Page 10 The INDEPENDENT, August 1, 2012 Banks Curves now offering new Curves Complete weight-loss plan Between the Bookends By Susan Cackler, Library Assistant Banks Public Library we will begin the process of replacing her. The Banks Public Li- brary is back to operat- ing regular hours after our renovation. The im- provements to the build- ing have made a huge difference and the library is a very pleasant place to spend some time this summer. Come by and see our new look, if you haven’t already, and en- joy reading or using wi-fi in air-conditioned com- fort. The Summer Reading Program is wrapping up. All of the programs and drawings have taken place. August 1 was the first day to turn in a completed reading record and receive an award book, and August 31 will be the last day to do so. While we have implemented many changes, there are still a few coming in the future. Soon, we will have the ability to accept payment by credit card. Also, the library will be getting a self- check machine which will allow patrons to check out their own materials. There have been a couple of changes to the Cultural Pass program this year. Unfortunately, the Rice Rock and Mineral Museum is no long participating in the program. However, Ever- green Aviation and Space Museum is now par- ticipating. The pass does not include admission to the water park. Join us for craft night Wednesday, August 8, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the library. We have just enough room to set up some tables in the li- brary space and get to work. Enjoy some lively conversation while you work on your favorite craft. Come and meet some new friends or visit with old ones while using the library’s work space. You may find knitters, scrapbookers, quil- ters and maybe even a tatter or two. If you would like to be on an e-mail reminder list for craft night, call the library with your name and e-mail. Since Miss Cathy has retired, we won’t have any Preschool Storytime until September, when On the Shelf: The Royal Wulff Murders by Keith McCafferty. McCafferty is the survival editor for Field and Stream magazine and this is his first novel. The story opens with the discovery of a dead body in the Madison River with a Royal Wulff trout fly stuck through its lower lip. Sheriff Martha Et- tinger suspects foul play, not a simple drowning. Along with a Montana newcomer who is also a private detective, they pursue their lines of ques- tioning and end up investigating Montana’s big business: fly fishing. Green Heart by Alice Hoffman. Two short nov- els, Green Anger and Green Witch are con- tained in this book. They both tell the tale of 15- year-old Green, left on her own when her family dies in a terrible disaster. Green is haunted by loss and the past, struggling to survive in a place where nothing seems to grow and ashes are everywhere. Green retreats into the ruined realm of her garden which begins to grow be- yond expectation. In order to rediscover the truth about love, hope and magic, she must open her- self to them all. Spirit’s Princess by Esther Friesner. Fries- ner’s storytelling combines mythology and his- torical fiction, this time in the exotic world of third-century Japan. Himiko is the pampered daughter of the most powerful man in the Matsu clan. However she’d rather learn to hunt and for- age in the woods like the boys. She sets out on her own adventures to prove what she can do and finds herself connecting to the natural world in ways that thrill and frighten her. Eventually, her mother helps her get secret shaman lessons which will make her path to the future clear, but dangerous. Banks Public Library: 111 Market Street. Hours: Mon., Fri., Sat., 11 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Tue., Wed., Thu., 11 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Preschool Story Time: Wednesdays, 10:15 a.m. Phone: (503 ) 324-1382 for information Internet: Browse library resources, reserve or renew materials online. Call for information. Main Street Pizza 680 S. Main Oak Village Shopping Center Banks, Oregon 503-324-5858 Receive $2 off any large Pizza. $ 2 Off 00 See page 20 for Banks BBQ Schedule Expires 8-31-12. Coupons cannot be sold or duplicated. Main Street Pizza 680 S. Main Oak Village Shopping Center Banks, Oregon 503-324-5858 Receive $1 off any medium Pizza. $1 Off 00 Expires 8-31-12. Coupons cannot be sold or duplicated. S TRASSEL ’ S A UTO R EPAIR & H YDRAULIC H OSES 2-4-6 S PIRAL W IRE S UCTION H OSES A DAPTORS - 3/16” TO 2” A MERICAN & M ETRIC F ITTINGS B ULK O IL P RODUCTS 276 S UNSET , B ANKS 503-324-9808 Losing weight isn’t easy. It takes real commitment to make the necessary changes to diet, exercise and lifestyle. And, for most people, it takes a plan. That’s why Curves, the fitness franchise designed exclusively for women, has developed Curves Complete, a simple, easy-to-follow weight-loss plan that combines the three keys to taking off weight and keeping it off: diet, exercise and motiva- tion. Curves is the only place you can get all three, and Banks Curves wants you to try it FREE for one week. “For many women, manag- ing the simple logistics of stick- ing to a diet and exercise plan is what defeats them,” says Kathy Douglas, Banks Curves Owner. “Meal planning and preparation, shopping, design- ing an effective and age-appro- priate exercise plan, coping with everyday emotional highs and lows – it can be over- whelming. Sometimes it seems easier to stick with the status quo. That’s why our new Curves Complete program pro- vides a foolproof plan for deal- ing with all of these diet chal- lenges – and helps keep women on track for success.” The Curves Complete pro- gram incorporates all three key components of a successful weight management plan and is designed to help dieters lose up to 20 pounds and 20 inches in just 90 days. Women are seeing real results and sharing their success stories with oth- ers at curves. Research shows that up to 95% of dieters regain their lost weight, and then some. It’s not because there’s something wrong with them, it’s because there’s something wrong with Action Ads INEXPENSIVE – EFFECTIVE 503-429-9410 conventional weight loss plans. To lose weight and keep it off, you need three secret weapons: • Diet: Weekly personalized diet plans and shopping lists created through the Curves Complete website, available exclusively to Curves Com- plete members. These tools help dieters enjoy the conven- ience and portion control of ex- pensive mail-order diet food programs while shopping at their own grocery stores – and for a fraction of the cost! The plan even offers a convenient new Heat & Eat option so that dieters can include healthy frozen food choices like Lean Cuisine® and Healthy Choice® in their diet plans. • Exercise: Workouts at Curves of Banks that combine metabolism-boosting cardio with strength-training and stretching while providing a continually more challenging workout experience as fitness improves. • Motivation: Daily motiva- tional videos produced through a partnership with the renown- ed Cleveland Clinic that offer advice and strategies from a panel of experts to help you make healthy choices and keep the weight off. Plus, one- on-one time with your personal coach each week to support, encourage and motivate. “Personal coaching is the heart of the program,” said Douglas. “All Curves Complete participants receive a Health Assessment and a 15-minute, personalized, weekly coaching session with a certified Curves Coach that includes a weigh-in, progress assessment, goal re- view and monthly body meas- urements to track results. That extra accountability is very mo- tivating, and the coaches help you develop simple, practical strategies for getting and stay- ing on track.” For more information about Curves Complete and Banks Curves free trial week offer, please call 503-324-9262. For information on Curves, please visit