The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, October 17, 1913, Image 1

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    T he S ilverton J ournal
NO. 49
NOT YET SET The Guardians of Liberty, Pastor Leon L. Myers, the Members of the Com WAR’S FLAME
The Criminal
May Begin by November
Catholics Ridi­
cule Their Victim
mercial Club and Protestantism Hard Hit by President Richardson, Who
Exceeds His Authority and Writes a Misleading Letter to Benedictine
Fathers at Mount Angel.
Guess at Mr. Richardson’s Object!
and Claim the
First Victory.
The Great Peril in Mexico
Slavery, Ignorance,
and Fanaticism
of Deluded
EV. Leon Myers, the enemy of Protestantism, and
pastor of the Silverton what every true Protestant and
Christian church, in­ Freethinker holds to be an
nocently asked officials enemy to our country.
President Richardson seems to
of the Silverton (.kim-
mercial Club for the have exceeded his authority, for
use of the rooms to we have spoken to a number of
organize “The Silver- the most active members of the
ton Guardiansof Liber­ Club, and they all claim that no
ty.” The request was action was taken in regard to
granted anil the meet­ writing such a letter to the “dear
ing was advertised. people of Mt. Angel” that they
But when it was found ever heard of, and yet Mr. Rich­
that “The1 Guardians ardson signed the name “Silver-
of Liberty” is an anti­ ton Commercial Club.”
Catholic organization,
Here is the letter as it appeared
the pastor was informed that he in the St Joseph’s Blatt:
couldn’t have the rooms for that
Silverton, Ore,, A ur . 26, 1913.
purpose. This was all right. The Benedictin Fathers,
The (Commercial Club did pot
Mt. Angel, Oregon.
I deem it expedient at this
want to get mixed up in a
sectarian fight, nor advertise it­ time to advise you and the good
self as engaging in anything ex­ people of Mt. Angel, that the
cept commercial business. But, Silverton Commercial Club, nor
not satisfied with this, their any of its members are—or will
president, P. S. E. Richardson, - -become interested in any
writes to the Benedictine Fathers movement started as an outcome
of Mt. Angel, absolutely mis- of certain supposed statements
stating conditions, and, being a of a former Nun of Mt. Angel
a professed protestant, puts him- j Monastery (the lady in question
self in the position of a traitor was not a Nun. Ed.) and it is
by giving aid and comfort to the! with extreme regret that I find
Word come« from Attorney
Winflow that the time for the
trial of the editor of this pa|M*r
on a charge of criminal libel,
was not set last Saturday, as ex­
pected, owing to some technical­
ity, but that the prospect* are
good to have the time set to­
morrow. He says that the in­
dications an» that the criminal
libel case will begin November
1st, but a victim, when he be­
comes entangled in the awful
meshes of the law, never can tell
just when his turn will come to
be slaughtered. In one of the
German Catholic papers the pre­
liminary trial before the justice
court and our living bound over
to the grand jury was grossly
exaggerated and held as a great
victory for the reverend sisters.
Here is their little canary song:
‘The first proceedings in the
suit has taken place in Salem he
fore Judge Webster. Lawyer
Winslow, acting on behalf of the
accused editor of the Silverton
Journal, Hosmer, made tremend­
ous exertions to stop proceedings
because of the evidence brought
forward not being sufficient to
constitute a cause of action. He
claimed that a journalist could
not be made responsible for the
utterances of other persons, etc.
Under the above heading the
Judge Webster, however, could St. Joseph Blatt claims to have
not I m * convinced by such singular received many letters expressing
logic, and placed Hosmer under abhorance at the vulgarity of
$400 bail, with the order to vin­ the Silverton Journal and the
dicate himself before the grand Menace and hoping that the
jury on the charge of liliel. The slanderers (meaning us) would
reverend sisters thus luckily have be brought to an accounting.
won in the lower court.
The Blatt expresses pleasure
“Hosmer is in a state that that bo much interest is taken
draws the loudest cries for help by the reading public to preserve
from his depressed heart.
the honor of the Catholic church
“In No. 42 of the Journal this and restates the fact that steps
Socialist laments; Help, people! have been taken to punish the
Help, Governor West! Help, impudent accusers, and that they
preachers! Help, (), ye silent were obliged to do so because
newspapers! Help! Help! Help! the case is spread all over the
“The tetotaler may twist and United States. The Blatt then
turn as much as he will, he will tells the story in part which Miss
have to pay the penalty and con­ Lasenan told Mr. Myers. How­
vince himself that one does not ever we notice that these holy
libel, with impunitv, innocent prevaricators leave out some of
women of an order.
the most interesting part of the
“Hosmer also begs for a de­ story, and when they have given
fense fund, but up to this hour their readers what the priests
has received only $13.00, from think is a big enough dose they
people who dare not give their say, “But this is enough of this
names, so that one doesn't know filthy story which is completely
whether he really has received invented from A to Z. ”
the money or just publishes the They call Miss Lasenan a swin­
gifts to make an impression and dler, say she was not kidnaped
in Portland but came of her own
deceive the people.
