The INDEPENDENT, November 16, 2011 Columbia County Cultural group seeks candidates for their board The Columbia County Cul- tural Coalition, the county arm of the Oregon Cultural Trust, seeks candidates for its Board of Directors due to a recent resignation. The term for this unexpired position is two years and ends December 31, 2013. Board members are usually elected for three year terms, and directors may serve addi- tional consecutive terms. The Coalition Board meets monthly, excluding December, at vary- ing locations throughout the county. Currently, meetings are held the last Monday of the month from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. or 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., depending on meeting location. The Columbia County Cul- tural Coalition Board’s purpose is to insure the implementation of the Columbia County Cultur- al Plan through the use of ap- propriate benchmarks, and en- sure that Arts, History, Heritage and Humanities are all repre- sented in a way that fairly en- courages county-wide partici- pation in cultural activities. The Board administers an annual grant from the Oregon Cultural Trust, and solicits applications and awards grants to cultural organizations within the county. Nearly $50,000 in grants has been awarded since the Board was established over five years ago. The Cultural Plan and grant information may be found at If you are interested in serv- ing on the Cultural Coalition Board, please send an email, by November 21, to info@ or call Board Treasurer Tobie Finzel at 503-705-2173. Courthouse improves recycling During the first week of Oc- tober 2011, the Columbia County Courthouse and Annex implemented an expanded re- cycling program intended to capture recyclable items dis- carded by employees at their desk sides. During a waste sort analysis last August, it was de- termined the Courthouse and Annex currently recycle about 40% (by weight) of waste gen- erated by Courthouse employ- ees. Office paper is obviously the most common recycled item from the Courthouse and An- nex, but office paper was also the most common item found in the trash to be sent to the land- fill. Previously, employees were supplied only garbage contain- ers at their desk sides. Now, employees have at their desk side a small garbage can at- tached to an 18 quart recycling container. The Columbia Coun- ty Solid Waste Department ex- pects the implementation of desk side recycling to increase recycling (by weight), with a re- duction in garbage bills as the Courthouse and Annex gener- ate less landfill destined waste. According to the DEQ, in 2010 Columbia County busi- nesses and residents recycled nearly 38% of discarded mate- rials, by weight. By implement- ing desk side recycling at the Courthouse and Annex, Co- lumbia County hopes to lead increased recycling practices by local businesses and resi- dents. If your business would be in- terested in improving your re- cycling program to potentially reduce your garbage bill, con- tact Columbia County Solid Waste Coordinator Roy Weed- man at 503-397-7263 or r o y . w e e d m a n for more information or to schedule a site visit. Attn: All CERT members The City of Vernonia wants to hear from all community members who have taken the 40 hour CERT training. Please call 503-429-5291. If you are interested in becoming a CERT member, please call Interim Police Chief Conner at 503-429-7335, ext. 110. Page 7 Senior Center News Just a reminder: The Vernonia Senior Center will be closed on Thanksgiving and the following day, November 24-25. If you notice some activi- ty at the center while it’s closed, that will be the crew cleaning and sprucing up the floors, not the usual activities. The Senior Center will hold its Christmas Bazaar on Saturday and Sunday, December 3-4. Tables are $10 each; to reserve a table, call Pauline during the center’s regular hours. Except for the closures noted above, lunch is served at the center Monday through Friday at noon. A $4.00 donation is suggested for those 60 and older, and $5.00 for those under 60. If you prefer lunch to go, for only $5.00 you can call ahead and place your order. If you enjoy bingo, you can have fun while you eat lunch. Diners play free Bingo each Monday starting at 11:45 a.m., and on the last Wednes- day of each month, Wauna Federal Credit Union makes a good lunch even better by providing diners with free ice cream. November birthdays will also be celebrated on the last Wednesday of this month. Meals on Wheels are available for those who are home-bound. Call Senior Information Assis- tance Representative Rosie McCoy for informa- tion on how to put this great service to work for you or a loved one. Free blood pressure checks are available on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 11 a.m. to noon. Aside from the day after Thanksgiving, Con- nie’s great breakfasts are available Fridays at the Senior Center, from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Break- fast for all ages is just $3.50 per person. Maple bars are made fresh daily for $1.00 each! If you want maple bars for a gathering of any kind, call 503-429-3912 a day or two ahead and place your order. The Senior Center Thrift Shop is open Mon- day through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and it’s loaded with all kinds of merchandise at bargain prices. Need an extra kettle, tableware or glasses, perhaps some games or toys to keep the kids busy, or decorations for the holidays? Come on in and see what treasures you can find. Many types of bread, rolls and pastries are available daily at the center. The price is entirely up to you, because they’re free unless you want to make a small donation. This is a real budget stretcher, and it’s available to everyone, you don’t have to be a member. We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Vernonia Senior Citizens Center: 446 Bridge Street Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Senior Information Assistance Rep: Rosie McCoy Thrift Shop Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Phone: 503-429-3912 SOLV plans cleanup at Stub Stewart An Invasive Plant Removal day has been scheduled by SOLV for November 19, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon, at L.L. Stub Stewart State Park, 30380 NW Hwy. 47. Anyone who would like to help remove scotch broom, Hi- malayan blackberry, perennial pea vine and thistles, can reg- ister at or call Bri- ana Goodwin at 503-844-9571, ext. 332. Volunteers, over age 12, will meet at the Welcome Center and should dress in warm lay- ers of clothing, bring work/gar- dening gloves and bring water. Tools will be provided. Holiday Bucks Coming Soon to a merchant near you! November 25 th to December 16 th G OOD F OOD G OOD F RIENDS G OOD T IMES 831 Bridge St. Vernonia, OR 503-429-0214 Drawings to be held Dec.3 rd , 10 th , & 17 th Find more information online at the Vernonia Area Chamber of Commerce web site at: Support your Local Merchants Shop local!