The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, January 23, 1914, Image 1

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    T he S ilverton J ournal
NO. 12.
A PlflEiT OF
The Roman church is opening
a fresh campaign against the
Masonic order. One whole month
«luring the closing days of 1913
was devoted to prayers aguinst
Free Masonry which their | h >| m « s
have declared to be anti-Catho-
lic, anti-Christian and immoral.
They claim that Masonry is to
he avoided and combatted as a
thing essentially evil and that
the Masons have cunningly per­
suaded many that its object is
merely social and fraternal and
that “outer” Masons in Engli h
speaking countries are kept ig­
norant of its real designs.
In defense of his order Hon.
James I). Richardson, Sovereign
Grand Commander, says:
"We have no way of knowing
the religious faith of our mem­
bers unless they voluntarily dis­
close the fact, ami hence we can­
not tell how many we have of
any given faith or denomination.
Grand Commander I’ike, many
years ago, estimated that of the
Masonic membership there were
more than one hundred thousand
who were Roman Catholics. I do
not know u|*on what basis he
made his calculations, but we do
know that there are many who
profess the Catholic faith who
meet with us in harmony around
our Masonic altars. There is no
claim made in behalf of Masonry
that it is a religion, or that it
should take the place of any
church. However, it can take
pride in the fact that all, or
nearly all of the churches ab­
stain from attacks upon the or­
der and do not make adverse
criticisms of it. They rather en­
courage their members to unite
with the order, and they are of­
ten led into it by their pastors
or ministers. Ami yet there is
the one notable exception to this
almost unbroken rule and cus­
tom, that exception is found in
the church of Rome. For nearly
two centuries all know that peri­
odically the different heads of
that church have issued bulls
ami papal decrees in violent de­
nunciation of Masons and of the
order. Of course they have been
ineffectual, not even.restraining
members of their own church,
for as 1 have stated, many of
them, despite these bulls, etc.,
have became good Masons.
Evidences of unusual and ex­
traordinary Catholic activity in
the politics of our country, state
and national, appear in the es­
tablishment by the church of a
dethroned hierarchy, in our re­
public, by claims of precedence
of Roman “cardinal-princes,” by
condemnation of our public
schools, by scornful abuse and
vituperation of Protestantism,
the faith of a large majority of
our people, by renewed attacks
u|x>n Freemasonry, by demand­
ing and forcing a new census for
their especial benefit, that they
might show a larger member­
ship, etc.
"It is now well to call the at­
tention of Americans and patri­
ots to the dangers which environ
them and threaten the perma­
nency of our institutions.
“Freemasonry is attacked be­
cause it everywhere resists their
political aggressiveness and be­
cause it denies the right of the
Romish church, its popes and
priests, to compel men to profess
a belief in what they may declare
to be religious truths; because it
resists all their efforts at a un­
ion of church and state, antago­
nizes their efforts for the abol­
ishment and destruction of our
common schools in our states
and municipalities, and their
edicts declaring void all mar­
riages by civil magistrates, etc.
For these things grave charges
are brought against the order.
Masonry has no apology to make
to any pope or priest, or king or
prince for its existence or works.
It will make no attacks, no mat­
ter how great the provocation,
upon any church or body of re­
ligionists as such, but it will de­
fend itself when attacked, and
will always be found steadfastly
resisting the claims of any
church which attempts to exer­
cise a controlling power in the
civil as well as religious affairs
of our country. Masonry has set
its face against that bold declar­
ation from Roftie, "that America
ihall be made Catholic.” This
resistance on the part of Mason­
ry is not liecause that particular
church has made this boast, for
it would be the same if any other
were to make it. To maxe Am­
erica Catholic means, If it means
anything, that the peculiar doc­
trine, faith and dogma of that
church are to la* engrafted into
our constitution and laws, that
the edicts, decrees and bulls of
the pope or Rome are to be su­
preme in our republic, our con­
stitution and laws to the contra­
ry notwithstanding. It is not
purely a church limiting itself to
spiritual purposes and means,
but is a political as well as a re­
ligious organization, interfering
with the political affairs of the
country, and assuming to dictate
the political action of its mem­
bers, what political opinion they
shall entertain and how they
shall vote on political questions.
