The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, October 05, 2011, Page Page 24, Image 24

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    Page 24
The INDEPENDENT, October 5, 2011
Open Daily
11 a.m.
Biker Friendly
Music Schedule
Oct. 8, Third Member
Oct. 15, Spin Cycle
Oct. 29, Halloween Party
With Country Back Roads
Happy Hour: Mon - Fri 4 pm - 7 pm
Ladies Night: Wed. 5 pm - Midnight
733 Bridge St., Vernonia
Open 11a.m. to midnight Sun-Thu & until 2:30 a.m. Fri, Sat.
Top, a composite picture of
the wetland taking shape at
the old mill site. The work for
the year is about finished,
with the final touches to be
seeding of an annual grass
to control erosion until the fi-
nal plantings can be put in
place starting next June.
Above left and above, kids
working on their pumpkin art
during this year’s Salmon
Festival, held October 1. In
addition to pumpkin carving,
there was fishing, fish view-
ing, scarecrow building, hay
rides, food, craft and infor-
mation booths, along with
multiple raffles, Claudia the
educational salmon, and ex-
hibits in the Scout Cabin.
Mark your calendars now for
next year’s 10th annual
Salmon Festival.