The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, August 19, 2010, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
The INDEPENDENT, August 19, 2010
Family forest owners field day to be in Ridgefield Area businesses may qualify for
Family forest owners from fered multiple times. Their will dine in Ridgefield.
low interest SBA disaster loans
Oregon and Washington will
have the opportunity to improve
their knowledge and hone their
skills in forest stewardship and
management at an upcoming
Family Forest Owners Field Day.
The field day will be held on
Saturday, August 28, from 9:00
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Plas
Newydd Tree Farm in Ridge-
field, Washington, about 25
miles north of Portland.
The daylong event for pri-
vate forestland owners will fea-
ture more than two-dozen
hands-on workshops on a vari-
ety of forestry topics. They in-
clude an introduction to forestry
for new owners, management
of small woodlands, thinning
and pruning, marketing timber,
shiitake mushroom cultivation,
and a variety of sessions on
forest health and wildlife habi-
tat. Most sessions will be of-
be exhibits and equipment
demonstrations throughout the
Advance registration, re-
ceived by August 20, is $20 per
person, or $30 for two or more.
Registration at the event is $30
per person, or $40 for two or
more. A brochure with more de-
tails, a registration form and di-
rections to the site can be
found by going to http://ext. and clicking
on “Oregon - Washington For-
est Owners Field Day.” The in-
formation is also available at
An on-site full barbe-
cuelunch to benefit the Lion’s
Club is available for $10 per
person and needs to be or-
dered with your advance regis-
tration by Aug. 20. You may
also bring your own lunch, or
The Field Day is being or-
ganized by Washington State
University Extension and the
Oregon State University Exten-
sion Service, and sponsored by
a variety of organizations and
Small, non-farm businesses
in Washington County and the
neighboring counties of Clack-
amas, Clatsop, Columbia,
Multnomah, Tillamook and
Yamhill are now eligible to ap-
Order includes infrastructure assistance
From page 1
On non-school related infra-
structure, the Governor includ-
ed the statement, “The follow-
ing actions shall be taken: The
Oregon Business Development
Department shall promote ac-
cess to the Special Public
Works Fund, the Immediate
Opportunity Fund and where
appropriate, funding using the
State Small Cities Community
Development Block Grant Pro-
gram to make available local
health clinic, food bank and
senior center facilities.”
The order also directs the
Department of Administrative
Services Facilities Division to
consider siting a state facility in
Governor Kulongoski’s will-
ingness to tell state agencies to
aid Vernonia, via Order No. 10-
07 (which does not expire until
June 30, 2013), certainly indi-
cates his continued and ongo-
ing support for Vernonia’s ef-
forts to not only rebuild, but to
become a vital, economically
stable urban area in Oregon.
ply for low-interest disaster
loans from the U.S. Small Busi-
ness Administration (SBA).
“These loans offset economic
losses because of reduced rev-
enues caused by freezing tem-
peratures that occurred in
Washington County from De-
cember 1, 2009 through De-
cember 13, 2009,” announced
Alfred E. Judd, Director of
SBA’s Disaster Field Opera-
tions Center West.
Small, non-farm businesses,
small agricultural cooperatives
and most private, non-profit or-
ganizations of any size may
qualify for Economic Injury Dis-
aster Loans (EIDLs) of up to $2
million to help meet financial ob-
ligations and operating expens-
es which could have been met
had the disaster not occurred.
See page 5
Community Calendar
Alcoholics Anonymous
6:30 p.m., 410 North Street
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays (Big Book Study) 7:00 p.m., 410 North Street
American Legion Post #119
2nd Thursday
7:00 p.m., 627 Adams Avenue
Booster Club
2nd Wednesday
7:00 p.m., VHS Library
Boy Scout Troop 201
7:00 p.m., Scout Cabin
Boy Scout Troop 860
7:00 p.m., LDS Church
Cemetery Beautification Comm.
2nd Thursday
6:30 p.m., Library
4th Wednesday
For Info Call 503-429-3018
Chamber of Commerce
2nd Wednesday
For Info Call 503-429-6081
Community Coalition
2nd Monday
12:30 p.m. School District Ofc.