It is known and will not la1 de­
nied that the infallibility of the
pope is the cardinal dogma and
tenet of that church. His-decrees
and edicts are to be obeyed re­
gardless of all other laws, stat­
utes or constitutions. The con­
stitution of our country guaran­
tees lil>erty of conscience, and
nothing can be dearer to Amer­
icans. The late pope in an ency­
clical letter, said, "The absurd
and erroneous doctrines or rav­
ings in defense of liberty of con­
science are a most pestilential
error, a i>est, of all others, most
to lx' dreaded by a state.’ The
same pop«* anathematizes, ‘Those
who assert the lil»erty of consci­
ence and of religious worship,’
and of all those ‘who maintain
the lilwrty <»f the press and the
liberty of speech.’ One of the
latest papal edicts declares it to
l>e a duty to liend every effort,
public, social and political, to­
wards making this country ‘the
first Catholic country in the
world.’ The claim is boldly made
in th« press that their cardinals
are ‘princes,’ and have royal pre­
cedence in our state and national
functions. Our vice-presidents,
members of presidential cabi­
nets, supreme court judges, sen­
ators and representatives of the
people, governors of states, and
all other high officials in our
government must be pushed
aside in order to give precedence
to the cardinal ‘princes of the
church,’ mere representatives of
a sect. Against such arrogant
claims Masonry will be found in
line with all Protestant churches
and religious and patriotic socie­
ties of our land. It makes the
intolerant claim that it is the
only true Christian church, and
has always made such claim.
This we might pass without no­
tice, but when it asserts for its
head temporal power and civil
authority, and enters into the
political affairs of the country,
its unwarranted assumptions
will be indignantly met and re­
sisted. No church or body of
men under the guise of religion
will be allowed to put forth such
claims without the intense oppo­
sition of Freemasons. That
church, and no other church has
any business in politics. Ameri­
can masons or patriotic citizens
who are non-Masons, will pre­
serve unimpaired the blessings
of civil and religious liberty they
have in herited. The attempt on
the part of the Romish church
to combine or unite the powers
of church or state as to the pur­
pose and sphere of duty of each,
lias been resisted in England,
Germany, France, Italy, Portu­
gal and other leading nations,
and caused such patriots as
Gladstone, Bismarck, Juarez,
Diaz, Garibaldi, and leading
statesmen in France to resist its
pretensions. As Americans shall
we do less?”
Friend's of The Silverton Jour­
nal will see by reading the above
quotation, that this is a big fight
and that we are not alone in the
It isn’t bad enough for poor peoph- to work, work, work, all the time,
to keep “the wolf” from the door, but they are hounded, scared, threat­
ened and robbed by a lot of drunken unprincipled priests. Then after
the poor sheep are thoroughly fleeced, and no good for any use what­
ever, they are thrown onto the public, as paupers and criminals, for those
already overburdened, to support.
war against the "Old Beast’s”
attempt to crush out our man­
hood and womanhood and to rob
us of our lyeloved American prin­
ciples and practice of freedom
of thought, freedom of sj)eech,
freedom of the press and self-
The Journal man still seems
very small compared with his
great antagonist, yet when we
read Mr. Richardson’s allocution
our war spirit warms to the
fight, and, in common slang
phrase, we think the priesthood
in trying to crush us, has “bit
off more than it can chew.”
Down with the Roman buzzard!
Up with the American eagle!
When the ex-priest Chiniquy
was exposing the villainies of
popery in Australia a few years
ago, there came to him a young
Irish girl who said to him that
she wanted to become a Protest­
ant. "I am glad of it,” said
Father Chiniquy, “but please tell
me what led you to that deter­
mination.” She said:
“Six months ago my father
died. All the money 1 had went
to pay masses for the soul of my
father. 1 am a servant at a ho­
tel and am paid well for my work
but nearly all my money goes to
sustain my mother and a sickly
brother. A few days ago, our
parish priest came to see me. He
was accompanied by another
priest, and said to me with the
authority of a dictator: ‘Bridg­
et, come here to your superior; I
want to speak to you about the
soul of your father, who is now­
in purgatory. It is a long while
since you gave anything for that
dear suffering soul.’
“1 told the priest that I had
given him all the money I had
when my father died, and some­
thing since, and that I had to
support my mother and brother.
“ ‘Ah, ah!’ said the priest,
“that’s the way, that’s the way,
Bridget, you understand the
rules of our holy church; your
mother is not yet in purgatory,
but your father is.’