“The sympathy of our readers free will or was perhaps com­
is with the reverend sisters." missioned by the “Journal-Men-
(Then follows three letters ex­
pressive of Catholic sentiment, Answer to “Enlightened Slave.’*
and assurance of financial sup­ Portland, Ore., October 12, 1913.
“We ask the readers to help the Editor of Journal,
Silverton, Oregon.
benedictine nuns of this place,
who have been so ignominiously
capitalist and burgeois
defamed by the Menace clique,
The case is imjiortant for us cries out against sabotage. He
Catholics, as we have grown decries it as cowardly, sneaky,
tired of letting our church and dirty, (we measure others by
religion lie disgraced and calum­ our own standards, you know)
in fact as everything bad. Yes,
niated by our arch enemies.
“The defamation must be it is bad. It hits his pocketbook,
his God, the ONLY place where
“Mt. Angel does its duty. The he is vulnerable. That’s why he
residents of this place meet the cries. Yet to the working class
wishes of the sisters by voluntary it is good.
gifts, for they cannot understand The “Enlightened Slave,” in
that the good sisters who, for so your last number, is one of those
many years, have been unselfish- who have shed the unclean slough
of bourgeois morals. His own
(Concluded on Page 4)
it necessary at this time to make
these statements, owing to the
attempted use of the Silverton
Commercial Club rooms for some
such purposes recently.
Yours very respectfully,
Speak up! Do you realize what
your foolish letter did? It gave
the mouth-piece of the Catholics,
the St. Joseph’s Blatt, the chance
to fool its poor dupes and make
them believe that we, who are
fighting the battle for your
child’s liberty, have no friends
in our own home town. Listen
to what the Blatt(er) says:
“The fanatical preacher, My­
ers, and the Socialist, Hosmer,
in Silverton, the two who pub­
lished the grewsome tale of the
impostoress Lasenan, (very like­
ly an assumed name) have been
disowned and ostracized by their
own neighbors of Silverton, as
the following letter will prove.”
Then the letter, written by
Richardson, is published in En­
glish. Now, it is not true.
Myers and Hosmer are not dis­
owned by their neighbors, and
we think it safe to say that per­
sonally a majority of the mem­
bers of the Commercial Club are
as much opposed to the Roman
Catholic church as we are, and
some of them are doing all they
can to help in this case in which
the accused have told the truth,
and in which the good (?) priests,
their Blatt (er) and their Pro­
testant (?) friend (?) have pre­
varicated like dirty skunks.
The greatest problem before
the nations today is what to do
with Mexico. The Oregonian
“The diplomatic repre­
S ilverton C ommercial C lub .
of Great Britain,
P. S. E. Richardson. Pres.
Cuba, Guatem ila
How could a Protestant, unless
and Norway, at a conference at
he is commercially mad. write
Mexico City, Wednesday night,
such a letter? Notice that he
to recommend that their
says “nor ANY OF ITS MEM­
governments send
BERS are OR WILL become in­
for the pur­
terested in ANY movement, etc.”
Now, some of the members are
should trouble arise. It was
very indignant, and are much
said tonight the diplomatic rep­
interested and will continue to
resentatives had recommended a
work in the movement against
temperate attitude in the matter
the Catholic Hierarchy, as an
Mexico’s reply toWashington.
outcome of the real statements
methods of dealing with
of the nun who did escape from
are being suggested
the convent. “Certain supposed
Washington gov­
statements,”*indeed, Mr. Rich­
ardson! Did you say this to get
First. A military and naval
in good with the Catholic church
would serve as a
and forget that your numerous
move in case a
Protestant friends, including
is required.
the respected pastor of one of
of strong
Silverton's churches, had taken
a solemn oath that this escaped
ties at Mexico City to force the
nun did make these statements?
immediate elimination of Huerta.
Who is the liar, Mr: Richardson?
Third. The announcement of
the United States terminating
all relations with the Huerta
This demonstrates the fact
, that a country governed by the
ace clique” and begged for ad­ the appelations.
ers of the blind, but after careful pope and his militia, blighted by
mission and a robe. They state They call us a clique. We investigation we are forced to his nunneries and robbed by his
that she was not a sister, and i never saw the Menace people. believe that every word of Miss priests, is not fit for selfgovem-
declare that her statement as to t Rev. Myers and Hosmer differ Lasenan’s story is true.
