Call 503-429-9410 to place your ad RENTALS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 bdrm, 1 bth & 1 bdrm, 1 bath, apartments, close to main street and 45 mins. to Portland. Newly remod- eled & very clean, water, sewer and garbage pd. @ 840 Jefferson, Vernon- ia. $525 & $450 + dep & refs. For info call 24 hr. toll-free, 866-305-6564, ext. 7. P02/16 NEW REPO $49,900 – 1600 sq. ft. double wide, never been lived in, must be moved. 3 bedroom, living room & family room. Delivery can be included. 360-772-0447. B02/16-03/16 3 brm. Town homes starting at $650. Close to schools, gas stove, fridge, included. Water & garbage paid. 503-429-6052. BTFN Equal housing opportunity Guardian Management LLC Page 27 Leaders in Country Property Over $60 million sold last 3 years! We also market to Sunset Corridor/Portland area buyers. For more Information, visit our web site: Action Ads INEXPENSIVE – EFFECTIVE BLUE HERON HOLLOW The INDEPENDENT, February 16, 2006 503-429-9410 $4.50 for the first 10 words, then just 10¢ for each additional word M ARK M EAD 503-341-0319 2785 Towne Center Drive, No. 4 Beaverton, OR 97006 METRO $50,000 – .37 AC pasture property. G Yamhill Co. says PENDIN SALE area. Yamhill schools. buildable, Cove Orchard $60,000 – 2.58 AC, Nehalem R. frontage, woods, privacy, view. Contract. Seller to drill new well. Birkenfeld. $95,000 – Approx 1 AC buildable, rolling, lightly wood- SOLD ed. Timber area, Banks schools. $140,000 – .58 AC development property in Vernonia City limits. Walk to town. Hu Los nti t in th ng? a M e h F in aze e Re a lp d y of al nd of ou Ho in Es ex the r w me Th tat pe re ay r e e P ie lia wit n IN b h DE rof ced le PE ess ND ion EN als T. $149,000 – 50x100 commercial lot on Hwy 47 w/existing historic brick bank bldg currently rented by a tavern. Business also available for $90,000. $149,900 – 6+ AC excellent view, approved building site, 19 gpm well, utilities SOLD to site, close-in Yamhill Co. New Listing just 30 min. to Intel! $155,000 – .57 AC popular restaurant site on Hwy. 26, in- cludes building and fixtures. Ready to go! $165,000 – 10 AC heavily wooded, secluded location, SOLD small cabin, buildable, septic approved. Banks schools. $174,900 – 11.54 AC beautiful pastureland, fenced, view, paved road. City water available. $175,000 – 100 x 110 lot, all fenced, newer double-wide manufact home. Big S deck, OLD dog run, neat, clean, sharp. Rural area Yamhill Co. Add’l lot avail for horse or shop. $199,900 – 2.25 AC open rolling pasture, older 2BD/1BA, G NDIN LE PE SA area. 24x28 shop. Banks $225,000 – 6.78 level, secl AC N w/r’front, horse prop. w/barn. DING E PE SAL farmhouse. Restored 1900 2-story Lease purchase avail. $239,000 – 3+ AC buildable, Banks schools. Replace existing mfg for setting in trees on Nehalem River. Bonus rural commercial corner w/2 existing buildings. $249,000 – 4+ AC, 2BD/1BAmfg. 32x100 shop/barn abuts Vernonia airport near golf course. Riverfront. $259,000 – Newly remodeled 3BD home, huge family room w/woodstove. 2400 sf shop building with 1800 sf shop w/concrete/power and 600 sf office w/bath. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE From page 25 The minimum acceptable bonus bid is Two Dollars and Fifty Cents U.S. ($2.50) per acre. Higher bids will b4e considered in increments of $0.25. However, the Board of Commissioners reserves the right to set a higher mini- mum acceptable bonus bid for certain parcels. The primary lease term is ten (10) years. The royalty on oil and gas is three-sixteenths (3/16) of gross pro- duction. The annual rental is Five Dol- lars U.S. ($5.00) per acre per year. If operations are not commenced within five (5) years, an additional annual de- lay rental of Fifteen Dollars U.S. ($15.00) per acre per year is required. Immediately following the auction, the highest bidder for each parcel shall pay bid security in the amount of the sum of ten percent (10%) of the bonus bid per acre plus ten percent (10%) of the first year’s rental per acre times the total number of acres in the parcel plus recording and handling fees of $55.00, and sign such forms as may be re- quired by the Board. No later than Mon- day, March 6, 2006, at 5:00 p.m. (PDT), the highest bidder for each parcel shall pay to the Columbia County Treasurer the balance of the bonus bid plus the first year’s rental for the parcel. Upon compliance, the highest