Page 14 The INDEPENDENT, November 16, 2011 Tips for winter protection Turkey Trot is a great way to start Thanksgiving From page 11 and 70 pounds per square foot in New England. Guidelines to Estimate Snow Weight. • 10 inches to 12 inches of fresh/new snow equals about 5 pounds per square foot of roof space. • 3 inches to 5 inches of old/packed snow equals about 5 pounds per square foot of roof space. • Ice is much heavier, with 1 inch equaling about 1 foot of fresh snow. IBHS recommends that property owners not attempt to climb on their roof to remove snow. A safer alternative is to use a snow rake while standing at ground level. IBHS is an independent, nonprofit, scientific and educa- tional organization supported by the property insurance in- dustry. The organization works to reduce the social and eco- nomic effects of natural disas- ters and other risks to residen- tial and commercial property by conducting research and advo- cating improved construction, maintenance and preparation practices. The Oregon Zoo invites run- ners and walkers of all ages to its annual Turkey Trot on Thursday, November 24. The Thanksgiving Day event, or- ganized by the Oregon Road Runners Club (ORRC), in- cludes a four-mile run and fit- ness walk, starting at 8:00 a.m., and a half-mile “Tot Trot,” beginning at 9:30 a.m. A por- tion of Turkey Trot proceeds will fund animal care and pro- grams at the zoo. “Turkey Trot is a fun holiday tradition and a healthy way to start Thanksgiving Day,” said Kim Smith, zoo director. “Par- ticipants really get into the swing of things and often wear costumes or other Thanksgiv- ing-themed items.” Events are non-competitive and meant for fun, but a timing clock will be available at the fin- ish line for participants who wish to time themselves. The ORRC will provide nutritious snacks at the end of the cours- es, as well as a chocolate turkey for each person who crosses the finish line. Pump- kin pies will be given to 100 randomly selected finishers. Each event starts at the World Forestry Center and fin- ishes inside the zoo by the con- cert amphitheater. For informa- tion and registration forms, vis- it trot/turkey_tba.htm. Pets and roller skates are not allowed in any of the events. Participants with strol- lers or child-carrier backpacks are allowed only in the four- mile fitness walk and must start at the back of the group. Parking is limited, and par- ticipants are encouraged to ride MAX. TriMet’s Washington Park light-rail station is just steps away from the registra- tion area and starting lines. TriMet timetables are available at Just for Fun Casey and Kyle by Will Robertson Solve this Sudoku Answer to November 2 Sudoku is on page 23 Find the Thanksgiving w o rd s The gener- ality of mankind are con- tented to be estimat- ed by what they pos- sess in- stead of what they are. THOMAS JEFFERSON English writer (1778-1830)