Cub Scout Pack 201
Scout Cabin
For Info Call 503-429-4250
Friends of the Library
1st Tuesday
7:00 p.m., Vernonia Library
Girl Scouts, Neighborhood 4-2
For Info Call 503-819-0143
Izaak Walton League
3rd Thursday
For location call 503-429-7193
Kiwanis Club
2nd & 4th Wednesday
6:30 p.m., New Hong Kong
Lions Club
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
6:30 p.m., New Hong Kong
Municipal Airport Committee
1t Wednesday
6:30 p.m., City Hall
Pioneer Museum
For Info Call 503-429-3713
Public Works Committee
4th Tuesday
7:00 p.m., City Hall
Vernonia Cares Directors
For Info call 503-429-1414
Vernonia City Council
1st & 3rd Mondays
7:00 p.m., City Hall
Vernonia Community PTA
2nd Wednesday
7:00 p.m., WGS Library
Vernonia Garden Club
2nd Tuesday
1:30 p.m., Vernonia Library
Vernonia Grange
3rd Monday
7:00 p.m., Grange Hall
Vernonia Health Center
2nd Monday
6:00 p.m., 510 Bridge St.
Vernonia Learning Center
1st Wednesday
6:00 p.m., VLC
Vernonia Parks Committee
3rd Wednesday
6:30 p.m., City Hall
Vernonia Planning Comm.
1st & 3rd Thursdays
7:00 p.m., City Hall
Vernonia Pride
2nd Thursday
1:00 p.m., City Hall
Vernonia Ridge Riders
Last Thursday
7:00 p.m., Senior Center
Vernonia RFPD Board
2nd Tuesday
6:00 p.m., Fire Station
Vernonia School Board
2nd Thursday
6:00 p.m., District Office
Vernonia Sr. Center Board
2nd Friday
10:00 a.m., Senior Center
Vernonia Transfer Station
2nd & 4th Saturdays, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Behind VHS
Vern. Volunteer Ambulance Assoc. 1st, 3rd & 4th Tuesday
7:00 p.m., Fire Station
Vernonia Volunteer Firefighters
2nd Monday
7:00 p.m., Fire Station
WOEC Directors
3rd Tuesday
7:00 p.m., WOEC
M-BRFPD Board Business Mtg.
2nd Tuesday
M-BRFPD Board Workshop
4th Tuesday
M-B Ambulance Drill
1st & 2nd Thursdays
M-B Fire Drill
1st & 2nd Wednesdays
M-B Helping Circle
2nd Monday
M-B SAR Drill
3rd Wednesday
M-B Volunteer Assoc.
1st Tuesday
Natal Grange
2nd Wednesday
Upr Nehalem Watershed Council For date call 429-0869
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous
American Legion Post #90
Banks City Council
Banks Fire District #13
Banks Library Commission
Banks Planning Commission
Banks School Board
Banks Youth Group
Chamber of Commerce
CPO 14
Everybody’s Hometown Band
Friends of the Library
Lions Club
Sunset Park Assoc.
2nd Tuesday
2nd Tuesday
2nd Wednesday
3rd Tuesday
Last Tuesday
2nd Monday
Sunday, Wednesday
1st Thursday
3rd Monday
2nd Tuesday
1st & 3rd Mondays
3rd Wednesday
7:00 p.m., Main Fire Station
7:00 p.m., Main Fire Station
7:00 p.m., Main Fire Station
7:00 p.m., Main Fire Station
7:00 p.m., Main Fire Station
7:00 p.m., Main Fire Station
7:00 p.m., Main Fire Station
7:30 p.m., Natal Grange Hall
9:00 a.m., Main Fire Station
7:00 p.m., Main Fire Station
7:30 p.m., Methodist Church
7:30 p.m., Methodist Church
7:30 p.m., Main Street Post
7:30 p.m., City Hall
7:00 p.m., Station 13
7:00 p.m., City Library
7:00 p.m., City Hall
7:30 p.m., Jr. High Library
7:00 p.m., UMC Youth Bldg.
12:30 p.m., Fire District Office
7:00 p.m., City Library
7:00 p.m., BHS Music Room
7:00 p.m., City Library
7:00 p.m., Brown Derby
8:00 p.m., Gun Club
7:00 p.m., Administration Bldg.
COLUMBIA COUNTY (All meet in St. Helens unless otherwise noted.)
Board of Commissioners
10:00 a.m., Courthouse
Citizens for Senior Justice
2nd Tuesday
7:00 p.m., Sunset Park Church
Columbia Comm Mental Health
1st Tuesday
5”30 p.m., 58646 McNulty Way
Columbia Soil & Water District
3rd Wednesday
7:30 p.m., NRCS , 2514 Sykes
County Fair Board
2nd Monday
6:00 p.m., Fairgrounds 4-H Bldg.
County Parks Commission
3rd Tuesday
Times vary, 1054 Oregon St.
Mental Health Advisory Comm.
For Info call 503-397-7211
Comm. on Children & Families
3rd Thursday 5:30 p.m. OSU Ext., 505 N. Hwy. 30
Local Alcohol & Drug Plann. Comm.
For Info call 503-397-7211
Organizations and meeting dates not listed may be included by calling 429-9410 or by mail to The INDEPENDENT, 725 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR 97064.