bidder for each parcel shall be awarded a lease. Copies of the list of parcels avail- able for auction, the leasing rules, bid- der’s forms, the form of lease ad the memorandum of lease which will be used, may be examined in the Office of County Counsel, Columbia County Courthouse, 231 Strand, Room 318, St. Helens, Oregon 97051, or are avail- able upon request. Hard copies are available for a fee of $5.00; electronic copies will be sent free of charge. Con- tact Cynthia Zemaitis, Natural Re- source Administrator, at 503-397-3839 or Publish February 16, 2006 $299,000 – 2+ AC on Gales Creek, 2000 3BD/2BA manu- factured home w/beautiful deck overloooking creek. 36x36 finished shop. $299,900 – 1.44 AC includes city block w/platted lots. Very nice 3BD home w/detached 3 car garage. Great for builder/investor. Paved streets w/city utilities avail. $324,900 – 2 AC level, usable property. 40x40 barn, fenced pasture, greenhouse, amazing landscaping. SOLD 3BD, 1 level open floor plan, dbl garage on paved road near Yamhill $325,000 – 1.9 AC great horse set-up. Beautiful ranch SOLD style home, barn, shop, fenced and cross-fenced. $325,000 – 5 AC perfect small farm, fenced pasture, barn, creek, huge trees. 1940s 1-1/2 story cottage, SOLD 4BD/2BA, 2 fireplaces, wood floors. Banks schools. $349,000 – ±2 AC Yamhill Co 1910 restored farmhouse, 2900 sf, valley view. Possibly 2nd home. Yamhill schools, add’l parcels available. $349,000 – 2.46 AC horse property. Fenced/X-fenced, barn, view & privacy west of Banks. 3BD/2BA ranch w/open floor plan. Bonus outbuilding has add’l living space & workshop. S TEVE M EAD 503-936-8110 $349,900 – 2.2 AC level, usable property w/pasture & trees. Between Banks & Vernonia, next to state Linear Park trail for horse/bike riding. New 1920 sf single level, 3/2 & den. Dbl garage, small shop. Under construction, CHOOSE COLORS, completion date May ‘06. $349,900 – 40 AC beautiful rolling pasture/hay land. Large barn, shade trees and timber. Replaceable newer mf home on knoll setting. $374,900 – 2 custom home, ea over 2400 sf finished + SOLD bonus room. Each on 2.5 AC open pasture, Yamhill Co. $395,000 – 6 heavily wooded, private AC, Sunset SOLD Corridor. 2 story, 4BD/2BA, huge deck, 24x36 shop w/power & concrete floor. $399,800 – 6.78 AC, rolling pasture, fenced, river front. 4BD/2.5 BA newhome under construction. Nice view, 20 minutes to high tech. $399,900 – 37 AC Pumpkin Ridge, off US 26. Developed, LD ready to build property, Driveway & well in, septic SO approved. Mt. Hood view. $425,000 – 2.55 AC Yamhill, open level property. New craftsman 2 story, 2458 sf, w/bonus 186 sf, master on main. $449,000 – 24.68 AC, 2580 sf cabin, private wooded setting, SOLD timber, pasture, beaut. 2 AC pond w/island. Guest cabin. $449,000 – 4+ AC wooded privacy. Newly updated day- lite ranch, huge master suite, new floor coverings, pantry and countertops, 2 fireplaces. Banks schools. $449,000 – 6+ AC, wooded with riverfront for fishing/ swimming. Incredible lodge-style, 3700 sf, vaulted, rock fireplaces. $450,000 – 10+AC Skyline area. Beautiful mature woods, SOLD pasture, 3 level greatroom-style chalet, light, bright & open, 3BD+. Privacy & view $475,000 – 20+ rolling, view AC, 3400 sf 2 level home, SOLD w/almost new 84x84 barn/arena/shop. Yamhill County. $524,900 – 6.5 AC fenced pasture w/3-level cedar home on wooded knoll. Excellent barn, creek, spring-fed pond. Near vineyard only 30 minutes to Sunset Corridor. $575,000 – 28 AC, one owner split-level home w/ up & down living. Private wooded property w/open mead- ows, huge barn/shop. $595,000 – 28+ AC level property w/Gales Creek front- age. 30x90 shop, beautiful 2 level cedar home with vaults and view of Gales Creek. $659,900 – 5.03 AC Pumpkin Ridge Golf Estate. Top of hill LD from golf. Gated, paved setting, 2-story trad. 1/2 mile SO drive, 72x30 shop, great views. $698,000 – 40 AC secluded close-in prop w/private 4AC SOLD lake, custom 2700 sf single level home overlooks lake. $775,000 – 5.2 AC Sherwood area estate. Newer 4-level G ENDIN setting on paved Victorian nearly 5,000 E P ecluded SAL sf. road, big firs, and barn/pastured area. $935,000 – 1.23 AC stunning E top-of-hill estate. Over 5000 DING E P N SAL Close-in sf, main floor master. northwest. $1,400,000 – 40 AC estate, Sunset corridor, paved, stunning 8,000 sf traditional, sep. nanny quarters, 4 car garage.