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About The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 2006)
The INDEPENDENT, February 16, 2006 Page 25 Letters From page 3 there are some concerns about the use of these “blog” sites. In- ternet predators, “cyber bully- ing,” and posting of inappropri- ate material by students are the most serious of these con- cerns. Much of the personal infor- mation that is shared by stu- dents on such sites can make it easier for predators to take ad- vantage of them. Students of- ten post their home towns, in- terests, activities, and hobbies on their sites. This type of per- sonal information can be used by predators as a way to open contact with students. Students need to be aware that anyone can read what they post on My- Space. The next concern is “cyber bullying.” Some students treat the internet like a nebulous void that gives them complete anonymity. They feel that they can say whatever they want from behind their computer screens. The reality is that “cy- ber bullying” is becoming a large problem. Name calling, defamation of character, and overt threats made over the in- ternet are serious issues that end up being pursued by the police. As for the school role in off campus bullying, recent court decisions have upheld the school’s authority to disci- pline (suspend or expel) stu- dents for threats and bullying that takes place off campus if students feel unsafe at school as well. My final concern is the issue of inappropriate postings by students. These range from pictures and communication about underage drinking to foul language. As a parent, I am very concerned about how my children present themselves, and that they are honest with my wife and I about what they are doing. As an educator and a parent, some of the informa- tion posted on MySpace is very concerning. Here is how you can check on a person or a group. To find a personal profile, go to My- and click on “Search” at the top of the page. Use the “Friend Finder” to type in the person’s name or e-mail address and hit search. To find a group (i.e., “Vernonia” or “Vernonia High School”) click on “Groups,” type in the name and hit search. Some school groups go by abbreviations or mascots so they can be more difficult to find. I hope this information will help you and your student. Sincerely, Curtiss J. Scholl Principal Vernonia High School LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Cindy Ede, Ponzi Vineyards, David Box, Washington Mutual, US Bank. Sincerely, CCCHD Gala Committee To The Editor: Thank you to the many members of our community who believe in the best of what this country represents. Under the theme of Rebuild America: The Gulf Coast, Our Country, Columbia County, over $6,000 was raised January 21 at the annual Columbia County Citi- zens for Human Dignity (CC- CHD) Gala Dinner. The event featured tradition- al Gulf Coast dishes, and musi- cians relocated from New Or- leans. The entrance, tables and room were decorated as a con- struction site to underscore concern over the breakdown of safety nets, as revealed during Katrina, and the hope that glob- al community will reweave an even better, more vigorous sys- tem of democratic protections. Nearly all of the food prod- ucts were donated and the meal was prepared by CCCHD mem- bers. Proceeds from the dinner will be shared by the local and Gulf Coast communities. The annual Kaleidoscope Award for individual achieve- ment was presented to State Representative Brad Witt. The award for group achievement was presented to Community Action Team Mutual Self-Help Housing Project. Individuals, and businesses who donated funds or products include: Senator Betsy John- son, Nancy Federici, Houltons Bakery, Karen Ladd, Jeff Campbell, Karen Punch & Boise Cascade; Roy Barbour, Nancy Luciano, Joy Creek Nursery; Chip & Nancy Bubl; Julia Harshberger & Seattles Best Coffee at PSU, Wilcox and Flegel, Nancy Monroe, Trader Joe’s NW Portland, Food Front Cooperative, Tigard Costco, Safeway Lake Os- wego, Wizer's Oswego Foods, Albertson’s Lake Oswego, Ken Travis, Bruce Speros-Literal, St Helen’s Bookstore, all ticket sellers, Jolene Jonas, food servers, food prep people, Dodi Mills, John Loge, Ginger Harris, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Openings for City of Vernonia Community Learning Center Committee to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing im- paired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours prior to public hearing to Kate Conley at 503-429- 5291, TTY 1-800-735-2900 or at City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia OR. The City of Vernonia is an Equal Op- portunity Provider and Employer. Human Dignity gala, a successful evening The City of Vernonia currently has one (1) position open on the Communi- ty Learning Center Committee. If inter- ested, please contact Kate Conley at City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or call 503- 429-5291. Publish February 16, 2006 ---------------------------------------------- Notice of Public Hearing A public hearing regarding the Ob- jection to Electrical Assumption Plan for the City of Vernonia is scheduled for February 21, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia OR 97064. On October 18, 2005, the Building Codes Division notified interested per- sons that the City of Vernonia intended to assume the administration and en- forcement of an electrical inspection program. In that notice, the division in- formed interested persons of their right to object to the assumption of the elec- trical program. The division received two objections to the electrical assump- tion by Vernonia. The division is facili- tating this public meeting in Vernonia in order to allow persons in the area an opportunity to comment on the City of Vernonia’s proposed assumption. For more information, please call Richard Y. Blackwell at 503-373-1227 or via e- mail at The meeting location is accessible Glenna Fox, Josette Hugo, Diana Boom, Eloise Bates, Gigi Gordon, John DeFrance, Gary Heide, Darla Knytych, Marcy Westerling, Dave Ehrenkranz, Kathy Appel, Craig Frasier, Abby Dawson, Marjorie Kundiger, Steve Jackson, Nancy Roche. Donkey basketball is fun for all involved To the Editor: Donkeys are coming: Feb- ruary 17, to Vernonia High School. Teams will be Banks Fire dept. vs. Vernonia fire dept., and a community team vs. a student team. There will be a Zach Rum- bolz scholarship fundraiser taco feed from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and the games begin at 7:00 p.m. Tickets available at door: Adults $6, students (7-12) $5 and children(k-12) $4. The money raised from game proceeds are to pay for this year’s prom which is put on by the junior class of VHS. Donna Webb Vernonia Publish February 16, 2006 ---------------------------------------------- Notice of Public Auction NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners for Columbia County, Oregon, will hold a public auction for certain lands and/or mineral rights in the Mist Gas Field sit- uated in Columbia County, Oregon. Competitive bidding will be held in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Room 308 of the Columbia County Courthouse Annex, 230 Strand, St. He- lens, Oregon, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 2, 2006, pursuant to the leasing rules adopted by the Board. It is the County’s intent to auc- tion approximately 232 individual parcels, or approximately 70,728 acres. The auction will proceed sepa- rately, parcel by parcel, until all parcels have been auctioned or withdrawn by the Auctioneer, but shall not continue later than 4:00 p.m. Any parcels left at that time may be auctioned the follow- ing day at 10:00 a.m. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to withdraw any parcel or parcels from bidding and to reject any or all bids. See page 27