Action Ads ~ Call 503-429-9410 to place your ad The INDEPENDENT, October 19, 2011 LEGAL NOTICE CLASSES SERVICES RENTALS Statement of Nondiscrimination Guitar lessons taught by profession- al, 30 years experience. $25 per hour, all styles. John 503-235-8996. PTFN --------------------------------------------------- CPR & First Aid, adult, child, infant courses, AHA and ASHI programs, On- site or Off-site, Individual or group. 503-543-2821 or http://www.abcfor BTFN --------------------------------------------------- NRA handgun safety course. Meets concealed handgun requirements. 503-709-1878 or BTFN KARMEL’S FLOWER PATCH 0999 or leave message at 503-255- 2959. VIP Property Management. BTFN --------------------------------------------------- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, move-in ready. washer/dryer included. $750 per month. 209 A St. 503-241-8020.BTFN --------------------------------------------------- 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 2nd floor apartment includes water, sewer, garbage & garage space, $500.00 per month, 1st, last & security deposit. Call Jeff at 503-780-8884 for information. BTFN West Oregon Electric Cooper- ative, Inc. is the recipient of Fed- eral financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA prohibits dis- crimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disabil- ity, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or be- cause all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any pub- lic assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all pro- grams.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program infor- mation (Braille, large print, audio- tape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimi- nation, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Inde- pendence Avenue, S.W., Wash- ington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voice) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice users). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Publish October 19, 2011 Floral Arrangements for all Occasions, Houseplants, Plant & Gift Baskets Page 23 RENTALS 1 bedroom, $535 per month, 1st + de- posit, in Vernonia. 503-720-2291 or 503-550-0795. BTFN RENTAL SITUATION SOUGHT Widow (w/small dog) on fixed income looking to share your home. Rent & chores negotiable and pay my own ex- penses. Prefer 1 male, even-tempered & honest. Carole 503-840-0448. P09/21-10/19 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 503-429-9273 LOST & FOUND Found – piece of jewelry on Sword property. Call 503-429-8475 and de- scribe correctly. F10/19 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED I buy guitars, amps, and other musi- cal instruments. Call John 503-235- 8996. PTFN SERVICES I do weddings! Select your vows from my collection, or write your own. I’ll help you make your wedding day as special as you want it to be. 503-397- 5868. BTFN --------------------------------------------------- Animal Communication with your pet, any species. I get the animal’s an- swers to your questions. Results guar- anteed, $35. Call 503-429-0269. BTFN Action Ads INEXPENSIVE – EFFECTIVE 503-429-9410 Patty Fogel, Broker RENTALS All Professionals RE LLC Blue Heron Hollow. $722, 3 bdrm, Townhouse now available. Drop in for a tour and a cup of coffee. Water, sewer, garbage paid. Tax credit 503-429-6052. Equal Housing Opportunity BTFN House, Vernonia, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, with garage, woodstove & all appli- ances included. Walking distance to town, very comfortable. $800 per month. 503-806-4454. B10/19 --------------------------------------------------- Studio in 6-plex, $350.00 + refs & dep. 2 bedroom, $565 + dep., w/s/t pd.24/7 message 866-305-6564 ext. 3. BTFN --------------------------------------------------- 406 A St. 5 bedroom, 3 bath, family room, laundry room, updated vinyl win- dows throughout, formerly a 3-plex, converted to a home. Rent $895. For faster reply, contact ted at 503-799- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Direct 503-704-1381 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 13836 Keasey Road, Vernonia Surround Yourself In & Around with this 27.68 Private & Secluded Level Acres with Opportunity to Raise your Own Animals, Grow your Own Or- ganic Food or Just Relax in This Private Country Retreat. Camp, Bar-B-Q, Entertain along the Park Like Rock Creek Frontage. Enjoy the Wildlife & Sounds of Nature…. Enjoy the Warm & Cozy 3 BR Country Style Home Blt in 1980 that overlooks the Property & its Territorial View. Home Includes all Appliances, Deck, Patio, Greenhouse, Wood Shed, Barn, 3-Bay Shop w/Office, Tractor, Fenced Pasture, Trees, Peace & Quiet & So Much More. Call Patty Fogel Direct @ 503-704-1381 Motivated Seller. Asking $586,000 MLS#11619742 16565 Timber Road, Vernonia 5.55 Beautiful Private & Secluded Country Acres. Pasture, Timber & Wildlife. Old Hm Site-Bldgs @ No Value-Tear Downs. Min to Golfing, Hiking, Biking, & City Services. Easy Commute to Hillsboro, Portland and the Coast. Ck w/County for Building Ideas! Call Patty Fogel Direct 503-704-1381 for More Info! Asking $199,999 MLS#11419316 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Vernonia Realty & Insurance Ctr. 953 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR 97064 • 503-429-6203 October 5 solution Real Estate Brokers: Rick Gardner, 503-720-6736 Ken & Helen Bateman, 503-429-1032 OVERSIZED LOT in quiet residential area. 3 bd, 2 ba dbl-wide is move-in ready, just upgraded w/new vinyl windows, floor coverings. Insulated shop w/220V and auto door opener. This very nice setup shows pride of ownership..............$124,000 CAMP, HIKE, FISH, swim, boat, rub elbows with nature on 33 AC wooded, recreational parcel along the Nehalem......$280,000 OVER 2 ACRES w/3 bdrm, 2 bath dbl-wide. Outbuildings, fenced yard, Nehalem River END OF THE RAINBOW! New paint in & out, nice landscaping, private back yard w/new deck. Spa - cious kitchen w/oak cabs, walk-in pantry and handy island, utility room. 4 bdrms, 2 baths, bright family room, dbl garage, and lg lot..........$199,500 frontage. Fruit trees & more. Maybe extra building site, near community of Natal.....$125,000 COZY 2 BDRM home w/view of Vernonia Lake and linear trail. Poss. extra building lot, close to new school campus. Fenced, private setting.............$110,000 AMAZING PROPERTY w/lots of 30 yr-old fir trees. Spotless 3 bdrm, 2 bath dbl-wide on private setting next to new school, a short distance to Vernonia Lake & state linear trail........$297,000