"Then he spoke to me with so
much power, describing the
pains and cries of my dear father
in that burning furnace of pur­
gatory that I could resist no
more. I ran to my little room
where I had one solitary pound,
$5, which I gave him, asking him
to make haste and say masses
for my father and to forgive my
impudent words. When he took
the money, he said to me: ‘That’s
right, Bridget, that’s right; I
see that you are a good girl, af­
ter all,’ and I was pleased in giv­
ing him my last penny. Then
he went out to meet the other
priest, and I heard them both
laughing to split the sky. It was
evident that they were laughing
at poor, simple Bridget. I then
watched them at a convenient
distance and saw them give my
money to the barkeeper who
brought wines, spirits and cigars
in a room where the two priests
had closeted themselves to have
a drunkard’s fun. They drank
and went on drinking till they
were as drunk as two gluttonous
dogs. Two hours afterward I
was called upon to clean the floor
of the room where these two pigs
in priestly garbs had restored
the whisky they bought and
drank with ‘purgatory’s money.’
This is the use they made of my
solitary pound, instead of put­
ting it to a Christian purpose.
“Now, Mr. Chiniquy,” she
says, “I do not regret having
given my money, for it has op­
ened my eyes to the many impos­
tures of Rome and the villainy
of her priests. I have nothing
more to do with them. I only
want Him who has “offered the
sacrifice once for all. He is able
to save us to the uttermost with­
out the intervention of priests
and their purgatory.”—Ex­
Priest Seguin.
Did you ever see the American
flag flying above the cross on a
Catholic institution? It flies
above everything on our public
♦ * « * * « * * ♦♦♦«♦*»»*♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦
After having instituted a civil action for $50,000 dam­
* ages for alleged defamation of the character of their in­
* stitution by us, heralding over the country what they are
♦ going to do to us, the enemy has suddenly become silent.
♦ Their pedal extremities appear to us to have become ex­
« ceedingly frigid. Perhaps they are content to gloat over
♦ an accidental and wholly unjustified conviction on an in­
♦ dictment that was forced from a reluctant grand jury.
* Perhaps it is something else. At any rate, their ardent
* desire for justice has suddenly cooled. Was it ever what
* they pretended? We had confidently expected to have
* made the important announcement that the case was on
* for trial in this issue. The foregoing explains the latest
* phase of the matter. W’e can only wait until the enemy
* moves.
—From an Attorney.
* * * * # ♦ ♦ ♦ $♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Next Saturday is the last op­ have disappeared, never to be
portunity the Catholics have to seen again; but the voice of their
put their $60,000 suit on for blood cries to the Ix>rd of Hosts
trial during this term of court. from the ground. The truth shall
We all know the Catholics would be made known. You may put us
like to get the money. They do in jail or whatever you desire.
not hang back because they do You may kill us. Do anything.
not want the money. They do But scare us, you cannot. I serve
not hesitate to go to trial be­ notice on the Catholic priests of
cause they feel charitably to­ this diocese that if they let this
wards Hosmer for last term of court term go by without press­
court when we, for good and suf­ ing the $50,000 suit for trial, we
ficient reasons, did not care to will begin the case before the
give evidence away in that little court of public opinion, and will
skirmish, they did not hesitate not hesitate to tell me truth, the
to do the editor all the injury whole truth and nothing but the
they could. No, they hesitate truth, so help us God.
now because they feel that we
have got the goods on them.
They may well hesitate and be
afraid, for they are guilty and
the editor published the truth,
We didn’t want to be sued for
but let the cowardly Catholics $50,000 and arrested on criminal
not congratulate themselves too libel charges, but now that we’ve
soon, for I serve notice on them spent all the money we could
here and now that the battle is rake and scrape to get ready for
not yet completed. They need not the big trial, we don’t like to be
flatter themselves that they can disappointed. At least we don’t
by retreating in a most cowardly want this case to drag along in­
manner before the army of truth definitely. We want it to come
get out of range of the guns that off this term of court, if we’re
during the last few weeks have going to have it at all.
