The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, October 05, 2011, Page Page 19, Image 19

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    The INDEPENDENT, October 5, 2011
Vernonia Police Department
From page 18
Sept. 17 – Information taken
on A St. about a conflict involv-
ing child visitation; forwarded to
court for review.
– Theft and Criminal Mis-
chief reported on Bridge St. af-
ter a lock was cut off a trailer,
and tools and collectables re-
ported as worth $8000 were
Sept. 19 – Criminal Mischief
reported on 5th Ave. regarding
a slashed tire.
Sept. 20 – Burglary and Ve-
hicle Theft reported at WOEC
on Maple St., after bucket
truck, tools, chain saws, and
electrical equipment stolen.
Truck later recovered; investi-
gation ongoing.
– Burglary and Theft report-
ed at vacant house on 1st Ave.
where tankless water heater
was stolen.
Sept. 21 – Suicide attempt
reported on Rose Ave., subject
voluntarily transported to hos-
pital; report sent to Columbia
County Mental Health.
Sept. 23 – Red Mongoose
BMX bike with back pegs
found; if unclaimed from Ver-
nonia Police Department, it will
be given to finder.
Sept. 24 – MVA on Mist Dr.
near Elm St., vehicle over em-
bankment, no driver on scene;
vehicle towed, investigation on-
Sept. 27 – Death investiga-
tion on Juniper St.; investiga-
tion ongoing.
Page 19
Vernonia Justice Court
Police/Court Abbreviations
September 20 - 27, 2011
Abbreviations: A&D, Alcohol &
Drug; DUII, Driving Under the Influ-
ence of Intoxicants; BUII, Boating
Under the Influence of Intoxicants;
CCSO, Columbia County Sheriff’s
Office; DWS, Driving While License
is Suspended; MIP, Minor In Pos-
session of Intoxicants; MV, Motor
Vehicle Accident; PCS, Possession
of Controlled Substance; ODL, Ore-
gon Driver License; FTA, Failure to
Appear in Court; NTSI, National
Traffic Safety Institute; DA, District
Attorney; VIP, Victim Impact Panel;
FF&A, Fines, Fees and Assess-
Fred Rick Fulmer, 25, Ver-
nonia, pleaded not guilty to
PCS less than 1 oz marijuana;
trial date to be set.
Traffic.......................... 23
Game.......................... 23
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