no, my busi­
ness success depends on my Catholic
customers. He folds his hands and
w'th a sanctimonious sigh says this is
none of my fight.
“He knows that ids Lord never al­
lowed sin to pass him unchallenged,
hut hib master on earth says the suc­
cess of our card parties and other so­
cial enterprises depends upon this par­
ticular pharisee’s good standing
among us, so again he sighs, “Let him
that is without guilt cast the first
stone,” for fear of losing a part of h<»
salary he allows himself to forget that
the one of whom this was spoken had
sincere repentam <■_
“He preaches for spiritual things
and crawls like a snail, snivels like a
mongrel pup, when he is whipped, at
the feet of the one who holds the sack
from which his salary is to come. He
eases his aching conscience by saying
‘Blessed are the meek.’
“He knows that his Lord took a
whip of cords anti- drove the money­
changers forth in righteous indigna­
tion, but the average preacher with
his eyes raised to heaven, says, ‘It is
not the gaining nor the possession of
a large fortune that condemns, but the
use made of it. The love of money is
the root of all kinds of evil, bdl bo long
as a portion of the fortune is used to
pay my salary, 1 am satisfied,’ he
a'ghs again, that holy, sanctified sigh.
"He knows that the environment of
the majority of his people and of the
people of the community is such that
they are compelled to work and worry
ami struggle to eke out a vain subsist­
ence which takes away their appetites
for spiritual things. Then he preaches
to them, ‘Take no thought for the
morrow.’ A good admonition under
right circumstances, but an empty
platitude to the man who has only a
$2 a day job between himself and
starvation. What is the result:
“The average man looks upon the
average pulpiteer as a coward, a half­
feminine article fit only to squeeze the
hands of his feminine parishioners
and kiss the toe of the fat man who
controls the money and also about half
of the souls of the people of his com­
munity, and who incidentally helps to
pay the minister’s salary.
“Under these conditions the average
man stays at home with his family
and reads, or goes to the theatre, his
children run the streets at night, and
the community has no religion.
“The average young person, seeing
sin go unchallenged, and realizing the
hypocritical tendency of those who
should guide him in spiritual direc­
tions, falls into error as naturally as
water flows down hill.
"The average man judges the
church first of all by the minister, then
by the members of the cnurch.
“He notices that when sin ¡8 chal­
lenged many of the church members
will rise in defense of the sin itself,
and will assist in the stoning of the
one who dares to say ‘Halt!’
“He naturally concludes that these
people are equally guilty of the same
sin and refuses to consort with such
a bunch.
“He notices that the Christians who
make little effort from one year’s end
to the other to save a soul from death,
will if they get a scent of a scandal,
make a house to house canvass to cir­
culate it for an evil purpose, then turn
about and make another canvass to
get a company to atone the preacher
Editor Silverton Journal:
who warns the young against sin.
While in Portland last week a friend
“I understand there has been a J
gave me a story of a very recent Cath­
house to house canvass in this town to
olic priest and church scandal. Some
stone me because I announced that I *
1 2
3 4 5
few months ago the young couple
was going to fight sin, and because I .
were married. The groom's family
wrote a warning against sin. The hu-'
was Protestant, the bride’s, Irish-
mor of the situation is that several
American Catholic. The most of the
different people think 1 meant them.
bride’s family had given up the church
Like Jutias of old, they are popping up I
but she was remaining quite devout
remorse for what their conscience declares to be wrong, then there are
here Ull'l there to Biquire, 'Is it I ?” I
and worshipful. All went well for a
times when one feels a strong impulse to confide and seek protection
think my answer must be the same as
few weeks, then the bride made the
from some one—some real friend who ran understand and sympathize
the Savior’s, ‘The one who dips hia
excuse to go and stay over night with
with the victim of a crushed snd bleeding better self. Women, and espe­
hand with me in the sop is he who |
a lady friend, who was to l>e alone.
shall betray me.’ In other words, the
This only occurred every ten days or
cially young women, are often in this state of mental hunger for the food
person who ia guilty of sin will in due
two weeks at first, then this lady(?)
of sympathy and instruction. The priests understand this very well in­
lime make himself known, or herself,,
friend was alone quite regular.
deed, and are not slow to take advantage of it. The confessional box keeps
as the case may he.
The husband became suspicious and
“As a rule people have quit the j
talked to the brother about it, and
church going habit because they do
they both decided something was
they use the spooks of superstition, the persuasions of a supposed, un­
not believe the true God is there. Let | selfish, fatherly love, the power of knowledge and experience until they
wrong. So the next evening the young
H o!,,, he known that Jehovah, the
wife made it known that her young
true God is there, and people will re­
lady( ?) friend was to be alone again.
