PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. Postage Paid Vernonia, OR 97064 Permit No. 37 Vol. 24, No. 10 “Voice of the Upper Nehalem River Valley” May 21, 2009 Members of the Rose City Motorcycle Club made their annual visit to Vernonia Cares, May 16, and donated 1,783 pounds of much needed, and greatly appreciated, food. Since “adopting” Vernonia Cares after the flood of ‘96, the group has donated, literally, tons of food and other items. The safe use of Tasers depends Results of school, fire board votes on training and who is “tased” Because of questions raised in the May 7 issue of The Indepen- dent regarding the use of Tasers, here is additional information, as promised. Are Tasers safe? The an- swer is along the lines of: Yes, if they are used correctly on a healthy adult. In most cases, being hit with a Taser is better than being shot with a gun. Un- fortunately, some people have died after being Tased, though many more people have died after being shot with a gun. A Taser (that’s a brand name) is a class of weapon called “conducted energy de- vices” (CEDs) that deliver a high voltage (50,000 volts), low current, electrical charge. They stop people by disrupting the central nervous system and cause uncontrolled muscle contractions. They can be used in two modes, with an air car- tridge that drives two “darts” from 15 to 35 feet through the air or, after removing the car- tridge, they can be used by di- rect contact of probes with a body, called “drive-stun” mode. The darts cause a larger elec- trical response in the person being tased than do the probes, which cause a more lo- calized electrical response, but either is designed to make the subject collapse with uncontrol- lable muscle spasms. The Tasers currently being used in Vernonia and almost everywhere else are X26s or M26s. Police forces generally use the Tasers within parame- ters outlined on what’s called a Use of Force Continuum. The Continuum lists levels of force ranging from the affect of a po- lice officer’s presence up to deadly force. Each police de- partment can determine where Tasers fall. In Vernonia, Tasers fall under Level IV, Physical Control, along with pepper spray. See Taser on page 5 The unofficial final results of the May 19 Special Districts Election show no changes to the Vernonia School District 47J Board of Directors. Voters returned Jim Krahn, Cari Lev- enseller, Kim Wallace and Ernie Smith to the board. Frank Cieloha and Steve Weller will each serve another term the board of the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District. Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection Board will see the return of William DeJager, Tr- ish Wright and Louise Green to their board. The unofficial final results in Washington County tallied votes for Norie Demeo-Ediger, Will Moore and Richard Bow- den, who will all serve on the Banks School District #13 Board of Directors. Unopposed candidates for the Banks Fire District, Matt Pihl and Steven Harr, received 98.19 and 98.85 percent of the vote, respectively. The youngest Make Vernonia Shine volunteer is shown above with his mother, picking up trash on May 16. His father and brother, not pictured, also helped. During lunch after- wards, the young man was given a certificate of appreciation for his efforts last year and this year. Wyden schedules Town Halls in Vernonia, Forest Grove on Sunday U.S. Senator Ron Wyden will host town hall meetings, on May 24, in Vernonia and Forest Grove. Columbia and Washing- ton county residents are invited to attend the open forums to ask questions and voice their concerns. Senator Wyden has been holding town halls in each Ore- gon county every year since 1996. The events in Vernonia and Forest Grove are numbers 513 and 514 respectively The Columbia County Town Hall will be May 24 at 1:00 p.m. in the Vernonia High School gymnasium. Washington County’s Town Hall will be May 24 at 3:30 p.m. in the Community Auditorium, 1915 Main St., Forest Grove. Vernonia School District TOWN HALL MEETING Have a safe Memorial Day – Don't Drink and Drive PRESENTATION BY BOORA ARCHITECTS 7:00 p.m. Thursday May 28th Middle School Cafeteria