The INDEPENDENT, April 16, 2009 47J board gets kindergarten news With both Ernie Smith and board chair Kim Wallace out sick, the Vernonia 47J Board of Directors took on a fairly light agenda at their April 9 meeting. The board unani- mously authorized Superinten- dent Dr. Ken Cox to enter into a contract for project manage- ment services with whichever contractor is chosen from the applications solicited recently. The board also approved the appointment of Bill Langmaid to the Budget Committee. In a somewhat convoluted arrangement, the board ap- proved eliminating, from next year’s general fund budget, half a Kindergarten teacher position and just over one classified Instructional Assis- tant position. The board had already been told that $130,000 in Title I funds, plus $90,000 in stimulus money, would be used instead of the general fund to pay for one Kindergarten teacher and some special education servic- es. With multiple funding streams, the district will still have two Kindergarten teach- ers, and expects to retain the same Kindergarten schedule as this year. Dr. Cox announced that the amount of the bond to be sought for funding new schools will be announced at a school board workshop on April 30 at 6:00 p.m. The grade school report to the board included the infor- mation that the Jump Rope for WGS PE Department raised $1618.10. That amount will be matched by the Vernonia Community PTA and used to purchase a climbing wall for the new elementary school gymnasium. The next regular board meeting will be May 14, start- ing at 6:00 p.m. in the District office. VHS announces 3rd qtr. Honor Roll The following students were named to the Vernonia High School academic Honor Roll for the 2008-09 third quarter. Grade Point Averages (GPA) are on a scale of 1-4, with 4 equaling a perfect score. Principal’s Honors, 4.00 – Kaytee Burghard, Holly Cavett, Christopher Dass, Karly De- Witt, Laura Hein, Samantha Lee, Tricia Levenseller, Jack- son Miller, Souvanny Miller, Gia The Nguyen, Chelsea Patton, Melissa Sandstrom, Kelly Smith, Natalie Wallace, and Nicholas Young. High Honors, 3.50-3.99 – Jacob Alf, Christopher Bam- burg, Bonnie Birkmaier, Jacob Bringman, Rachel Brown, Tim- othy Brown, Eric Budge, Joshua Butcher, Justin Caputo, Kaitlyn Carr, Crystal-Ann Carreon, Sarah Dupree, Adri- enne East, Katie Ellington, Ce- lene Feijoo, Joey Fergusson, Brandy Fosdick, Mackenzie Frantz, Brandon Gilbertson, Kristina Halvorson, Melissa Hermet, Calie Johnston, Keli Krieger, Alex Lende, Mickell Maller, Sarah Miller, Emily Mitchell, Nicole Mitchell, Ashley Paleck, Tasia Pond, Tim Prpich, William Ren, Amy Reth- will, Gavin Roberts, Mason See Honor roll on page 20 Student Clean Beaches Art Contest Oregon fourth- and fifth- grade students are being invit- ed to compete in the fourth an- nual Clean Beaches Art Con- test. The contest is open to fourth- and fifth-graders from all areas of the state. Deadline for entries is May 15. The first place winner will re- ceive a small prize and have his or her artwork posted on the Web site of the Oregon Beach Monitoring Program, the con- test sponsor. The winning artist’s teacher will receive a $100 gift certificate to purchase science and environmental ed- ucation resources for use in the classroom. The prizes are paid for by the federally funded beach program. “The goal is to raise aware- ness about the importance of protecting our beaches and ocean waters,” said Jennifer Ketterman, beach monitoring program coordinator in the Oregon Department of Human Services. “There are things we can all do to help make sure they are healthy places to play and swim.” See Beach art on page 20 Page 11 Chalk Talk Chalk Talk is a monthly column of information about Vernonia schools. It is written by various staff mem- bers. This column was provided by Superintendent Dr. Ken Cox. Finally, we’re making progress! It seemed to take a long time for something to happen, but now that the Board has selected a site and an architectural firm, things are really heating up. The first group meeting with BOORA architects was held last Thursday. They re- viewed with us the process and schedule that will lead to a design for our new schools over the next couple of months. In the meeting they went around the room for public input and, as a result, we discussed the idea of organizing the con- struction into smaller jobs so that local contrac- tors would have a better chance of participating in the construction. We want our new schools to benefit the community in every way possible, even before they get built. Throughout the design process, the architects will be seeking input from the community. Next Friday, April 17, they will be meeting with school staff from 1:45 to 5:00 p.m. to discuss the Strate- gic Education Plan (StEP) that was developed two years ago by the District and community members. The general public is also welcome to come and participate. The following week we will be visiting some new schools, similar in size and design to what we will need, and then on Tuesday, April 28, all of the information that has been gathered through these visits and the visitations made by our District Facilities Committee earlier in the year will be shared at a Town Hall Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the VMS Cafeteria. During this meeting the archi- tects will also be seeking community input into the overall design and functionality of the school. We encourage everyone to come and share your ideas. A description of the entire schedule of meet- ings with the architects is available on the district website through the ‘New Schools BOORA Infor- mation’ link on the Superintendent page. We will place copies of all meeting minutes and other in- formation on the same page, as it becomes available. If you don’t have internet access please just stop by the district office for a copy. Our schools are the heart of our community! We want our new heart to be even more effec- tive at serving the community than what we cur- rently have. To do that we need to know what YOU want out of your schools, besides the best education for our children that we can provide. This is a unique opportunity for our community. A perhaps once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where your idea, or a comment you make, could be- come reality in our new schools, but it won’t hap- pen if you keep those ideas to yourself. Let’s all get involved, work together, and make a differ- ence! We are shaping the future for generations of Vernonia’s children! Want to know what happens around here all year? Get The Independent delivered to your home for a year for only $20.00 Call today to start your subscription 503-429-9410