They thus get absolute control and then the scene changes.
new the church-going habit.
They were going down town also to
"Let the church really take up the
take in the theatre and made it a point
Thia is no picture of the imagination. Everywhere this game is actu­
cause of the people, establish in fact !
to take the same car with the sister
ally being played and the writer could give the real names of priests,
and wife.
as well as in name the apostolic ;
not many miles from Silverton, who have acted and are still acting their
church, in devotion, practice, the ‘Do
When the wife got off, they noticed
part in this beastly Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tragedy. Priests of Marion
unto other’ rule of conduct in their I
it was near the priest’s house and
daily lives, and a change in the atti­
Catholic church, over in that northeast
county have become fathers and still gone on in their wicked part of forc­
tude of the people toward the church I ing honest fathers and mothers to give up their hard-earned money and
section of the city. They rode to the
will only be the natural result. Re­
next corner and both got off. The hus­
form must begin with the house of
band back-trailed his wife, the brother
going down the parallel street to be
This community has fallen into the I
sure she didn’t pass the priest’s house,
hands of a gang of outlaws, who must
as they suspected ths was what was
be brought to justice.
The wife was trailed into this
"A most systematic effort and well-
reach it. Let no difficulty deter you;
laid plan is fully developed in this
heaven ia well worth all the pains you holy(?) residence, and the brother
mmunity to defy the law, and to de­
guarded the back door, while the hus­
By keeping the victim razell-dazell- can take.
file the community. Some of our peo­
band w-ent to the front entrance. The
ple have Iwome victims of this organ­
lights were seen to go out in the base­
eyes fastened on a home above the - our minds to heaven, when not staring ment and turned on up stairs. Soon
ized plan.
“Since the defeat of our marshal, cloud», the Roman hierarchy can eas­ ! with frightened, wild, wide-eyed won­ after the woman entered, the husband
who sought to arrest what he consid­ ily rob them of everything that’s pro­ der into hell, drinking booze and shell­ knocked stoutly and the priest’s head
ered a law-breaker, they have become fitable for it to take. Their positive ing out the cash to old daddy prieBt, is stuck out of the front upstairs window
emboldened. Our city streets are fre­ stories and hypocritical claim of a di­ fast being replaced by the more prac­ and ask'd “who is there; what is
quently used for stages on which are vine nature puts the priest in a posi­ tical one of fixing things here on earth wanted?” The husband replied, "I
performed scenes that make all decent tion to have everything his own way so people can be half-way white and am Mr. -------- and have come for my
with his best members. Poor vic­ fit for any emergency. Hell can easily wife.” «'he priest answered, “Your
people blush for shame.
“I will challenge this conduct. I will tims! Read the mental poison that al­ be put out of existence by teaching wife isn’t here, and hasn’t been here.”
not shrink from this my clear duty. I lows no freedom of thought on the righteousness instead of this limbo The husband informed his highness’
will consider every person opposed to part of the victim, neither as to the and tin-heaven rot. Christians should holiness that he had seen her enter,
this clean-up as guilty of sin, and wording or interpretation of the Scrip­ take Jesus, the carpenter’s son, for just a moment before, ana while these
tures, and think how you can best help their example, and teach His social
afraid of being caught.
"I will ever stand ready to help break th ir chains. Here is the fifth and economic principles that will make
those who may be injured, I will read­ and sixth articles of the creed as given better men and women of us and es­
ily retract any proven wrong, for 1 ex­ in the Catholic Catechism:
tablish the brotherhood of man so we
Fifth Article of the Creed.
pect to make mistakes. But I will not
can be fit for any kind of heaven and
If there ever was a time in the his­
hesitate to denounce sin even though
"He descended into hell, the third knock the devil out of limbo, purgato­ tory
of American Odd Fellowship
it may discommode some in high posi­ day He rose again from the dead.”
ry, hell, and all such silliness.
each individual member should
tions of trust and power in the com­
What is meant by the words “He
know what is going on in official cir­
descended into hell ?"
cles, it is right now. The future life
“I snail not try to avoid responsibil­
That the soul of Jesus Christ, after
of Odd Fellowship is now held in the
ity. What I do will be openly and I His death, descended into “Limbo,” to
balance in this country. If Romanized
trust without fear. 1 take it that the console and set free the souls of the
People who are willing to work ! principles
the grind will be steady
moral atmosphere of this community just.—1 St. Peter iii. 19.