the drunken orgy was a humbug, on the religious question and
The priests drink and smoke,
The solution of the Mexican
that no alcoholic drinks were there is really no clique with us a id some we have heard of do trouble is to drive out the beast
served (only mineral water) and at all. The Catholic priesthood otner stunt» that burn up the of Catholicism, and the solution
that no one was in pursuit of the is really a clique, and a most brain, therefore, as Mr. Myers
Of the great educational, politi­
fugative. They say that only dangerous clique at that. The uses no stimulants or narcotics, cal, economic and religious prob­
simpletons and fools would be­ Silverton Journal man was never and is strictly a moral man, “the
lems facing these United States
lieve the story as to the happen­ before accused of being vulgar, preacher with the burnt up of America today depends alto­
ings in the convent
and surely nothing in the Menace brain” would apply to the Blatt gether on whether we, the peo-
Rev. Leon Myers is called the that we have seen is to be com­ dictator far better than to Pastor . pie, with the aid of our chosen
preacher with the burntup brain. pared with the vulgarity of the Myers.
officers, are to control this land
Miss Lasenan is called the crazy priests whom we could mention
We know that Miss Lasenan is of the free, or whether it is to
woman and they insinuate that if we choose to do so. They not crazy, but we know of nuns become governed by a tyrant
if there is any justice to be had speak of the filthy story of Miss going crazy because of their Roman king, the pope, and his
the slanderers (meaning us) will Lasenan, but the story is not half helplessness in trying to escape licentious, dominating, caniving
get a chance to reflect over our as filthy as it would be if all the from the slavery of the nunnery, knights, the priests. The hap­
filthy trade in the penitentiary. facts were told, and it is only and if the truth was revealed in piest countries today are those
Now, calling names, unless it filthy because of the filthiness of this regard it would astonish our where this parasite has been
can be shown that these names those filthy priests who have readers that these holy (?) men driven out, and the most misera­
are really appropriate, does no made such a true story of filthi­ would dare use the word “crazy. ” ble are those where the old har­
good and has a reactionary ness possible. The writer has
Criminal libel, of which we are lot is allowed to spred her robes.
effect on those who use them. seen Miss Lasenan and talked accused, is not punishable in the Will America take the warning?
But as these “holy rollers” have with her, and knows that she is penitentiary, only in the county
jail. Hosmer is the only one in­
seen fit to start the game, we’ll no swindler, and, knowing of dicted,
G. of L Are With Us.
and if, by false testimony,
try our hand at it, being careful the false doctrines and swindling he is put behind the bars, he
Washington Court
to show the falsity of their ap­ practices of many priests, we will only be one out of thousands
plication of bad names to us and judge that the term best applies of innocent human beings who
will be longing for their free­
how well the names we use fits to the whole priestly outfit.
Silverton Journal,
them. Then let us apply to Simpletons and fools are they dom-held as victims of the
vilest clique that an inquisitorial
Silverton, Oregon.
them every name they gave us who believe all the holy humbug and iniquitous history has ever
and see which party deserves stories of these false, blind lead- recorded.
Enclosed please find M. 0. for
$7.00. This amount comes from
skin is enough for him. He has | better society that has also a
Your bourgeois and capitalists the members of the above named
learned to stand on his own feet, place for the masters, our present can not understand, but you
therefore I call him Man, the enemies, if they so choose, for working men, “Ye Slaves,” you Court of the “Guardians,” as a
to your fund for de­
highest term than can be given be it said, there is no hate, no should and can note this dis­ donation
fraying legal expenses in the
to any one.
spirit of revenge of getting even tinction Capitalism’s motive is case of “Rome vs. Hosmer.”
Yet, he is wrong, not in in­ in our hearts, but love and self, christallized in the word PIG­ All our boys are interested in
tention I believe, but in use of respect and smiling determina­ ETHICS, while ours is for a the issue of your case, and wish
language in drawing a com­ tion that will achieve what it has larger, a nobler, a finer life, not you success. If there is any­
thing that we can do to assist
parison between the methods of set for its task.
only for ourselves and our brood, you further let us know.
the working class and their op­
But to pollute the idea of but our present enemy and his
I would suggest that you get
sabotage, a weapon of the as well.
in touch with every Court of G.
of L. asking them as a body, to
Apologists, or would-be apolo­ conscious working class for all
Which is more ethical?
contribute to this worthy cause.
gists, I can but pity. The law humanity’s emancipation, for Three cheers for Sabotage!
Wishing you success.
for our actions is within our- putting life upon its proper Yours for industrial freedom,
Yours very truly,
selves. We workers do not care basis, by speaking of it in the
F red F reyer .
M aster R ecorder .
a whit for all your Christs, your same breath witl^ the low and
laws and your authorities We contemptible, dirty and tricky The best way for Silvertonians The money that has been
want no Saviors, no Gods, no methods which capitalism em­ who love Catholicism is to move scared out of the Catholic people
to Mt. Angel and buy a jug of
used in riotous living would
ploys to get the filthy lucre, holy water, give all they earn to and
build, equip and sustain all the
We only stand on ourselves. (money is not tainted brrr) to the priest and cuss the Silverton schools in the world—and then
We, the nucleus of a new and me is almost desecration.