The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, November 16, 2011, Page Page 14, Image 14

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    Page 14
The INDEPENDENT, November 16, 2011
Tips for winter protection Turkey Trot is a great way to start Thanksgiving
From page 11
and 70 pounds per square foot
in New England.
Guidelines to Estimate
Snow Weight.
• 10 inches to 12 inches of
fresh/new snow equals about 5
pounds per square foot of roof
• 3 inches to 5 inches of
old/packed snow equals about
5 pounds per square foot of
roof space.
• Ice is much heavier, with 1
inch equaling about 1 foot of
fresh snow.
IBHS recommends that
property owners not attempt to
climb on their roof to remove
snow. A safer alternative is to
use a snow rake while standing
at ground level.
IBHS is an independent,
nonprofit, scientific and educa-
tional organization supported
by the property insurance in-
dustry. The organization works
to reduce the social and eco-
nomic effects of natural disas-
ters and other risks to residen-
tial and commercial property by
conducting research and advo-
cating improved construction,
maintenance and preparation
The Oregon Zoo invites run-
ners and walkers of all ages to
its annual Turkey Trot on
Thursday, November 24. The
Thanksgiving Day event, or-
ganized by the Oregon Road
Runners Club (ORRC), in-
cludes a four-mile run and fit-
ness walk, starting at 8:00
a.m., and a half-mile “Tot Trot,”
beginning at 9:30 a.m. A por-
tion of Turkey Trot proceeds
will fund animal care and pro-
grams at the zoo.
“Turkey Trot is a fun holiday
tradition and a healthy way to
start Thanksgiving Day,” said
Kim Smith, zoo director. “Par-
ticipants really get into the
swing of things and often wear
costumes or other Thanksgiv-
ing-themed items.”
Events are non-competitive
and meant for fun, but a timing
clock will be available at the fin-
ish line for participants who
wish to time themselves. The
ORRC will provide nutritious
snacks at the end of the cours-
es, as well as a chocolate
turkey for each person who
crosses the finish line. Pump-
kin pies will be given to 100
randomly selected finishers.
Each event starts at the
World Forestry Center and fin-
ishes inside the zoo by the con-
cert amphitheater. For informa-
tion and registration forms, vis-
Pets and roller skates are
not allowed in any of the
events. Participants with strol-
lers or child-carrier backpacks
are allowed only in the four-
mile fitness walk and must start
at the back of the group.
Parking is limited, and par-
ticipants are encouraged to
ride MAX. TriMet’s Washington
Park light-rail station is just
steps away from the registra-
tion area and starting lines.
TriMet timetables are available
Just for Fun
Casey and Kyle by Will Robertson
Solve this Sudoku
Answer to November 2
Sudoku is on page 23
Find the Thanksgiving
w o rd s
The gener-
tented to
be estimat-
ed by what
they pos-
stead of
what they