Page 22 The INDEPENDENT, October 5, 2011 Memorial services scheduled for St. Helens City Councilor Barlow A funeral service for St. He- lens City Councilor Phillip Bar- low will be held Saturday, Octo- ber 8, at 11 a.m. in the St. He- lens High School Auditorium. Following the funeral service, a procession of vehicles will fol- low Barlow to his final resting place at Columbia Memorial Gardens, on Highway 30 in Warren where a committal service will be held. The public is welcome to attend these me- morial events. Following the committal service, a reception for Phil’s family, friends and city employ- ees will be held at approxi- mately 2:00 p.m. at the St. He- lens Armory, 474 South 7th Street. Councilor Barlow passed Food for Thought From page 6 consistency similar to toothpaste. Glaze: In a medium, microwave-safe bowl, heat butter and cream cheese until melted. Whisk together until smooth; whisk in powdered sugar and vanilla extract; set aside. Heat large skillet over medium-low heat. Spray with nonstick spray. Scoop about 3/4 cup batter onto the skillet. Snip the corner of your baggie of filling and squeeze a spiral of the filling onto the top of the pancake. When bubbles begin to appear on the sur- face, flip carefully with a thin spatula, and cook until browned on the underside, 1 to 2 minutes more. Transfer to a baking sheet or platter and keep in a warm oven until ready to serve. When ready to serve, spoon warmed glaze onto the top of each pancake. Tips: Keep the heat low or your pancakes might cook up too quickly. Don’t flip them until you see those bubbles starting to pop on top. Flip them with a wide spatula so you can grasp the whole thing without batter and filling dripping all over the place! It’s best if you pour the batter onto your skillet, wait a minute or so and then swirl the cinnamon onto the batter. That’ll give it a chance to set a little before you add the swirl. If your baggie of filling begins to get too thick, just pop it in the microwave for a few seconds to soften it up again. On that same note, it shouldn't be too runny. The consistency of soft toothpaste is perfect. If it’s melty and run- ny, it will tend to run all over your pancakes. Once you microwave it, let it sit on the counter at room temp for a while until it thickens slightly. Serves 3-4. September 21 solution away unexpectedly on Sep- tember 24 in Thailand from an undetermined cause. The news of his death is tragic for the City of St. Helens and its citizens. Barlow, 39, was in Thailand to wed his fiancé, Ji- rawan. For further information re- garding the memorial events, please contact City Recorder Kathy Payne at 503-366-8217. Ike Says… From page 1 open their lands to drive-in hunting is dimin- ished. While there are some nice bucks to be taken, they are few and far between. I had to chuckle the other day when I got a phone call about my last article. It seems some people were taking the liberty to interpret my ar- ticle and another article in The Independent about a Nehalem wild coho fishery to mean “in the local area”. I guess I will have to start adding a disclaimer to all my articles, but surely any- body who has lived in Oregon for any amount of time would know that you must always read the current fishing and hunting regulations and un- derstand fully the time, place, method and catch limit that must be adhered to. I have a hard time keeping all the regulations straight, I surely would not put my faith in what some guy in a lo- cal paper prints! The regulations are available at your local Point of Sale outlets, or online. Let me know how confused and messed up your mind is after you get done reading them all! Good luck hunting and fishing, and above all, be safe and legal! Izaak Walton League, Nehalem Valley Chapter meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Call 503-429-7193 for location. Action Ads ~ Call 503-429-9410 to place your ad HELP WANTED SERVICES Vernonia School District is accepting applications for part time secretary. Application and information is avail- able at B10/05 --------------------------------------------------- Someone to transport mail from Ver- nonia Post Office, at 5 pm, to Scap- poose Post Office. Part-time. Colleen 541-490-9982. P10/05 Animal Communication with your pet, any species. I get the animal’s an- swers to your questions. Results guar- anteed, $35. Call 503-429-0269. BTFN CLASSES Guitar lessons taught by profession- al, 30 years experience. $25 per hour, all styles. John 503-235-8996. PTFN --------------------------------------------------- CPR & First Aid, adult, child, infant courses, AHA and ASHI programs, On- site or Off-site, Individual or group. 503-543-2821 or http://www.abcfor BTFN --------------------------------------------------- NRA handgun safety course. Meets concealed handgun requirements. 503-709-1878 or BTFN MISCELLANEOUS WANTED I buy guitars, amps, and other musi- cal instruments. Call John 503-235- 8996. PTFN --------------------------------------------------- Volunteers wanted: For Thriftshop at Vernonia Senior Center. Meet new people, help your community. See or call Pauline, 446 Bridge St., 503-429- 3912. F10/05 SERVICES I do weddings! Select your vows from my collection, or write your own. I’ll help you make your wedding day as special as you want it to be. 503-397- 5868. BTFN KARMEL’S FLOWER PATCH Floral Arrangements for all Occasions, Houseplants, Plant & Gift Baskets 503-429-9273 Lulu's Antique Refinishing Repair & Caning If your furniture isn't becoming to you, you should be coming to me. Antiques Bought & Sold 429-7633 Eves. Action Ads INEXPENSIVE – EFFECTIVE RENTALS Blue Heron Hollow. $579, 2 bdrm, Townhouse now available. Drop in for a tour and a cup of coffee. Water, sewer, garbage paid. Tax credit 503-429-6052. Equal Housing Opportunity BTFN Studio in 6-plex. W/s/t pd. $350.00 + refs & dep. 24/7 message 866-305- 6564 ext. 3. BTFN --------------------------------------------------- 406 A St. 5 bedroom, 3 bath, family room, laundry room, updated vinyl win- dows throughout, formerly a 3-plex, converted to a home. Rent $895. For faster reply, contact ted at 503-799- 0999 or leave message at 503-255- 2959. VIP Property Management. BTFN --------------------------------------------------- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, w/d & dishwasher included. $800 per month. 503-241- 8020 BTFN --------------------------------------------------- 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 2nd floor apartment includes water, sewer, garbage & garage space, $500.00 per month, 1st, last & security deposit. Call Jeff at 503-780-8884 for information. BTFN --------------------------------------------------- 1 bedroom, $535 per month, 1st + de- posit, in Vernonia. 503-720-2291 or 503-550-0795. BTFN 503-429-9410 RENTAL SITUATION SOUGHT $4.50 for the first 10 words, then just 10¢ for each additional word Widow (w/small dog) on fixed income looking to share your home. Rent & chores negotiable and pay my own ex- penses. Prefer 1 male, even-tempered & honest. Carole 503-840-0448. P09/21-10/19