The INDEPENDENT, August 1, 2012 Mayor, council filing deadline approaches The deadline to file nomina- tion papers for the positions of Vernonia mayor and two coun- cil seats is August 23. The mayoral term is two years, and the council positions are for four years each. The open positions are cur- rently held by Mayor Josette Mitchell, Councilor Randy Par- row, and Councilor Kim Tier- ney. They will be on the No- vember 6 General Election bal- lot. Although no nomination pa- pers had been filed as of Mon- day morning, July 30, Mitchell has indicated that she will seek a second term. Tierney, who was appointed to fill a council vacancy, has said she will run for election to the council. Par- row, who has served as a councilor for 12 years, has said he will not seek reelection. Election packets with all necessary forms and informa- tion are available from city hall. For more information, call Ver- nonia City Recorder Joann Glass at 503-429-5291, ext. 106. Non-profits can apply for programs Enlightening and stimulat- ing, provocative and informa- tive: that’s what people are saying about the Conversation Project, which offers Oregon nonprofits free, humanities- based public discussion pro- grams about provocative is- sues and ideas. The Conversa- tion Project is a program of Oregon Humanities. Conversation Project pro- grams bring people together for thoughtful and inspiring discus- sions that are designed to im- prove understanding of diverse perspectives on a given sub- ject. Conversations are free to host, last between sixty and ninety minutes, and are led by humanities experts who have undergone training as conver- sation facilitators. The 2012-13 Conversation Project lineup features twenty- four programs. Topics include censorship in literature, the sesquicentennial of the Ameri- can Civil War, black history in Oregon, rethinking downtowns, science and democracy, Native American art in Oregon, and many more. Themed discus- sion series and programs of- fered in Spanish are also avail- able. Fishing Derby cancelled The Izaak Walton League Kids’ Fishing Derby has been cancelled for the 2012 Vernon- ia Friendship Jamboree & Log- ging Show. The cancellation is due to the condition of the lake, which has been taken over by weeds this year. Watch for the Kids’ Fishing Derby to return in 2013. Through September 30, 2012, Oregon nonprofits may apply for Conversation Project programs that take place be- tween November 1, 2012, and February 28, 2013. The cata- log, instructions for host organ- izations, and downloadable ap- plication form are available at See the website’s events calendar for Conversation Project programs currently happening in counties around the state. For more information about the Conversation Project pro- gram and how to apply, contact Oregon Humanities Program Coordinator Annie Kaffen at 503-241-0543, 800-735-0543, ext. 116, or a.kaffen@oregon Oregon Humanities is an in- dependent, nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities and a partner of the Oregon Cultural Trust. “Old Grad” picnic set for Aug. 19 The annual picnic of the Ver- nonia Society, “Old Grads” and Oregon-American Alumni will be held Sunday, August 19, at Anderson Park. Registration starts at 10:00 a.m. Coffee will be provided. Bring a picnic lunch or buy a hot dog, chips and drinks from members of P.E.O., who offer this service as a fundraiser for girls’ and women’s scholar- ships. All current and former Vernonians are welcome. Vernonia Community Church has set date for Vacation Bible School “High Seas Expedition – Ex- ploring the Mighty Love of God” is the theme of the Vernonia Community Church 2012 Vaca- tion Bible School (VBS). VBS will be held August 13 through 17 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the church, 957 State Avenue. Kindergarten through last year’s 5th graders are wel- come to attend. There will be a family barbecue on Friday, Au- gust 17. For more information, con- tact Corrie at 503-701-2080 or Cathy at 503-816-5388. Made in Vernonia Like us on Facebook Bit of something handmade for everyone! 805 Bridge Street 503-429-0111 Open Tue., Thu. & Sat. 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Sunday 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm Page 7 Senior Center News August is a busy month at the Vernonia Senior Center, just as it is for the rest of the community. With the Vernonia Friendship Jamboree starting this Friday, the senior center will again be the site of the Pancake Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Pro- ceeds from the breakfast will benefit Vernonia Cares food bank. The center’s Thrift Shop will be open every day during Jam- boree, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and from Noon to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. Connie’s regular Friday morning breakfast will also be avail- able from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m., at just $3.50 for all ages. Maple bars are made fresh daily for $1.00 each! If you want maple bars for a gathering of any kind, call 503-429-3912 a day or two ahead and place your order. The center will also be involved in two more August events: the Senior Picnic on Friday, August 17th, and the City-Wide Garage/Yard Sale on Saturday, August 25th. The center will have tables to rent for the city-wide sale at $10 each. This is a great way for people to participate with others during the event. Call Pauline Coffman for more information, at 503-429-3912. Lunch is served Monday through Friday at noon. A $4.00 do- nation is suggested for those 60 and older, and $5.00 for those under 60. If you prefer lunch to go, for only $5.00 you can call ahead and place your order. Remember, free Bingo with lunch on Mondays; needle workers gather on Tuesdays, poker (chips only) after lunch on Thursdays, and other games on Fridays after lunch. Foot Care is scheduled on the second and fourth Fridays of each month, at $15 per person. Call Marilyn Albro, R.N., for an appointment, at 503-429-0406. The Board of Directors meet on the second Friday of each month at 10 a.m. Don’t hesitate to bring questions or suggestions for their consideration. Vernonia Senior Citizens Center: 446 Bridge Street Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Thrift Shop Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Phone: 503-429-3912 Welcome Additions Amelia May Jean Stencil Amelia May Jean Stencil Mariolino’s was born July 1, 2012, to Rhi- annon Meyer and Doug Stencil of Scappoose. She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and was 21 inches long. Grandparents are Debra Meyer of Vernonia, Roger Mey- er of Grangeville, Idaho, Stan Stencil, and Debra Stencil, both of Scappoose. Have a Happy and Safe Jamboree While you’re out enjoying Jamboree and get hungry, come have Breakfast Lunch or Dinner in Air Conditioned Comfort 721 Madison Ave., Vernonia • 503-429-5018