ought to get an abundance of this but sure win,
until the very life ’will be
must be elevated. The lord bless him
Limbo was the place of rest wherein world’s goods and have plenty of time I crushed out
of the oraer in America.
who helps to do this, and be merciful the souls of the just who died before for self-improvement and the culture
on those who think to stand in the Christ were detained waiting for the that alone can come from innocent We call it the Independent Order of
Fellows. I don’t believe that
way to block. I will not give one inch time of the redemption.
pleasure. Why cannot children have Odd
Wildey ever dreamed that his
for policy sake. If what 1 do affects
Why were the souls of the just who an equal chance for education? Why
the churches of this city, then let the died before Christ detained in Limbo? cannot men who labor have more fondest hopes in organizing this great
churches clean up. I think there is
Because heaven was closed through wealth, and why can’t we as a city order would ever be crystallized into
about as much devil in all the churches sin, and was first to be opened through have more improvements? The usual a dictatorship and receive its orders
of this city as they can hold without Christ.
answer is that it is our own fault, but from Rome.
Brethren, your lodge has received or
the Lord coming to destroy them with
What is meant by the words; "The in the way the answer is intended, this
His ever-destructive and all-powerful third day He rose again from the is not true. Conditions make men and will receive an official mandate from
as well as righteous indignation. I <lead ?
not men conditions. The conditions of the Grand Sire condemning the Sover­
say, let us clean up. Stone me if you
They mean that the soul of Christ the labor market, the schools and the eign Odd Fellow, telling you that you
will, but dean up this city we must. remained in Limbo until the third day, classes of society were all here when ; shall not subscribe for it or even dis­
And as Martin Luther said, ‘If I per­ when it was, by His own power, re­ we got here, and they made us what cuss or mcnt’«n the name of the Sov­
ish, I perish.’ ”
united to His body, and He rose glori­ we are. Even what we inherited was ereign Odd Fellow in your lodge.
If every city in the United States ously from the tomb. Easter Sunday. made for us by the conditions in which Why? Because the Sovereign Odd
had such workers as Mr. Myers is,
W’as Christ seen after His resurrec­ our parents and grandparents found Fellow has dared to be “Independent.”
against the evils that can only bring tion ?
themselves when they got here. And It has dared to tell the truth and
heartache, failure, degradation, crime,
After His resurrection Christ was what are the conditions as to our ob­ stand firm for the true principles of
and death, many a place would become repeatedly seen by His apostles and taining through our labor the good Odd Fellowship against the dictations
a clean anti wholesome home like Sil­ disciples, who touched him, ate and things of life? Why, every man. wo­ of a foreign hierarchy whose sole pur­
verton is, and is to i>e. Citizens, let ta'ked with Him.
man and child in civilized countries pose is to suppress everything and ev­
us drop all controversy over our
How long did Christ remain on earth pays something (about four-fifths, on erybody it cannot control. That is the
creeds anti theoretical differences far after His resurrection?
an average, of what he or she earns) whole thing in a “nutshell” and every
enough at least to work together for
Christ remained forty days on to a class of men who give us nothing reader of the Sovereign Odd Fellow
this practical and most elevating part earth, conferring various powers upon in return excepting their false teach­ knows it.
of all religions, which will surely be His disciples, especially upon Peter, ings through their subsidized press,
Now-, brethren, if you want to see
the means of saving us all to the ut­ and leaving instructions for the good and miserable laws through their hire­ the true principles of Odd Fellowship
of His church.
lings in the halls of legislation. Whole win in this country, get every member
What does the resurrection of Christ industries are now owned by individu­ in your lodge to become a regular sub-
teach us?
al men, and when you buy anything I scrib r to the Sovereign Odd Fellow.
