The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, April 02, 2009, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    The INDEPENDENT, April 2, 2009
Eat a burger to help the cemetery
A Hamburger dinner will be
held at the Vernonia Senior
Center on April 18, from 5:00 to
8:00 p.m. The meal, at $5 per
person, will include a cheese-
burger or hamburger, salad,
chips, dessert and beverage.
The proceeds will be used to
buy a cordless microphone for
the Memorial Day ceremony at
the Vernonia Cemetery, plus
maintenance at the cemetery.
Bring a canned food dona-
tion for Vernonia Cares and get
a raffle ticket for free prizes. Or-
ders to go will be available to
those who call the Vernonia
Senior Center at 503-429-
3912, between 3:00 and 8:00
p.m. on April 18th.
Come celebrate Nat’l Library Week
The community is invited to
celebrate National Library
Week at the Vernonia Public Li-
brary, April 13-18. Take part in
activities including a coloring
contest, guessing contests, a
scavenger hunt and entertain-
ment by BJ the Clown.
Families are especially en-
couraged to share the fun on
Tuesday, April 14, at 7:00 p.m.
as BJ the Clown once again
brings his suitcase of comedy
and magic to Vernonia.
Decorate a Salmon for Salmon Fest
Have you ever thought
about decorating a salmon?
Well, if you would like to add
your style to the fancy fish auc-
tioned each year for the Ver-
nonia Salmon Fest, here is an
Ten salmon blanks, created
by Carvin’ Marvin Howard of
North Plains, will be available
for purchase this year for
$50.00 each. The fourth annual
Knee Deep In Salmon Auction
is a fundraiser to help support
the Vernonia Salmon Fest.
Each salmon can be decorated
by the artist in his or her own
unique style.
The proposal deadline for
the salmon is June 15, with the
completed salmon to be turned
in July 15 for exhibition around
town in various venues. The
salmon will be on display the
evening of October 2 during
Vernonia’s First Friday, when
the artists are also encouraged
to come and discuss their work.
The salmon will then go to the
auction held during the Vernon-
ia Salmon Fest, October 3 in
Hawkins Park. The completed
salmon must be returned to the
committee for the fund raising
auction. The artist is, of course,
encouraged to bid on his or her
own creation.
Contact Erika Paleck for
more info or to participate, at or by
phone at 503-429-0898.
1st Fridays looking for your skills
First Fridays wants you…to
display or demonstrate your
talents and your skills during
First Fridays in Vernonia. First
Fridays will be held every
month, May through October.
The event features all kinds
of art and craft, from basket
weaving to oil painting and ce-
ramics to leather working. If
you would like to sell and or
display your work, or offer
demonstrations of your skill, we
Contact Erika Paleck for
more info or to participate: or 503-
Page 7
Senior News
By Karen Miller, Senior Advocate
Community Action Team
h a s
sprung –
but my
s n o w
shovel is
still on
t h e
Hoping that you are eluding
all these bugs going around.
Here are nine ways to help you
stay healthy:
Give blood. Blood
donors receive a mini-check up
and a health interview when
they donate, which would be
beneficial to donors’ good
2. Wash up. Washing your
hands frequently with soap and
warm water are effective meas-
ures in preventing the spread of
infectious disease.
3. Drive Less. Driving less
will put additional money in
your wallet.
4. Sleep In. Sleep disorders
can be linked with serious
health problems such as high
blood pressure and heart at-
5. Go Fishing. A simple way
to reduce the risk of a heart at-
tack or stroke is to eat more
6. Be careful on the antibi-
otics. Overuse and over-pre-
scription of antibiotics may lead
April 18th
to drug resistance, which has
become a serious health con-
7. Have a Shot. Protect
yourself by staying current on
8. Check it Out. An ounce of
prevention, they say, is the best
medicine; don’t neglect your
annual check-up.
9. Take Time to Smell the
Roses. You know, relax, spend
time with family and friends;
like coming in here to the Cen-
ter for visiting and fun.
stamp benefits are GOING UP!
The American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 in-
creased Food Stamp benefits.
You may get extra benefits
starting in April 2009. You do
not have to do anything. The
extra benefits will be added au-
tomatically to your EBT card.
To find out how much you will
receive, call the number listed
on the back of your EBT card
after April 1st. This information
from DHS is supplied by Com-
munity Action Team.
HALF OFF at the thrift store
during the month of April!
The Center is NO LONGER
at this time. Please recycle.
Take Note: If you need
sewing or mending, call the
Center for the number of a sen-
ior who is willing to help.
Call my office for the number
of Community Action Team’s
Veteran’s Service Representa-
tive, 503-429-9112.
Can you relate to the guy
who bought some group health
insurance? All was well until he
went to cash in a claim. He dis-
covered the whole group need-
ed to be sick.
Senior Advocate...429-9112
Senior Center.......429-3912
Wells and septics topic of free talk
Managing and maintaining
wells and septic systems will
be the topic of a free communi-
ty education program on Satur-
day, April 4, from 10:00 a.m. to
noon at the Washington Coun-
ty Extension Office, 18640 NW
Walker Road, Beaverton.
Basic information will be pro-
vided by Mike Gamroth, Pro-
fessor of OSU Extension Ser-
vice Water Quality Program.
Bring a sample of water for a
free nitrate test.
Though walk-ins are wel-
come, pre-registration is sug-
gested so there will be enough
material on-hand. To pre-regis-
ter, call OSU Extension Service
at 503-821-1150.
10am to 6pm
11am - 3pm
Mackenzie Carr,
Miss 2009
Bush to speak at Pioneer Museum
The next Vernonia Pioneer
Museum Talk features Jerry
Bush, who went from first
grade at Lincoln Grade School
to graduation at Vernonia High
School. His family owned the
Nehalem Dairy and Jerry deliv-
ered milk. The Bush family also
delivered beer, ran the funeral
parlor, and Bush’s Furniture.
Jerry Bush will talk about his
days in Vernonia, on April 19 at
2:00 p.m. at the museum. He
will also have movies that his
mother took of Vernonia start-
ing in the late ‘40s.
The Vernonia Pioneer Muse-
um is located at 511 E. Bridge
St., next to the Vernonia Fire
Dept. Museum Talks are free.
Schwan’s Block Party
11 am - 3 pm With Great
Schwan’s Treats For All.
Steve Vredenburg DVM
Vaccine Clinic 12 pm- 3 pm
For swine, goats, dogs,
cats, horses and cattle.
1103 Bridge St, Vernonia
On the corner of Rose Ave. & Bridge St. at the blinking light
Camarda Gardens
10 am - 6 pm