The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, February 04, 2010, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    The INDEPENDENT, February 4, 2010
New “Vernonia” book out and signing on February 6
Vernonia, from Arcadia Pub-
lishing, written by the Vernonia
Pioneer Museum, is now on
sale for $21.99. The first pro-
fessionally published pictorial
history of Vernonia, volunteers
of the Vernonia Pioneer Muse-
um Association used vintage
and current photographs to
bring readers on a nostalgic
journey down memory lane.
Highlights of Vernonia in-
• Never before seen photo-
graphs from both public and
private collections,
• a showcase of the impor-
tance of the timber industry
and the Oregon-American
Lumber Mill’s impact on the
• documentation of several
cycles of the town’s boom and
bust economic nature.
The book is available for
sale at the museum, at local re-
tailers, online bookstores and
through Arcadia Publishing at or
call 888-313-2665.
There will be a Book Signing
Event on Saturday, February 6,
at 2:00 p.m. at the Vernonia
Public Library, at 1001 Bridge
St., Vernonia.
The Vernonia School District
has openings for Budget Com-
mittee members. Each term is
three years, and appointment
is by the School Board. There
are usually only three meetings
held in the evenings in April
and May.
Been looking for a way to
help in your community? This
is one way to help. Applications
are available at the District Of-
fice, 475 Bridge Street.
Bits & Bites
By Jacqueline Ramsay
Hello folks. I think I’m back on track, so
Chapter 2 from January 14th. Do any of
you folks have a “roun tu it”? TV is advertis-
ing an “in tu it”. Now if you put your “roun tu
it” into the “in tu it” maybe what you need to
get “roun tu it” will get done. Huh?
Spring is beginning. Pink blooms are
popping out on the trees, Iris spears are up
2 or 3 inches. Grape hyacinth are about to
bloom in spots. There are birds twittering in the trees early in the
mornings. Even if we still have cold winds and downpours.
Those of you who like to add Tabasco sauce to all you eat, if
you see a brown bottle telling you it’s “hot & smoky”, taste it be-
fore you put it on your food. Yuk-kk – it tastes like medicine and
blew out my taste buds for breakfast (in a restaurant) the other
Now, those of you new crossword puzzle folk. As you are find-
ing out, they give a word while forgetting to give a connotation
hint. Take the word “shaken” – my dictionary has 7 different mean-
ings. And, watch out for printing goofs, they run two words togeth-
er and it may drive you to do something rash.
Oh yes, my son says I traveled over 200 miles farther than he
did on January 2nd – he was the driver, I was the exhausted pas-
senger. Sorry about that.
Commenting on the front page article of the last paper. First,
Congratulations to all of the kids – male or female – and all the
kudos they deserve. But, what about all the students 1st thru 12
that are left out of fun but very necessary educational things like
drama, art, singing, band (low brow as well as high brow)? It starts
in 4th grade with a kazoo band, remember? Has the school board
found room for them yet?? Those kids are the unknown soldiers
in your school system.
25 Years Ago This Month
The February 27, 1986, is-
sue of The Independent includ-
ed the following news story on
page 11:
The good news this month
for Vernonia’s City Council is
that the Oregon Department of
Transportation has agreed to
pay for repairing State Avenue
from Bridge to E Street.
The bad news is that the
charge the city half of the
$20,000 cost to install a traffic
light in front of the fire station.
" HAPPINESS is when what you THINK, what you SAY,
and what you DO are in HARMONY." Gandhi
Lee Anne Krause
Independent Team Leader
for the The Pampered Chef 503-816-9810
Unglazed stoneware is 20% off in February!
Because of a lack of funds,
the council decided to post-
pone installation of the light.
A deed for land for a new city
hall was presented to the city,
in a letter from the state Depart-
ment of Parks. The site, at the
corner of Maple and Weed Av-
enues, is part of the land the
state acquired from the railroad
several years ago for develop-
ment of a linear park along the
railroad right-of-way. If the city
accepts the land if must be
used exclusively for a city hall.
The state also requires the city
to provide restrooms and park-
ing for the use of the public.
A snag appeared in the city’s
acceptance of the land be-
cause, earlier in the meeting,
the council had approved a re-
School seeks
budget helpers
Page 9
quest by a representative of the
Jamboree Committee to use
the same site for a carnival in
Please see page 21
831 Bridge St.
Vernonia, OR