The INDEPENDENT, December 17, 2009 Shop Vernonia for last minute gifts Local gifts make a difference in the Vernonia community. This holiday season enjoy shopping at local shops. Ver- nonia can offer gifts for Tiny Tim to even the “Scroogiest” person on your list. If you can’t find what you had in mind: Con- sider gifts of labor, charity and sponsorship. How about gift certificates for massages, hair- cuts, restaurants, a round of golf, a night at a Bed & Break- fast, a night in a cabin at Stub Stewart State Park, flowers, gym memberships, personal training, Jazzercise, yoga or hypnotherapy sessions, land- scaping services or a portrait session. For children, consider a scholarship for one of the activ- ities at Larry Steele’s Cedar Ridge, pay for next summer’s swim lessons, rent a band in- strument, support the local the- ater, orchestra, ballet lessons, or youth programs (such as scouts). Pet owners might enjoy pet grooming, a donation to animal rescue or a paid veterinary vis- it. Practical gifts for anyone on your list might include stamps, candles, flashlights, lamps or other emergency preparedness items, childcare or preschool payments, auto repair or auto detailing, counseling or health care visits, or paying a month’s utility bill. Many community organiza- tions can benefit from a dona- tion in the name of your friend or loved ones, or by gifts of skilled labor. There are many groups that could benefit by do- nations: Boosters, Vernonia Cares, Kiwanis, Lions, Senior Center, Indigo Rescue, Ver- nonia Pioneer Museum, radio club, Head Start, Hands On Art, or the Grange (to name just a few). All of these options can make great gifts and help keep local people working and busi- nesses open. Find something here in Ver- nonia for even the person who has everything. Bits & Bites By Jacqueline Ramsay A chilly Good Day to you all, wherever you may be. I hope you all had a pleasant Thanksgiving. Kudos to the weatherman – he was correct – it rained all day. I guess he has to be ‘on point’ once in awhile. There are now 13 shopping days till Christmas. My wish for Christ- mas – that everyone (kids included) come to un- derstand the TRUE meaning of Christmas. Love should be the main gift, not electronics. O.K., I’ll come off my personal soapbox. I am finally free of the catheter in my neck. Treatments going smoothly along and maybe af- ter Christmas my “D” time can be cut 15 minutes. Whooppeee (as a test of your sitability, sit with one arm, hand palm up and not moving it, say for 10 minutes. You can flex your fingers if they get stiff). Say, that may be a game you can play with a ‘timeout’ for an errant child. (Just a thought.) Saga of the forsythia. I think the cold weather has caught up with it. The blossoms are, shall I say, shriveled, today. I hope it comes to in Feb- ruary when it’s supposed to. The Vernonia Auto company garage was burglarized apparently between midnight and 2:00 a.m. Tuesday morning. The break in was discovered by Ace Lolley, city marshal, in the early morning hours. Indications are that entry was gained through a window. One safe was opened and the contents taken and another safe was carried off in a new station wagon taken from the shop. That safe was found Tuesday near Treharne where it had been blown and the station wagon was found on Sun- set highway. Local, county and state police were all working on the case here Tuesday and are continuing work in an effort to locate the culprits. One lead is a loaded gun found with the safe. A follow-up story appeared December 10, The Golden Oldies sounded great. Sorry you weren’t all there though. The braised beef and noodles hit the spot. It was 11° when I left you all. It was 30° here in Milwaukie. I didn’t get to the lake to check on the ducks, they are probably skating on ice. Has anyone taken them their cracked corn yet this year? Now, I know troublemakers probably do not read my column But. WHAT causes someone (or 2 or 3) to find pleasure in defacing any object set out in a public or private place to honor a person. I know I am IRKED (to put it mildly) that someone is still defacing anything the townsfolk put around the lake to honor and/or make the walk more interesting for all who go there to enjoy a “quiet time”. There is one thing they haven’t de- stroyed yet but, then again, maybe they have – it’s called determination – they will slip up one day, I pray so anyhow. Bob Isted was a dedicat- ed man about getting kids involved in music to teach them – Enjoy life, get along, share, not de- stroy. And, while I’m on the subject – School Board: Get art, acting and music back in the grade school – or it will cost you more than mon- ey. Defacing property is one of the results of not having anything else to occupy a kid’s time while he or she is growing up. Have a Merry Christmas. See you in 2010. Jacqueline & Shadow Man found dead after water pipe burst Vernonia Police and Colum- bia County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a death in Ver- 50 Years Ago This Month The December 24, 1959, is- sue of the Vernonia Eagle in- cluded the following news story on the front page under the headline, “Auto Company Bur- glarized Early Tuesday”: Page 11 in the December 31, 1959 is- sue: Two youth were picked up late Tuesday of last week who have confessed to taking part in the rob- bery early that morning at the Ver- nonia Auto company garage. John Delbert Cornelius, aged 15, and Dennis Raymond Colvin, 19, were taken near The Dalles in a stolen car which they apparently had tak- en after abandoning the station wagon which they took from the Vernonia Auto garage. The two youths are in the Co- lumbia county jail at St. Helens awaiting trial and are charged with burglary not in a dwelling and lar- cency of an auto. It is believe that a third party was involved who has not yet been caught. The boys entered the Vernonia Auto building in the early morning hours of Tuesday of last week. They opened one safe, and took with them another one which was broken open and left near Tre- harne. They also took a new Chevrolet station wagon from the garage which they abandoned on the Sunset highway beyond Sta- ley’s. Both the safe and the car were recovered last Tuesday. However, only a small amount of the money taken from the safe was in their possession when they were taken. nonia in the early morning of December 10. The initial call was for a water problem, with water coming out of the house. This occurred during the recent cold weather in Vernonia, with temperatures in the single dig- its the night before the call. The Vernonia Fire Depart- ment was first on the scene and entered after knocking and receiving no response, accord- ing to the Columbia County Safety Tip Can’t get traction on snow, ice, or mud? Try pulling out the floor mats from your vehicle and placing them in front of the tires. Tip provided by Pat Orlando of Vernonia. V ALLEY V ETERINARY C LINIC R ABIES S PECIAL $ 50 Alley Auto Wrecking ✮ ✮ Gasoline 503-429-7581 8 Most parts under warranty Open Tuesday-Saturday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Closed Sunday and Monday 54372 Nehalem Hwy South, Vernonia, OR 97064 6 miles south of town on Hwy 47 Buying unwanted vehicles with clear title Sheriff’s Office. In the utility room of the house they found Gordon Falkner, 71, deceased. Water was on the floor, coming from the ceiling. It appears Mr. Falkner was trying to work on the water problem at the time of his death. He was reported to have had medical issues, but the exact cause of death has not been released. See obituary on page 26 for more information. Thursdays 9 am - 5 pm Closed Christmas Open New Years Per vaccine, per animal Through February 2010 1-503-556-3084 58376 Nehalem Hwy. S. Vernonia