The INDEPENDENT, September 7, 2011 Page 13 Banks BBQ offered fun and food Banks PTO seeks help with math books by Debi Wagner Banks Elementary School children need your help! The math textbooks that are being used are severely out of date. Currently, math books range from 9-13 years old. Why is that a problem? Most textbooks are updated every five years to keep up with teaching and test- ing standards. The 66th annual Banks BBQ has come and gone for 2011, running from Friday, August 19 through Sunday, August 21. This annual event was, as usu- al, well attended and enjoyed by all. The weekend was a suc- cess due to the efforts of hun- dreds of volunteers who start planning in January for the up- coming year. New this year at the Lions Club concession stand were elephant ears, corn dogs and French fries. Approximately 152 breakfasts were served to- taling over 300 pancakes. Choosing to stay anonymous, one satisfied customer said “they were delicious. I had eight pancakes.” The famous BBQ sandwiches went on sale at noon and there was a long line formed in anticipation. The BBQ sauce is a secret recipe handed down for four genera- tions. No one went away hun- gry or disappointed, as could be seen by all of the smiling happy faces. For the second year in a row, Drew Carney from KGW News Channel 8, filmed a short video of the combine demoli- tion. Drew donned a helmet and took control of the Ramina- tor, a huge combine, but he surrendered within moments. Several ribbons were given out for the parade floats. Jim Addington, a park ranger from Stub Stewart State Park, was exploding with pride, “This was our third year of trying and we finally got a Blue ribbon.” May Trussell, from Jim Dandy Farm Market, has their Blue ribbon proudly on display behind the counter, but will gladly show it if asked. Congratulations to all and see you next year. In the most recent state test- ing, only 74.61% of BES stu- dents received passing scores on the math tests. This is due, in part, to the implementation of new state math standards, and an increase in scores to meet these standards. It is exacer- bated by the fact that the old math books do not align with the new standards to such a degree that many elementary teachers don’t even use the outdated and obsolete text- books. The state of Oregon has made drastic cuts to the state education budget. This has af- fected every school district, See PTO on page 14 Banks School Board says no to bond by Debi Wagner At their August 8 meeting, after lengthy consideration the Banks School Board decided that the bond issue will be put to rest for the time being. Tak- ing into account the shaky cur- rent economic situation and the fact that property taxes come out in November, it was a unanimous decision to not present the much-needed school bond levy, at this time. Making it clear that they are not abandoning the plan for a future bond vote, the Board is- sued this statement: “The Banks School Board has decided to postpone indef- initely putting a construction bond on the November ballot. See School on page 14 S TRASSEL ’ S A UTO R EPAIR & H YDRAULIC H OSES 2-4-6 S PIRAL W IRE S UCTION H OSES A DAPTORS - 3/16” TO 2” A MERICAN & M ETRIC F ITTINGS B ULK O IL P RODUCTS 276 S UNSET , B ANKS 503-324-9808 Left and above; two of the entries from the parade at this year’s Banks BBQ. Photos by Debi Wagner. WINTER’S COMING GOT WOOD? MS 250 Chain Saw RELIABLE w/18” bar $ 299 95 Main Street Pizza 680 S. Main Oak Village Shopping Center Banks, Oregon 503-324-5858 Receive $2 off any large Pizza. $ 2 Off 00 Expires 9-30-11. Coupons cannot be sold or duplicated. Main Street Pizza 680 S. Main Oak Village Shopping Center Banks, Oregon 503-324-5858 Receive $1 off any medium Pizza. $1 Off 00 Expires 9-30-11. Coupons cannot be sold or duplicated. MS 290 Chain Saw DEPENDABLE MS 250 Chain Saw A high power-to-weight ratio makes this one of the best homeowner chain saws on the market. Starting at $ 379 95 MS 290 Chain Saw Our most popular model. Designed for rugged farm use. PRECISION OUTD OOR POWER EQUIPMENT Banks Hardware 503-324-5221 • 150 N. Main St., Banks • Mon - Fri 8am to 6pm • Saturday 8am to 5pm • Sunday 10am to 4pm