The INDEPENDENT, November 2, 2011 Page 7 Senior Center News Left to right, emcee and 1st runner-up Bill James, Senior Center Female Halloween costume winner, Frances Bailey from Rainier, and Male winner Tommy Sherman of Vernonia. A picture of all those in costume is on page 24. “Conversation” at Library, Nov. 5 A free Conversation Project on the topic of Censorship in Literature will take place Satur- day, November 5, at 4:00 p.m. in the Vernonia Public Library. This discussion, led by Pan- cho Savery, a professor at Reed College, is hosted by the Friends of the Library and the Vernonia Library Board and is sponsored by Oregon Humani- ties. As the picture on this page illustrates, Mon- day’s Halloween Costume Contest was enjoyed by many who joined in the fun at the Vernonia Senior Center. Taking the top prizes were the Phantom of The Opera (local resident Tommy Sherman), and a frightening witch (Frances Bai- ley of Rainier). In addition to changes in the weather, Novem- ber brings some changes in scheduling here at the center. We will be closed on Thanksgiving and the following day, November 24-25. Foot care scheduling also requires a change. Instead of being on November 11 and 25, foot care will be on Friday, Nov. 11, and Tuesday, Nov. 22. Except for Thanksgiving and the following day, lunch will be served on the regular sched- ule, Monday through Friday at noon. A $4.00 do- nation is suggested for those 60 and older, and $5.00 for those under 60. You may also order lunch to go for $5.00, just call ahead and place your order. Because of holiday scheduling, the Novem- ber Birthday lunch will not be held on the last Fri- day. Watch for the change of date. Also, a re- minder that 5-Area Lunches are not scheduled in November and December. The invaluable assistance of Meals on Wheels is available for those who are home- bound. Call Senior Information Assistance Rep- resentative Rosie McCoy for information on how to put this great service to work. Aside from the two closed days, all activities will continue as usual: Mondays incorporate Bin- go with lunch, Tuesdays feature the needlework of your choice, the Golden Oldies entertain on Wednesdays, and Friday afternoons are for board games and/or card games. The center’s Thrift Shop is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and everything is half- price during the first week of each month. Additional, monthly services include free hearing checks on the third Monday, 1-2:00 p.m., and free blood pressure checks on the fourth Wednesday, 11 a.m. to noon. The center Board of Directors meets on the second Friday at 10. a.m., a good time to stop by and see how your senior center operates. If the cold weather has you wanting a hot breakfast, and you don’t want to cook, remem- ber that Connie’s great breakfasts are available Fridays at the Senior Center, from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Breakfast for all ages is just $3.50 per per- son. Maple bars are made fresh daily for $1.00 each! If you want maple bars for a gathering of any kind, call 503-429-3912 a day or two ahead and place your order. At this time, no one has stepped forward to spearhead the center’s annual Christmas Bazaar. Anyone interested in helping with this is asked to call the center. Vernonia Senior Citizens Center: 446 Bridge Street Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Senior Information Assistance Rep: Rosie McCoy Thrift Shop Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Phone: 503-429-3912 Time to start filling holiday food boxes NVCC schedules their quilt show Vernonia Cares Food Bank (VCFB) plans to offer Christ- mas holiday food boxes to low income households within the Vernonia community. Registra- tion opened November 1 and the application deadline is De- cember 8. The boxes will be disbursed December 20, as registered households pick them up from Vernonia Cares Food Bank. The holiday food box will con- tain the basic groceries for a Christmas meal. “Our target group is the households who fall within the USDA eligibility guidelines,” said Vernonia Cares Director Sandy Welch. “That is $1,679 gross income per month for single person households, plus $589 per month for each additional per- son in the household. However, anyone who is a Vernonia resi- dent and does not have the groceries for a Christmas meal is eligible to apply for this spe- cial food box,” she concludes. Applications may be ob- tained from Vernonia Cares Food Bank, open Tuesday and The Nehalem Valley Com- munity Church (NVCC) will hold a Quilt Fair on November 11 and 12, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. They will display some very old quilts from the Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the American Le- gion Hall at 627 Adams Av- enue. To obtain a form by phone, call VCFB at 503-429- 1414, leaving clear mailing in- formation. All applications must be received by Vernonia Cares by December 8. Only pre-regis- tered households will be served. “At this point, we are plan- ning to provide this service to 200 families and are praying the food and funds arrive to support it,” Welch emphasized. “We’ve had great support for the holiday food boxes from our community in the past and I’m looking to that same support again this year. I’m so glad we are able to brighten people’s Christmas through these gro- ceries. What’s Christmas with- out, at the least, a Christmas meal together?” asks Welch. “Between now and Thanks- giving is a great time to buy a turkey and donate it towards the Christmas Box Project. That’s when the sale prices are available,” says Vernonia Cares President Rosie McCoy. “All turkeys will be stored frozen and then distributed near Christmas.” Vernonia Sentry, a strong supporter of VCFB, makes it simple to donate. Through their check-stand giving, begin- ning November 13, patrons can designate $30 which will be used to buy the groceries and a turkey. Individuals and busi- nesses interested in supporting this worthwhile cause, whether through food or funds, may contribute directly on Tuesday or Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at VCFB. Checks may also be mailed to Vernon- ia Cares Food Bank, PO Box 126, Vernonia, OR 97064. Re- ceipts for your tax deductible donation will be sent upon re- quest. Daylight Savings Time ends on November 6, set your clocks back one hour. area. There will also be a chili feed to benefit the local Christmas food basket program. NVCC is located at 80803 Hwy 103, in Jewell. Open Daily 11 a.m. Biker Friendly Nov. 5th, Spin Cycle Nov. 11th, Karaoke Nov. 19th, Random Access All Bands & Karaoke start at 9 P.M. Happy Hour: Mon - Fri 4 pm - 7 pm Ladies Night: Wed. 5 pm - Midnight Open until midnight Sun-Thu & until 2:30 a.m. Fri, Sat. 733 Bridge St., Vernonia 503-429-9999