(1) That He is true God; (2) that which you must have in order to live, The price is so low you can’t afford
From year marked one, with Rome we also shall rise again; (3) that we the chances are ten to one, that you not to drop in your mite and help win
and Rum
should rise from the death of sin to a are paying five times more for the this great battle. Only 25 cents per
Have human hopes been blighted,
new and holy life.
thing than what it costs to produce it year for single subscription or 20 cents
And now ’tis time, with vote or gun,
“He that raised up Jesus Christ and get it to you. This is a horrible : per year in clubs of ten or more. If
These wrongs should all be righted.
from the dead, shall also quicken your condition, and everybody who has abil­ you believe in being ruled and govern­
mortal bodies.”—Rom. viii. 11.
ity to think agrees that it accounts for ed by a Dictator you don’t want to
From time marked now, let’s make a
Application.—Rejoice at the thought our wholesale lack of brain and physi­ I subscribe for the Sovereign Odd Fel-
of your Blessed Savior's triumph over cal and financial power. And the 1 low. If you believe in Odd Fellowship
That honest folks, united,
death and hell. Prepare yourself by a worst of it is, the power rnat is taking ' as laid down by its noble founders,
Will never rest till all such junk
new and holy life for a glorious resur­ the wealth of the world from those Thomas Wildey and others, and car­
In hell-fire is ignited.
who produce it, is continually gaining ried out. until the present Dictator
» * •
Sixth Article of the Creed.
and the producers and helpless poor became Grand Sire, subscribe for the
What in the world has the old bald-
“He ascended into heaven, sitteth at are becoming weaker and weaker.
Sovereign Odd Fellow and get every
headed p >ue done for the world that the right hand of God the Father Al­
There is no one in the world, unless member in your lodge to join in with
we should give him such power? His mighty.”
he is a fool, who does noc recognize you. Let's put Odd Fellowship back
power and our taxes go up together;
What do these words, “He ascended that things cannot continue as they where it belongs and let every lodge
lets bring ’em down.
are. Why, at the present rate of in­ in these great United States resolve
into heaven” teach us?
• « •
They teach us that Christ, by His crease of wealth in the hands of a few, new and forever, never to let another
Some people would kiss any dirty own power, with His humanity as well they will own the whole earth, and the R >man Catholic or Roman sympathiz­
old toe if they thought it would give as His divinity, went up into heaven. struggle will be awful. Some think it er cross the threshold of our sacred
them a stand-in with a big band of
Ascension Thursday.
is awfu' now, but ten years more of lodge halls. We have got to have a
robbers. No principle!
Did Christ ascend alone into exploitation and this free America of “house-cleaning” before we can get
♦ * *
ours will be worse than any slave pen Odd Fellowship back onto the princi­
heaven ?
Isn’t it strange that the most holy
No; He took with Him into heaven or lunatic asylum we ever dreamed ples where it was founded and intend­
humans in the world are the pot-bel- the souls of the just, whom he had about. There must be some change, ed to travel. Brother, you can help do
lied priests who get drunk and seduce freed from Limbo.—Eph. iv. 8.
and dear reader, it matters not what this, and I believe you are in hearty
innocent girls ?
From what place did Christ ascend our theories are, it is certainly for our accord with the movement and senti­
• • «
mutual interests to think and study ment as advocated by the Sovereign
into heaven?
The richest skin game the devil was
From Mount Olivet, in the presence every side of this great live twentieth Odd Fellow. I am proud of the recon!
ever able to hatch up is the purgatory of His disciples.
century problem. How can we adjust made by this fearless little paper be­
Why did Christ ascend into heaven ? our industrial machinery so as to meet cause it means so much to the future
* * •
(1) To take possession of His glory; the demands of our growing civiliza- of our beloved order. I love Odd Fel­
Wouldn’t it be a huge joke on the (2) to be our advocate with His Fath­ tfon ? How ?
lowship. There is nothing grander or
northern Democrats if Woodrow er; (3) to prepare a place for us.
nobler than the principles upon which
proves to be a Roman soldier?
“We have an advocate with the
The above is copied from the “Sil­ this great order was founded. It is the
• * *
Father, Jesus Christ.”—1 St. John ii. verton Semaphore” of December 26, Golden Rule welded by the links of
The great money masters and the 2.
1908. That was six /ears ago, and fraternal love and made to fit the
Roman hierarchy make a fine team,
What is meant by the words “sitteth since that time many a poor soul has frailties of the human family and
but don’t stand with ypur mouth open. at the right hand of God?”
been driven to the wall anti the hard teach us that, step by step we may
Do something! Do it how!
They mean that Christ even as Man times of this winter, especially among reach the zenith of our fondest hopes
partakes of the power and glory of the the poor in the cold, frozen states of among our fellowmen and finally re­
Meet your opponent with reason, Divine Majesty.—Eph. i. 20-22.
our Union, is awful to contemplate. ceive our reward from Him in whom
not with noise nor with sabatage, un­
Application.—Often raise your mind Let us do all we can to settle this we live, move and have our being.
less actual war has been declared— and heart to heaven, your true home. great problem, which is still with us
I hope every brother and reader of
then use the best war weapons you By the grace of Jesus and by your unsolved. Let us use this free pyess this paper will make a special effort at
can get.
once, to spread its usefulness as rap-
earnest co-operation, you, too, will for all it is worth. It is your move.
two argued, the wife was beating it
down the back way, ran out the back
door into the arms of the brother, who
led her around in front.
