The INDEPENDENT, May 7, 2009 Page 3 Letters Krahn’s leadership needed for schools To the Editor: Help Vernonia build a new school. The timing for building could- n’t be better. It seems strange to say something like that with the current economy, but it’s true. The availability of Federal funding due to the relief pro- gram will allow us to build the long overdue new school, out of the flood plain. Our schools, just like most small towns across America, are the hub and lifeblood of our community. It is a sense of pride to students and a place where lifelong friendships for Policy on Letters The INDEPENDENT will not publish letters that in- clude personal attacks on private citizens. Because of space limitations, preference will be given to brief letters, 300 words or less. All letters must be signed and include a verifiable ad- dress or phone number. young adults and parents are born and nurtured. If the schools don’t thrive, neither does the town. Is it wise to wait to see if we flood a third time? Then what will we do? It will require good leader- ship and experienced profes- sionals to guide us through the bureaucracy that accompanies such funding. I would urge everyone to elect Jim Krahn to the school board. His profes- sional experience, and both na- tionally and internationally rec- ognized leadership skill, is criti- cal during this process. To have someone of Jim’s ability, at our community’s disposal is price- less. Pat Stacklie Vernonia Council doesn’t hear citizen complaints To the Editor: Regarding the article posting in the April 2, 2009, edition of The Independent, page 9, “Ver- nonia Police Raid MIP Party.” Reading this article one would assume that the Graf kid beat up the public safety offi- Where to Find Them U.S. Senator Ron Wyden Senator Betsy Johnson (Dem) 1220 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite 585 Portland OR 97232 Phone: 503-326-7525 223 Dirksen Senate Ofc. Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510-0001 Phone: 202-224-5244 E-Mail: contact Website: http://wyden.senate. gov (Dem) Senate District 16 PO Box R, Scappoose, OR 97056 Phone: 503-543-4046 900 Court St. NE, S-314 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1716 E-mail: sen.betsyjohnson@ Website: http//www.leg.state.or. us/johnson U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley Representative Brad Witt (Dem.) One World Trade Center 121 SW Salmon St., Suite 1250 Portland, OR 97204 Phone: 503-326-3386 107 Russell Senate Ofc. Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-3753 E-Mail: senator@merkley.senate. gov WebSite: http://merkley.senate. gov (Dem) House District. 31 21740 Lindberg Road, Clatskanie, OR 97016 Phone: 503-728-4664 900 Court St. NE, H-373 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1431 E-mail: Website: http//www.leg.state.or. us/witt U.S. Representative David Wu (Dem) OR District 1 620 SW Main, Suite 606 Portland, OR 97205 Phone: 503-326-2901 2338 Rayburn House Ofc. Bldg. Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-0855 Website: Representative Deborah Boone (Dem) House District 32 PO Box 926 Cannon Beach, OR 97110 Phone: 503-717-9182 900 Court St. NE, H-375 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1432 E-mail: rep.deborahboone@ Website: http//www.leg.state.or. us/boone cers. This begs the question: How does a kid who weighs only 135 lbs. beat up two offi- cers who each weigh well over 200 lbs.? Trained profession- als! According to others at the party, the violence was initiated by the two officers and after fur- ther investigation it’s become apparent that Graf was unnec- essarily beaten by these offi- cers. Graf sustained multiple injuries from the beating and tasering. I find this type of conduct by the Vernonia Police Depart- ment repulsive. Oppressive abusive police tactics of this nature are unacceptable. This is a violation of a person’s civil rights. I brought this matter before the city council. I wanted Mike Kay to explain his actions. At the time there were quite a few folks at the meeting giving ku- dos to the Vernonia Police De- partment and I agree they do deserve kudos for good things they do. However, the city council didn’t want to hear what I had to say. It seems to me that if the city council is willing to hear kudos for the police de- partment then they should also be willing to accept negative feedback. If members of the city council find it difficult to ad- dress such issues then they shouldn’t be city council mem- bers and I encourage the public not to re-elect them when it comes time. It appears that the Vernonia Police Department has no ac- countability. The chief tells the city council what they’re doing as a police department and the city council just replies, “Won- derful…glad to hear it…let’s move on to the new business.” This attitude tends to set a very dangerous precedence. The public has the right to know what the police department does and the public has the right to verify what they do. Also, the public has the right to expect their elected public offi- cials to investigate matters of this nature. The city’s council members are the voice of everyone in the community. I encourage the public to become more proac- tive by attending the city coun- cil meetings. The public should know how the city council is spending their money and the public should have the opportu- nity to reject, or approve, how their money is being spent. Edward Johnson Vernonia Krahn is an invaluable 47J board member To the Editor: 47J Citizens: This year, the school board election is occur- ring at an extremely critical point. Jim Krahn has been an invaluable 47J board member. Please acknowledge his contri- butions and commitment by voting for Jim. After the flood of 2007 there was a vacancy on the board. Jim had previously served on the Vernonia School Board, he knew what was involved. Un- daunted by the amount of work that the term would present, Jim knew he could help the dis- trict get through this devastat- ing period. He put his name in and was appointed to a position ready for the huge task of get- ting our schools back on track after the flood. Experienced in managing publicly funded entities, Jim knows the importance of keep- ing himself connected to what is happening in state govern- ment. This helps our small town stay on the minds of legisla- tures. Jim does not pretend to know it all. He will listen. He also will admit that not every decision is perfect, but he learns from what has happened in the past and moves forward with better knowledge. Shortly after being appointed in 2008, Jim experienced a very serious personal issue. Many would have resigned at that point, however Jim made sure that he attended every meeting possible either by phone or in person. He is com- mitted to seeing the schools through this period. Jim’s children are grown and his motive is not in one particu- lar area of the school district, it is purely for the greater good of the whole community. Right now the school board is at an extremely critical point in a process that will take a couple years to complete. Please don’t throw away his valuable invest- ment. Let him finish the job he See Letters, Page 20 Sen. Merkley holds Town Hall in Scappoose Although he is a freshman U.S. Senator, Jeff Merkley dis- played the calm, unruffled de- meanor of a seasoned politi- cian during a Town Hall meet- ing Sunday, May 3, in Scap- poose, as he answered fre- quently angry questions about immigration, term limits, gun ownership, Social Security, Medicare, the financial system, federal deficits and more. After an introduction by State Representative Brad Witt, Merkley, who serves on four committees (Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs; Bud- get; Environment & Public Works; and Health, Education, Labor & Pensions) spoke briefly of his first few months as a senator and his efforts to be- come acquainted with Republi- can Senators (He finally started making appointments with them.), then opened the gath- ering to questions. The first question was whether there would be legisla- tion on immigration and am- nesty for illegal aliens. Merkley expressed doubt that there would be a bill this year, but added that discussion on the topic must involve borders and employers, not just immigrants. Asked if he supported E-Ver- ify, an on-line verification sys- tem for employers to check on Social Security numbers, Merk- ley said he voted in favor of ex- tending the law. A man asked about term lim- its, noting that some legislators had been in office for 30-40 years, and saying he thought that some of those “involved with General Motors had stock in GM.” After explaining that the detailed financial statement of each U.S. Representative and Senator is on their web sites, Merkley recounted Oregon’s experiment with term limits, which resulted in a loss of insti- tutional memory as seasoned legislators left the capitol, and increased the power of lobby- ists. Rep. Witt supported that ob- servation, saying that he could speak from a different view- point because he had been a lobbyist when term limits were instituted, and “we became the See Merkley, page 20