The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, June 05, 2008, Page Page 17, Image 16

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    The INDEPENDENT, June 5, 2008
Page 17
Banks Council agrees with Planning Comm. on Sellers Rd. change
A public hearing was held
before council at the May 13
Banks City Council meeting.
The hearing was held to hear
an appeal of the Banks Plan-
ning Commission’s decision on
March 4, 2008, to approve a
proposed realignment of NW
Sellers Road on property at
42425 NW Banks Road in the
General Industrial Zone.
Shell M. Sheldon, of Shel-
don Oil Company, who was ap-
pealing the decision, was rep-
resented by attorney Dean Al-
terman. Washington County,
which proposed the alignment,
was represented by County
Counsel Lorrie Skurdahl, Pro-
ject Planner Matt Meier, and
Rob Saxton, County Survey-
ing/Engineer Design.
In addition to oral arguments
and exhibits, citizen testimony
was offered. Matt Pihl, who
owns and operates Pihl Exca-
vating, commended Wash-
ington County for making ac-
commodations to the realign-
ment project after he brought
some concerns to them. Pihl,
“[I] don’t see our vehicles being
able to use Sheldon Fuel Sta-
tion,” Pihl testified, because the
low-boy truck cannot make the
sharp turn without the extra ac-
cess point that is available at
the Shell station on NW Banks
Road. Tom Maller, truck driver
for Pihl Excavating, added that
the current outlet is tight with a
dump truck.
Sheldon commented that
commercial use averages 48
accounts daily for log trucks,
trucks, etc. Sheldon said his
concerns are twofold – safety
for truck drivers making sharp
turns and that, without the ac-
cess onto NW Banks Road, the
loss of commercial accounts to
his station.
Marion Stinebach, a long
time resident of Banks, who
said she observes many large
vehicles using the filling station
during her night-time walks,
noted that citizens complain
about how horrible the intersec-
tion is at NW Banks Road/Sell-
ers Road and Hwy 47 but, ex-
cluding the one recent acci-
dent, there have not been acci-
dents at that “horrible intersec-
tion; I can’t imagine what it will
be like with the realignment.”
Depending on the city’s deci-
sion, said Joe Younkins, Wash-
ington County Project Delivery,
if the access management plan
is not upheld and ODOT takes
over, the city and Washington
County will lose all control. Al-
ternatively, council can uphold
the Planning Commission’s de-
cision and Washington County
will work with the city to devel-
op workable ideas.
At the conclusion of the
hearing, the packed city hall
room remained quiet as the au-
dience listened and waited pa-
tiently for council to carefully
deliberate all aspects of “public
convenience and safety.” After
much consideration, Council
President Pete Edison moved
to uphold the Planning Com-
mission’s decision with a strong
recommendation that ODOT
consider using lights for the
railroad crossing, instead of in-
stalling gates. The motion car-
ried, with Councilor Craig Stew-
art in opposition.
Deborah Deegan was sworn
in as a city councilor. City
Recorder Jolynn Becker admin-
istered the oath.
Mayor Teri Branstitre pro-
claimed the week of May 18-24
as Emergency Medical Ser-
vices Week. Branstitre encour-
aged the community to recog-
nize those who provide lifesav-
ing care and medical services
to those in need 24 hours a day
– seven days a week. She not-
ed that quality emergency care
improves the survival and re-
covery rate of those who expe-
rience sudden illness or injury.
and spoke of the thousands of
hours of specialized training
and continuing education of
physicians, emergency nurses,
technicians, paramedics, fire-
fighters, educators, administra-
tors, and others involved in
emergency medical care.
JD Fuiten, General Manager
of Metro West Ambulance and
Spencer Oliver presented a
certificate of appreciation to
Mayor Branstitre for the City of
Deputy Tran reported that
Washington County received
31 calls for service in Banks,
there were four arrests and 36
traffic stops resulted in 12 cita-
tions. Tran commented that
crime in the city seems to occur
between 12:00 midnight and
4:00 a.m. so he will be adjust-
ing his schedule in an effort to
provide wider coverage.
Tran said that three burgla-
ries are under investigation.
Two of them, he believes, are
youth related (stolen X-Box 360
and Lap Top Computer in one
of them; a break-in and theft of
$850 worth of pop and candy in
the other); the third burglary in-
volved theft of power tools. He
added that detectives have
some leads.
Other incidents included dis-
tribution of controlled sub-
stances, an assault at Banks
High School, graffiti at the Shell
Station, and shoplifting at Jim’s
Banks Administrative Assis-
tant Angie Lanter outlined work
on a plan to improve parking,
distributed a packet of photos
with information on signage
and painting, and recommen-
dations for council considera-
tion. Lanter has been working
on the project with Fred Evers
of Banks Public Works and has
been using the project as a
“community awareness” issue
with residents.
City Manager Jim Hough
commented to council that “we
want to show you how proud
we are – are we heading in the
right direction?” Edison cau-
tioned to “not be overzealous
but I charge you to enhance
community and not take away.”
Council expressed approval
with the work Lanters and
Evers have done so far.
Former city councilor Jason
Short was appointed to the
Greenville City Park Manage-
ment Committee.
The next council meeting will
be June 10 at 7:30 p.m.
Deborah Deegan took the
oath of office to become a
Banks City Councilor at the
May 13 council meeting.
June 15 will be the last day this year for
backyard burning in Banks. Public notice
will be given when burning can be re-
sumed, sometime in the fall.
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