We think, however, that we
been turned upon them. The
truth shall be made known. The understand the enemy’s move­
editor of the Journal tells me ments. The sudden stopping
that he will publish the truth this week of the few Catholic
concerning this matter. I have subscriptions on our list, looks as
long waited for just such an op­ though some guiding spirit at
portunity and I have some Roman headquarters has got a
things to say and to give to the “hunch” and has adopted safer
public that will make them plans than American courts—the
think. For lo! these forty years boycott. Our friends will be glad
or more these renegades have in­ to know that we feel perfectly
fested this coast without let or safe from every angle and that
hindrance, but their time has we are getting in better posi­
come. For the past many years tion every day to throw our
the tears of mother of ruined search light into the enemy’s
daughters have fallen unaveng­ camp and that, with the aid of
ed, these lecherous priests have ’ those on the “firing line,” it will
broken hearts and homes with not be many moons before the
impunity. For many years these prison doors of every Catholic in­
convents have been the homes of stitution will be thrown wide
lewd women, babies, born with open.
They are on the run, boys.
certain inalienable rights, have
been murdered, girls have been Keep up the fire!
imprisoned and some of them
Craw “Daddies.”
Dinky-doodle-dinky-dum ;
Johnny likes the Angel fun.
Sweet Romeo and Juliet,
Priests and sisters cry and sweat.
They’re guilty, and can’t tell the trick
That Johnny may pull off so slick.
So, dinky-doodle-dinky-dum,
We’ve got the “daddies” on the run.
• ♦ ♦
All Catholics who have joined
secret societies will receive the
“heavier penalties of the church"
when America is made Catholic,
if the pope’s words are not lies.
These “heavier penalties” are
shocking, brutal, bloody and ter­
rible beyond description or imag­
ination, according to high Ma­
sonic authority.
Pope Pius X says it is the duty
of all Catholics to bend every en­
ergy, “social and political” to­
ward making America “the first
Catholic nation in the world.”
Call the police!
Pope Leo XIII insulted every
true American, and every pope
since has declared perfect har­
mony with his declarations.
* * *
The issue is joined between
American principles and Catholi­
cism. It is too late for argu­
ment. Which side are you on?
Get busy ! ♦ ♦ ♦
Wide through the unknown world,
Where moved the primal man
In leash of all his lusts,
His life without a plan,
A voice of thunder speech
Rolled forth in majesty,
“Lo, ye shall know the truth,
And the truth shall make you free!”
And the cave man faced the beasts,
And watched the moon wax old,
And snatched the lightning’s fires
To tame the bitter cold;
And turned his stumbling mind
In thorny paths of thought,
And touched his fellow’s hand,
And knew himself, and wrought.
Up through the ancient night.
Dim with the wrath of gods,
Who bade man not to learn.
And held avenging rods.
Vast tones called round the earth
And o’er the tidal sea,
“Lo, ye shall know the truth,
And the truth shall make you free!”
And superstition’s chains
Fell as dissolved in mist;
For bravest reason’s dawn
The gods could not resist.
And all their thrones seemed fears.
And their strong wrath but dreams,
As each dread shadowy power
Died in the morning gleams.
Out of the break of day,
Amidst the great crowned kings,
Where the steel-strong cohorts stood
As if with guardian wings.
A word thrice bold rang forth
To men on bended knee,
“Lo, ye shall know the truth,
And the truth shall make you free!”
According to the pope’s own
words, when America is made
Catholic, there will be a union of
church and state. If you want
it, do nothing.
And the kings shook w’ith a doubt.
And the rulers shrank with dread,
Where the might of hope stood up
To strike oppression dead;
And all their hands forbore,
And swords were sheathed in rust,
Where robes and crowns at last
Lay trodden in the dust.
No marriage is a marriage un­
less performed by a priest, ac­
cording to the highest Catholic
authority. Are you married, dear
married brother ana sister? Go
ask the unmarried O. S. B. or
one of their old maiden sisters.
Here, where the day shines fair
And lights all wisdom’s deeds.
Strength, that hath done with fear,
The beckoning future heeds,
narking the potent call
From the lips of destiny,
“Lo, ye shall know the truth,
And the truth shall make you free!”
Public schools will be done
away with when America be­
comes Catholic, and your kids,
and your kids’ kids, will be
taught the catechism. The O. S.
B.’s will do it, if you let ’em.
The world’s worn order goes,
And the world’s fresh hearts beat
While error scarce can stand
Amidst his fleeing throng.
And life still proudly dares,
Where, fair in fadeless youth,
With conquest in its eyes,
It marks its leader, Truth!