The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, November 02, 2011, Page Page 16, Image 16

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    Page 16
The INDEPENDENT, November 2, 2011
Property tax statements for Columbia County explained in detail
From page 5
are analyzed using the recalcu-
lated value, not the actual pre-
vious year value. This means
that the trend applied to the
previous year value shown on
the tax statement is not likely to
equal this year’s value. Real
market values of residential
property located in Saint He-
lens, Columbia City, and Ver-
nonia (both city and rural) were
recalculated this year. A recal-
culation does not include a
physical inspection of property,
but is a computer assisted re-
calculation of values by analyz-
ing and using current market
data and local cost modifiers.
While this method does not
identify properties that may
have more or less than typical
maintenance, it provides the
most efficient and accurate
method of valuing properties at
100% of real market value
each year, between physical
reappraisals. A reappraisal of
the City of Rainier and the sur-
rounding rural area was com-
pleted for this year and the real
market values in these areas
will reflect any changes noted
from the physical inspection by
county appraisers.
For market areas that have
not yet been physically reap-
praised and converted to recal-
culation, the trend is applied to
the actual previous year value.
Reappraisal for the Clatskanie
area and for personal property
manufactured structures coun-
tywide is scheduled for the
2012-13 tax year, Rural Saint
Helens and Warren for the
2013-14 tax year, and the
Scappoose area for the 2014-
15 tax year. In 2015-16, both
commercial and industrial
properties are scheduled for
Real market values for com-
mercial properties remained
unchanged due to a lack of
sales data. While many busi-
nesses may be experiencing
decreased income due to the
economy, a review of market
listings in Columbia County re-
vealed over 90% of businesses
listed for sale are asking a pur-
chase price that is at or above
the current real market values
on the county assessment
Due to the market decline
and minimal new construction
in the county, there is very little
change in the total assessed
value for most taxing districts.
This will result in a minimal in-
crease, and in some cases, a
reduction in property tax rev-
enue received by most taxing
districts during the 2011-12 fis-
cal year.
A total of $55,789,038 in
property taxes is being billed
for the county, cities, schools
and special districts. That
amount is 3.74 percent more
than was billed last year. In ad-
dition, a total of $1,044,608 will
be collected for such things as
drainage district assessments
and the Oregon Department of
Forestry’s fire patrol special as-
sessments. That amount is 5.5
percent higher than last year.
Countywide, the market val-
ue of all taxable property de-
creased from $5.72 billion to
$5.48 billion, a decrease of 4
percent. The total tax assessed
value this year is $4,085,273,
311 or 2.30 percent higher than
last year.
See Property on page 22
Just for Fun
Casey and Kyle by Will Robertson
Solve this Sudoku
Answer to October 19
Sudoku is on page 22
Ve t e ra n ’s Da y, N o v. 1 1
The hum-
blest citi-
zen of all
the land,
when clad
in the ar-
mor of a
cause, is
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