Page 12 The INDEPENDENT, April 21, 2011 School Board told of April 27 bond election meeting Banks Farmers Market seeks vendors by Dalan Lee At the latest regular meeting of the Banks School District Board of Directors, on April 11, the board had a short agenda, requiring a vote on only one ac- tion item regarding student ac- tivities and also discussing next year’s school calendar. Month- ly written reports were given by administrators and routine staff matters were settled. An extracurricular activities student contract and a district policy/information packet were re-adopted unanimously. The extracurricular activity contract covers district policies regard- ing student athletes. The pack- et further outlined district poli- cies, plus general information regarding all student-involved school activities. Monthly administrator re- ports reported some staff changes within the elementary school, as well as ongoing fundraising with the goal of new textbooks, while simultaneous- ly trying to battle budget cuts affecting staff employment and calendar days. The high school reported great state testing results in reading, the highest in over a decade. The recent high school trip to Greece was reported to be a complete success, with students having a tiring, yet re- warding experience. The junior high is in the midst of working on a new building-wide grading policy. Superintendent Jim Foster spoke of next year’s school cal- endar, explaining that student “seat time” is at the very mini- mum, due to budget issues. This means that any unexpect- ed closures will have to be made up at the end of the school year. The $10.5 million dollar bond measure will be on ballots mailed April 27 and supporters of Banks School District are in the heat of campaigning. Chair- person Kathy Edison reiterated the reasons for the bond, stat- ing that the junior high will be the primary focus, with few oth- er campus issues being ad- dressed. A community meeting will be held April 27, at 7:00 p.m. in the junior high gym, so any and all questions regarding the bond can be answered. In order to show voters what the bond funds will be used for, there will be a tour of the school after the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m. To be informed per- sonally, the next regular board session will be held May 9, at 7:00 p.m., in the district’s board room. Burnt Ends BBQ has teamed with the Friends of the Banks Public Library to offer some great food and support the library. Orders will be taken at the library until May 4 and are to be picked up May 7 be- tween 10 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at Schlegel Hall in Sunset Park. Dinner choices include St. Louis trim pork ribs or chicken with your choice of two sides. Rib dinners will feed two or more and chicken dinners should feed three to five. In ad- dition, pulled pork sandwiches will be available for purchase during the sale. A portion of all sales will go to the Friends of the Banks Public Library. Complete rib dinners will cost $28, a whole chicken din- ner will cost $18, and a half- chicken dinner will be $12. Pulled pork sandwiches will be $6, or with a side for $7. Call Banks Public Library at 503 324-1382 for more infor- mation. STIHL TRIMMERS GET THE JOB DONE Banks Hardware 503-324-5221 • 150 N. Main St., Banks Thriftway. Vendors are wanted. Email banksfarmersmarket@gmail.c om or call 503–324–1081 to be a vendor. The Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) has sent out a crime alert. In the first three months of 2011, they have received 125 calls on items stolen from vehicles. Of those, 45 percent of the items stolen included a GPS system. WCSO is advising that portable GPS units be removed from sight when you park your vehicle. Take home BBQ from Library Sale WCSO warns of thefts from cars OPEN HOUSE / ANNIVERSARY Saturday April 23rd 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.. Coffee & doughnuts in the morning. Hotdogs at 11 a.m. until they’re gone. Prizes throughout Day! PRECISION OUTD OOR POWER EQUIPMENT Banks Farmers Market be- gins on the first Friday of June and runs every Friday through the end of September. The hours are 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the parking lot of Jim’s • Mon - Fri 8am to 6pm • Saturday 8am to 5pm • Sunday 10am to 4pm New transportation for veterans Washington County Disabili- ty, Aging and Veteran Services (DAVS) has recently teamed up with Ride Connection to ad- dress the unique transportation needs of veterans who live in Washington County and don’t have the ability to get to essen- tial appointments. DAVS and Ride Connection are seeking volunteer drivers who are vet- erans with a desire to serve their community. “This program is all about veterans serving veterans,” says Jeff Hill, DAVS Division Manager. This opportunity can mean the world to our veterans because it allows them the in- dependence and freedom to get to crucial appointments.” The volunteer transportation program helps buffer the loss of independence by providing a no-charge, personalized trans- portation service to veterans who can no longer drive or use public transportation. Volunteer drivers will use their own car or a Ride Con- nection vehicle to pick up a par- ticipating veteran from their home and take them to essen- tial appointments. The trips may include visits to their doc- tor or dentist or grocery shop- ping. In many cases, the only time these veterans get out of their homes is with the assis- tance of dedicated volunteer drivers. If you are interested in vol- unteering as a driver, please call 503-528-1738 for an appli- cation and identify yourself as a veteran volunteer driver. Civil Service member sought The Washington County Civil Service Commission is currently seeking applications for new members to replace those whose terms expire May 31, 2011. There are five mem- bers on the commission and each member serves a two- year term. This Commission is respon- sible for ensuring the proper administration of the Civil Ser- vice Act. The application deadline is open until all vacancies are filled. Descriptions of all boards and commissions, as well as applications, may be obtained from the Boards and Commis- sions website or by calling 503- 846-8685. To apply, or for more infor- mation, contact Marian Larkin, Sr. Administrative Specialist at 503-846-8685 or cao@co.was .