The priest was anxious to have no
trouble and n-1 have any publicity.
This was all agreed to, if the conduct
was not carried further. The husband
was willing to forgive and forget and
agreed to arrange to leave Portland
soon and take his wife to another loca­
tion—start all over again, she to for­
get the priest and church.
The next afternoon, the wife made
it known that she was going down
town and acted suspicious, so the hus­
band was notified and went direct to
this priest’s house and found his wife,
who refused to return home with him.
The priest would not consent to her
leaving just then, but finally, the
priest was willing for the wife to go.
providing the husband would promise
to let her return the next day at a cer­
tain time for spiritual confessions,
etc., etc. The husband agreed to this
to get his wife loosened from the
priest at that time, and on going home
he endeavored to reason with the wo­
man and to persuade her never to re­
turn to the church or have anything
more to do with the holy father.
The wife would not say whether she
would or would not keep the appoint­
ment, but the day came, and as the
appointed hour drew near, the young
wife hurried down town. The hus­
band has not seen his wife since. She
nor the priest can be found. The earth
has swallowed the pair. Both families
are all broken up over the affair and
of course are desirous of keeping it
from the public. My friend didn’t
want to give the names, etc. I left
another friend to work on this to get
it for you and the Menace and perhaps
we can get the inside facts as they
really are. I am certain that the full
story and all parties concerned can be
learned within a short time. Let me
know your pleasure.
Yours respectfully,
• • •
Woodland, Wash., Feb. 18, 1914.
idly as possible and make it as far-
reaching as possible by getting every
member in your lodge to become a
reader. Send for a sample copy and
subscription blank now, before you
forget it. Don’t delay. It is important
that you act promptly. Get a postal
card and write on one side, “Sample
S. O. F.," and sign your name plainly
so I will make no mistake and address
it to A. C. Veach, Gravette, Arkansas,
and I will take pleasure in doing the
rest. Frother will you help ?—Sover­
eign Odd Fellow.
We wish we could talk with each
individual subscriber and tell him or
her all about the trial that has not
come off yet. and answer all the ques­
tions that are bobbin«- up in every di­
rection. But we can only answei
through the paper as a rule, for there
is so much work to do that we are just
swamped all the time. We cannot yet
afford to hire a stenographer, a book­
keeper, a proof-reader, nor even a so­
licitor and collector. All this work
and other side issues, absolutely nec­
essary in order to turn an honest pen­
ny to help out the ever-occurring de­
ficiencies, together with the worry of
it all, is about all one little editor cn
stand. So let us answer your ques­
tions in a wholesale manner in this
1. The $50,000 lawsuit has not yet
come off, because the Catholics have
failed to set the time of trial. We do
not know why they are doing this un­
less they are afraid of the result.
2. No, there is not one bit of fraud
about this affair. We were sued for
$50,000. and are ready for the suit.
3. Miss Lasenan escaped from the
Mt. Angel convent and was helped to
get away to friends in Portland by
Leon L. Myers, pastor of the Chris­
tian church.
4. We spent all the money we could
get in preparing our defense and in
keeping The Silverton Journal afloat.
We are ready for the trial.
5. We cannot tell all ttiat they have
done in this fight because of our lack
of absolute proof of some of the im­
portant parts of it.
6. The Romans are playing a deep
game. No, the fight is not over—it
has just begun.
7. We need some one at once in ev­
er'- community to tell people about our
work and to distribute sample copies
and subscription blanks. The Beast
will get us sure unless we have help.
8. Yes. Miss Lasenan was married
to a Portland man. We do not know
where she is at this writing.
9. There are some things about this
affair that we can not publish because
of its effect in case of a suit, but all
points to the treachery and absolute
lack of principle in the Roman hier­
The priests want their people to be
good and true to the church while they
themselVes are as false as hell itself
to the people. They look upon them,
as a rule, like a lot of cattle. They
take all they earn as far as is politic,
excepting enough to keep them going
and to produce more to build for the
church. No matter how wealthy a
Catholic becomes, the priests khow
that it will come to them sooner or
later. This gives the church wonder
ful financial power. Break it or it will
break our government.