The INDEPENDENT, June 5, 2008 Miller named OCEA Educator of the Year Aaron Miller, far left, holds his Oregon Community Education Association (OCEA) award. Also pictured are the other state award recipients. Photo courtesy of OCEA. Aaron Miller, principal of Ver- nonia School District’s Mist School and Washington Grade School, was named Communi- ty Educator of the Year by the Oregon Community Education Association. The annual award goes to an individual involved with a community school, who has made a significant contri- bution to the success of stu- dents. Miller was nominated by the Commission on Children and Families for his work in the de- velopment and management of a successful after-school pro- gram for Vernonia students. He is the principal of Mist Elemen- tary and Washington Grade Schools. The program was started in 1998 by the Commission on Children and Families to assist in decreasing juvenile crime in Vernonia. Younger and younger children were commit- ting crimes during after school hours. In 2005, it became neces- sary to find a new contractor for Vernonia’s after-school pro- gram. Miller completed a pro- posal to the Commission on Children and Families request- ing funds for after-school and summer programs. His propos- al was successful and the Ver- nonia School District was awarded the funds. It remains in place to date. The program includes homework clubs, twilight school and summer school Ballpark Celebration on June 14 A special Take Me Out to the Ballpark celebration will be held at Spencer Park on June 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Events will include a player and coach appreciation cere- mony at 10:00 a.m., Vernonia Slugfest ‘08 with 10 pitches from a pitching machine for $1.00, Throwing Heat (test your throwing speed) with three balls for $1.00, a baseball BBQ, donation car wash, pop can drive, Red Cross blood drive and bike safety aware- ness information. Join in a good time and help raise money for kids and field maintenance. Mariolino’s Save Two Dollars Off Large Combo Pizza With this Coupon! Coupon expires 6-19-08 721 Madison Ave.,Vernonia • 503-429-5018 classes. It serves an average of 90 elementary through high school students during the school year, and about 90 stu- dents in the summer. One of the program’s goals is to increase school success as shown by an improvement in grades. Under Miller’s manage- ment, the academic program has reached or exceeded this goal. When interviewed, all stu- dents in the High School com- ponent stated without the pro- gram their grades would be lower and/or they would not be graduating. When the December, 2007, flood resulted in students being displaced, Miller immediately changed the hours and location of the program so it could be continue to provide these serv- ices to the students. Another part of the program is summer swimming lessons. About 35 students, ages 5 - 13, attend classes at Cedar Ridge Summer Camp. The swimming program’s goal is to increase child safety. It has consistently exceeded its goal, showing 50 percent of the youth in the pro- gram successfully complete the course as shown by course in- structors. As research shows, after- school programs decrease ju- venile crime and can increase school success. Both are re- sults of the Vernonia After School program under Miller’s management. He has engaged parents and community mem- bers in supporting the program and the District. Through his work, the safety and wellbeing of the children and youth in Vernonia and surrounding ar- eas has improved. Page 11 Chalk Talk Chalk Talk is a monthly column of information about Vernonia schools. It is written by vari- ous staff members. This column was written by Superintendent Ken Cox, PhD. We are nearing the end and I think both students and staff are ready for some summer weather and a chance to take a break from a very difficult year. The challenges we have faced as a dis- trict and as a community have been difficult both physically and emotionally. We all need to take some time to recharge our bat- teries, so to speak. As the school year winds down it is important for us as a dis- trict and particularly as administration to look ahead and begin preparations to get next year off to a good start. Planning for ef- fective staff development activities throughout the year is vital for us as educators to be most effective. We need ongoing profes- sional support so that we too can continue to learn and grow as we work with your children. Earlier this year, I announced at a board meeting that we would change our early release time on Friday afternoons to a late start on Wednesdays. This had been done in other districts, but was met with little enthusiasm and I realized that I had made that de- cision in a vacuum. Over the past few months I have visited with our administration and they have visited with staff and after gath- ering their input we are going to try a pilot program next year. We will move our early release staff development days from Friday to Wednesday afternoons in order to strengthen the learning oppor- tunities for our staff. This will require some schedule changes for you as parents, which is why we are sharing this information now and look to you for input now and throughout the pilot next year. We have also dis- cussed the need to adjust the kindergarten schedule to coincide with early release days so kindergarten students will attend on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I have heard that many of our kindergartners are very tired after four straight days of attending school and this will help address that concern. As always please feel free to email me or stop by and visit. I have posted some updated information concerning where we are headed with the high school on our website and give an update in my next article. Don’t Forget ~ Father’s Day is June 15. Free Floral Delivery in the Vernonia area See floral examples on our website 503-429-PETS (7387) 336 Bridge St., Vernonia OR 97064 725 Madison Ave. Vernonia, OR Open Fridays & Saturdays 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm Also open by appointment, call Camrin @ 971.998.2223