The INDEPENDENT, June 1, 2006 Community Could you have sarcopenia? Have you ever heard of sar- copenia? “Sarco” means flesh, or muscle and “penia” means loss. The fragility we see in the elderly is largely the result of muscle loss known as sarcope- nia. Many adults work at pre- venting chronic diseases asso- ciated with aging such as heart disease and diabetes, but sar- copenia is a disease that is of- ten overlooked. After the age of 45, muscle mass declines at a rate of about one-percent a year. De- creased physical activity levels can explain most of this loss. When muscle mass decreases, so does muscle strength. When you lose muscle strength it be- comes more difficult to do chores, take walks, enjoy a day of touring, go grocery shopping, or accomplish other activities. How can we break this vi- cious cycle? The answer may be strength training. A recent research study showed that even frail nursing-home resi- dents in their 90s could build muscle and strength. Many of us find time to do aerobic exercises such as run- ning or swimming, which is Page 7 Senior News By Karen Miller RO- M A N - N A ’ s G A R - D E N PA R T Y will be here at the Se- n i o r Center from Wednesday through Saturday, June 7, 8, 9, and 10! Come help make this our biggest fundraiser yet! Bird houses, bootjacks, plants, shrubs, trees, flowers, garden- ing tools and much more. Be here early for the best selec- tion. Starts at 9:00 a.m. While you’re here, purchase your ticket for a sweet RED electric scooter to be given away Jamboree weekend! Ticket price: only $1.00. great for strengthening your heart and lungs, but it may not be sufficient to prevent sar- copenia. However, weight lift- ing can! Two to three weight- training sessions a week for about 20-30 minutes are rec- ommended. Ideally, you should Please see page 25 Come in and check out our great selection of clothes; just today I found a leopard print shorts and top ensemble for only $2.00! Thanks to whoever donated that item! Maybe it was the brand name – as my daughter says, “Mother, why does someone make women’s clothes called ‘SAG Harbor’!?” Hearing aid needs? Call your senior center for an ap- pointment with Willoughby Hearing; they are here once a month. From the Community Action Team’s Senior Advocate’s office: 1) AARP Safe Driving Class coming in July. Call my office to sign up. Only $10 and no tests. 2) Need information on Vet- eran’s services? Community Action Team will be making this service available. 3) Preventive Health grant is now offering swimming through this Vernonia office. Call for sign-ups. 4) Are you interested in some caregiving training through Community Action Team? We have set a date for June 15 for a free caregiving seminar. Call my office for infor- mation. 5) Do you know of someone in need of some senior visiting and/or counseling service? We have a volunteer that would be glad to assist someone in that area. See you Fridays here at the center for Connie’s great breakfasts: Only $2.50 and great company besides! 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. See you there, Re- becca. Cool Cyber Resource: Helps you un- derstand the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you know of a senior who would like a visit from the Se- nior Advocate or has any senior needs and concerns, call our office. REMEMBER: • Pastries and bread Wednesday a.m. • Bingo, Mondays at lunch. • Music with the Golden Oldies on Wednesdays. • Games on Thursdays. • Willoughby Hearing every first Friday at 11:00 a.m. • Sign language class at 9:00 a.m. on Mondays. • Breakfast every Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., $2.50. INFORMATION NUMBERS Senior Advocate...429-9112 Senior Center.......429-3912 Transportation......429-4304