Action Ads ~ Call 503-429-9410 to place your ad Obituary From page 18 Grove in 1986. He worked as a field representative for Sunset Packing/Flavorland Foods for the better part of 35 years. He served on the Banks School Board and other community or- ganizations. In 1986, he was named the Washington County Small Woodlands Tree Farmer of the Year. Robert Edwin Schlegel He enjoyed traveling, gar- dening (especially his roses), bird watching, and the Portland Trailblazers. He was preceded in death by an infant son, Patrick George Schlegel; and two brothers, Lester and Irwin. Survivors include his wife; three sons, Robert, William, and David, all of Banks; six grandchildren, seven great- grandchildren, one cousin, nieces and nephews. Remembrances are sug- gested to Banks Alumni Foun- dation/Schlegel, 37655 NW Hahn Road, Banks, OR 97106, or to the National Multiple Scle- rosis Society, Oregon Chapter. Fuiten, Rose & Hoyt Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. WEATHER REPORT OCTOBER 2011 DATE TEMPERATURE HI LO PRECIP. AMT. 1 64 47 -- 2 62 47 .02 3 60 42 T 4 58 44 .25 5 56 43 .38 6 56 41 T 7 58 48 T 8 63 50 .15 9 57 51 .10 10 57 48 .56 11 59 48 .22 12 59 45 T 13 55 45 T 14 61 44 .01 15 58 43 -- 16 61 41 -- 17 65 36 -- 18 73 32 -- 19 57 37 T 20 58 44 T 21 57 49 T 22 66 52 .01 23 66 49 T 24 58 35 -- 25 56 30 -- 26 55 30 -- 27 49 34 -- 28 54 34 .30 29 53 42 .02 30 59 40 .08 31 62 39 .05 Temperature and precipitation amounts are from the official U.S. weather station at the Vernonia wa- ter plant. Measurable precipitation in October totalled 2.35 inches. The INDEPENDENT, November 16, 2011 Page 19 HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED SERVICES Reporter for Banks School Board, usually one meeting per month. If in- terested, call Rebecca at 503-429- 9410 for more information. FTFN Food columnist. One column of recipes per month. If interested, call Rebecca at 503-429-9410 for more in- formation. FTFN --------------------------------------------------- I buy guitars, amps, and other musi- cal instruments. Call John 503-235- 8996. PTFN I do weddings! Select your vows from my collection, or write your own. I’ll help you make your wedding day as special as you want it to be. 503-397- 5868. BTFN --------------------------------------------------- Animal Communication with your pet, any species. I get the animal’s an- swers to your questions. Results guar- anteed, $35. Call 503-429-0269. BTFN Action Ads SALES INEXPENSIVE – EFFECTIVE 503-429-9410 Big Sale Nov. 18 at 6:30 pm $4.50 for the first And, open Sat. Nov., 10 words, then just 10¢ for each 19 and Sun. Nov. 20 additional word CLASSES Guitar lessons taught by profession- al, 30 years experience. $25 per hour, all styles. John 503-235-8996. PTFN --------------------------------------------------- CPR & First Aid, adult, child, infant courses, AHA and ASHI programs, On- site or Off-site, Individual or group. 503-543-2821 or http://www.abcfor BTFN --------------------------------------------------- NRA handgun safety course. Meets concealed handgun requirements. 503-709-1878 or BTFN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lincoln School, Bridge St. Vernonia Furniture, Art, Tools, Junk, and much more! SERVICES KARMEL’S FLOWER PATCH RENTALS House in Vernonia, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, small garage, appliances includ- ed. Walking distance to town. $800 a month. 503-806-4454. B11/16 --------------------------------------------------- Studio in 6-plex, $350.00 + refs & dep. 2 bedroom, $565 + dep., w/s/t pd.24/7 message 866-305-6564 ext. 3. BTFN --------------------------------------------------- 406 A St. 5 bedroom, 3 bath, family room, laundry room, updated vinyl win- dows throughout, formerly a 3-plex, converted to a home. Rent $895. For faster reply, contact ted at 503-799- 0999 or leave message at 503-255- 2959. VIP Property Management. BTFN --------------------------------------------------- 1 bedroom, $535 per month, 1st + de- posit, in Vernonia. 503-720-2291 or 503-550-0795. BTFN Floral Arrangements for all Occasions, Houseplants, Plant & Gift Baskets 503-429-9273 $722 - Cozy up this winter at Blue Heron Hollow. 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhouse now available. Drop by for a steaming cup of coffee and a tour. Water, sewer, garbage paid. Tax Credit 503-429-6052. Equal Housing Opportunity BTFN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Vernonia Realty & Insurance Ctr. 953 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR 97064 • 503-429-6203 November 2 solution Real Estate Brokers: Rick Gardner, 503-720-6736 Ken & Helen Bateman, 503-429-1032 LARGE, CLEARED CORNER LOT near Vernonia Veronia Lake, linear park and new schools. Zoning will allow either stick built or mobile home on this great location. Possible contract terms. PRICE REDUCED! Only.......................................$25,000 HARD TO FIND smaller, afford- able 1.64 acre building site in the country. Perfect for hide- away cabin or full time peaceful living. Reduced to just...$45,000 OVER 2 ACRES w/3 bdrm, 2 bath dbl-wide. Outbuildings, 24 ACRES AND INDEPENDENCE! Grow your food and raise your family on this mini-farm w/roomy 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath home. Big barn, shop, fenced pastures, Nehalem River frontage, garden area and private setting near Mist...........$540,000 fenced yard, Nehalem River frontage. Fruit trees & more. Maybe extra building site, near community of Natal.....$125,000 COZY 2 BDRM home w/view of Vernonia Lake and linear trail. Poss. extra building lot, close to new school campus. Fenced, private setting.............$110,000 ATTN: OUTDOOR ENTHUSI- ASTS! Great Nehalem river- front building site or get-away property. Over 2.5 acres, garage & mobile..........$119,000